When my Father left us, our family crashed. Aunt Tammy, my mother's sister, moved in with us. My mother, Sofia, went back to work. To keep me out of trouble, she sent me to some summer programs at the local college.
One of the classed I took had an introduction to hypnosis. I did some more study on my own but needed someone to practice on.
Mom had gotten depressed over Dad's leaving and gained a lot of weight. This only depressed her more. Hence I came up with the idea of hypnotizing her to help her loose weight. Aunt Tammy went under while just watching. I let her believe she has never been hypnotized.
I added a few triggers to help me with the hypnosis. One was 'Countdown Zero'. This brought them into a deep hypnotic state. I had originally installed this as an emergency trigger incase my other trigger failed. I did find this useful to use when I wanted them hypnotized without them knowing it.
The second and third trigger I installed were 'Black Ops' and 'White Ops' and were limited to while they were already in a trance. Once having used the trigger 'Black Ops' they would have no conscious memory of what was said or done until hearing the word 'White Ops'. I originally used this to ask them personal questions I didn't want them to remember me asking. It later became an essential part of influencing them in their decision-making.
The latest trigger I developed was an 'Ultra Logic Loop'. I used simple statements that led them to 'logical' outcomes I wanted. These loops were not to be thought about while under hypnosis but to be worked on in their subconscious after awakening. They would keep at these loops until they accept them as truths.
This gave me three advantages. First, it hopefully kept them from coming out of hypnotic state if I gave them some outrageous statement. Second, it allowed time for their minds to slowly come to the truth. Lastly, it allowed the idea to seem to come from themselves and not something I had told them.
Did I tell you the weight loss program worked well? That and the dance classes I suggested they enroll in order to tone up. The result is two females that were very enticing. Which led me to the last hypnotic suggestion I had given them.
I was loosening up their dress code and how they viewed sexy clothes. This was working well, just a little to slow. Remembering a conversation we had had at the beginning of weight loss program, a plan formed in my head.
It was during the regular weekly hypnosis session that I planted the idea. Well, saying 'planted' maybe an understatement.
"Sofia," I spoke to her. I tried to remember to use her name instead of calling her 'Mom'. I thought this might help to disassociate me from the commands I was giving.
"Black Ops," I started the memory block.
"Mom, you know how you have been wanting to spend more family time together with Jeff?"
"Yes," she smiled.
"It would make sense to learn to do something Jeff was into, right?"
"What is something you used to spend time with him with?"
"Some games. Playing at a playground."
"Why didn't you go clothes shopping or do something that you really liked?" I asked her.
"Because he wouldn't have wanted to do it and I wanted to do something he would consider fun," she replied.
"So when you spend time with Jeffrey, you want to do things he considers fun?" I asked her.
"Yes," she agreed
"What are some of the fun things you used to do with him when he was around five? What are some of your favorite memories together with him?"
"We used to draw pictures together and ... We used to dress up as super heroes and rescue his GI Joe's." she smiled at the memory.
"Did you enjoy playing super heroes?"
"Yes," she grinned foolishly.
"Because he loved it... So it made me love it."
"So sometimes," I pressed the point, "you learn to love doing things you might not ordinarily enjoy because someone you want to spend time with enjoys doing them?
"Do you think Jeff might be a little to old to play make believe?"
"Probably," she admitted.
"Though he still gets comic books occasionally."
"Would it be fun to go back to those days?"
"Yes," again her face lit up with the memory. Even Tammy was smiling.
"If only you had the chance," I added.
"If only I had a chance," she repeated.
"The next four 'Ultra Logic Loops' are to be worked on in the order I give them and are independent of any other 'Ultra Logic Loops' I have given or will give.
'Ultra Logic Loop 10'," I started with. I didn't want to accidentally undo any other loops they were already working on in their subconscious. I would start each sequence with a multiple of ten.
"Jeffrey is older than he was when you first did superior adventures and teenagers like to be treated as adults therefore how should you treat Jeffrey?"
"'Ultra Logic Loop 11'; Just as there are 'G' rated movies for kids and 'PG-13' and 'R' rated movies for adults there are more mature rated comics for older comic readers. And Jeffrey is no longer a kid therefore he would like what type of comics?"
