“When provoking a war of aggression, we will hit back, beginning with the US!”
- North Korean Posters: The David Heather Collection
- Prestel USA, 288 pp.
“Though the dog barks, the procession moves on!”
“Death to US imperialists, our sworn enemy!”
The images in the background of this poster are depictions of what can be called the classical instances of US imperialism in North Korean propaganda. From top to bottom: Kim Il Sung’s great-grandfather is said to have been involved in the torching of the USS General Sherman which had run aground off Pyongyang in 1866: the 1950 Sinch’on massacre that left over 30,000 men, women and children dead is attributed to US troops. The other examples are the 1953 armistice treaty ending the Korean War: the 1968 USS Pueblo spying incident: and the 1994 downing of a US helicopter which had inadvertently strayed over the military demarcation line.
-David Heather
“Prevention and more prevention. Let’s fully establish a veterinary system for the prevention of epidemics!”
Stylistically, North Korean art is far more than a mere copy of Soviet Russian socialist realism. As was the case with the revolution itself, North Korean socialist realist art had to accord with Korea’s specific historical conditions and cultural traditions. Kim Il Sung pronounced that “Korean Painting” [Chosonhwa], the indigenous post-revolutionary development of traditional ink painting, was the best representative of Korean styles and emotions. He made the essential features of Korean painting the model for all fine arts. Kim Jong Il in his Treatise on Art (Misullon, 1992) described the qualities of Korean Painting as clarity, compactness, and delicacy. These characteristics have become the standard applied to all art produced in North Korea. As such, they also form the basis and model for poster art. On the latter, Kim Jong Il had more to say in his treatise on art. As important tools in the mobilization of the masses, posters have to have an instantaneous impact on the viewers’ understanding and their desire to act upon this understanding. Their message has to be accessible, clear and direct; informative and explanatory, as well as exhortative. The link between contemplation and action is crucial. A poster artist is ultimately an agitator, who, familiar with the party line and endowed with a sharp analysis and judgment of reality produces a rousing depiction of policies and initiatives that stimulate the people into action. Only if the poster appeals to the ideological and aesthetic sentiments of the people will it succeed in truly rousing the people. Kim Jong Il refers to poster painters as standard bearers of their times, submerged in the overwhelming reality and in touch with the revolutionary zeal and creative power of the people, leading the way from a position among the people.
Posters are visual illustrations of the slogans that surround the people of North Korea constantly. North Korean society is in a permanent mobilization. Party and government declarations are stripped down to single-line catchphrases. Through their endless repetition in banners, newspaper headlines, and media reports, these compact slogans become self-explanatory, simultaneously interpreting and constructing reality.
-Koen de Ceuster
“Let’s drive the US imperialists out and reunite the fatherland!”
“Let’s extensively raise goats in all families!”
“The US is truly an Axis of Evil.”
“When we say we will, we will. We do not talk idly!”
“Wicked Man.”
“Do not forget the US imperialist wolves!”
From “North Korean Posters” by David Heather and Koen de Ceuster, with the permission of Prestel.
August 19th, 2008 at 10:59 pm
[...] am always amazed and amused by these things, no matter how many I [...]
August 22nd, 2008 at 9:20 am
I don’t think you understand. That baby was *Jewish*.
August 22nd, 2008 at 10:30 am
[...] a regime’s propaganda says more about its venal and paranoid state than a thousand words of analysis. “Let’s [...]
August 26th, 2008 at 10:24 pm
Clearly the baby is *Japanese*
August 27th, 2008 at 3:10 am
The sad part is that what Nth. Korea says about the US is true… The US is the world’s bully boy and the biggest bunch of thieving b’stards around. Didn’t Nth. Korea do as the US asked about Nukes and said if they stopped they would be taken off the “terror” list, which they did as asked and then the US reneged?? Does the word “hypocrisy” come to mind??
August 27th, 2008 at 6:19 am
Gman: You’re an idiot. Ask most of the older people of South Korea who actually experienced the Korean war if they feel they’d have been better off without the US intervening upon their behalf. The United States could have taken over the world after WWII as the only country with nuclear weaposn yet chose to shore up their former enemies by offering them foreign aid and setting then on a path towards democracy.
As far as North Korea goes, wasn’t it Bill Clinton who had secured the N. Korean govt promise to dismantle their nuclear facilities? They LIED. I’ll give the North Koreans “sympathy” when they start to complying with the United Nation resolutions.
August 27th, 2008 at 8:42 am
….and they all shouted in unison….”We will Serve the People!!”
August 27th, 2008 at 10:35 am
Posters make a good point. America’s actions have earned it a good ass slapping.
August 27th, 2008 at 10:17 pm
[...] Full (and scary) list here. [...]
August 28th, 2008 at 5:21 am
To Synoptix, thanks for the insult. It backs up what I said about the US. You must be a)American b)a Republican judging by your comments and judging by them, you are showing what a bully you are by calling me an idiot without addressing the facts about America being a bully. Looks like you learnt from your Govt how to do that rather well. Look at how Russia is being demonised by the US, yet, didn’t the US invade Afghanistan on a lie about Osama Bin Laden? The Taliban offered to give the US Bin Laden so that the US would not attack and guess what?, the White House said NO! Why not? Because Bin Laden is a dead CIA stooge and the Bin Laden and Bush Family are great friends! Oh, and let’s not forget about that little thing called IRAQ. Calling the kettle black don’t you think?? Also, check your spelling etc when posting because when one is ANGRY and cannot face the TRUTH, one makes mistakes… :o) Lastly, if I could build a nuke bomb, I would make sure I kept it secret too as I do not trust the US. Again, look at what happens when you don’t have nukes like IRAQ… Nth Korea hasn’t been invaded cause the US is afraid they have nukes…. GO IRAN!!
August 28th, 2008 at 1:05 pm
GMAN, your ignorance is showing.
August 28th, 2008 at 1:25 pm
Is it just me or does the flag in the first one kind of look like Canada?
August 28th, 2008 at 4:36 pm
I thought it looked like Mexico and the U.K.
August 28th, 2008 at 4:53 pm
It’s no surprise that Synoptix is angry, you insulted his country, wouldn’t feel the same?
