Fountain's Square- Shin Izumi no Hiroba (loli)
Had this done for a while now, but annoying crap like the current Google hacking attempt or whatever the heck it is made it kind of difficult to get to my stuff... any rate, it seems to be working for the moment so here you go.
Next up is a Lucky Star doujinshi.
takehiro commission #22: Shin Izumi no Hiroba, by Fountain's Square.
Tsutsumi Akari- GirlsGottaGuns (loli)
...geh... I had all kinds of problems while trying to do this one, and none of them actually involved translating. >_<
Finished it a little while ago but I just now remembered to post it... sorry to those who were waiting for this.
Next up is a short Higurashi doujinshi, starring Rika.
takehiro commission #21- GirlsGottaGuns, by Tsutsumi Akari.
Kitani Sai- Sweet Pitfall
My computer got raped to death on Sunday, and so I've been spending every waking hour trying to get my stuff back to the way it was.
But fortunately, I managed to back everything up so it's not as bad as it could have been.
In addition to pissing me off to no end, this shit has added even more to my lag... Once again, I apologize to those who I've made wait. -_-
In the meantime, here's something that I finished a few days before this current round of bullshit...
This manga is exclusively anal, so there's your warning.
takehiro commission #20- Sweet Pitfall, by Kitani Sai.
Once I get things back to normal, I'll get started on the next commission... the first of three from Zevuel, a Gunslinger Girls doujinshi by Tsutsumi Akari.
And yes, that means a long-awaited return to the loli.
I'm happy too.
Momoya Show-neko- Himitsu no Rikuson-chan
PLUM- Magical SEED Freedom
Shiawase Manjuu-- Happy Maiden 2 (loli)
Shiawase Manjuu- Happy Maiden 1 and 1.5 (loli)
shimoyakedou- Papilio protenor
Alright, here we go... a rather nice doujinshi featuring Rider and Black Saber.
Is yuri, but Saber turns grows a dick halfway in so watch out if you're not into that kind of thing.
Next release is tomorrow, a Rozen Maiden doujinshi by Shiawase Manjuu. Ah, it's nice to be back on track...
takehiro commission #15- Papilio protenor, by shimoyakedou.
PEARL JAM corrections...
Someone brought it to my attention that I forgot to fill in two word bubbles in Pearl Jam.
No excuses, I'm just dumb like that. So, here are the corrected pages.
I'll update the rar file whenever I get access to a connection that isn't shit.
Currently on the final editing stages on the next release, Papilio protenor by Shimoyakedou. I should be done either late today or early tomorrow, so the public release will be on Friday or Saturday.
Updated the file, the link is on the previous entry.
Real life really sucks...
...yeah. Sorry about the absence(again). Just when I thought things would be going back to normal, I get hit with more unexpected shit.
It's like life is Leifang set on the highest AI and I'm Zack... every move I make gets countered and ends with a boot in my face. >_<
I should have been back last week, but then my computer decided to go to shit and I had to reformat... I'm still not done with reinstalling everything. (windows update on dialup is SHIT.)
In any event, I'm back for reals now, regardless of the constant barrage of ugh-ness that my life has turned into. Thanks for all the commissioners for being as patient as you have been, I won't make you wait too much longer.
Though if I haven't put up Pearl Jam by Wednesday night at the latest, yell at me.
On second thought, push that back until Friday afternoon... I seem to have misplaced my fonts. >_<
...yeah, it seems that I forgot my own rule that the commissioner gets first crack at their commissions. I'll post it here once he gives the okay.
Real life sucks...
Thanks to life giving me a swift kick to the balls with steel-toed cleats, what was supposed to take only one or two days wound up taking a lot longer.
I'm back for now though, and things should be going back to usual.
My sincerest apologies to those who I've made wait...
Jinmu Hirohito- Toriaezu FF4
Here's another commission from Viper-san.
Just a warning, this one has girl-Ranma getting violated by Mousse and Ryouga in their animal forms. Probably the farthest out there that I'd ever translate, so yeah. Fair warning.
Might be a few days until my next release, as I have some rather important things to take care of for the next day or so and can't really afford to be concentrating on anything else. Yay life.
takehiro commission #13- Toriaezu FF4, by Jinmu Hirohito.
command+Z- Matsuribayashi ga Kikoeru (loli)
Amaori Tatsuki- Tatatte Nyan Nyan
Various- Big O gag doujinshi
Real life's been kicking my ass more than usual lately, but my health's better and I've gotten back into my groove... so here's the first of Fronzel's multi-commission.
