The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive
Author: passably
Story: Master PC: F12
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A middle aged man gets Master PC and cleans up his everyday life but then finds that pressing F12 allows him to clean up the past too.

Chapter 2: A kiss is just a kiss – or is it?

After a good weekend of body transformation and sex Harry went to the bank and put his back ups in the safe deposit box. He went to work, put his feet up on the desk and thought about Master PC. Harry was live and let live but he didn’t want anyone messing up the world or his neighborhood. Time to take a look at the other four.

One was a woman in her thirties who now had tremendous boobs, platinum blonde hair, (head and bush), a figure to die for, a couple of boy toys and a decent sized bank account. Two others were middle aged ex slobs like Harry, sporting younger bodies and more hair, screwing around a bit on their wives, taking in some extra money but keeping their heads down. The last was a high school sophomore who had newly minted muscles, no zits, new kung fu moves and was working his way through the cheerleaders. Harry decided to keep an eye on the boy but as long as everyone kept to themselves and didn’t mess up the neighborhood Harry would leave them alone if they left him alone. Hell, he’d wanted a cheerleader or two when he was in high school. Let the boy have his fun as long as he didn’t go wild.

Occasionally over the next couple of months Harry did some fine tuning with Master PC. He took a careful look at the manual and studied hair and nails in medical books before deciding to set his hair and beard so he wouldn’t have to get haircuts or shave. He fixed his nails so they stayed the same length without stopping the growth. Loving husband that he was, Harry also fixed his wife’s nails so that they would always look the way she liked them. Belatedly he got rid of the gray in Sally’s hair and fixed her hair so it would stay the length she liked. Alas Harry quickly found out that Sally actually liked to go to the salon with their daughter and changed Sally’s hair and nails back the way they were except for the gray hair. Sally happily went back to her Mommy/Daughter days at the salon and Harry decided there are just some things that men don’t mess with.

But every time he read the manual or opened Master PC he thought about F12. What the hell was that all about? Why even mention it? The writer of the program could have just made it another button for a template.

Harry was a live and let live kind of guy but he also was curious. That F12 was like an itch he couldn’t scratch. Finally one day Harry backed himself and his family up one last time, changed his password to 140 meaningless letters and numbers, held his breath and pushed F12.

A new install program screen came up asking if Harry wanted to install F12. Wasn’t that why Harry pressed F12 in the first place? He clicked yes.

Suddenly the screen started flashing “Warning, Warning, Warning” in big red letters. Fortunately Harry had cleaned the plaque out of his arteries and fixed up his heart when doing the original changes. He didn’t have a heart attack. Then the words, “possible disruption of the space/time continuum” appeared on the screen. What the hell was this?

There were “continue,” “cancel” and “help” buttons on the screen. Harry sat back and thought. He didn’t know a damned thing about the space/time continuum. And he wasn’t about to go asking some expert who would get overly curious. He clicked on the help button.

The program provided this as help: “This section of the program will allow you to go back along your own time line and change events. You cannot go into the future or back beyond your birth. BE VERY CAREFUL! Changing events in the past may change things in the present. This programmer doesn’t know shit about alternate universes or string theory. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! AND DON’T FUCK IT UP FOR THE REST OF US EITHER.”

Harry decided that merely loading the program wouldn’t hurt anything. He pressed continue. Master PC took its time loading this section of the program too. Then a new genie appeared which said, “Welcome to Master PC for the Past. You are the Master of your past. DON’T FUCK IT UP!

Harry sat there and looked at the screen for about an hour. He sure didn’t want to mess up the space/time continuum and didn’t know a thing about alternate universes or string theory. And he was pretty happy with his present. But there were some things about his past that had just never set well with him.

Harry had been a dork in junior high and high school and paid for it. Fortunately he had learned some social skills in college along with enough education to get and hold a job, meet a nice woman and get married.

Still there were those problems in the past, things he never forgot. Harry decided to go back and get some satisfaction without messing up the space/time continuum. But how to do it?