But if you believe that odd conspiracy theory about Osama Bin Laden, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Lastly, Iran’s ‘government’ in it’s present state is tyrannical, watch and or read Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi.
Now, I will admit there are bad things that the US has done, I agree I saw no reason for entering the country of Iraq. But the choice already being made, Iraq’s development is improving, the US is beginning to clean up the mess it made and I do believe the people will benefit from it.
August 28th, 2008 at 5:39 pm
I don’t understand the goats, and yet I understand the goats.
August 28th, 2008 at 6:35 pm
“gman” is frightening.
telling lies and truth and putting all in the same bag, having any emotions for the korean people or whoever but just crying hate.
August 28th, 2008 at 7:08 pm
No country is perfect. All humans and their organizations make mistakes. However, when weighed upon the balance, I feel safe in saying that the USA has been kinder and gentler than some countries and has done more good than evil. Always room for improvement and I believe the USA is more likely to improve than N. Korea.
I also like goats.
August 28th, 2008 at 7:09 pm
[...] Észak Koreai propaganda képek - le a gaz imperialistákkal [...]
August 28th, 2008 at 9:31 pm
[...] Collection of Anti-American propaganda posters from North Korea. Awesome! I love this sorts of propaganda art. [...]
August 28th, 2008 at 9:44 pm
I love the one about driving out the imperialists and reuniting the fatherland. I’m pretty sure I know which side of the demilitarized zone I’d rather be on. The one with sweet plasma TV’s.
Oh, and food.
August 28th, 2008 at 10:01 pm
Synoptix, you need to look around you at the bigger world. The USA, as a result of its foreign policy blunders, is now hated by many nations and thought of as foolish by the rest. And that includes even our western allies. It’s sad, and regrettable, because I love our country - but the more I travel the more I see what we’ve done to our own image.
We need to return to being compassionate, and not thinking that respect can be demanded by military might. The longer we continue down this same path, the longer it’s going to take before our place in this world can be restored.
August 28th, 2008 at 10:25 pm
They have a great love for the goat. Very moving, heart-warming…
August 28th, 2008 at 10:27 pm
…and delicious.
August 28th, 2008 at 11:36 pm
I hate goats.
August 29th, 2008 at 12:11 am
It’s crazy how these posters make you think.
August 29th, 2008 at 3:40 am
Meh… It’s not like any North Koreans can read anyway…
August 29th, 2008 at 10:25 am
@BChan, what leads you to that conclusion? Stereotyping?
August 29th, 2008 at 11:15 am
Maybe he means english? N. Korean literacy is reported to be near 100%.
August 29th, 2008 at 11:17 am
Bchan: you think North Koreans cannot read… you must be joking. Their literacy rate is pretty high in these days.
These posters, which I actually saw some of them in North Korea, are pretty extreme, yet they describe how people think about the United States. Once it was a dream country where everybody was eager to stay, but today, if there are other options people try to avoid to come to the U.S. and rather go to Europe or Canada. It is sad. I think every country has good part and bad part, and people have to admit it instead of trying to defend your own country.
August 29th, 2008 at 1:46 pm
GMAN is mostly correct with his statements. I am myself american (I do not capitalize the word american anymore) and I’m totally ashamed at the mess this country has become.
George Bush is an assassin. Reagan was an assassin. Even Clinton bombarded the only manufacture in Sudan that was making drugs for 100,000 people a year. The initial reason of the bombardment: “we thought it was a weapon’s factory”. When they “realized” the mistake, they NEVER apologized, and NEVER returned one penny to Sudan. That bombing caused thousands of people to be deprived from necessary medication. The real reason behind it is the US could not accept that a country like Sudan be independent in terms of drugs production - those had to be purchased from Merck and the likes.
Anyone here defending the USA is either ignorant or blind. Read Noam Chomsky, the greatest intellectual of our era: facts, facts, nothing but facts. One of the best renowned British journals recently published an article proving that approximately 700,000 people have died in IRAQ since the US invasion. The United Nations has published that 5,000 kids were dying EACH month during the 10-year embargo in IRAQ. That’s 1.5 World Trade Center PER MONTH for 10-years. This is all documented. If you refuse to look at those facts, it’s YOUR problem, YOUR hypocrisy and you are an accomplice to those crimes.
Now, do you really think Saddam would have assassinated 700,000 civilians? And who is the imbecile here who posted that IRAQ is getting better? That’s plain ignorance. They don’t even report the daily casualties, because people don’t care anymore. But if you search the web and read the news sources that are not mainstream, you’ll find the real information. Just read http://www.alternet.org, an american publication.
Now don’t get confused here: I never said anything against the americans, per say. They are simply ignorant of their government’s actions. And if the USA was a small country and Canada the most powerful country in the world, Canada or any other country wouldn’t be more “moral”. Morality does not exist in international affairs. The only thing that matters is access to resources and the maximization of profits of some individuals (like George Bush, Tony Blair, Israel, etc.).
I see a lot of ignorance in this thread and I pity it. People obviously don’t like to diversify their information sources. TV and CNN and FoxNews seems enough for most of you here.
August 29th, 2008 at 4:15 pm
Change the images to Korean or Iranian flags and soldiers and what have you got? G Dubya B’s message.
Demonize the “enemy”, a time-honoured tradition.
I wish I still had my poster, bought on the streets of London in the early 70’s. It read, “Stamp out the growing empire of US fascist imperialism.” Change ‘fascist’ to ‘political’ or ‘economic’ and you’ve got 2008.
Down with Coca-Colonialism!
August 29th, 2008 at 4:17 pm
Oh yeah . . . mmmmm, goat!
August 29th, 2008 at 7:11 pm
100% literacy in N. Korea?? hahaha, that’s exactly what they want you to believe! Proves the propaganda posters actually work… ;p
August 31st, 2008 at 4:04 pm
Loving all the America bashing going on. Note that this is Korean propaganda. It’s designed to get people to hate America. Yet you never see posters in DC or New York Or LA Indicating Americans should hate a specific country.
