カンボジア・発展途上国の人道・人権支援 国際難民援助センター・募金にご協力を  NGOありがとう ボランティアNPO 小学校寄付、井戸建設、食糧、医療、医薬品


Welcome to the website or ARIGATOU, an NGO (non-governmental organization) dedicated to international refugee support.

ARIGATOU was establised in 2007 as a non-profit organization.  Our purpose is to support poor developing countries, particularly Cambodia so far, in the areas of financial support.

This website is made to show Japanese the situation of poor developing countries, a poor country where people with few possessions struggle to live.   We want to introduce to Japanese the real situation in poor developing countries. 

NGO ARIGATOU is officially recognized by the Cambodian government.  The financial support for all of our activities comes from donations from individuals and companies, particularly in Japan.  

We are doing out best to make the future of poor developing countries brighter.

We hope you will be able to support our projects.  Thank you.

    ∽ カンボジア・発展途上国の人道・人権支援 国際難民援助センター・募金にご協力を  NGOありがとう ボランティアNPO 小学校寄付、井戸建設、食糧、医療、医薬品 ∽