(2006年6月 中国・北京 開催)
Abstracts of Presentations
Daimei Aoshima(Japan)











@ ガン細胞は誰が作ったか?
A ガン細胞はなぜ作られたか?
B ガン細胞はどこで作られるのか?
C ガン患者はどのようにガン細胞を作る方法を学ぶのか?
D どのようにガン細胞を作っているのか?


Since the start of the 1970’s,
environmental pollution has worsened more than ever before together with the
process of industrialization. Gas emissions such as nitrogen oxides from
factories and automobiles have caused mutations in the nuclei of cells of
living bodies including bone marrow and spermatozoa. It is also believed that
they lead to and worsen such diseases as cancers.
That viruses play a part in the cancerous
change of not only the liver but also the stomach and the brain is recognized
today. While vaccines have been found to
be effective against hepatitis B and interferon against hepatitis C, no
effective medicine has been discovered so far against the EB virus, which
causes nasopharyngeal cancer.
According to a survey conducted by the
Ministry of Health and Labor in 2005, patients who died of cancer increased to
324,000, five times as many as those in 1950. Cancer topped the three causes of
death (Figure 1) followed by heart attack and cerebral vascular diseases.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public
Health predicts that in total, 200,000 males and 130,000 females will die from
a variety of cancers in 2015.
Modern western medical treatments that
include surgical operations as well as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are likely
to cause harmful side effects. Granted that such treatments cure some forms of
cancer, they also cause unbearable pains to patients of cancer in progressive
and terminal stages. Tragically, in some cases, the treatment brought more pain
to patients than the cancer did.
The world’s first cloned sheep was born in
the UK in 1996, and contemporary medicine continues to develop techniques
to search for genetic information contained in the DNA. I have come to believe
that the genetic information is related to disease. I treated 410 patients who
suffered from different forms of cancers from January 24, 2000 to December 21, 2005 and realized
that most of them have something in common. Some of the cases are described
Case 1: 71-year-old man of no occupation
On March 28, 2005,
he was unable to urinate. Although a catheter was inserted into his urethra,
his abdomen swelled. After several examinations, he was suspected of having prostate
cancer. Two weeks prior to a puncture test, the patient’s son applied to his
father the Qigong treatments he learned from me. Later at the test, his doctor
told him: “The cancerous cells have all vanished. I have never seen such a strange phenomenon
in my long time career,” looking totally puzzled.
After he was cured of prostate cancer, he
seldom received any Qigong treatments.
On November 19, 2005, he had major bleeding in his urine and was
immediately hospitalized. He lost much weight and could not get out of bed
because of pain. He received tests on suspicion of bladder cancer, and the
marker index reading was 976.2U/ml(NMP-22). He underwent several Qigong treatments since then. After a CT scan later, he was told that there
was nothing abnormal. These days, he can walk around without pain, and his
marker readings have turned normal. (Figures 2,3,4)
Case 2: A 38-year-old nurse
She had a seizure quite suddenly and fell
unconscious on November 24, 2003. She was
immediately hospitalized. After an MRI test, she was told to have contracted a
malignant brain tumor. Although she took
an anticonvulsant, her condition continued to deteriorate. I visited her on
December 22nd and treated her. After the first treatment (Figure 5),
her hands were not longer paralysed.
However, she got a relapse after visiting her sick friend in January.
She visited my clinic on February 1st (Figure 6), and showed some
improvement on and off (Figures 7, 8).
Nonetheless, she continued receiving Qigong treatments. On October 29, 2004, she took the MRI test again and was told that the tumor had gone
(Figure 9). Since then, she has not had
a seizure or paralysis in her hands (Figure 10).
Case 3: A veterinarian of 53 years old
In January 2005, a tumor was found in the
lymph node of his neck. He was suspected of having lymphoma after a PET test.
The high readings of the tumor marker confirmed the malignancy. (Figure 11)
He refused every modern medical treatment
such as surgical operations, anticancer drugs and radiotherapy. He decided to
overcome his lymphoma with nothing but Qigong treatments. As early as the first
treatment, the tumor shrank and almost vanished at the time of the second
treatment. The PET test I advised him to take showed that the lymphoma had
disappeared completely. The tumor marker diagnosis of May also showed a normal
level. When he went through the PET test and tumor marker diagnosis again in
March 2006, he was told the readings were normal. He is back at his animal hospital working
normally. (Figures 12, 13)
Cases similar to the above are inexhaustible.