Of course, everyone on this board will resort to “look at all the bads things America has done since Reagan”. I guess that means you preferred a weak America? The Post-Vietnam, economically crippled America? And who are these people we have harmed? A drug plant in Sudan? Tragic, but hardly an example of America’s supposed drive for hegemony.
And Afghanistan and Iraq? One harbored terrrorist training cells, and the other a madman who gassed his own people. So, after being provoked on 9/11, we attack Afghanistan. And when Iraq failed to prove it meant us no harm by failing to address it’s weapons systems, we invaded there as well. There real thing we AREN’T addressing here is America’s restraint. If we were the bully you paint us as, we’d have nuked Kabul and Baghdad. Would you prefer we do that instead, after these regimes continue to cause violence against Americans? Maybe America should return to it’s isolationist ways. Then when the rest of you get tired of having some totaltarian regime’s boot on your throats, send us a postcard.
September 1st, 2008 at 12:55 am
[...] 45. North Korean anti-America propaganda posters. [...]
September 1st, 2008 at 4:39 pm
Gman and others,
How pathetic… really. You get a little criticism and then jump all over the person who disagrees with you. You placed your completely ridiculous post on the web, including your made up facts about US foreign policy with North Korea, and you get offended when someone calls you on it.
Your next post responding to Synoptix is where the wheels completely come off of any integrity or accuracy in your argument. You sound like the person you most likely are: angry, disaffected, and stupid. You careen from made up facts to complete BS. The Bushes and Bin Laden are friends? The Taliban offered to give us Bin Laden? When exactly did this happen? Perhaps you should take a walk outside of fantasy land.
You suggest that Synoptix is wrong because he (or she) is American and Republican, but you hint that you are neither of these things. This is right after you whine about being called names.
So let’s get this straight… anyone that disagrees with your phony facts and made up US policy is bad, right? Just checking.
To Alien…
I remember when I read my first book, too. I’ve read Chomsky, and he certainly has a lot to say. I suggest you keep reading, because Chomsky does the same thing Michael Moore does, which is presents some facts, but not all relating to their subject, thus shaping what you, their reader, knows about the subject. Like Moore, Chomsky pulls it off because he figures his readers aren’t getting their own assessment of the situation, they want it handed to them. I hope you are able to do that, Alien, but you might have to leave Starbucks first.
To those bashing America… Congratulations… you have discovered America isn’t perfect. You’ve ingeniously uncovered that the US has done some dark things in other parts of the globe. “How can they do this?” you ask yourself. What you need to ask yourself is why you think you have any capacity to understand something so intensely complex (like the geo-political environment) from your corner chair at the coffee shop. You don’t. America and our allies (which the liberal media LOVES to say we do not have) are working across the globe to support the causes of freedom, literacy, world health, and religious freedom every single day.
We have victories over the causes of terror everyday also. We, with our allies representing many, many countries across the globe, have pulled off raids not only against terror groups like Al Queda & the Taliban, but also slavery rings in Europe, Africa, and Asia… thieves who steal medical supplies, and those who plan mass murder to push their pathetic causes.
Why don’t you know about these victories? Because we don’t print them in the sports pages on Sunday. The average person, meaning YOU Gman and Alien, doesn’t have a f-ing CLUE what is going on in the world, mostly because you haven’t done a single thing to help.
Answer this: Have you… ANY OF YOU… picked up a weapon and gone on a patrol? Have you built a school in Africa, Afghanistan or Iraq? Have you helped to dig up landmines planted by one local warlord to kill the children in a neighboring community… by the way… THESE LANDMINES WERE BUILT IN NORTH KOREA….
For all the know-it-all IDIOTS that are posting here. Do yourself a favor. SHUT UP and GO HELP.
September 1st, 2008 at 4:52 pm
Please wake up, Alien
Saddam killed more than 700,000 kurds before he was taken out. He used mustard gas, which is a pretty horrific way to die. Maybe you don’t consider those 700,000 “people” which I guess is your problem. Saddam killed well over a million people under his reign of terror.
No matter what your justifications, continuing to defend the insane drawings from North Korea on this website just so you can keep ranting about how America is bad and hurts your feelings makes you the same monster you are griping about.
It’s okay for North Korea but not America, is that what you’re saying? If you can find any government sponsored propaganda produced by the United States, I’d love to know about it.
You’re mad at George W Bush, and I don’t blame you. He let us all down. But to say that America itself is to blame is putting every nation in the world in the same boat. I wonder if there are ANY countries that could pass the test by your standards.
I’ll sleep well tonight knowing that your standards mean absolutely nothing, just like what you are contributing to this blog. Thanks for nothing.
September 1st, 2008 at 7:24 pm
WOAh there alien, did i just read that you say you dont believe saddam hussein killed 700,000 people?. i’d like to send to iraq just so you can tell that to the people who experienced the atrocities. the guy that said ‘ GO IRAN”, what the fuck? how in your right mind can you support them. its just another place where the people have no freedom. just like north korea, where the majority live in poverty, and in constant fear.
everyone whos attacking the usa. yes i agree, there are a lot of things that the us has done that really werent necessary, but think about it. without the usa help in korea, there would be no south korea, just a bigger version of nth. korea, with more power. of course that is just one relatively good outcome. at the moment in iraq thngs arent good. but over time they are slowly geting better. for example the largest province of the country was handed over to iraqi government control and the number of attacks per day has dropped from 41 to 2. so before you go jumping all over america, jsut think someones gotta do it. it may sound a stupid thing to say but without the usa i believe that there would be a lot more suffering in the world than there currently is.
September 1st, 2008 at 8:12 pm
GMAN is an idiot. Do people really not have minds of their own like this clown? Seriously, open up your eyes and get a clue about the world. You should also note that the US is trying to verify that N Korea dismantled its nuke program. At that point, the “terror” label comes off (although it’s too early to do so). I do love the knee jerk reaction of the ever-thoughtful GMAN though. You also need to look up what “hypocrisy” means.
September 1st, 2008 at 8:54 pm
I am sick of hearing people talking about how bad our reputation is abroad. Europe will come running back under our skirt the minute anything really goes wrong. They are just acting like a 14 year old brat right now. They are safe and therefore are willing to talk shit. The minute Uncle Putin, or Crazy Kim, or some other jackass start to scare them who are they going to turn to? France. C’mon. So some Europeans like to talk shit about America. They would all be socialist if it wasn’t for the Marshall Plan after WWII.