So Harry read the manual again. The manual said that the Master could go back and change events in the past but that the Master could also make everyone in the past forget what had been changed. In effect this meant that Harry could go back, do what he wanted to do, clean up any messes, make everyone forget except the future Harry (or the now Harry depending on your point of view), wipe the event from the space/time continuum and he wouldn’t mess up the present. He thought.

A small experiment was in order. Back in grade school Harry used to walk to school with a rather pretty girl. Years later Harry figured out that maybe that girl walked to school with him because she actually liked him. It couldn’t have been because of his witty repartee.

Middle aged Harry liked to look at pretty girls on the beach but he drew the line at prepubescent girls. They didn’t interest him in a sexual kind of way. So Harry wasn’t about to go back and try and have sex with Wilhemina. He wasn’t even sure he could have had an erection back then. He would settle for a simple kiss. This would certainly be better than going back and pounding the shit out of his older brother for all the fights he had lost. And would probably have less effect on the space/time continuum.

But what if Wilhemina didn’t want to kiss Harry? After all if Harry was a dork in high school he had probably been a dork in grade school too. It also looked like Harry had had some self confidence issues back then and they continued into the here and now. So how to take Master PC back with him? Harry decided he didn’t need the whole program. He just had to take the part that could influence the thoughts and feelings of others. A little mind reading wouldn’t hurt either.

If the manual was correct Harry’s consciousness from the present would go back into his body in the past and allow Harry to use his Master PC skills in the past. Then he could make Willamina and young Harry forget, older Harry remember, not change the present/future and see if this whole thing worked without destroying the universe.

In a fit of overconfidence Harry decided to take the chance. He used the regular Master PC to give himself the ability to read and influence other people’s thoughts and feelings and the ability to erase memories. He then dropped his consciousness into his 6th grade self about a half hour before school ended having set the timer to return after an hour and a half of back then time. The here/now time would last no time at all.

And there Harry was, back in Mr. Hughes’ class. Damn, Mr. Hughes WAS the monster Harry remembered. He looked to be about seven feet tall, all muscle. And he controlled his class with an iron fist.

So Harry took a look into Mr. Hughes’ mind. Mr. Hughes was about 5 foot 9 with a growing weight problem. Mr. Hughes looked so big because Harry was small. But Mr. Hughes was a good teacher and ruled with an iron fist. And he NEVER allowed kids to go to the bathroom in the middle of the lesson. Harry decided it was time for an experiment.

He raised his hand, influenced Mr. Hughes to let him go, and asked to go to the bathroom. Mr. Hughes growled, “Yes but get back here fast.” Harry decided this was good enough for him and headed to the bathroom.

Harry looked in the mirror. Damn, he was a dork! The glasses didn’t help and those stupid haircuts his parents made him get were worse, but on top of that he was growing and his pants were too short. And yes, he needed braces. Well, Harry didn’t plan to spend much time in the here and now, er there and then. He took a piss, (satisfying at age 11), went back to the classroom, made everyone forget that he had asked to go, left and come back, and settled down for the end of school.

The bell rang and Harry headed for the coat closet with all the rest of the kids. Oops heavy coats! It was the dead of winter. He should have noticed all those sweaters. And there was Wilhemina. Damn, she was pretty! Harry checked out her mind, what was going on with her body and her feelings. Wilhemina had passed puberty. Best of all, she had feelings for Harry. Right now her biggest feeling was frustration. Wouldn’t that dork every figure out she liked him?

The two headed towards Wilhemina’s house. After two blocks Harry asked to carry her books. (it was, after all, the late 1950’s and carrying a girl’s books back then said you liked her. He reached out and took her hand. Harry was happy, Wilhemina thought, “Well he finally made a move. I thought he would wait until high school!”

They came to the corner before Wilhemina’s house. Harry stopped and looked into her eyes. Then he kissed her. It wasn’t a steamy, passionate kiss. It was a sweet, gentle, first kiss. But it felt good and best of all Wilhemina didn’t punch Harry in the mouth. She just smiled.

Harry wiped the memory of the book carrying, hand holding and kiss from both Wilhemina and younger Harry and any related feelings, cleaned up the space/time continuum and split for the present/future.

Damn, it worked! Harry considered his next trip to the past. There were some people who needed some payback. On the other hand, there was that French teacher.

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