Just a note- these are the non-H parts of H-doujinshi In other words, they're completely clean. So sorry to those who were hoping for hot Dorothy secks.
And now...
takehiro commission #10a- Dorothy-chan no Oshigoto, by Guruguru Honpo (Yanagawa Rio).
takehiro commission #10b- My Fair Lady -R-, by T2UNIT.
Takeda Hiromitsu- Gohoushi Nurse-dou
...know what's not fun? getting dragged across the country with no warning whatsoever. Christ.
Anyways, you can thank that for my lack of getting anything done for the past few days. other news, here's another commission from A.H.
Next up is the first of Fronzel's multi-commission... see you then.
takehiro commission #9- Gohoushi Nurse-dou, by Takeda Hiromitsu.
Pardon me while I go die for 16 hours or so.
Misty Isle- Dolls Revolve
BLACK DOG- untitled
Here's that BLACK DOG commission I did from last week. I have no idea what the title is, but chances are that it's taken from a Stand name like his other works.
And those of you who might be fans of his, chances are that I'll be translating another of his doujinshi fairly soon.
takehiro commission #3- ???, by BLACK DOG.
PLUM- Magical SEED Soushuuhen X
Today's is a Nanoha doujinshi, requested by an anonymous Nanoha/Yuuno fan. Not my pairing of choice, but eh. Yuuno's still a cool guy.
And something on the "love" side was a nice change of pace from the mindless screwing that I've been translating as of late.
This is only part of the doujinshi, by the way. If anyone else wants to commission the rest, I won't stop you....
takehiro commission #6- Magical SEED Soushuuhen X, by PLUM.
Mantou- Variation Part 1
Today's manga is something requested by Viper-kun, of the Ranma 1/2 Hentai Gallery.
I'll be doing some more stuff for him in the future as well, so there's a heads-up for Ranma fans.
So, without further ado...
takehiro commission #5- Variation Part 1, by Mantou.
RaTe- Chichijima no Natsu ~Y-kun no Baai~
Back into my normal pace, so expect new stuff for the next few days. I don't have anything particularly difficult coming up too soon, so yeah.
Thanks again to everyone who's requested commissions from me, you've helped me out a ton. Keep them coming too. ^_^;;
Today's a request from A.H., more on the lighter side.
I have to say, it was nice to work on something from a published eromanga again... a much-appreciated break from doujinshi hell.
(handwritten text is GAAH)
...anyways, here it is.
takehiro commission #4- Chichijima no Natsu ~Y-kun no Baai~, by RaTe.
Digital Lover- D.L.action 36
Courtesy of Zevuel, a fellow with good taste, is a doujinshi featuring Nagato Yuki.
It's pretty nice, so check it out.
I also did a commission for, so check over there if you don't feel like waiting a week for me to post it here.
takehiro commission #2- D.L.action 36, by Digital Lover.
Shimoyakadou- Voice Seed
Well, it seems that this commissioning thing is coming along decently... I still need to smooth some things out but it's turning out pretty well overall.
Think I'll put up a page soon with the things I have lined up, so people can see where they stand...
Many thanks to everyone who's requested stuff so far.
Took a stupid amount of time, but I finished my first commission job.
Was going to hold off another day, but Karmatic said to go ahead and post it so here it is.
(you fucking rock, by the way.)
takehiro commission #1- Voice Seed, by Shimoyakadou.
Commissions open!
Well, here it is, the commissions FAQ. With this, they're open so feel free to deluge me with requests. (I wish.)
If you have any questions or something seems unclear, post a comment. This is still a work in progress, after all.
Due to unforeseen calamity in my personal life, I need money. So, I have opened up commissions. With any luck, this will help me out some.
Those who are interested, email me at neolornoke at gmail dot com
And now, the commissions FAQ.
If it's a doujinshi you want translated, throw it onto Mediafire or Rapidshare or one of the other filesharing sites and email me the link.
If it's in a tankoubon, do the same.
If it's from a professional magazine, there's a chance that I already have it so tell me the chapter name and magazine first if you don't feel like just uploading it.
After I check things out, I'll email you back with the final price and all. I'll get to work within a day or so of receiving payment.
When I'm finished, I'll email a link to the commissioner first, and then wait a few days before putting it up on my blog. If you don't care about seeing it first, then tell me so.
The going rate is $1.25 per page for normal-type manga. If there's an excessive amount of text or editing work, then the price increases.
I'm only charging for what I actually translate so if you give me a 21-page doujinshi with only 16 pages of actual text, that's all you have to pay for.
