
ケーブルテレビショーin KANSAI 2008

■ 開催日 : 11月29日(土) / 11月30日(日)
■ 会場 : Cホール イベントステージ
■ 入場 : 無料

J:COM×アニマックス全日本アニソングランプリ スペシャルライブ


If you happen to be in Osaka and have interest, please come and watch!!! :)

** * *Magic sparkles* * **


I’m still alive!!!!!
Can you believe it…
Okay, that is not even funny, but I tried. :)

To Bystander : I’m touched you liked my version of Versailles no Bara’s OP theme!!
Unfortunately, I can’t say if I’m going to post more amateur videos at this point since I’m becoming professional very soon. But who knows what might happen in the future! Maybe you’ll hear some official cover songs from a cd next time! We’ll see what the future holds!

To Chii : I’m sorry I scared you with Higurashi!!! It’s actually a very good story, if you go further on. Then you understand everything through the second season. :) Honestly. It’s not just blood and stuff……lol…….*coughs* THERE IS A GOOD STORY BEHIND IT!!!

I’m sorry for the big lie. I said I’d update when I’d come back from Fukuoka but I still didn’t.
So here it is.

November 16th 2008

LOVE FM (a radio station in Fukuoka) interviewed us early in the afternoon (’us’ include Kita-senpai and Hikari-chan! yay! (lol)).
As usual, I feel so awkward about being interviewed.
But I’ll do my best!!
A tall guy and his girlfriend were waving in my direction from the outside window after the radio show, but I wasn’t sure if they were waving at me or at Kita-san. So I just smiled. ^^;

Fukuoka’s speciality is ramen!!!! But…..I didn’t have ramen. Because I didn’t feel like it.
Maybe I should have lied and said I ate ramen too….. T_T But lying…moo. Not good.
I ONLY LIE ABOUT MY AGE. Yes. I’m 20, thank you! :D Hehehe… <3 (I SWEAR I am. No kidding. ;) …okay. I wish.)

I didn’t have much time but…. I walked through Canal City, a huge mall next to my hotel. Waaaaaaoowww! The christmas decorations were so pretty.
I saw a Moomin cafe. o_O I lol’ed.
I even encountered a giant cake.

Then the event we went to perform at :

J:COM Fukuoka Fair (J:COM福岡フェア)

I was so stressed out because we did rehearsal and there were already people watching??!
I tried not to mind the human beings’ presences, so I looked up towards the ceiling/light…..but NO!!!
There were several floors with people watching from above!!! I didn’t know how to ignore them!!
Haha. I was so embarassed….singing rehearsal and then singing again for real…poor people must have been thinking ‘oh no, not the same song again!’

Then the event started. We all performed 2 songs.
Even if these events are small, I hope that I can improve at feeling better in front of people eventually…
And maybe give a bit more genuine emotion to the people watching. :)

After the event, Kita-san had an autograph session for his lovely fangirls.
So Hikari-chan and I went to take a peek. Hikari-chan is like my little sister. <3 XD
I got stopped by a few J:COM staff people for a picture with them. ^^;;; I laughed.

There were a few people who wanted to give me a handshake, including one young girl who was with her mom. She was so moved and cheered for me. T_T I almost wanted to cry…

It made me feel like…. I really really need to work on my personality…
I want to give warmth to people…somehow. >_<

Oh oh oh! Surprise! Who came to meet up with us??! Tanaka Tarou-san!!! Haha. The guy with the greatest name in the world. (’Tanaka Tarou’ sounds like a texbook example name..something like that. Poor guy, he must be so tired of people making jokes about his name though!!).

It seems like Konomi-chan couldn’t come. (The other Fukuoka finalist) T_T

Then we all met up later for a get-together to watch the finals of the contest. It was airing on that same evening at 9pm.
We took a lot of silly pictures and had fun as we ate a very late dinner.
I was so embarassed about seeing myself on TV in front of everyone.
But the others were too. It’s okay. We get over it.

I saw Kita-san’s blog and he always manages to put nice pictures.
Really, I need to think of better ideas of pictures.
By the way, my camera is still not fixed. So I use my cell phone. *sniff*

So…. I wasn’t sure if I was going to but…
It looks like it happened.
Someone uploaded my contest performances on youtube.
I didn’t think she’d go that far. Serena!!!!! >_< But I know you did it with a good intention.

Actually, the whole finals are on nico nico douga.
I’m sorry if you don’t have an account. I hope you can figure out how to make one even if you can’t read japanese. Or find a friend to help out. >_< I’m sorry~

Someone edited the commercials and the guest appearances (noo!! the guests!!! T_T), so thank you to the person who did it. I think the person who uploaded didn’t want them deleted hence why they didn’t post them under a proper name?

