One Shot: "Female Boss, Section Chief Erika" by Saigado


I'm still (yes, still) in the middle of typesetting Puberty Crazies, Chapter 6.  I wanted to take what was supposed to be a short break and work on a short story by Saigado.  Because I ended up fussing with the image (cleaning up the color leeching on pages 3 and 4, and general cleaning overall), it ended up taking me a couple of nights to work on it.

For those interested in the Raw Scans, you can get it from Entrecti's blog.  He's the one who originally scanned it and decensored it some months back.  There was a bit of color leeching (when colors from opposing pages transfer onto each other), especially for files 3 and 4.  I cleaned it up as much as possible.  Those interested in comparing the raw scans should notice the improvement.  Especially since Entrecti's scans were like Mega-HQ!

Anyhoo, I present to you "Onna  Joushi Erika Kachou".  Literally, "Woman Boss Erika Section Chief/Manager".  Because this one is so short, I'll forgo torrenting it.  You can get it via MegaRotic , E-Hentai Galleries, WWOEC (MQ version), or download all five pages above here via Image Venue (it's that short!).


Koe de Oshigoto! - Chapter 2


Chapter 2 done, finally! Yaaay!! Photobucket

Xiagox (I should've guessed his nick from his email, duh!) and I got the 2nd draft of Chapter 2 done quicker than expected... primarily 'coz I did the re-editing myself to save both of us time. Luckily, I knew which fonts he was using! Photobucket

Xiagox edits stuff for Hentai Enishi and volunteered to edit this chapter. Much thanks and credit to his excellent edits!

I was hoping to have Chapter 3 done as well, but the timing didn't work out that way.

Anyhow, I present to you Chapter 2 of Koe de Oshigoto! In this chapter, Kanna sees things she perhaps shouldn't have!



Sponsored Projects: Harem x Harem, Chapter 2, AND Puri Puro, Chapter 00-01 (version 2)

As I said in my last post, I'm doing away with the 30 day exclusivity thing since I've had numerous anonymous sponsors.  (Can't give 'em exclusivity if I don't know their email!)  Besides that, it was getting to be a bit cumbersome trying to email people.  (I'm a poor correspondent, if truth be known!)

Before I go on with the chapters, my many thanks to the person(s) who scanned Harem x Harem and Puri Puro.

Anyhow, going with the LIFO method, I introduce to you...

Puri Puro ~Princess+Propose, Chapter 00-01 (version 2)


I really enjoyed working on these two chapters, I had to go over it again!  Seriously... besides the attention of joining split pages, like the first three presented above here, I went back and 1) improved the dialog on many of the pages, and 2) improved the color (color corrected) for the color pages.   Plus, I did some additional de-censor-ing here and there.  For those of you who sponsored this project thus far and were privvy to the exclusive version, I think you'll really notice the differences!

My special thanks to JukanX for not only sponsoring these two chapters, but for inspiring me to go over it one more time.  I also included one of JukanX's suggestions for an alternate take!

"When you think of quality H-Manga Sponsorships, think JukanX!"

(LOL!  Sorry... Just thought I'd throw in that advertisement blurb.  I stop digressing now... silence )

If you enjoy these two chapters and wish to see more and can spare some loose change, please take some time to sponsor this projectOnegai

Harem X Harem, Chapter 02


I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project as well!

Even though much of the pages for this chapter weren't very square and the scanner's copy of the manga has an annoying dark vertical line every other page, the scanner did a decent job!  Unlike the scans for Puri Puro, the split page was easier to piece together because of it's completeness:  Down to the very edge of the paper that was glued to the spine!  As a fellow scanner, you make me proud!

Oh yeah... this chapter was selectively de-censored as well! good boy

This chapter is brought to you by:  r.simm and  jhelpme, plus tfab, bishop, bdm, goki, mwizard, and the anonymous partners of anonymous, anonymous, anonymous, and anonymous.

Again, if you enjoy this chapter and wish to see more and can spare some loose change, please take some time to sponsor this projectOnegai

UPDATES:  (aka "...but what about Puberty Crazies?!?"

No, I haven't forgotten about Puberty Crazies.  I already did the major tasks of cleaning, de-censoring, and removal of SFXs.  Now I just have to go over Humpty's script and plug in dialog and SFXs.  Hopefully, I'll have that all done by Sunday.

I'm also in the midst of QCing  Koe de Oshigoto (another work by Konno Azure, wow!).  After the editor (I still don't know what nick he goes by and I don't want to give his real name out, first last or otherwise, without permission) or I, does some changes, that chapter will be good to go!

Thank you for your patience!


Mr. Teatime: No probs!  Please take a gander at these chapters as well!



Sponsored Project: Harem x Harem, Chapter 1


It's like deja-vu!  ... sorta
Good news:  I'm releasing the first chapter of Harem x Harem to the general public.  This chapter is sponsored by JukanX.  I had a lot of fun with this chapter, I even ended up decensoring certain pages.  thrilled  Sorry it's late.  I had to work this weekend. worried

Good news: Because I've had numerous "anonymous" donors, I'll be giving up on the one month exclusivity thing, ala Tadanohito, and release chapters as soon as available.

Good news:  Chapter 2 of Harem x Harem is almost done.  Hopefully, I'll have it out on Wednesday. yay!
Digression:  If I was off tomorrow, I probably would have had Chapter 2 done then.  Unfortunately, I gotta work. worried

Good news:  If I'm able, I'll release Puri Puro Chapter 1 tomorrow or Monday!  good!


Links will be up as soon as possible:


  • Mr. Teatime:  You had me going there...!
  • Silencers:  Glad you're keeping up with Hana.  Thanks for visiting my blog!
  • Oliver:  Glad you liked Haken...  Don't know if you'll like Harem x Harem, 'tho...  High school girls. :/  
  • Skyline:  Glad you checked out the first volume of Hana's Holiday.  Please look forward to the next chapter.  And get some rest!
  • ad, fab, and eskor:  Sorry for the delay.  As I mentioned, I had to work. 


I forgot to mention, this is version contains 2 modified pages, shown here.  For those who supported the project thus far and downloaded the previous version, please note the new pages (pg 25 and 36) shown here.  (You can download the pages via ImageVenue!)

Hana's Holiday Season 2 - Holiday 3

Miko Hana!..

It's Miko Hana! Mabui (cute, colloquially), megane, miko, and mega-oppai, all in one! love

Hot off of Photoshop!  Pretty much.  I didn't bother to proofread it.  Sorry if there's any typos.  ^_^;;
I liked this chapter a lot for some reason... it must be because we get to see Hana in (and out of) Miko garb.  Kawaiiiii!  love

Yeah, I'm still in the middle of editing Puberty Crazies.  The Saigado stuff are like my quick breaks from the heavy duty, pain-staking editing stuff... which is unfortunately what Puberty Crazies has turned out to be... *sigh*.

I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do. ^_^

Links will be posted as soon as they are available.

  • Mr.Teatime:  Sorry for not responding sooner.  Glad you liked the new chapters of Haken...  And as for Megane-scans, I have no idea if it ever got off the ground.

Haken No Muuko-san, Chapter 2

. .


I'm in the middle of some heavy duty editing with Puberty Crazies.  And since that's been a slow process in the making, I thought I would crank out the next chapter of Saigado's "Haken no Muuko-san."

I was supposed to post this last night, but things didn't work out that way.

In this chapter, Yumeko has a new job, a new nickname, and demands from her grandfather and boss.  What's the poor girl to do?

Anyhow, enjoy! 


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