For the moment, Paypal is the preferred method. My contact email isn't the same as my Paypal account, so be careful about that.
I'll give you the paypal email after the commission details are sorted out.
The average wait time for one manga chapter is about two days or so.
This is without taking into account length, outside interference(can't really be editing eromanga when there are people running around me), and spontaneous computer explosion.
Oh, and possible queue inundation. Have to wait your turn and all that.
Anything's fair game, so long as it doesn't make me want to wretch. This means no gay stuff or guro. Ever.
Futa is tolerated as long as there are no penises going into other people with penises. Yeah.
I can tolerate most other things, though I reserve the right to refuse something if I find it exceptionally vile.
I'll also do non-ero stuff too.(actually preferred, to be honest.)
neolornoke at gmail dot com
Already put it at the top, but it bears repeating.
There's no news like bad news... in a dramatic clusterfuck of bad things happening out of the blue, I am liable to get thrown out of the house.
I'd rather not get into details, but my presence here is no longer desired. So, in hopes of not having to beg my aunt to let me live in her attic or anything, I'm going to be opening up commissions to anyone who's interested for some extra cash.
Haven't entirely figured out how I'll be doing this shit yet, but I was thinking maybe $1.25 per page... details to come later.
Anyone who's interested, please throw me a comment so I can see how plausible this is.
And rest assured, I still mean to keep the regular releases going regardless of what happens. I'm desperate, not greedy.
Ah, the life of a NEET is a difficult one...
Tecchan- Oya no Kokoro, Musume Shirazu
Bleh... I had this thing done last night and intended to upload it before I went to sleep... only to forget that I'm on dialup and my uploads have a tendency to time out on me. -_-
And since the usual method I use to get stuff is absent for the time being, I'm kind of screwed in that department... I'll have to mess around some in other places, and will hopefully have the damned thing uploaded in the afternoon.
So yeah, this is basically a placeholder until I can put up the actual file. Here's the title page, though.
EDIT: Finally was able to upload the damned thing. Here you go.
takehiro project 67- Oya no Kokoro, Musume Shirazu, by Tecchan.
Saegusa Kohaku- Oniichan to wa Yobitakunai!! 2
Well, here's the second half of the story. I wish there was more, but it can't be helped.
I had posted this on 4chan early this morning, but then I had to go and have been held up until now. Sorry to those who don't frequent that place.
And since I'm in a reasonably good mood at the moment, here's some of the things I intend to get done within the week, in no particular order:
-Since it grabbed me right away, Sasakura Ayato's manga in the most recent issue of Comic Rin.
-Since it's been requested, the sequel to Masegaki Temptation from the most recent Comic Masyo.
-Another chapter from Tecchan, already translated.
-The third chapter in Knoh Hollow's tankoubon "Rose Bud." Been holding off on that long enough.
-And if I'm feeling up to it, more Araki Akira stuff.
Since I generally put stuff up without any warning, I thought I'd be nice for a change. Yeah.
And now, the main event...
takehiro project #66- Oniichan to wa Yobitakunai!! 2, by Saegusa Kohaku.
Araki Akira- Shinya no Ayamachi
PONPON- Eight Four
Back in action...
...many thanks to the folks who told me about Nendo's new book, by the way. Now I have something else to add to my list... whee.
...anyways, here's something from an old issue of Megaplus that I'm just now getting around to finishing off.
takehiro project #64- Eight Four, by PONPON.
Expect some delays... I was up at Anime North this past weekend. Won some stuff, bought some stuff, took some pictures...
...and got this as well.
Momoi is love.
This CD is great, by the way. Everyone go buy it.
Still recovering from the weekend's events, so don't expect anything from me until Friday at the earliest.
Turns out that Sayo was up there as well... kind of sucks that I didn't know that beforehand, but oh well.
Kir-Rin- Tsundere Training (loli)
Here's something from Kir-Rin that hueso had been wanting me to translate for quite some time now... and I've just now gotten around to it. It's particularly nice, so take a look.
Naming's kind of weird(hiragana is "kiririn" ), but that's what he put his name as on his tankoubon so that's what I'll go with.
Before I forget, thanks to hueso for doing another kickass job.
takehiro project #63- Tsundere Training, by Kir-Rin.
Araki Akira- Wasuremono (loli)
Yay Araki. His stuff's a nice diversion from the more complicated ones that I've been doing. That's probably why I'm able to crank these out without much effort...
...looking back on it, I'm getting pretty close to my old release schedule. I have no idea how long I'll be able to maintain this though, so enjoy it while you can.
takehiro project #62-Wasuremono, by Araki Akira.