I still need to thank all of you for the wonderful comments you left in my blog.
I am extremely grateful to have people who support me.
Even if things aren’t and won’t be easy, I feel like I’m not completely alone, no matter how far you might be from me, physically.
Thank you all, so much.
By the way, I have the mixi problem fixed. Someone sent me an invite! Thanks so much for the offers though!!! (Nano sent one to me before I saw any other comments when I got back home from work - Thank you Nano!!!!)
Talking about Nano….
Nano participated in a live event tonight.
I was so moved by her performance.
She was so emotional in the way she sang.
It made me realize how much she’s grown as an artist since the time when I first heard her sing.
I’m not good with words in general, so for me….expressing what I feel inside is very frustrating but….
It’s as if I still can’t believe all that is happening.
That we were both two people who went through so much in life…
With our own personal battles….
And yet our paths crossed.
And we worked towards our goals together
Even when separated
And even still now
Thank you, God.
Even when things are so difficult, physically and emotionally….
There are so many other things that are good to make up for the bad.
I feel like I’ve been blessed.
For people who might still not know….
Nano is someone who really changed something in me.
Me who couldn’t see the light…
Who thought everything seemed to be over…
And even though there was still a bit of hope left inside my heart…
It’s Nano who helped me revive it.
She was one who believed, even though no one gave her that hope.
She made it herself.
And it made me open my eyes.
I met Nano on the internet back at the end of summer 2006.
And even though I’ve been thinking of finding a way to come to Japan since summer 2005, I lacked determination… and belief. I thought there was no way that I could do anything.
That it was too late. That it was all over.
And yet, because of Nano’s powerful hope and words, just like magic…
I set my mind completely, on january 1st, 2007.
I would definitely come to Japan.
No matter how impossible it seemed to be, I’d find a way.
I’d get out of my debts, I’d change my life and my fate.
I’d follow the thing that I love the most in the world…. singing.
Even if it didn’t make any sense, I’d do it.
Even if no one could give me a guarantee of what would happen, I’d do it.
I didn’t really openly talk about it to many people.
Especially at work, if I told people about it, they’d smirk at me sarcastically.
And tell me to get my feet back on the ground.
Or that you can be happy with simple things in life.
I’ve been told all sorts of things that made me get a bit discouraged.
But no one could destroy that determination I got from Nano’s ‘magic’.
And I know it’s not won yet.
Nothing is written.
Nothing is easy nor automatic.
If you want to get the things that you truly desire, trust me, you have to sacrifice, you have to work hard.
And it’s never over.
It’s always about surpassing yourself and taking on challenges you never did before.
And it’ll be like that from now on as well.
Thank you, Nano.
For the powerful things you’ve done for me.
Thank you so much….
All the musicians that performed tonight were so talented.
It was a very pleasant event.
And it made me realize that….
You don’t have to have the richest voice.
You don’t have to have the strongest voice.
You don’t have to sound ‘perfect’.
Sure, you have to have talent and good technical aspects but…
There are so many different sorts of voices out there….
With a different ringing, a different emotion….
Different styles….. different ‘worlds’
Being a good musician isn’t all about the technical aspects…..
Being an excellent musician requires the emotion.
Yes….the passion….the feeling…
And the determination to pursue such a difficult path.
Because truthfully, more than the outside eyes can see….
It’s not an easy path.
So to all of you out there with a dream.
With a strong passion for something.
Don’t let it go, ever. And don’t let anyone extinguish that fire.
Because passion is what makes us alive.
I’m sorry for such a long post that goes from one thing to the other….
I really started writing this in the intention of praising Nano, but I ended up saying so much more.
I’m sorry. T_T
In the end, I just hope that Nano sees this too.
Because she truly WAS and IS my biggest inspiration.
Thank you for the beautiful performance you did tonight, Nano.
And I just want to let everyone know how important of a change you were in my life, despite all the difficult things that happened between us.
Good luck, for saturday.
I am looking forward to it.