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Old 06-28-2007   #1 (permalink)
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Carefree minors treat unwanted pregnancies like a dose of the clap

Reika is a Piruya, making her living through illicit sales of the Pill and Morning After Pill to minors, according to Spa! (7/3).

Even Reika, who's seen a lot in her 19 years, is fairly shocked by the way lots of teenage Japanese girls treat the issue of pregnancy.

"Even if you teach them the right way to take the pills, they'll take them all at once and collapse, or in the case of the Morning After Pill, only take one instead of the two they're supposed to and then complain that they won't stop bleeding," Reika tells Spa!

Reika says teenage girls definitely have a preference for the Morning After Pill.

"You get fat when you go on the Pill, so they all hate it. Many of those that do go on the Pill end up taking other drugs so they can lose weight. It's unbelievable," Reika says. "I'm getting out of this business because recently a lot of gynecologists have started prescribing the Pill to minors even if they don't have a health insurance card or permission from their parents. Lots of guys buying sex from these girls will also sell them the Morning After Pill and some women use online billboards for used clothes to advertise sales of the pills to minors.

"There's this drug called Cravit that's selling really well now. It works the same as the Morning After, but it also clears up chlamydia, so the girls can't get enough of it."

It's become common, apparently, for some pregnant minors to perform self abortions by consuming large quantities of the high-dose Pill.

"I often hear of girls going around bragging that they fell pregnant, but got rid of the baby by taking a huge dose of the Pill," Reika says. "Some girls tend to think of a pregnancy as nothing more than an extension of a mild case of the clap."

Reika says that many minors circumvent requirements to present health insurance certificates by simply forging them, a practice spreading through word of mouth. A gynecologist, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirms the practice.

"There are many hospitals that will perform an abortion on a minor even if they know they have submitted a fake health insurance card. But it's 100 percent out of humane consideration that they do this. If they call up the girl's parents and start telling her off, there's a chance she might run away and it'll be too late for an abortion by the time they find her," the physician tells Spa! "Some of these doctors are accused of being baby killers, or merchants of death, so to avoid that, they perform the operations almost on a volunteer basis. If a doctor offers treatment to someone they know is using a fake health insurance card, the doctor can be liable to prosecution, so they do the abortions for free. If they do charge, it's the same as normal, but they allow for partial or delayed payments. You can only find these hospitals in Tokyo or larger cities, though."

Piruya Reika says a lot of Tokyo gynecological hospitals will perform abortions on minors with no questions asked. She says it's easy for girls to find out where to go, courtesy of mobile phone sites that list the places that will willingly terminate pregnancies for girls. But Reika adds there are risks involved.

"Some fraudsters get on the sites and offer to give abortions without health insurance or permission from parents," Reika tells Spa! "But then they demand half the cost of the operation to be paid up front and then vanish once they get the money." (By Ryann Connell)
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