It looks like Serena ripped only my performances from that and uploaded them on a youtube account (without even warning me first…>0<)

I warn you though. I am not happy with these performances.
I know that my nervousness makes me sound off and my vocal control isn’t always very stable.
What is done is done though. I did the best I could at that moment. Despite my extreme nervousness. I hope someday I might be able to overcome it and sing better on a stage.
You already know what I sound like when I’m calm in a karaoke box from my previous video so..
I hope you forgive me for really not doing a flawless performance.

I would appreciate that you don’t tell me ‘yeah, you weren’t your best’ or ‘you weren’t that bad’ in here. I think I had enough sickness because of these videos of me.

The whole contest.

Thanks to everyone who contributes to links and informations. I appreciate the help.



Thank you to Serena who made this account and made my performances available to the people who don’t have a nico account. This account isn’t mine, but I will try to check and see the comments you leave there anyway. :)


If anyone is curious and interested enough, the videos from last year’s contest links :

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm935786 (deleted) ;_; (why am I even posting the link..lol)

Unfortunately, part 7 is deleted. But you can hear glimpses of Kita-san’s ballad song at the end of the show. Last year was the first year.

Thank you to the unknown person that first posted a link to last year’s semi-finals in Tokyo.
Or was it Tokyo? But thanks to that person, I first learned about the existence of the contest.
And so when I saw it in the audition magazine, I was very happy it happened again and I could participate. Thank you so much. Person without a name. :)

Thank you everyone. The ones who have been supporting me for a long time and the newer ones who just found this place recently. Everyone who gives me some sort of support.
It helps me be strong and keep going. Not just for myself…



ラジオ (LOVE FM)の番組のインタビューもしました。日本語はヘタですけど。。。。(泣)

最高でした~ いっぱい食べました!!とかなんとか。イエイ!

Magic sparkles to you all,


We’re done with the event!!
Even though I was feeling nervous as always, it was another great experience.
I’m grateful.
Everytime before the event, I always feel down but…in the end, I get happier when I’m done.

We’re having a gathering tonight and we’ll watch the finals of the contest together.
It looks like it’s airing at 9pm on the animax channel.
I’ve been worried about this day since a while back…but even more since I saw parts of the show from the copy I got… Of course I think hearing myself raw from the sound system didn’t make me happy. I think I sounded very bad….and I looked stupid and sounded stupid when I talked but… there’s nothing I can do about it. So I’ll do my best to bear with it.

I have to do my best to improve on a lot of different things from now on, even if I don’t really know *how* I’m going to do it.

Anyway, I’m sleeping in Fukuoka again tonight and returning to Tokyo tomorrow.
So I’ll either update tonight after the gathering, or tomorrow when I return from Tokyo. Hopefully I won’t be too lazy to do it!!

*hugs to everyone*


It’s already 1:30am.
I’m flying to Fukuoka tomorrow (now today?) for another event on the 16th.
I still haven’t packed anything yet, so I have to get up early to do that.
My throat still hasn’t recovered. I went to practice singing after work today, but it really didn’t sound good. I just hope this doesn’t evolve into a bad cold though. I cross my fingers that it will only die out as this throat ache.

My camera is still at the shop waiting to get fixed, so I’m a bit disappointed I won’t have it with me to take pictures….Oh well! My cell phone is better than nothing! It can still take pictures.

I wish I was feeling emotionally better.
It’s like I can’t see anything ahead of me.
I wasn’t capable of doing my pre-event diet either…
I just easily give in to eating chocolate and other bad things…

I feel so worthless sometimes…


P.S.: I’m tired of smelling my roommates’ repeated farting. Honestly.

I got a coat today. It was a priority if I don’t want to die this winter.

But today was actually very warm. It felt like a day of september.

It seems like Yuki was heading towards the mall too, so we ended up meeting in the mid-afternoon.
Then it was Nano’s live performance. It’s been a while since I saw her perform. She did awesome. My ears were happy. I wanted to take a picture, but my camera is still at Yodobashi (an electronic store) where I left it for repair. My cell………..I always tried to figure out how to make a focus…but I never found how. >_< When I got home, I just HAD to figure it out for next time. And I did. But wow…it’s so complicated. Geez. But I did it!! *coughs* anyway. So yeah… She performed 4 songs to open the show (several bands were gonna perform tonight). Including her most recent one. Nano and her guitar make a great team. :)

Yuki performed at an open mic last week and I went with her to watch. I wanted to make a video but that’s when I broke my camera….lol. Such bad timing. I think even though she can sing pretty loud, I prefer when she sings softly. It’s a good feeling.