And as for you morons speaking anti-capitalist rhetoric, my family immigrated from the Eastern Bloc. Why don’t you take a fun trip to somewhere in Eastern Europe, other than Prague, since I am sure all of you went there because it was chic and cool. Then you can see what socialism does. You are spoiled, SAAB driving, prep-school, pseudo-hippies who happened to take a poli-sci course their freshman year that require you to read Marx, or maybe Zinn. Whatever. As much as you love to cling to the notion that you are free thinking, you aren’t. You just parrot the bullshit some other spoiled shit feeds you.
You think France, and Germany give a shit about the Afghani people, or the Iraqis. Sorry, chief, but all their politicians are posturing for the sake of political power. Not for humanity. One of them desperately wants to be number 2 again, and the best way is to piss on number one while they are otherwise occupied. And sure, their citizens are pissed. Fine, because just like you, they were told to be.
Now I am not saying that the US does not do some bad shit. Every country does. Grow up. This isn’t teletubbies. This is the real world, and some people need an ass whooping.
Oh, and before some dipshit decides to say that I am undereducated, I am currently doing an MD/PhD. So that avenue of personal insult should be moved aside for now.
September 1st, 2008 at 10:07 pm
Is it bad that I now have an overwhelming desire to buy a goat?
September 1st, 2008 at 10:28 pm
I hate my own (US) Government as much as I hate N. Korea’s. That doesn’t prompt me to hate Koreans or Americans. If you think we Americans are so evil - stop in sometime. I will share my food/beer with you and then discuss why you want to be such a bigot and group people by nationality.
September 1st, 2008 at 10:32 pm
I’m gonna go kick some American ass after reading those poster and some of the comments here. I’ll start with my wife and kids.
September 1st, 2008 at 11:03 pm
MD/Phd = means jack shit when you’re dead.
September 1st, 2008 at 11:13 pm
I love seeing the anti american e-peens
September 1st, 2008 at 11:13 pm
i love all the anti american e- peens
September 1st, 2008 at 11:22 pm
Internet ambiguity makes for some tough guys.
i.e. illkillurmommy
September 1st, 2008 at 11:23 pm
Remember when we invented the internets?
how bout them apples
September 2nd, 2008 at 12:46 am
I can’t believe people are actually siding with these N. Korea posters. Really? Death to the U.S? You must be really stupid. Go raise some goats, extensively.
September 2nd, 2008 at 3:03 am
[...] North Korean Propaganda Posters are fascinating. I’ve always loved the design of propaganda posters and this book compiles a [...]
September 2nd, 2008 at 3:14 am
You are who your friends are. Whenever we talk about enemies and allies, noone seems interested in analyzing who is the enemy and who is the ally. Our enemies are a group fo the most corrupt and bankrupt countries in the world that are by and large unable to solve their own problems. This includes France.
Our GROWING list of allies includes modern, democratic and improving nations that understand the difference. Do not be overwhelmed by all this talk about U.S. hate as if it is new either, if you are old enough you remember the anti - US riots in Italy, Germany, France, etc, that actually ceased with the demise of the propogating and funding entity that whippe them up - the USSR.
Further more, if you follow the funding of all fo the negative press, you may see the same origins as the posters above. I live overseas, longer than you have, and there are things that you beleive wich you must fairly re-examine.
September 2nd, 2008 at 3:16 am
Whilst I am certainly no supporter of the authoritarian dictatorship that is North Korea, I do wish that people were more understanding of war and more familiar with atrocities committed by their own side which has contributed to the ill-feeling that the Koreans may have.
For example:
“U.S. Policy Was to Shoot Korean Refugees”
September 2nd, 2008 at 3:24 am
Thanks for your pitty. Someday in the future re-read what you wrote and feel shame. Most of the literature and web docs you read were written by other people sitting around reading what other people wrote, and have actually seen not a single fact. You are proving the principles of propgatinga lie to the extent that it becomes true.
Come down from the peddestle and walk around in the world, not amongst the mutuially infomred masses, but amongst those who actually make the world work and you will see with different eyes.
This conversation brought to you by the protections guranteed for the first time in history by the Constitution of the Unites States of America (which, rumor has it, is not being exemplified in N. Korea, China, or Russia, and partially in France).
September 2nd, 2008 at 4:33 am
I’m curious, does anyone know WHY North Korea hates the US with so much passion? Someone above said “Demonize the Enemy” - what started it all off? Where did it begin?
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:39 am
Looks like some of the posters from the Democrat Convention.
September 2nd, 2008 at 10:14 am
to ray, EXACTLY.
September 2nd, 2008 at 11:08 am
Uhm… “PolDoc”….England IS socialist. I think what you meant is communist.Be sure of your facts before posting.
September 2nd, 2008 at 11:32 am
GMAN….knock us all you want…but go live in North Korea and tell me if you miss us. we may be bullys but at least we’re not pussy psychopaths making posters pretty much promoting a certain genocide.
p.s. Stop reading the U.S. Propaganda News Letter
September 2nd, 2008 at 11:33 am
Lev, did you even read the article? North Korean troops would hide among refugees. American policy was to fire warning shots to warn off any refugees approaching their lines. Any refugees who ignored warning shots could expect to be fired upon.
Blame the NKs and Chicoms who hid among refugees, not the Americans who tried to warn off refugees and only fired as a last resort.
September 2nd, 2008 at 12:58 pm
Gman why don’t you move to north Korea and spout some of that BS To KimJong? Thought so, you are a coward who hates your country, Using free speech rights. Go choke yourself you pile of filth.
September 2nd, 2008 at 5:26 pm
Maybe he means english? N. Korean literacy is reported to be near 100%.
Of course it is “reported” at 100% but that does not mean it is even close to that
September 2nd, 2008 at 5:59 pm
I hate most of the people that are leaving comments.
Would all the people who are posting about America’s downfalls and political blunders cite your sources and not some conspiracy theorist.
Would all the individuals posting about the people mentioned beforehand cite the actual phrase that pissed them off so much and not go off on some wild tangent.
