AfricanSun (US$)

Celsys (US$)

Econet (US$)

Kingdom Meikles (US$)


The Old Mutual Implied Rate ('OMIR') is a broad unofficial proxy for the value of the Zimbabwe Dollar to the US$ based on the relative values of shares on the London and Zimbabwe Stock Exchanges.

Z$ to US$1.00
Fri 14 November 2008
* Updated twice daily after morning and lunchtime call-overs
Current value: 183,025,618,461,867,000
Previous value: 41,974,524,821,395,400
Change: -141,051,093,640,472,000
% change: -336%
52 week high: 183,025,618,461,867,000
52 week low: 0.000236
% change ytd -36.04 sextillion %
% change yoy: -68.04 sextillion %

* August 1, 2008 - currency revalued : z$10 Billion = z$1

Download 'OMIR' stats (xls)

Old Mutual Plc is primarily listed on the London Stock Exchange. Dual listings include The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE), Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) and The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE).

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