Nanjou Asuka - Itazura Koneko Twins Ch.9

Gura Nyuuto - Love Love Akira-kun

Here’s a new one courtesy of an anonymous commissioner. For those who are unfamiliar with Gura Nyuuto, his stuff often contains futa on male, which is the case here. Also, if you have a huge problem with femdom, this will make your head explode.
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Todd Special - Sweet Drunker

Here’s a tiny Bleach doujin courtesy of Fordman. It’s actually the second half of a doujin I translated a long time ago. This contains Soi FongxYoruichi.
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Type.90 - Blood Lunch Ch.8

Here’s the next chapter of Blood Lunch courtesy of Rune, Niagatrats, Decoy4924, JukanX, Cube, Talh3, & Netviper21.
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Charlie Nishinaka - Cheers Ch.14

Here’s a new chapter of Cheers courtesy of Starfox, Viper-san, & Cube. This is a donor project, so those of you who want to chip in can check the donor projects section for details.

I should have another chapter of Blood Lunch ready before the end of the night.

Jouji Manabe - Tail Chaser Vol.1

Here’s the full first volume of Tail Chaser courtesy of Cemex, Cube, RedRust, MaxBigfoot, Wrldtrvlr, Hollow49, Rosvo, Chaos2426, & Talh3. It’s time to move on to volume 2. Those of you who’d like to chip in on the next volume can check the donor projects section for details. One more note. someone’s pointed out that Jouji Manabe’s chosen english spelling for Marus’ name is actually Mars, so I’ve updated that throughout the book. In Japanese, her name does sound closer to Marus than it does to “Marz”, but feel free to pronounce it as you like.
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Kouda Tomohiro - Seka Seka Ch.7

Here’s the next chapter(last chapter of Vol.1) courtesy of Jun, MaxBigfoot, Aznmonk, Wrldtrvlr, Starfox, Copycat01, iBooks, & Talh3. Currently, I think I have 2 more raw chapters available to me(8 and 8.5), so those of you who want to chip in on those can check the donor projects section for details.
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Rebis - Prina the Dungeoneering Princess 3

Here’s a new one courtesy of JukanX. This should be the last of the Prina doujins unless the artist releases more. For now, you can grab it below. I’ll add a mediafire and ddl link later on.

Trying to get Tail Chaser and Seka Vol.1 done tonight. No promises, but there’s a good chance they’re both going out sometime in the next few hours.

Type.90 - Empire Hard Core 5

And here’s another one courtesy of Niagatrats. This one contains both Mai-Hime and Genshiken stories.
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Kisaragi Gunma - Positive Reaction to You