"'Ultra Logic Loop 12'; 'PG-13' and 'R' rated movies tend to have more sex and violence in them therefore 'PG-13' and 'R' rated comics would have more what in them?"
"'Ultra Logic Loop 13'; you desire to have more family time with Jeffrey and Jeffrey will spend time with you when you do things he likes to do therefore you need to like to do things that who does?"
As with most of my commands, I had them repeat the loops to make sure they had it correctly, first Mom and then Aunt Tammy. The first time I had them repeat the loops, they had said them together. It was amazing how both had heard the same thing and yet said it in entirely different manners. After that confusion, I made sure they spoke it back to me one at a time.
"End 'Ultra Logic Loops'," I commanded.
"Finally I think you should help some of your coworkers," I would need a bigger cast if I was going to go through with this. "Think of some of the women at work who might need help in this area. This treatment won't necessarily work on obese people. It works best on females who need to loose less than 50 lb." I was thinking of the time frame needed to get them in shape.
"This will seem like your idea," I added. "Maybe only one or two so as not to overwork Jeffrey."
"White Ops', I ended the memory wipe.
With that I started my closing commands. They would love the feeling of hypnosis. It was so relaxing and enjoyable. When I had first started the hypnosis sessions, I had put a command in that they would not consciously remember talking about anything that would upset them. If at anytime they start to consciously remember anything upsetting, it would be like a bad dream, slipping away as they tried to recall the details.
The very next day, Mom approached me with 'her' idea of helping one of her coworker to loose weight.
"Sally, one of the lawyers at work, has been asking me for the last month how I lost so much weight so fast," she started telling me. "I have been hesitant to tell her. Some people think hypnosis is really weird so I really haven't told anyone. Today, though, I felt the need to tell her. I hope you don't mind."
"No problem," I assured her. "How did she react?"
"At first she just gave me the strangest look. Then I explained it was my son who had hypnotized me and I felt safe with him. Plus, I explained, my sister sat in every session so that my son wouldn't pull any pranks. She had to admit that it seemed to work for me. Finally I asked her if she would want me to see if you could help her." She looked at me questioningly.
"I do have a school project I am working on. Maybe I could squeeze in a couple of sessions," I consented. "Did she want to give it a try?"
"At first she said no. Then latter in the day she approached and asked if you would be willing to let a friend, Jane, sit in with her. I told her I didn't think you would mind. Would you?"
"Shouldn't be a problem," I might be able to bag two birds with one stone.
"I thought so," Mom continued. "Both are nice ladies. If they would loose a little weight, they both would be knockouts. Anyways, I went ahead and set up a Thursday night. If that's OK for you?"
I nodded.
"So what was that school project you are working on?" Mom asked.
"Just a project for one of my summer courses you had me enroll in."
She stood their waiting for me to continue.
"It has to do with surreal pictures."
"Surreal pictures?" she asked.
"Mixing in real objects with make-believe objects. I was thinking of some type of comic strip that I could use real people and fake backgrounds."
"Comic strips!" she just about squealed. "Remember how we used to play super heroes," she reminisced. "Maybe you could do a super hero comic strip."
"Sounds complicated," I drug my feet a little. "Who could I get who would want to dress up in a funny tights and jump around for my camera."
"I could think of two," Mom grinned. "Me and Tammy were just saying how we wished we could go back in time and play Super Heroes with you again."
"Rescuing GI Joe would be a little lame, don't you think?" I asked.
"We could come up with some more adventurous comics," she encouraged me.
"We could give it a try," I offered. I hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I tell you what, let me draw up some comics and see what you think."
"Tammy and I will come up with some costumes," she said excitedly. "This will be great. We can spend time together and have some fun."
"Yeah," I agreed with less enthusiasm than I actually felt. "This will be great." I know I am a heel and a jerk but this was going to be fun.
It was going to take me a little time to get the stuff I needed together as well as the cast. I had already hinted to a friend of mine, Tom, that I might have something he would really enjoy. Then there was this older gent, Joe, who lived a few houses down. He was always trying to catch a glimpse of Mom and Aunt Tammy. I thought he would make another good addition.