Lisa surprisingly sent me an mp3 recording of a cover song. I just listened to it now as I got home. I haven’t replied to her yet. But wow. She’s working at improving at singing loudly. o_o I was really surprised. I *knew* she’s been hiding power somewhere inside, she just wasn’t aware of it. I hope from now on, she’ll keep aiming towards new goals like that. Go Lisa!!! I’m proud of you!

Oh yeah… Saku posted a new song too the other day. I didn’t say anything to her, but I really think she has the type of singing that fits those really pop-ish songs. I think she has a lot of ability there.

Ah. Why am I talking about people’s singing tonight?

I have the beginning of a cold. Since 3 days ago. At this point it’s just a throat ache, so I hope it will just go away and not evolve. I’m doing my best to rest and drink a lot of orange juice??!

I recently decided to watch Utawarerumono.
And I just finished the other night.
The story is very centered around war, so if you think you can bear seeing a few cut arms and arrows piercing people…lol…
No, seriously. It’s pretty violent but…
The story behind the characters is interesting.
I guess it’s one of those series where you get really attached to the characters as they evolve and get closer together.
And well, I already knew this, but they play Suara’s song ‘Kimi ga tame’ around the end of the last episode.
I loved that song so much, but now I love it even more. T_T

A little while back, I watched Kino no Tabi too. Another series that left me really ‘…waaaah. I want more episodes’ sort of feeling. It’s the kind of story that makes you ponder about a lot of things.
And how foolish people can be sometimes. It was so interesting.

Thank you for the support, as always.
I’m sorry if I’m too whiny.


I slept.
I calmed down a little.
So I’m erasing the previous post.

I already knew from way before that as a foreigner who wants to sing in Japan, I would get a lot of people either making fun of me or insulting me so… I can’t go back.

From my wordpress dashboard, I can see the incoming links people clicked on to get to my blog.
I guess some people have nothing better to do than search for trouble and make fun of others.
I’ll never understand that.

It’s indeed easy to sit at the computer and type insults to people.

I’m someone who’s had a lot of emotional difficulties in life.
And even though I’m far from being what I wish I could be, I’m proud enough that I was able to get up and do something about it. I’ve been insulted and laughed at plenty when I was younger and even though I should be immuned to it, I’m not. I’m a human being.

All I can say is… I’ll do my best to ignore it as much as possible from now on.
I can’t control all the frustrated people out there who need to insult others to feel better.

Thank you, namnam, Nicole and Kathleen for your comments.
I’m sorry the previous post went away and so did your comments.
I appreciate the support.

It’s a fact though. I saw the dvd for the contest.
I don’t think I can call my singing there great.
No matter how ashamed I am about my appearance, japanese level and personality…
If at least I had sang well enough to be proud of it…. but no.
When you sing in a big live hall, the sound comes from the speakers everywhere and echoes a bit.
The music is loud enough that the singing gets a bit dampened by it.
So I think being there at the event makes you seem like you sound better.
But for the TV program, they took the sound directly from the sound system, which is pretty much raw.
So obviously, you hear the REAL thing.
But I was shocked because I really didn’t think I did so bad.
To be honest, I think my karaoke video on youtube sounds better than the tv program of me at the contest.
So…..whoever you are. If you’re not too picky and end up finding the show and watch it….then that’s one thing… but I already know a lot of people will be disappointed. I just hope I don’t have friends who end up trying to defend me saying ’she sounds much better than this video! she must have been nervous!’. I don’t want to see that kind of comment. I already know that this isn’t my best.
And I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able not to feel nervous on a stage someday. I’m more nervous than the average even just in everyday life.

So I’m going to keep singing for the people who have interest in it.
And for myself.
The haters I have/will have won’t change the cd sales rate in any way, so I guess it’s pointless for me to pay attention to them at this point…

I don’t like posing for pictures.
I don’t like interviews nor public speech.
I don’t like to be in videos.
But I want to sing.
And for the sake of singing, I will do my best to bear with showing my face and do what is required to be part of the music world. I don’t have much of a choice.

Thank you to all the people who have been supportive up till now.
That’s all I want to say for now.


Dear everyone,

I’m sorry I don’t post here everyday.
I’m sorry I’m never really posting fun, inspiring things.
I’m really trying to avoid posting too negative things though.
Not just for everyone’s sake, but for mine too.
Even if I think it will ease my pain if I post how I feel, I usually regret later and erase it.

