The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive
Author: passably
Story: Master PC: F12
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A middle aged man gets Master PC and cleans up his everyday life but then finds that pressing F12 allows him to clean up the past too.

Chapter 1: A Master PC Makeover

Harry sighed as he looked in the mirror over the toilet. He was middle aged. Hell that just meant getting old. He was in his mid fifties and had all the stuff that went with it. As the hair on his head slowly disappeared and changed from gray to white new hair sprouted on his back and ears. He had the beer belly and man boobs of a man his age who didn’t exercise (he didn’t), and he wore bifocals. It took him forever to piss because of his growing prostate.

To top it all off he had spent too much time at the beach when he was younger and now wasn’t allowed out into the sun at all. The doctor threatened him with skin cancer. There went his favorite hobby: looking at pretty young women in small bikinis.

Still life wasn’t all that bad. He liked his job, loved his wife, and his kids had grown up okay. If only he could take a decent piss.

Ah well, back to the computer while he waited for the next piss. He gave up looking for new mind control stories and checked his email. The usual trash had made it past the spam filters. How had the politicians figured that one out? And then there was one from someone he didn’t know with a big file attached. Curious.

Harry ran three kinds of virus software on the email. It seemed to be fine so he opened it. It read, “Here, you want this.” No signature. But the name of the attached file was masterpc.exe.

Harry had read the Master PC stories. But he didn’t really believe it was possible. After all, you can’t change biology with a computer program, unless it was attached to some pretty powerful medical device. And those things hurt! Harry had some experience lasers to burn off those pre-cancerous spots. Still, he decided to take a look at the program. It was way too big to be a virus or a worm. He would do so . . . safely.

His first decision was to download the program on his work laptop. His wife would be really pissed off if he messed up the home computer. He was anal retentive about backing up data and could wipe the hard drive and reprogram the thing in one day. Besides he was the only one at the office who knew anything about computers. And if worse came to worst he could always drop the thing. Harry wanted a new laptop anyway.

So Harry downloaded the file on his laptop and double clicked. The install program asked the usual questions and went to work. For three hours. He went off and had a beer and another less than satisfying piss, cut the grass, took a nap and came back. His whole desktop had been redone. And there was the little genie saying, “Welcome to Master PC. You are the master.”

Well it looked pretty. And it looked like he had always imagined Master PC would look. The program asked him his name so he typed it in. It asked if he wanted to password protect the program. Of course. What could it hurt? Just a stupid game anyway.

Then the spinning neutral body came up. He typed in his name and he appeared in all his middle aged glory. Damn, did he look that bad? And he had the same thought that everyone thought when first looking at Master PC: “I don’t have the web cam on. I never connect a web cam to this thing! How does it show me? And maybe, just maybe . . .”

Harry decided to be cautious. He backed himself up on two flash drives and burned a CD. He also, belatedly, backed up masterpc.exe. Harry labeled the drives and the CD “H1,” thinking he would stop by the bank on Monday for a quick visit to the safe deposit box. He also got just a bit paranoid and decided to run through his address book to see other people in the neighborhood had Master PC. There were four within 100 miles, all protected. And they were just people he knew. That meant there were more, but Harry wasn’t going to go through the phone book. Maybe he could find a program (or write one) that went through all the names within 100 miles. Hmmm . . . he would deal with them later but decided he better protect himself too so his first command was “No one is allowed to change me or my wife or my children except me.” He got the “accepted” response.

Now to change something small. No, not his penis. He had always been satisfied with his size until now. Harry wanted to see if the program actually worked but if it messed things up it wouldn’t be too bad. His prostate was too big but he wasn’t going to mess with his dick. He decided to start with back hair.

Harry typed, “remove the hair that I didn’t have when I was 30,” and pressed enter. He felt like someone was scrubbing him all over except on his palms and the soles of his feet. Looking in the mirror Harry discovered he was bald all over. Well damn. Clearly you had to phrase yourself carefully. Fortunately there was the usual “undo” command under the edit menu. His hair came back in the same middle aged pattern all over including that pelt on his back.

Harry sat back and thought a while. The program worked! But he was going to have to be careful. So Harry did something he had never done before. He read the manual. Ah. There were proper ways to phrase everything, templates, ways to make your own templates, even ways to localize the commands. The one curious sentence in the manual was the last: “Never press F12.” Harry didn’t care about F12. He just went to work.

Harry typed, “Remove hair on back, shoulders and ears that had not been present when I was 40.” He pressed enter and the hair disappeared, this time without any disastrous results. Then he got rid of the follicles. Whew! He’d been thinking about getting waxed but now he didn’t look like a gorilla anymore without the pain. Harry thought about thinning out the hair on his ass and decided to leave it alone. Only his wife saw his ass and she didn’t seem to care.

Eyes were next. Best sight humans can have. Whamo, no shortsightedness or presbyopia. Harry could see without glasses for the first time since grade school. And Harry went to town.

