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New TopToy DSTT Multimedia Card for NDS and NDS Lite (Supports SDHC)

Price: $10.70 free shipping

SKU 15613
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  Typically ships in 2 to 5 business days*   Worldwide Free Shipping on Everything Worldwide Free Shipping
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- Genuine (DSTT official site) product guaranteed: all shipments of this product are guaranteed to be the genuine card as posted on the official DSTT website.
- Compatible with NDS and NDS Lite
- Runs Homebrew Software
- Touch screen interface menu
- Plays media files (MoonShell)
- MicroSD SDHC Compatible
- Auto DLDI Patching for DLDI supported Homebrew
- Cheat Codes are supported
- Reads FAT and FAT32 formatted MicroSD
- Wifi supported
- To learn more, visit GBATemp:
- Official Manufacturer Site:
- Please note that this version of the DSTT does not come with USB TF card reader.

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Ownership verified by DX Genuine DSTT Card
Posted by salvdlzn on 10/7/2008
Involvement: General (knows how to use it) - Ownership: 1 day to 1 week

Price: starstarstarstarstar
Ease of Use: starstarstarstar
Build Quality: starstarstarstar
Usefulness: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar

Pros: Genuine card
Quick loading
Good price
Quality product
Able to use 3rd party software
Play games
SDHC Compatible - MicroSD card from 1GB-16GB

Cons: Cant say theres really any cons about a DSTT card. It plays all games without to much hassle as it is genuine. Be aware that not all software/games run perfect but as they update the OS Menu software on the DSTT site, compatibility will grow.

Other Thoughts: Be sure to put the 'roms' in a games folder on the sd card as i have had trouble loading games off the root dir after awhile.

Bottomline: If you want a DS Slot 1 card for a low price then you cant pass this up!

Ownership verified by DX Works great
Posted by TheMarkster on 10/6/2008
Involvement: General (knows how to use it) - Ownership: 1 day to 1 week

Price: starstarstarstarstar
Ease of Use: starstarstarstar
Build Quality: starstarstarstarstar
Usefulness: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar

Pros: It's inexpensive and it works. Just go to the manufacturer's website,, click English, then Downloads, and get the latest English language kernel TTSMenuOS file and unzip it into the root directory of your microSD/Transflash card.

Cons: N/A

Other Thoughts: Apparently, there are some fake counterfeit products out there on the market claiming to be this particular product. The manufacturer suggests that they have put an anti-fake ecm into their kernel that will damage the fake ones. It didn't damage mine, so I guess that means the one DX sells is genuine, not that DX would ever knowingly sell a counterfeit product.

Bottomline: It works. It's cheap. It's genuine. What more could you ask for?

Ownership verified by DX Best value, super fast loading card
Posted by heathyboy on 10/6/2008
Involvement: Expert (understands the inner workings) - Ownership: 1 day to 1 week

Price: starstarstarstarstar
Ease of Use: starstarstarstar
Build Quality: starstarstarstar
Usefulness: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar

Pros: 1. Seems to play anything I throw at it
2. Allows me to carry my whole collection on 1 card instead of carting around 20 other cartridges
3. Is white like my DS
4. Fits snugly into the DS slot-1
4. Allows micro SDHC cards (I use an 8GB one)
5. Works with EZFlash 3-in-1 slot-2 device

Cons: 1. The sticker was stuck on very crooked indicating low qc, but who cares
2. You have to do a bit of research and download the kernel to get all the functions right, but because it'll take a few days to arrive, it's no big deal
3. The mircoSD slot in the card is spring loaded, yet it doesn't lock it in place, which I feel defeats its purpose
4. There is no way to file/sort games using the DSTT software, but I don't mind too much

Other Thoughts: Played for 20hrs now with no problems at all.

Bottomline: If you want a compact DS system without having to carry all your games arround, get this right now.

Ownership verified by DX DSTT review.
Posted by DarkBuu on 10/6/2008
Involvement: General (knows how to use it) - Ownership: 1 week to 1 month

Price: starstarstarstarstar
Ease of Use: starstarstarstarstar
Build Quality: starstarstar
Usefulness: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstar

Pros: -Its cheap
-Easy to use
-Build quality of actual card is great
-Fits in DS nicely
-Works wonderfully
-Genuine ( NOT fake )

Cons: -The quality of the spring loading microsd slot differs for each card from what I have seen, and isn't always good.
-Color? Well its not a con more of a small quirk.

Other Thoughts: I ordered three of these at first and now I'm waiting on a shipment of 10 to arrive although the cards are great for the price I notice the cards are built nicely as far as plastic quality is concerned but the microsd slots on each of the cards differ in quality. One works perfectly, one the spring loading doesn't work, i question whether there is even a spring in that one but the microsd does go in and stays put, and the third card gave me the most problems, I thought the microsd card was in correctly and it wouldn't boot the microsd. Turns out the spring loading was extremely horrible, mircrosd card wouldnt fit all the way in till i broke the spring out and now the card just goes in.

Bottomline: Bottom line it would get all 5 stars had it not been for the spring loading quality. And as for the menu, I knew how it was before I bought it so can't really complain about that.

Specifications Return to top    
Dimensions: 1.38 in x 1.3 in x 0.16 in
Weight: 0.88 oz
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