Hey Roger; I was wondering if you knew anything about market research, business law, statistics, or logistics. I am working on a project, and constructing a power team to do it better.
Chorus(Church Organ Part.x2 per Chorus): G-A-C-G-Em-C-G-D...Basic Chord Progression...and it always ends on an Am....Then a new Verse Starts. This part is also played along the Solo, after the little clean guitar medley with the wrath of doom and then some delay ^ . ~.
Hope you found the music sheet. If not, hope this helps. There is chord missing somewhere...but ehh..it sounds fine this way. I just woke up, so can't listen very very well.
Cool primo. We practice this Wednesday if you can make it. Take it home whenever you want man. It's just sitting at Arnie's basement. I really need you to learn this song...top priority. "Los Dioses Ocultos. " It doesn't matter if you play it simple for now, just get the chords right and it'll be great! Peace out primo!