The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive
Author: passably
Story: Master PC: F12
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A middle aged man gets Master PC and cleans up his everyday life but then finds that pressing F12 allows him to clean up the past too.

Chapter 3: Learning French the Hard Way

In spring, it’s said, a young man’s heart turns to love. That was not Harry’s experience in high school. In spring, summer, fall and winter a young man’s heart turns to lust. And that didn’t just lust for those beautiful female classmates. It could also include pretty young teachers.

Harry had not done well in French during his sophomore year in high school. While he was more than willing to take responsibility for his failure he also recognized he had an excuse: a poor excuse but an excuse nevertheless. His French teacher was beautiful. Make that young and beautiful. Make that young and stunning. She was tall with shapely legs that seemed to go on forever, (at least until they disappeared under her skirt, small but beautiful breasts, a short bob of shiny black hair and sparkling blue eyes. Harry didn’t get much work done in French class. He spent his time fantasizing about his French teacher. Thus his poor performance in French that year.

Of course the first time around Harry didn’t actually do anything about his feelings or fantasies. After all, the only attention he got from his French teacher was when he failed to answer questions correctly or when he did poorly on a test. Even then Harry didn’t actually listen when the teacher scolded him or encouraged him to do better. Those long legs and those blue eyes held his attention, not her lectures.

Harry had actually gone on to study more French in high school with a teacher whose features were not distracting and further in college. He didn’t remember much French but he figured he knew more now than he did in his sophomore year in high school. And now he had the tools to make his fantasies become reality with Master PC.

Harry decided it was time to take another trip back in time. One of the nice things about traveling back along his time line is that time travel took no time in the present. His trip might last for hours or days but in the present it took but a split second. Harry put a high school graduate level of French in his memory. It was time to see if the French really were better lovers. Harry set the time for February of his sophomore year, age 16, second period, and dropped into French class.

Harry quickly noticed that he still wore coke bottle glasses, needed braces and wasn’t exactly a model of physical health and strength but he seemed to have won the haircut war with his parents. Even better he understood what the teacher was saying in French! She called on him and he responded correctly which just about made the beautiful woman stagger back in surprise.

What was her name again? Ah yes, Miss Dubois. Oops: Mlle Dubois. At the end of class the long legged beauty asked Harry to stay behind. He quickly ascertained that the teacher have no feelings for him except contempt because he failed to do his work in her class. Most of the time she wasn’t even aware that he existed. It was time for a change.

Master PC had provided Harry with some everyday skills that went with him back into the past. His ability to read and influence minds and feelings was about to stand him in good stead.

Mlle Dubois gave him a lecture about doing poorly in class and on tests when it was obvious that he had studied given his response to her in class. The lecture was in French but Harry understood it. Harry decided to cut through to the core of the matter. “Tais toi! Vous m’aimez. Vous me desirez.” ( “Shut up! You love me and you desire me.) And of course she immediately did. Harry sighed, smiled and was thankful to Master PC.

The teacher, looking a bit uncomfortable and confused but with a love and lust in her heart told Harry to come and see her after school for some private tutoring in French. Harry was more than willing to study frenching with her.

Unfortunately he now had to muddle through a day in his sophomore year in high school. Harry hadn’t expected this but managed to remember his class schedule, turn in his homework assignments and keep his head down. After all the prize was worth the labor.

At 3:05 PM Harry reported to the language office. The beautiful French teacher grilled him in French grammar and vocabulary for 45 minutes. Harry actually did quite well. At 3:50 PM the rest of the teachers were gone. It was time to move on to another form of communication.

Harry took the teacher’s hand and kissed her. She moaned and opened her mouth, touching her tongue to his. Then it was time for another vocabulary lesson; this one of the parts of the female body and clothing. Harry learned the words for blouse, buttons, skirt, slip, stockings, (no pantyhose!), tummy, thighs, bra, panties, breasts, ass and pussy. Many of these words were completely new to Harry but he took to them like a pro. He also kissed stroked and licked them like a pro.

As Harry sucked on her nipples the teacher moaned, “Oui, oui, baise mes siens!” (Yes, yes, kiss my breasts!) When he moved further south and licked her beautiful pussy Harry had a hard time hearing what she said. Her legs were clasped tightly around his ears. It sounded like “léchez mon minet,” but Harry wasn’t sure. Still she seemed to be enjoying herself. Her pussy juices flowed and she made little squeaking noises when he licked her clit. Harry always did like to eat a good pussy and French pussy tasted just as good as American pussy.

