September 13th, 2008

NetShare, banned from the AppStore

Looks like Apple has decided they will not be allowing any tethering applications in the AppStore. As such, NetShare will not be available in the iTunes AppStore. We are seeing a lot of similar reports from various developers who's applications were abruptly removed and banned from the AppStore without any violations of the terms of service. This is all unfortunate news for the iPhone platform end-users.

August 4th, 2008

NetShare status report 2

We've finally gotten in contact with Apple. Looks like the lack of communication was due to automated e-mail systems being employed on both ends, which resulted in e-mails being lost in transit. We're working with Apple to get NetShare back up on the AppStore.

August 1st, 2008

NetShare, where did it go?

Update 2: Apple has taken it down again, with no explanation yet again. Update: NetShare is now back up and available from the AppStore! We're not quite sure why Apple took down the NetShare application yet, we've received no communication from Apple thus far. NetShare did not violate any of the Developer or AppStore agreements. We're hoping we'll get some feedback from Apple today. Sorry to all the folks that couldn't get it in time. We'll do our best to try to get the application back onto the AppStore if at all possible. At the very least, we hope Apple will allow it to be used in countries where the provider does permit tethering.

July 11th, 2008

Nullriver releases Tuner for iPhone

Listen to thousands of Internet radio broadcasts right on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Bookmark your favorite stations, browse by genre, pick from the top 500 stations, search for stations or add your own streams using Tuner.

May 3rd, 2008

MediaLink 1.5 adds Aperture support!

We've just updated MediaLink to version 1.5 and it includes full Aperture library support, folders support within the iTunes source and a slew of other improvements.

April 24th, 2008

Connect360 3.3 now available!

Connect360 3.3 has just been released, bringing with it a number of highly requested features and many stability and performance improvements. Download and give it a go today!

March 16th, 2008

MediaLink 1.3 released!

We're pleased to announce MediaLink version 1.3. This release adds many bug fixes and optimizations as well as a number of enhancements; including support for QuickLook technology on Leopard and RAW image transcoding.

February 1st, 2008

New site, support improvements

We are in the process of upgrading our technical support infrastructure to accommodate for the recent increase in inquiries. We are working hard to get back to everyone as soon as possible and we are also working on a brand new site with a greatly improved support section. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

January 10th, 2008

MediaLink 1.2 adds support for AAC streaming

MediaLink now supports AAC playback without transcoding. The new 1.2 update is available from the MediaLink product page. Enjoy!

January 7th, 2008

MediaLink for PlayStation 3 now available!

Today, we are announcing our newest media streaming product for the PlayStation 3! Until now, streaming your Mac's media to the PlayStation 3 has been a chore. Not anymore. With MediaLink, you'll get the solid PlayStation 3 integration you'd expect from your Mac. The free trial is available for download today!