The key to treat cancer is to classify it by the causes as follows:
Who makes cancer cells?
Patients themselves make cancer cells.
Everybody knows this fact. However, few
people treat cancer with this fact in mind. According to recent medical
research, every one of us from babies to seniors produces several thousands of
cancer cells per day however healthy we are. In other words, people in good
health are capable of killing and eliminating several thousands of cancer cells
everyday. As long as we do not produce more cancer cells than we can dispose
of, we can but perish. Cancer is indeed curable if patients do not put out
excessive cancer cells. Patients can get over cancer with the aid of Ta-Ming
Qigong, which helps people to reduce their excessive cancer cells by repeating
the treatments.
Why do some people make
cancer cells?
I suppose that patients with cancer have a
physical necessity to produce cancer cells.
Our body needs to make stronger cells or cells capable of stocking more
energy when we have weak parts in our body.
If our body errs in making such cells, they turn cancerous.
The more impatient you grow wishing to win
or to become stronger, the more you are susceptible to liver cancer. Because
the more you have weak parts, the more you need to make stronger cells.
Where are the cancer
cells generated?
The head makes a variety of Qi
necessary for our body. Qi can thus be changed in quality by excesses of
anguish, sorrow and joy as well as by mental causes. Qi also changes in
quality in order to satisfy the cells of the different organs. The very need of
cancer cells therefore results in producing cancerous Qi.
How do patients with
cancer learn the way to make cancer cells?
In most cases, they get cancer by transcribing the information of how to
make cancer cells on their cells under the influence of cancerousQi. For example, if there are cancer
patients among your family, relatives and intimate friends, you are exposed to
their influence and prone to receive their cancerous information. The evil
Qi of diseases in particular comes out of the tips of one’s toes, so that
you are very susceptible to the evil influence when you sit right in front of
cancer patients. In addition to cancer patients, you are likely to receive the evil
Qi at hospitals and graveyards as well as through ritual commemorations of
How are cancer cells
When some of the numerous channels in the
head get clogged, multiple kinds of Qi combine together and make up an evil
Qi undesirable for the body. It is just like rivers. When the flow of rivers stagnates, the
standing water eutrophicates and rots. When you receive the evil Qi,
your healthy cells turn cancerous. When I examine the Qi of patients
suffering from cancer, I see the evil Qi coming out from four corners of
their heads.
Now, supposing that there are variations of
Qi that make up the normal cells of respectively the mammary gland(a),
the lung (b) and the lymph node(c). For
example, “aa” represents the Qi of breast cancer, “ab” or “aab” means
the Qi of breast cancer that is likely to metastasize to lung, and “ac”
or “aac” is the Qi of breast cancer that is likely to spread to the
lymph nodes. Such variations of Qi, which are the sources of vitality,
determine the features of cells. (a, b, c are various energy combinations of
Yin and Yang)
The Qi of breast cancer makes breast
cancer remain somewhere in the body even after a mastectomy, so that the
remaining Qi spreads and makes cancerous cells similar to breast
adenocarcinoma cells. Once you get cancer, its Qi is registered in your
body, which retains its route, and you are more likely to have cancer again.
I think this can be, for the same reason,
an example of normal cells turning into abnormal ones like dermal moles.
I treat cancer patients in the following
When the channels are clogged up, a lot of Qi
combine, stagnate, and coagulate. The clots turn cancerous. I try to restore
the balance of Qi and clear a number of channels, thereby eliminating
cancer and hindering cancer from recurring.
I turn many times the Qi circulating
clockwise at 45 degrees from the Pai-Hui in the head in order to interrupt the
production of evil Qi therefore preventing cancer from making new
cancerous cells. (Figure 14) In
principle, if the Qi in the channels of the head are the good Qi,
no evil Qi is
produced. The faster the Qi goes
around the Chou-Tien, the more the good Qi is sent out into the body, so
that more good cells are made.
Also, some sports or diversions help keep
the channels clear, leading to the improvement of the condition.
I think it is possible, as an individual,
to cure and prevent cancer by enforcing the circulation of the head’s channels併せて
thereby eliminating the evil Qi that causes cancer. By doing this, we
can stop the dissemination and the epidemic of
the cancerous Qi.
I am sure that we, as a social force, can
annihilate this wide spreading cancer in the world.
※ この論文に添付されている図表1〜14は、学術交流会議での発表の際、会場内のプロジェクター