world time
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Spim Ramsley is a middle-aged journalist who, like many professional
baseball players, came to Japan because he couldn't find work in his home
country. He achieved quite a following in the early '90s, but has since dropped
off the earth. We haven't finished transcribing all of his articles for use here
yet, if there are any volunteers to help go through his suitcase of articles,
please contact us. Only hardcore fans, of course, will be trusted with the
manuscripts of the master.
I have been surprised at how many hits we get every month! I also get mail
every day demanding me to post more articles. "I've read each one posted at
least 20 times already, and I want more!" That's an email I get at least a
hundred times a day.
I also get requests to set up ten or so mirror
sites from people who can't log on. Rest assured that I'm also working on that
and the fewer such requests I get, the sooner I can finish my work.
- Drunken Youth Overturns Mt. Fuji - Spim
bursts upon the scene. In his first article, not only does he reveal himself as
a literary genius, he also achieves the respect of Yamanashi Prefecture.
Genesis - Spim tells his own story of how he was
inspired to become a champion of journalistic integrity.
- Celebrity Endorsements These words of encouragement from
world famous celebrities appeared in the same issue as 'Genesis'. (165k gif)
- Bush, Lies, and Videotapes - Spim tells of his destiny of
coming to Japan, how he realized it, and how he fulfilled it.
- The Confession, Part I - Spim's services are requested
by a fellow Canadian.
- The Confession, Part II -
Spim solves the crime; but should he have?
- A View from
the Abyss - Spim almost leaves us. After 'The Confession I & II, which are
considered by some to be his worst work, his fans turn on him. He decides to
take desperate measures.
- Reborn - Spim tells of
his remarkable experience that portended he not leave just yet.
- The Mountain Man of Mitsutoge - Is there a Yeti-like beast
living on Mt. Mitsutoge? Spim thinks so.
- The
Conspiracy - Mel Torme and the United States of America are in danger. Can
Spim save them both?
- The Bonenkai - Spim
relates the tale of how he spends one day of Winter.
- Legend of the Sweating Foal - Spim tries to take a break
from his journalistic duties and ends up uncovering the scoop of the century.
- The Stamps of Bin Pu Phet - Spim stumbles upon the
ability to send letters in time.
- What's
Cooking? - A winter recipe to chase away the scurvy.
- To Love an Empress - Confession of an ex-lover of a member
of the Royal Family.
- Vampires in Yamanashi I -
Spim gets an offer to teach private lessons to some most questionable
- Vampires in Yamanashi II - Spim saves
the residents of Yamanashi prefecture from an undead threat.
- Firechicken - Spim seeks the ancient wisdom of China.
- A Homecoming of Sorts - Ater years as an ex-pat,
Spim returns to sweet sweet Canada.
- Tokugawa's
Vault - Spim goes on a quest for the golden lapdog.
- My Disappearance - Spim leaves his flock; but leaves
behind this final article to tell why he had no choice. Will he come back? Let
us pray.
Spim, if you are out there, on line, reading this now,
please come back! If you feel your life is in danger, we, your fans will
hide you. We will supply you with a typewriter, paper, ribbon, and scotch. All
the tools of your trade. If you won't come back, then write again. A man of
your talent must write. It is your duty. Send your articles to me,
without a return address if you have to, and I will post them here. You won't
make any money, but you will have the satisfaction of spreading the truth once
again. You left Yamanashi and look what happened to it. Don't leave the world
too. We are waiting.
world time
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