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:33 pm
Shut up dole. You just left a comment as dumb as everyone else’s.
“Would all the individuals posting about the people mentioned beforehand cite the actual phrase that pissed them off so much and not go off on some wild tangent.”
The above cited phrase pissed me off because you’re a whiney hypocritical bitch. Pardon my wild tangent i hope i didn’t agitate your virgin eyes.
Now grow up and bitch about something like everyone else does. It’s fun.
September 2nd, 2008 at 9:48 pm
Ahhh so what. The world gripes alot but what can they do. Make posters? Wow, I’m scared of a poster, they can roll it up and throw it at me. Anyone who feels N. Korea is a better place to live than the good ol’ USA, Get the F”’ OUT!
September 2nd, 2008 at 10:41 pm
Bob Dole is still right, even if he is gay. Starting an argument without giving some sources is like shitting on a tortoise, yeah its mobile now but its still not getting very far. To everyone whining about how America needs to be more compassionate: Mao Fung Dung, his Goebbels-inspired posters, dictatorship processing plant of zombies, and arsenal of flight-challenged nuclear missiles are reason numero uno why you should avoid thinking about politics and global affairs and stick to whatever it was you were doing before you got your panties in a bunch.
September 2nd, 2008 at 11:32 pm
“N. Korean literacy is reported to be near 100%.”
It is also reported Kim Jong Il golfed an amazing 18 stroke round.
September 3rd, 2008 at 12:24 am
Shonufgood- Right On.
Let’s stop being so altruistic for a moment and see the forest for the trees. Power corrupts- just ask those starving to death under “Dear Leader”- actually, they won’t tell you because they will be locked up if they don’t say everything is great. He is not a good leader, but insists on being revered as a demigod, so his people and country suffer. The people who make US policy decisions regarding N Korea, and the rest of the world for that matter, are much more globally informed than any of us are.
No- I do not like Bush or agree with him or vote for him or will I deny that power has had its intoxicating affect on him- ahem, Iraq- and Yes, I have read Chomsky and Blum and all your blowback texts.
The US has done plenty of things in its history that we would, correctly, condemn as terrorism or atrocities. So have many other “civilized” nations. However, the world has experienced the greatest period of stability and third world nations have had their greatest strides since the US came to it’s continued prowess following WWII. The US operates with US interests in mind first and foremost, but global interests remain close behind. This is not a perfect country led by perfect people, I challenge you to find that anywhere. History has taught us that militaristic authoritarian or totalitarian dictatorships running unchecked tend to be the roots of global conflict.
I am happy and proud to be American and I know not all of the world cares for me or my country. Some comes from jealousy, some from disdain for arrogance (or the perception of it we can exude)But regardless of what you will be told, on some level most of the world respects America. If you choose to lead (or are forced to, for that matter) your motives and moves will be questioned, you will make regrettable mistakes and you will suffer bruises along the way. If you live here, be glad you can criticize your country freely and be glad you can live the life you do and be glad you don’t face famine or the threat of invasion. There are 2 sides to every argument here- in some countries there is only one.
Perhaps this country needs to be a bit more Rooseveltian to regain respect in today’s world without sacrificing the role of global pacesetter and peacekeeper- the 5 principles of the “big stick”- walk softly but…
-maintain formidable military capability
-act justly toward other nations
-never bluff
-strike only if prepared to strike hard
-allow an honorable adversary to save face in defeat
September 3rd, 2008 at 12:30 pm
How we got to this point.
After World War II the Soviet Union, Great Britian, and the US ironed out the details of who would govern countries that had been more or less destroyed by the Japananese and German war machine. The US was to oversee the southern part of Korea and the Soviet Union was to govern the North. The Soviet Union backed the growing Communist Party in the North in an attempt to overtake the south and unify Korea into a communist state. The US with the view that communism was a failed way of goverment tried to resist the takeover and provided weapons to the south and eventually Truman sent in troops. Fighting against the Soviet equipped North including Russian pilots flying the new jet plane they called the “Mig” and also against communist Chinese troops that had entered the war. After 3 years of war the lines were drawn. The North to this day remains communist and the South continues to model itself after the US democratic style of government. Whether you like it or not the South has prospered and the North has followed the same path (communism) of countries that have failed in controlling the life of the people. They are one of the few countries left that are still communist and have failed the people miserably. In every aspect of life the South is free and prospering and the North has been in a state of continual despair. The hatred of the people has been effectivly channeled torwards the US as the reason why life is so bad. Just like the Muslim parts of the world. You have the same genetic makeup in the North and South Korean people but it ends when you compare standard of living. The blame of a sad life in North Korea lies with the old Soviet Union and North Korean Government not the US. Of this you should be sure. If The US had the final say Korea would today be a unified country and all of it not just half would be free.
September 4th, 2008 at 9:58 pm
I am an American. I accept that we have made some major mistakes, but we’re human. In my opinion, humanity is doing a little better in this country than many others, and this saddens me. Not that America’s doing pretty good, but that so many other countries aren’t. This is our little speck of a planet in this insanely massive universe (possibly mulitverse). We are all together in this, and until we realize this, humanity will continue to fail. Those of you that insult each other…you are not doing any good, all you are doing is giving more reason for more insults. If you feel the need to correct people, do so respectfully..the board is almost as negative as the posters…in some points, even worse. Try a little Verstehen people, it may just increase your understanding.
September 5th, 2008 at 8:06 am
[...] Photo Essay: North Korean Propaganda Posters “When provoking a war of aggression, we will hit back, beginning with the [...]
September 5th, 2008 at 7:15 pm
So typical of totalitarian regimes…and the funny kicker is the oblamma/bider propaganda advert in the mix - truly a compelling insertion !.
September 9th, 2008 at 2:04 am
USAsians seem to see no irony in the fact that the USA pummps out the most propaganda to its citizens.
Sure, it’s not overt propaganda like these picttures, but it has most of them completely swallowing it. Some examples… There are Terror threats everywhere! Iraq has Weapons of Mass destruction! Russia is a threat! USA is the land of the free! Hahaha. Only USAsians would buy any of this shite.
