Sponsored Project: Harem x Harem, Chapter 1


It's like deja-vu!  ... sorta
Good news:  I'm releasing the first chapter of Harem x Harem to the general public.  This chapter is sponsored by JukanX.  I had a lot of fun with this chapter, I even ended up decensoring certain pages.  thrilled  Sorry it's late.  I had to work this weekend. worried

Good news: Because I've had numerous "anonymous" donors, I'll be giving up on the one month exclusivity thing, ala Tadanohito, and release chapters as soon as available.

Good news:  Chapter 2 of Harem x Harem is almost done.  Hopefully, I'll have it out on Wednesday. yay!
Digression:  If I was off tomorrow, I probably would have had Chapter 2 done then.  Unfortunately, I gotta work. worried

Good news:  If I'm able, I'll release Puri Puro Chapter 1 tomorrow or Monday!  good!


Links will be up as soon as possible:


  • Mr. Teatime:  You had me going there...!
  • Silencers:  Glad you're keeping up with Hana.  Thanks for visiting my blog!
  • Oliver:  Glad you liked Haken...  Don't know if you'll like Harem x Harem, 'tho...  High school girls. :/  
  • Skyline:  Glad you checked out the first volume of Hana's Holiday.  Please look forward to the next chapter.  And get some rest!
  • ad, fab, and eskor:  Sorry for the delay.  As I mentioned, I had to work. 

Hana's Holiday Season 2 - Holiday 3

Miko Hana!..

It's Miko Hana! Mabui (cute, colloquially), megane, miko, and mega-oppai, all in one! love

Hot off of Photoshop!  Pretty much.  I didn't bother to proofread it.  Sorry if there's any typos.  ^_^;;
I liked this chapter a lot for some reason... it must be because we get to see Hana in (and out of) Miko garb.  Kawaiiiii!  love

Yeah, I'm still in the middle of editing Puberty Crazies.  The Saigado stuff are like my quick breaks from the heavy duty, pain-staking editing stuff... which is unfortunately what Puberty Crazies has turned out to be... *sigh*.

I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do. ^_^

Links will be posted as soon as they are available.

  • Mr.Teatime:  Sorry for not responding sooner.  Glad you liked the new chapters of Haken...  And as for Megane-scans, I have no idea if it ever got off the ground.

Haken No Muuko-san, Chapter 2

. .


I'm in the middle of some heavy duty editing with Puberty Crazies.  And since that's been a slow process in the making, I thought I would crank out the next chapter of Saigado's "Haken no Muuko-san."

I was supposed to post this last night, but things didn't work out that way.

In this chapter, Yumeko has a new job, a new nickname, and demands from her grandfather and boss.  What's the poor girl to do?

Anyhow, enjoy! 


Muv-Luv Unlimited - Chapter 12, Sponsored Project: PuriPuro - Chapter 1, and an Honorable Mention: FAKKU!



I was actually hoping to post this on Wednesday, but numerous things came up. But, thank God it's Friday! (Although, in other parts of the world, it's already Saturday... but I digress...)

In this chapter, it's Takeru and babes on the beach. Can you say "fan service"? If I had more time and energy, I would have liked to color the full page featuring Meiya and company. But, such is life... As usual links will be posted as soon as possible.

Sponsored Project: PuriPuro - Chapter 1


You may know my policy: "No hentai stuff when kids are around." So, this weekend, the editing of PuriPuro Chapter 1 was set aside. However, that did allow me to finish translating Chapter 12 of Muv-Luv Unlimited. Nonetheless, I did manage to finish PuriPuro Chapter 1 this week (a couple of days late), so I'll sending out batch emails to all those who sponsored this project so far.

As with Chapter 0, this chapter is also brought to you by JukanX. (If it sounds like I'm promoting my sponsors... I am!)

As a reminder, if you make a contribution towards a chapter, please email me (via GMail) your transaction number and amount so I can properly email you the download link and credit you for your contribution.
Just for fun, I also color corrected the book jacket (or sleeve... at least the front part), just as I did with the book cover. I was also in a decensoring mood, so it's been selectively decensored. Plus the split pages were automagically spliced together!