I don’t think there is a need for me to explain things in detail, but I’m not feeling well at all lately.
I’m not doing anything that I could be proud of.
I feel like…. I’m just not doing anything at all.
No, I don’t just feel it. It’s the truth.
I feel like I don’t deserve anything because I’m so weak.
A lot of things have been weighing on my feelings too…
Things that I can’t easily put behind.
And I know that the more I keep letting these thoughts in, the more I pollute my heart with negative emotions towards myself, life and other people, the more I am likely to sink deeper.
It’s hard to just let go sometimes.
Sometimes you think you moved on from something, but when you’re exposed to it again, you realize you weren’t able to let go yet.

There are times when everything seems dark and pointless…
And that it’d be nice to have someone close to you understand you and cheer you on.
Sometimes I really miss my mom. It probably seems childish but…
A mother is the kind of link that you can’t erase.
Of course I know some people who have cruel parents, so I’m sorry if that sounds completely false.
I was very close to my mom…. so… she was probably the only person who genuinely cared about me. If I needed to turn to someone, I’d turn to her. I knew she wouldn’t tell me ’sorry, I don’t have the time for you’, etc.
I know there are a lot of people who are cheering me on as an artist, but…
No one will ever replace my mom, obviously.
I miss having an important link to someone.
Sometimes I wish I could have a place to call ‘home’.

I hope that soon enough, I can feel like I’m being productive and useful to someone.
At this moment, I just have no reason to value myself.
I feel like I’m far from being a great human being.
Neither to society…nor to any individual.
Nor even to myself.

But because until now, I’ve always kept ‘hope’ inside of my heart…
I’m still able to face everyday life.
Even when I want to give up….
Even when everything seems so dark, even when I’m completely alone…
There is even a tiny light of ‘hope’ inside of me pushing me to keep living…
Because tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, something might change…
Or I might find the answer to change something….or grow, or pieces of the puzzle that leads to ‘happiness’.

So…even if I’m not very helpful to anyone right now…
I hope that whoever reads this can remember the power of ‘hope’.
That this feeling might lead you to keep going, no matter how hard life may be at times.
It’s unlikely to be the end.
As long as you keep the hope for something better, or whatever you wish for.

Good luck, everyone. :)
I will also do my best to never give up this hope.
And possibly become a better person.

Even if we fall, as long as we get up again, it’s not the end.
Everyone falls. Everyone makes mistakes. We all get hurt and hurt others.
But as long as we keep a good heart, I think good things can only come our way.


I’m sorry for the lack of update, everyone!
I know it’s kinda late, but I wanted to say thank you for your concerns.
I’m okay with money after all. Things got fixed before I get my pay from my job at the restaurant, so I’m fine. Thank you. :)

I unfortunately broke my digital camera. I am trying to find a place to get it fixed. I’m not sure if it can be fixed though…If it’s not possible to fix it, I will have to live without it for now. My next priority of purchase is a winter coat. I have one from Canada but it’s really short and not warm, and I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to catch a cold because I’m not dressing properly. I saw one that I liked today, I might return to buy it tomorrow since I’m getting my pay. At least my cell can take pictures, even if it’s not good quality ones, it’s better than nothing. But I can’t take any videos unless I have a camera that can take videos, obviously…. so I’m sorry if it might take a while until I put something new up (on youtube). Sorry!!

Other than that, I got myself a nice 2009 calendar and agenda. I tend to write things here and there and I should try to be slightly more orderly. ^^; The store I saw had so many cute calendars, it was so hard for me to pick… I don’t remember seeing such lovely things when I was in Canada.

Christmas is drawing closer!! Then again it’s just an other ordinary day for me. But I love the lights. The surroundings of Shinjuku station is so full of pretty lights!!!

In front of Harajuku at ‘la foret’, they also put up a huge christmas decorated tree.

I’m sure a lot of places are getting cold lately, so make sure to stay warm!!


I got back from Osaka around 7pm tonight.
I wanted to stay around to visit a bit but… I was so tired that I came back not long after the event was over.

I was happy to see Hikari-chan, her mom, and the guys from ST-awake again. We all got along well today and did our best to perform for the people who came to watch. I wish I could have hung out with them a bit more. It’s too bad everyone lives so far…

I was also able to finally speak a bit with Kita-san. He was so nice! I asked him for an autograph.. ^^;
Hikari-chan brought little presents for everyone. I thought it was very sweet. ;_; <3

I miss them already.