Hopefully the new Obama guy can cut his way through some of this propaganda and stop everyone hating the US so much.
September 12th, 2008 at 3:50 am
Hey, I am american and we aren’t all bad!!! You cant judge a group of people based on their governments actions. I dont support a lot of what my gov’t does but that doesnt mean that this type of hatred and propaganda is OK. Shame on all of you who contribute to the bashing. Its not productive and only spreads the hatred and worsens the problem!
September 13th, 2008 at 11:39 am
Imperialist & PolDoc - Thank you for your great posts. I’m an American and I teach English in South Korea. I’ve traveled around a lot of Asia over the past 3 years, and our country’s reputation is doing fine. There will always be socialists who don’t like who we are, but for the most part, people over here have really good attitudes towards the U.S.. When South Koreans meet American citizens who bash their own country, they don’t understand it.
I never put a lot of stock into what Europeans say when they call us unsophisticated or uncultured. Complaining and depression seem to be their mental basline. They seem to forget or ignore the fact that western Europe is western Europe for 3 reasons:
1. The U.S. saved it from iteself during WWII.
2. We rebuilt it with American dollars and material after WWII.
3. We have been protecting it ever since.
The same can also be said about South Korea. We will soon say it about Iraq and Afganistan as well.
The people and nations that don’t like us, hate us, and/or complain about us do so because we have more money, food, and power then they could dare dream of. We have these things because of who we are. We don’t take it from others, we earn it, and we earn it because we create it.
We prove to the world every day that our system works better than their systems ever could. Other countries want it, but they don’t have the courage to do what is necessary to get it, because that would mean giving their people more freedom, and no socialist anywhere wants to do that.
Does our society have flaws? Sure. Is it perfect? No. Is it the best working system of goverment/society in human history? Hell yes.
Next time you’re in Starbucks sipping your latte whining about how mean and unfair America is, try to remember that if you actually lived in the socialist ideal, you wouldn’t be allowed to complain at all.
September 13th, 2008 at 8:07 pm
“Some examples… There are Terror threats everywhere! Iraq has Weapons of Mass destruction! Russia is a threat! USA is the land of the free! Hahaha. Only USAsians would buy any of this shite.
Hopefully the new Obama guy can cut his way through some of this propaganda and stop everyone hating the US so much.”
1. No one has claimed that “there are terror threats everywhere.” America must remain vigilant due to real threats with which you are not familiar.
2. Iraq did have WMDS. About 500 were found in 2006. This year, 550 tons of yellowcake were also found and shipped to Canada. WMDs were merely one of many reasons to invade Iraq.
3. Russia is a threat. It’s actions over last month prove it.
4. America is free. The most free in the world. And it is that freedom that has fed American exceptionalism. Instead of America acting on the supposed “hate” from other countries, it is the rest of the world which ought to cease its jealous scorn and perhaps examine what Americans have done well.
5. Obama will be viewed as weak by the world. Those who seek to harm America will do so with ease due to Obama’s naive belief that all people can be negotiated with.
September 16th, 2008 at 8:43 pm
You should all go outside and ride a bike.
September 16th, 2008 at 8:57 pm
hmmm, some FACTS. the court case numbers and executive orders are there if people want to actually look it up and not just have profuse diarrhea of the mouth. go watch tv if it hurts too much.
1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF
(Diversified metal Products v. IRS etal. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I.,
Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan
No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)
2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816)
3. The U.S. has not had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. Ch. 214 pg. 654)
4. There are no judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789.
Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce
Statutes and codes (FRC. V. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat.
138-178) http:; llcaselaw._lp_findlaw, comlscriptsl.getcae.pl?_court=us&_vol
5. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just
been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v PE 261 US 428 1Stat.
6. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations.
Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capitol of the
world” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2)
(2) (also check out Rev. 14 in reference to what happened on 9/11)
7. You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the
property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document
43, 73rd Congress 1 st. Session)
8. You cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a
party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The mayor and Alderman of the City of
Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)
9. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary
war. (Treaty at Versailles July 15, 1782, Treat of Peace 8 Stat 80)
10. America is a British Colony. (THE UNITED STATES IS A
LEAVE UNTIL 1796). Republican v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of
Commerce 8 Stat 116, The society for Propagating the Gospel & c. v. New
Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles
Page 2 of 2
Untitled 24 2006 3 12 21 47 9:47 PM
of Association October 20, 1774.
11. Britain is owed by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213).
12. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (elements of
Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1 53-54)
13. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, not even what we think are our
children (Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E.
146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1 Session, Wynehammer v.
People 13 N.R. REP 378, 481)
14. “The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City
Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243)
15. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the
Corporation and arrest code breakers. Sappv. Tallahasse, 348 So. 2nd 363,
Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F. Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept. of
Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.
16. Everything in the “United States” is for sale: roads, bridges, schools,
hospitals, water, prisons, airports, etc. I wonder who bought Klamath Lake?
Did anyone take the time to check? (?Executive Order 12803)
17. We are Human capital (Executive Order 13037)
18. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never
a part of the United States government. Even though the “US government”
held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. v. Strang, 254 US 491,
Lewis v. U.S. 680 F. 2d, 1239) [link to ca_selaw.Ip.findlaw.Co] m/
19. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209 IMF
decoding manual)
20. We are enemies of the State (Trading with the Enemy Act 1933 Act of
1917 & 1933) Trading with the Enemy Act 1933 Act of 1917 & 1933 (People
declared the Enemy) Oct. 6, 1917, under the Trading with the Enemy Act,
Section 2 subdivision ( c ) Chapter 106 – Enemy defined “other than citizens
of the United States…” March 9, 1933, Chapter 106, Section 5, subdivision
(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 Stat. L. 411)
amended as follows: “…any person within the United States.” See H.R. 1491
Public No. 1.
September 16th, 2008 at 9:00 pm
Oh yeah, forgot this was about my northern neighbors!
Mi-guhk sa-ram-duhl-eun dae-buh-buhn mo-go mon-ji mol-la!
September 17th, 2008 at 4:07 am
[...] série d’affiches de propagande nord coréenne à voir ici [...]
September 17th, 2008 at 5:26 am
When will everyone wake up and realise that all governments and monarchies around the world always have and always will lie about everything? Nobody is always right.