Miss Dubois was in shock. Having grown up in France she had expected that American men were mediocre lovers at best. No one trained these boys in the finer points of making love. But here was a boy who had the skills of a Frenchman! This boy may not know how to speak French but ne knew what to do with his tongue!

The lovely teacher caressed Harry’s head and pulled him close to her pussy. Her breathing speeded up and she began to groan. Harry looked up smiled. She responded by wailing, “Non, non!” Harry saw the flush on her face and chest and decided to go back to his delightful task. He took her clit gently between his teeth and licked it. There was a muffled scream and Harry felt like she was trying to pull his head off. After some time in which Harry thought he might suffocate she released him, pulled him up and kissed him.

Miss Dubois had the best orgasm of her life. The feelings rolled back and forth through her body. Finally she had to pull the boy up. She was just too sensitive.

Harry asked if they might not turn to English. While he was more than willing to learn French for body parts and actions he thought that this was not the time or the place. His teacher smiled and agreed. She lay back on the desk and spread her legs.

Harry checked to make sure his wigglers were shut down. He didn’t want to have any babies in the here and now. They were. Unfortunately he hadn’t brought his adult, newly revived and enlarged penis with him. He wasn’t even sure he could, (ah well, back to the manual). Nevertheless the beautiful blue eyed woman spread her vulva with her fingers and invited him in. Harry entered and found a garden of earthly delights.

She was tight but very wet. Harry slid all the way in in three strokes. He then slowly started moving in and out, making sure he bumped her clit each time. Each bump brought a gasp.

Miss Dubois wasn’t sure the fucking would compare to the eating. After all this was a growing boy who hadn’t, she thought, grown enough. Still some claim that it isn’t size that counts but what you do with it and Harry had the better part of 40 years experience. Miss Dubois quickly discovered that Harry might not hit her cervix with every stroke but his pubis managed to hit her clit. The shocks sprang through her each time he bumped her clit.

But Harry wanted the whole experience. He fondled and kissed her breasts and he moved in and out. He had remembered those beautiful breasts hidden behind her silk shirts for 40 years. Now he saw them up close. They were as beautiful as he had always imagined.

The long legged teacher seemed to enjoy the attention. She wrapped her legs around him and pushed him in with her feet. She looked at him and caressed her own breasts, offering her nipples for him to suckle. Each time Harry hit bottom she let out a squeak that became louder with every passing minute. She ran her hands across his hairless chest and repeated again and again, “Je t’aime, Je t’aime!”

Harry rolled over and let the lady take the leading role. Her legs were muscular as well as beautiful. But then Harry learned something new: she had control over the muscles inside her pussy! The beautiful teacher merely rotated her hips in a circle, pressing her clit against him, and squeezed his cock with her pussy. She even had a ripple effect that drove Harry wild.

Miss Dubois grew more and more excited. She caressed her breasts, pinching her nipples. She moved up and down on his shaft. She loved being in control and enjoyed every thrust. The flush of desire spread across her face and chest as she moved closer and closer to her peak.

Suddenly Miss Dubois sank down, drew in her breath and pinched her nipples hard. Her pussy tightened around Harry’s cock. She bit her lip to keep from screaming as her orgasm flowed through her body again. Harry joined her, releasing an oversized load of semen into her. Finally Miss Dubois collapsed on his chest, rubbing her face against him and whispering words of affection in French. Harry had never learned these particular words in any French class he had taken in high school or college but she seemed to be happy. He certainly was.

“Tu es marveilleux, mon cavalier!” (You are marvelous, my knight). “Je suis le cheval: tu es la cavalier femelle,” Harry replied to the woman on top of him. (I am the horse: you are the rider) Miss Dubois giggled. She was indeed the one in cowgirl position.

With much kissing and caressing the two got up and got dressed. Harry stepped out of the office, wiped the event from Miss Dubois’ mind and the mind of young Harry, wiped the event from the space/time continuum and returned to his present.

Harry stared at the Master PC screen. He had enjoyed his time with Miss Dubois on a sexual level. Her body certainly was everything he had dreamed all those years. But something was missing. The sex was wonderful but while young Harry had a deep crush on Miss Dubois middle aged Harry had no feelings for the woman but desire. Traveling into the past had to offer more than good sex. Even the kiss with Wilhemina had more feeling behind it.

Harry went to bed in his newly rebuilt body with his newly rebuilt wife for a good night of lovemaking. Now this was living!

But as Harry pondered after Sally went to sleep he wondered if there might not be something to find in the past. What about revenge and a study of certain recessive genetic traits? He decided to try it.

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