Sally and Jane were a great fit. Not only did they go under easily, it was easy to find motivational factors to use to bend them to my plans.
Sally had stared in a couple of high school and college plays. She was basically a frustrated actress become lawyer. I started some logic loops that she would do anything to have a role in any type of acting. That she understood that an actress plays roles in which she has to act in behave other than what she might normally behave.
She was in her early thirties. Though not as big busted as Mom and Tammy, her shorter stature of 5'3" showed off her breast wonderfully. She had a beautiful heart shaped ass. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were classic.
Jane was a wonderful bonus. A year Sally's junior, she stood two inches taller. Her raven black hair accented her dark brown, almost black, eyes. Her breasts were on par with Sally's.
Her motivation came from the fact that she had a secret crush on Sally. She had gone as far as causing several boyfriends to break up with Sally. She wanted to do anything to get close to her, anything. She had no fear of men but just enjoyed women better. She certainly would mind being around several beautiful scantily clad females.
She also had a lot of toys. Toys I could use in our production.
The next and last girl to add was more of a chore. I went through several of Aunt Tammy and Mom's friends. Some just weren't going to look good no matter how much weight they lost. Others I could not figure out the motivation to want them to do what I wanted.
These I sent away thinking that hypnosis was just 'hocus pocus'. They thought they were immune to it. There was no need to even mention it to people. Each day the memory of event of trying hypnosis would fade away.
I did send them with some commands that would help them loose some unwanted weight. I am not that mean.
Aunt Tammy finally brought home the right one. Cindy was just out of college. She stood about 5'-8" with sandy brown hair and grey eyes. She had lips that screamed, "Kiss me!" Again, not overly big breasted but just enough curves to make you want to see more. She really didn't need to loose much weight. It was more in her mind than any real need.
She was actually loved super hero comics and movies. She had many limited editions comics still in the plastic. She had loved playing Wonder Woman when growing up. Her motivation was easy.
I convinced my friend Tom to let me hypnotize him. At first he thought it was all a game. Then he was under. Most of the commands I gave him had to do with secrecy. I also made him less likely to be shocked by what I did.
He would be able to remember everything we did unless I used the 'Black Ops'/'White Ops' triggers. If at anytime anyone questions him about what we were doing, he would only be able to recall spending time at our house. He wouldn't remember anything about the hypnosis. This would last for about an hour before his memory would come back. By the time I was done, he could have passed a lie detector test and never given any of our secrets away.
Approaching Joe down the street was more of a challenge. I had sneaked a picture of Aunt Tammy in one of her more revealing outfits. When I approached him with it, he tried to act disinterested but his eyes kept straying back.
Telling him I was going to have to hypnotize him before he could see more made him balk at joining in. I thought I had made a mistake as I walked away. I was about a hundred yards away when he called me back.
It took me a long time to get him to relax. He kept waiting for the prank to happen. After an hour he went under. I gave him the same precautions I gave Tom. He could not talk to anyone about this without my consent.
He was in his eighties. He stood about six feet and looked taller because of his slender build. His once black hair was completely white. His brown eyes peak from under his bushy white brows.
He helped me find the last character, his son Randy.
I tried to recall what Randy was like. To my recollection he was the physical opposite of his father. He barely cleared 5'-5" and was working on a large beer belly. His black hair was unkempt and looked unwashed. I never saw him with a beard but I had never seen him clean-shaven either. He would make a great sidekick for Mom's nemesis.
I had Joe see if his son would be interested. He gave him only the bare minimum of information.
That evening I met Randy at Joe's house. He went under almost immediately. I set the same safety and secret precautions I had to Joe and Tom.
I also had the father and son go to their doctors and get me clean bills of health. Amazingly neither one of them had any VD.
Now I had my cast. I worked up my shopping list, less l any items that Jane had. It was quite long. Some I would convince Mom to buy. The rest I bought with the money I had been making hypnotizing the girls. I turned our basement into a photo studio. I had painted some of the walls blue-green. Some of the walls had cartoonish cityscape on them. There were lots and lots of lights.
Mom and Tammy were busy on their costumes. I have to admit, their first costumes, though tight, showed little or no flesh. That was OK. I could work that out it the story line.
All told, it was a good month before I was ready to begin.