Honorable Mention: FAKKU!

HAH! Like these guys need my help in mentioning them. If you don't know FAKKU! , you're new to hentai and you just crawled out from a cave somewhere. Anyhow, FAKKU! is all about hentai.  The folks at FAKKU! have one cool site that feature raw hentai mangas and mangas that they scanslate themselves. They also have a forum where you can post your comments of appreciation!

Last week, Nikon of FAKKU! approached me, and a number of other scanslators, with the idea of doing a public service of promoting scanslators. They've been featuring various scanslators on their site per month. I guess it's all in honor to those who help the cause of getting Japanese manga to the English speaking public. Anyhow, it seems my turn came up this month.

Thanks, FAKKU!. I'm honored!


  • J, F, and RJ:  Glad you liked Hana's Holiday Season 2 thus far!  Please look forward to the next chapter!
  • Perwert:  LOL!  Sorry, Koe de Oshigoto! doesn't contain graphic porn, but the subject mattter is definitely for adults.  (Obviously, people in the manga industry are trying to indoctrinate children early to the world of hentai!)
  • JukanX and JockeII:  Just wanted to say thanks again for updating me on Solaris-SVU and Deadfrog (respectively).

Koe de Oshigoto! - Chapter 1... ...and Puri Puro Update

Well, it's finally done! Photobucket Thanks to Conan of 4Dawgz for editing it rather quick. He did not bother with the SFXs, and I told him not to worry about it. I probably wouldn't have bothered much with the SFXs, either, due to all the other stuff I'm doing. But, I'll leave that for you, the viewing audience, to decide. Photobucket If you want/need the SFXs translated in some fashion, please kindly let Conan or me know! Anyhow, I have the file available via MediaFire. I think it'll be quicker than torrenting it.



I finished the color pages/introductory chapter (Chapter 0) of Puri Puro (see Sponsored Projects ), and I'm still in the midst of editing Chapter 1.  I will be emailing all contributors thus far the link for Chapter 0 this weekend once I give it a good proofread.  WARNING: The file size is large, 'coz of the high quality resolution.  I initially was planning on just zipping through the editing process, but the artwork, IMHO, was just too good to keep it looking splotchy!  I just had to stressclean up the color pages.  Kinda like what I did for color pages of the HQ version of Rori-Ana.  The book cover image was also split in 2, and I just had stress again to not only clean it, but join and color correct the darn thing as well.  Unfortunately, the person who scanned the images didn't scan the spine of the manga; there was actually a big chunk of image missing between the front and back cover that I had to redraw.  I could only guess at how the actual picture looked.  I hope I did it some justice.  To give y'all a sample of what I'm talking about, I'm posting a before and after samples of the manga cover.  The final version will look pretty close to what I have presented here thus far.


Anyhow, thanks to those who made contributions thus far, and special thanks to JukanX who made Chapter 0 and Chapter 1 possible!


Also, as with Rori-Ana and Boshi-Kan , I'll be making a LQ versions as well.  I know how precious bandwidth can be.


  • Mr.Teatime:  Glad you like Chapter 2 of Hana's continuing adventures sexploits!  As always, thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to post a comment! gawrsh

Hana's Holiday Season 2 - Holiday 2


Well, I'm still currently busy translating and editing chapter 1 of PuriPuro as a sponsored project; it's taking a bit longer since I'm fussing with cleaning the color pages and selective de-censoring.  I wanted to take a break, so I translated Chapter 2 of Hana's Holiday Season 2 real quick.  I translated and edited this in a span of about 3 daysNowai, which, considering my fussy editing habits, is pretty darn good!    Unfortunately, I didn't take the time to QC it.  Hopefully, I don't have too many typos or anything!  sweat


Anyhow, enjoy!  Links will be posted when available.


JukanX: Luckily computers nowadays warn of potential hard drive problems, although I should back up my files more regularly. crash

JockeII: Not tired of the old smilies.  But I do like to have variety. yeahh

Pasta:  Being employed is a good thing!


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