The staff people that I know are also very nice and fun. <3 (even though they’re busy doing their jobs)

I thought I’d attempt to be funny and replied to the MC with a ‘honma ya?!’ (the kansai people say honma ni instead of hontou ni = really?) …..but nobody laughed. No reaction. Haha. I thought they’d at least be like ‘lol…why is she trying to speak like us even though she can’t', but oh well… I felt so stupid! I often fail at attempting to be funny. ^^;;;

I’m glad I got to sing, even though I still have a long way to go and improve.

I hope I’ll have a bit more energy to sightsee a bit next time I go to Osaka, which is at the end of the month.

Next event is in about 2 weeks, but in Fukuoka.

It looks like I have a lot of things ahead of me, music and not music related too, so I’m quite tired, but I won’t give up.



I slept about 2 hours last night, so I think I’ll go to bed now, even though it’s only 11pm.



(EDIT: To answer Kathleen’s questions. The event was a bit like a convention. The building is big, so they scattered the different events in different spaces. Our section had about 100 seats. I didn’t count them, so I’m just approximating by eye from what I remember. I was expecting to see only 5 people sitting there and listen to silence or something, but the seat section looked full when I went up to sing. So even if it was a small event, I’m happy that all these people came to watch us. The audience was really mixed with both guys and girls. I’d say teens/young adults mostly. We all had time for 2 songs. I sang 2 songs from the contest because that’s what the staff told me to do. And to be honest, I don’t really have the time to prepare new material at the moment… The staff told me it was okay to wear the same thing I wore at the contest. I have about 1300 yen left in my pockets until the 10th for food and transportation so….no, I didn’t buy clothes. And no, the staff won’t provide me clothes for events at this point. I haven’t even made my debut yet. I hope that answered your questions. :)

Thank you so much for your ideas and opinions on my previous post!
I am very grateful for the time you took to write to me. :)

I won’t write more details about this tonight, except I want to say that even though I’m still tired and stressed out, a big chunk of worries has fallen off my shoulders.

I feel more positive and hopeful towards the future.
I wish this for all people as well.
Be flexible, but never lose hope. And don’t think something won’t work unless you are 100% sure it won’t work.
And even then…. who knows… maybe you didn’t see that there was still a 0.0000001% of hope.

Isn’t hope what keeps us going?
Hope is the most motivating feeling in the world.
I realized that more than ever a few days ago.

Tomorrow I have an event at Osaka!
Shuhei Kita, Hikari-chan and ST-awake will be performing as well.
It’s my first time in the shinkansen and also my first time in Osaka.
But I won’t have much time to visit around…. so maybe another time!
I’m going to do my best!!! :D

I subscribed to Nana Mizuki’s fanclub! I’m waiting for my member’s card to arrive!
But they are SO nice! Even though I wasn’t officially a member yet, they sent me the informations for the tickets to the Live she’s doing in january! If they didn’t, I wouldn’t have made it to the deadline for the priority tickets.

So…I got my first Nana Mizuki concert ticket.
And I’m going to be part of the fanclub seats, so I imagine I will be *in* the action, haha!
I can’t wait. <3

I’ve tried to start a diet so many times but….I keep failing. If I start in the morning, in the evening I give up. I love eating too much. The problem isn’t food itself though…it’s because I’m not eating well. I eat chocolate everyday. And a lot of greasy foods. I know and heard from some friends (one of them is a pharmacist) that despite what people are thinking, pimples don’t really come directly from the food you eat….. BUT…I was thinking, it can’t really hurt for me to try to ‘clean’ my insides a bit.

My first reason isn’t weight. It’s true that I’ve gained a bit of weight since I came to Japan….and since my legs aren’t small, I wouldn’t be unhappy to lose a bit of extra meat, BUT! The true reason is truly my face. I’m having pimples like crazy. I do my best to apply makeup but…. there are times when they’re pretty hard to hide. I guess from a distance, it’s not too bad, but…wow. My raw face (without any makeup) looks hideous right now. I suspect my high level of stress and hormones is the main problem….but it’s not like I know what I could do against that. I don’t have money to go see a doctor for that. ^^;

Talking about money…..because I wanted to go to Nana Mizuki’s concert so badly with the priority tickets…. I ended up sacrificing my money remains until my next pay from my job at the restaurant. My pay is on the 10th. You don’t want to know how much I got left to eat everyday…haha. Oh well! It’s helping my diet anyway. And it’s not everyday I’ll get to see Nana Mizuki’s concert so… yay!!!

I’m drinking lots of water and trying to eat more vegetables and cutting off the junk food. Of course I don’t eat just vegetables…..but I’m really doing my best to eat well.

See you soon!!!
I love you all (but I hate some of you! haha. okay, I’m just kidding…or maybe I’m not!! :P) <33



November 2008
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