They think nothing of eating dogs in South Korea, but who am I to tell them they’re wrong?!
Oh, and can everyone stop generalising about Americans/Europeans etc? There are great people and dickheads the whole world over, no matter where they’re from.
As for Uncle Dan’s post - don’t you realise that the kind of arrogance you displayed there is what some people dislike about Americans?
I really admire the patriotism Americans have, I love seeing flags outside people’s houses and July 4th celebrations. I wish people’s attitudes in England were similar. I find American’s polite, always willing to help and the amongst the most hospitable people in the world.
I’m not sure the ‘we saved Europe in WWII’ rubbish means anything to anyone any more. I’m sure you personally did nothing as far as that goes so cut out the ‘we’ part, eh?
And the “best working system of goverment/society in human history?” quote? Bollocks. Do you know the US constitution is based on the English Magna Carta? And what kind of society turns away sick people from hospitals because they have no money?
The USA is brilliant in many ways, but by no means is it the best society the world has ever seen.
I have travelled extensively and find that there are positives and negatives everywhere. The trouble with governments is that they’re always so scared of how they look to other countries.
‘Cut you own lawn before you tell your neighbour his grass is too long’ seems a decent way to sum up, so there you have it.
September 17th, 2008 at 5:34 am
Great facts Karmabean, very interesting to read.
September 17th, 2008 at 12:07 pm
So what is the best society the world has ever seen in your opinion Simon?
The Aztecs? Or wait lemme guess, the English?
English colonies left England to escape the Kings and Queens, True Democracy, was invented in the U.S.A.
September 17th, 2008 at 12:23 pm
as an iranian i am so familiar with these kinda posters! hope islamic republic artists dont find these korean ones! and if they saw we’re going to see them with little changes as wall paintings on large scales in tehran streets!
September 17th, 2008 at 12:25 pm
and to “me”
I guess true democracy was invented by Romans! not by a 250 years old country!
September 17th, 2008 at 2:44 pm
I believe that there is no “true” democracy. Even in Ancient Athens, where democracy is believed to be “founded”, there was no true democracy, since outside the city walls, the slaves were crawling.
September 17th, 2008 at 3:12 pm
Hello and Thank you Simon! If you’d like, there are tons more information out there about FACTS that are not displayed out-right to people. Good place to check out some info would be wealth4freedom.com (the 20 points come from that site) as a start.
happy fact-searching!
September 17th, 2008 at 3:30 pm
agh~! the first site I mentioned is down but nomoreserfs.com is quite interesting.
September 17th, 2008 at 5:48 pm
“I wonder if anyone sees the irony in this:
In this country you have the right to go onto a computer and type out whatever America Bashing shit you want. All of your posts, no matter how unpatriotic, insulting, offensive, stupid, mean, or vicious…ALL of you are allowed to write them without fear of reprisal from your government. Half of the posts on here blatantly bash the president, our country, our people, our way of life. ALL of those posters are suggesting (implicitly or explicitly) violence against our country. Hell- this is a website DEDICATED to propaganda AGAINST our government and yet it’s not being shut down…no one is being tortured, abused, or beaten for creating it. So if you want to come on here and say “America Sucks”…THAT’S YOUR RIGHT!!.
Now…go to Iran, China, or North Korea and try that telling them how badly they suck. See what happens. Please.”
September 17th, 2008 at 5:55 pm
Reza D, read JCD’d comment.
And for a country that is only 250 years old, we seem to be years ahead of the rest of the world, so I guess we’re doing something right, huh.
September 18th, 2008 at 5:10 am
Hi ‘Me’
I don’t know what the best society in the history is, seeing as I have only ever lived in one of them.
I certainly do not think the English society is!
I thought English colonies objected to being taxed so heavily (I agree with this) by a monarch so far away, and that’s why they sought independence.
I’m just saying it’s a bit narrow-minded to think that the US is the greatest society the world has ever seen. Do you think that turning sick people away from hospitals is testament to this? Is detaining people indefinitely without evidence that they have done wrong on an island? Just because the US is very rich (and NOT the richest in the world per capita) it doesn’t mean it boasts an idyllic society!
And how is the US years ahead of the rest of the world exactly? Ahead how?
September 18th, 2008 at 5:15 am
Just to prove my earlier statement:
Who knows better than the CIA, eh?
September 18th, 2008 at 5:04 pm
the north korean regime hold in fear the people, their tools are sadly, and incorrect, but they want to live in real freedom, they not want to hang in other countries, they want to close their borders. they want to fight for their problems, but they cant do it. They always crashing into walls because the world realy against them. Its a deadend not the best way, but he think of their idea is true.
The us is a militaristic nation the most of the people is not a bad person, but they are live in a pink soup, their country drink others blood in real, they want to push every other nation into a slave mine. Their money the dollar like a closet paper, if they want to buy something in the world they print some paletts of money. Every nation of the world (from Russia, across China, the Saudians, to Europe) suffering under their pressure, because the international oiltrade is possible only in dollar. If somebody want to trade with oil in other money, they beat it as strong as possible. Their good friend Saddam dead because when the food for oil embargho ended somebody asked saddam oil for Euro. The iranian president Mr. M.A. want to opening a new oil market based on the Europian money the euro. After his spoke at the oil conference, they are a bloodyhanded mad person who want to kill everybody with his nuclear rockets. Iran is a growing country their industry expanding, and they want to bild their own nuclear powerplant to feed their factories. They have a lot of Uran mines, its an simple and cheap way to make energy.
So the us goverment liaring always to darking the things in the world, they make fear into the citizens heart, and they want to shocking like the north korean regime do, but because they have lot of money to keep the wold most powerful military, and they kill everybody who want to wrong their business.
Its not a never ending story, the time will come… i think, at this moment the dark side of the times are knocking at the us’s door.
The mexican border will be closed after few years, and the citizens of the us can’t crossing it in their escape ways. :)
September 19th, 2008 at 6:09 am
To the debate on US being the bully boy…
As a person who has grown up behind the “Iron curtain” in the soviet zone, I would rather be “occupied” by americans than russians, if I could choose.
