Dead Space PC Version Perplexed With Control Problems and Issues - Not Fluid Enough

For all our hardcore PC audience, that means everyone of you, we recently got hands on with an early copy of EA’s Dead Space for the PC. Good news? It’s still Dead Space!

Bad news? The controls are 2nd to the worst controls we’ve seen ever since Path of Neo came to the PC platforms. The smoothness compared to consoles is just not there, and from what we can tell it doesn’t seem like a patch can fix most of the issues. Inventory stack access becomes frustrating when fighting with monsters and aiming for on-the-fly changes. The controls just aren’t smooth. When contacting EA Redwood Shores regarding these issues:

Dead Space for PC is an equivalent experience to that on consoles. The controls are different and customizable, but we feel it’s in the best ability for the players to match what the console experience is like.

It’s ironic that it needs to be argued that it matches the console experience from the controls in EA’s eyes.  The fact isn’t a matter of customization as much as it’s just not feasible to do most of the mapped controls on the keyboard and still maintain a fluid transition between interface and gameplay. If you have a console, go with the console version of Dead Space. The PC one is just not the same thing. If you’re tight on $20 extra for the console version, rent it and then settle for the PC one after. It’s such a shame.

Posted By: Usman Ihtsham
ON Saturday, October 18th, 2008
2:30 PM