Body hair, back to brown. (Harry decided not to mess with the hair on his head. After all, if he changed it back then everyone who knew him would have to be instructed to ignore the change and that would only work within the 100 mile radius so if he traveled he would have to, well you get the picture. Too much work.)

Get rid of all past breaks in bones and make it so the bones won’t break.

Lose 30 pounds of fat.

Turn the rest of the fat into muscle; smooth muscle. Harry didn’t want to look like Arnold.

Pump up the strength and speed to about 3 times human normal with no exercise and maintain strength and speed with no exercise.

Get rid of those wrinkles.

Get rid of all scars moles, freckles and other strange things that grow on the skin. Harry was headed back to the beach. And no more sunburn. Just a nice tan after a few hours in the sun.

Hmmm . . . might as well learn to surf. Push enter.

Make that prostate the way it was when Harry was 18. In fact get rid of all those middle aged problems. The next time he had a colonoscopy Harry was going to get first prize. Hey, he could skip the colonoscopy, get rid of the pills and stop visiting doctors entirely!

Remember everything ever read but categorize it and dammit, remember people’s names!

Push that intelligence up to genius level.

And yes, add a couple inches to the length of his penis and another to the girth. And make it so he could rise to the occasion by choice and orgasm by choice. Oh, and let’s not forget to have an orgasm feel the way it did back when he was a teenager.

Harry drank another beer and had another piss. Damn that felt good. Looking at himself in the mirror he still had the gray hair and the baldness but he was in shape!

Oh yes. Make it so everyone who knows him will think he made all these changes over the last few months by hard exercise.

Harry pulled up his pants and they fell back down. Damn! He should have remembered about the clothing thing. He grabbed a t shirt and an old pair of sweats, headed for Wally World for some new clothes. Stopped by a good computer store and got a new laptop, transferred the program and the new Harry to the new laptop along with his backups and wiped the program from his work laptop. Commanded the program that no one would even notice the new laptop visually or tactilely. (Harry: note to self: make it so the wife won’t notice the charge on the credit card either.)

Harry backed himself up on 2 flash drives and burned a CD each labeled H2.

Now for the wife and kids. Back them up first. His children were grown and doing pretty well but after careful examination Harry got rid of some upcoming problems. Why not stop cancer now? And get rid of those glasses and contacts! Damn he wished he could get the money back for all those glasses he paid for over the years, to say nothing of the braces!

Sally his wife was simple. Leave her tubes tied, turn her body back to the way it was when she was 22 and get rid of upcoming problems that had shown up over the years. Best human vision possible. No more moles. Sally was headed back to the beach in a bikini and would again be the best looking woman on the beach. Better fix it so no one will think she has changed. No sunburn for Sally either. And a good thing that Sally never threw clothes out. And bump up that desire, about 3 times as much as she had back in the day but desire only for Harry. Harry loved his wife and planned to love her a lot.

Oops! Better make the changes in Sally happen while she was asleep. Harry chose 2:00 AM.

More backups.

Sally woke up and felt wonderful. She was so glad she and Harry had started exercising and dieting. Harry looked great! Sally felt her curves and sighed. She felt good and knew she looked good.

As her hands passed over her firm breasts Sally shuddered. Her nipples got hard and her areole crinkled. Sally squeezed her firm breasts and felt wet between her legs. Then she rolled over and rubbed her nipples against Harry’s back. Reaching around him Sally found Harry’s cock. It was hard, something that rarely happened in the morning these days.

Harry woke up to firm breasts and hard nipples rubbing against his back and a hand stroking his penis. He turned over and kissed Sally. Throwing the sheet back he saw Sally in all her glory, just as she had been or their wedding night. Running his hand over her breasts and flat tummy he reached he pussy. Sally was soaked. He stroked her inner lips. Sally groaned.

Sally couldn’t wait. Pushing Harry over on his back she grabbed his cock, sat on it and slowly settled down until their pubic hair kissed. She then started slow strokes, up and down with a twist at the bottom of the stroke to rub her clit against his pubic bone. She felt so full!

Harry reached up and grabbed Sally’s nipples and pinched them. Sally groaned and started moving faster. She felt the power in her legs and knew she was strong enough to keep pumping all day. But Sally’s pussy rushed ahead. She came and shrieked out her pleasure. Harry made himself cum with her.

Sally rolled over, pulling Harry with her. She wanted him to stay inside her as long as possible.

So Harry and Sally balled like bunnies for the rest of the weekend. On Monday Harry also put the fix on his investment counselor to push the retirement account up and have more money available.

Harry knew he had some other work to do but that could wait until later. There were those four others in his radius. Turned out they were the only ones. Harry was a live and let live kind of guy but he wanted to make sure no one was messing up the world. (Second note to Harry: were any of these people responsible for the problems in the economy?)

Finally, after cumming for the fourth time Monday night, Harry thought just as he was going to sleep, “What the hell is F12?”

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