I’m saying that, altough I do not like the arrogance of some americans, and the lack of knowledge about the rest of the world they show. Still, there is a huge difference how Russia is doing his foreign politics, and how is the US behaving.
Someone said, that the US is like a big, strong, friendly dog in room full of precious furniture and fragile objects. When it moves, even with the best will, it leaves broken items behind.
Th US foreign is not a success story in the XX. century, but it also comes from the fact, that america is an open democracy, so every debate, every failure is open to the world. Other nations, especially to the east are much better keeping their secrets. How many americans know the details about the soviet war in Afghanistan? The american war is like an open book, so politicans, who are against it, can use facts.
Somone said, Reagan was an assasin. For most of the people in Easten Europe, Reagan was the guy, who was consistently anti-communitst, and has beaten the soviets with his politics. IMHO he was really not the most intelligent, educated man on the word, but as a person much better the i.eg. Breshnev or Andropov or other soviet leaders.
September 19th, 2008 at 6:14 am
Both communists and capitalists-imperialist systems are evilish.Poor north coreans and poor you folk of USA.(and poor chinese too).The most brainwashed,stupid people who never has its own thougts i have seen in usa people.just like little robots.thats what capitalism generates;work-produce-consume-have (stupid) fun-and do what people over u say-live like media says.communists instead take ur freedom, ur choice,”kills” the differences and so its the total antilife system.
Usa attacked Iraq for oil and to protect Israel.Usa attacked Afghanistan for gas and to break down islam.In Iraq theres other then better life now:its hell there.And you caused it folk of USA.Ur system.Not ur president.People get tyred all around the world with ur agressivity and imperialism and one day they will be really happy to destroy ur coulture-if it doesnt destroy itself alone,just like soviet union did.Once upon a time USA was the land of freedom,democracy;a desire for many people all around the world.Now its all other.
I hope no imperialism will raign in the future,and different coultures can live along side by side with no harming and without the will to put their socio-political-economical sytem with force to other nations.
Thats what frightens me about U folk of USA-reading ur comments it seems U think its normal that u get ur guns and go somewhere other part of the earth and put ur system with force,killing,destroying millions to put ur democracy,ur factories,ur hamburger culture.THATS REALLY SAD.U act like 2000 years ago the Roman empire did.And like 70-60 years ago the nazi Germany did.Like 60 years ago communists Soviets did.
There is no evolution in human kind????Who has the power rules and robbes down the others?Thats democracy for U??Thats the land of freedom??
U never learn from ur faults: u went to Vietnam and nobody wanted ur hepl there.
But when somebody needed it, u didnt come.
U are just hypocrist just like comunists.
Money talks.
September 19th, 2008 at 6:48 am
@ A european man
You are not serious comparing nazi Germany, Soviet regime and US, aren’t you?
Learn a bit of European history at last, before writing a comment like this.
If US Vietnam war was a fault because “nobody wanted ur help there”, then
German occupation of Norway is OK, since the Norwegian government asked them to come, to protect them from the invading British? Or the 1968 run on Tsechoslovakia by “friendly” Armies of Hungary, Poland and East-Germany, since the commie govt asked them to do so?
If the americans would be the same as soviets or nazis, you would not hear _anything_ about the iraqi war, just the US victory, and same goes for Afghanistan.
Since there is a debate over it, shows the huge difference.
I see, that you do not like the US, and “imperialism” whatever that is, but regimes killing hundreds of millions of people in normal routine shold not be compared to one of the most open democracies on the world.
US politicans are too willing to get involved in the world politics, and that is a problem. A bit step back, and more educations would help.
September 19th, 2008 at 4:14 pm
Where can I find more in depth information on these images?
September 20th, 2008 at 10:27 am
Hi Christapher,
These images are from a fascinating book called NORTH KOREAN POSTERS by David Heather. It provides a lot of background and context for these posters. An image of the book jacket is under the first poster image above.
September 21st, 2008 at 11:17 am
Dear Kowalsky!
tanx for ur raccomandation;)
Probably i wasnt enough clear for U,so now i explain in a few more words,maybe it will help U!
No metter for WHAT REASON, in WHAT WAY, HOW MASS MEDIA DESCRIBES and what POLITICAL SYSTEM there is in question; the FACT remains: USA invades other countries and put its own political system(or try to do it) there.Obviously USA thinks that its good and right to do so. Just like did Nazis and Soviets at their time, and how their media and propaganda reported these occupations.
I didnt say i dont like USA.I dont care about it as its not my country.
Im just against agression and hypocrisia of any form.
So let me please reccomand U in turn something: dont be just a historical book, but use ur brain to analise data from a longer distance of wiew.
September 23rd, 2008 at 5:28 pm
Are there any designer names given in the book? I have ordered it but I would like to cite the first image in a paper due Thursday. Thank you!
September 24th, 2008 at 9:44 am
Christapher, I’m afraid I’ve already passed the book on. Sorry I can’t help you.
October 2nd, 2008 at 10:48 am
The patriotic and anti-patriotic side can make perfect sense to a certain extent. It is also completely useless to try to reason with people from the other side about these emotive things.
Many Koreans don`t need an open argument, but food and so it seems a bit obscene to use those poor people as pawns in pro- or anti-us debates.
The West saved the South Koreans` asses in the war, but now, it must be said, many Koreans think they hate Whitey much more than their brothers and sisters up north.
The USA should perhaps do as it did with Vietnam and leave the whole sad mess behind.
Future boat people would be allowed freely immigrate into the US of course and then settle on the estates of people like Chomsky or Vidal or Moore or even Kerry?
October 7th, 2008 at 12:01 pm
what the heck is wrong with north korea why do they hate america i tell you why because we have the freedom and the power to do what we need to do and north korea doesnt because they are jelious and hates america
October 28th, 2008 at 10:55 pm
To all the people hating the United States ask yourself how much better a life you would be living if the Japanese emperor had won, or if Stalin had succeded or Hitler. And im a freaking liberal for cyring out loud. Get over it, the United States is 100 times more merciful to it’s former enemies than they would ever had been to the U.S. if it were defeated. Do not confuse the George Bush administration as a grouping of everything that America represents and has proven over time.