Nakata Hidetoshi gets his ass kicked..

July 1st, 2006 by James

The following images have been floating around Japanese forums. They appear to show Korean fans doing what they do best: hating Japan.

Look, a group of people wearing identical red shirts. Korean fans, perhaps?

One of them is dragging some blue thing behind him on a rope…

Kick, kick! Those guys in the Korea shirts really don’t like the blue thing they are kicking! What is it?

Why, a Japanese soccer uniform, with Nakata Hidetoshi’s name written on it! Take that, Japan!

Give it up, Nakata! These fans have made it clear that Japan sucks! You just got owned! After that ass kickin’, Japan is sure to give up its claim on Dokdo!

Related Posts:

Hidetoshi Nakata retires from Soccer

Japanese girls reveal their favorite Japan national soccer team hunks

Japanese fans fight each other after Japan’s horrible loss

Japan News for July 07, 2007

The Japanese media’s latest take on Korean crime

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Comment by mark
2006-07-02 15:28:58

god, both sides need to shut the fuck up. it’s getting old already. grow up.

Comment by James (admin)
2006-07-02 15:42:04

Last time I checked, the non-Korean ’side’ hasn’t done done much of anything, aside from laugh at the stupidity of Korean ultra-nationalist bullshit.

Comment by mark
2006-07-02 20:03:02

yeah, all those dog jokes and calling koreans “gooks” isn’t anything… you people–japanese and korean ultra-nationalists alike–live in your own kooky world. i hope you both destroy one another. *thumbs up*

Comment by Darin
2006-07-02 22:26:50

isn’t ‘gook’ an english word for a Korean (or Vietnamese depending on the year)? Why would a Japanese person call someone that?

Comment by David tz
2006-07-03 14:44:32

Actually, “gook” is a Korean word equivilent to “country”. A “min-gook” is Korean for USA and “way-gook” is Korean for “foreigner”. “Dae-Han-min-gook” is the Korean word for “Korea”

Comment by Nobita
2006-07-04 08:29:32

I am a Japanese. Such a scene might be very a surprise for the person who doesn’t know South Korea well. However, such a scene is often seen in South Korea. The anti-Japanese sentiment of general Korean people is too abnormal. “why they have such a the anti-Japanese sentiment?” Most of them answers this question the same reason, “At the period of 36 years from 1910 to 1945, Korean people were tortured very much by Japan’s colonialization. All Japanese are wicked.” In all school in South Korea, the history fabricated by intention is taught children. The history that they study is not an exaggeration to say “Fantasy”. Only bad phenomena of a Japanese society are collected by intention and media of South Korea are reported to Korean people. Why have Japanese have been allowing such South Korea’s behavior until the present? The reason is that most Japanese have not been interested in South Korea at all. The Japanese’s having begun to notice such South Korean’s abnormal feelings is very recent. Media of Japan should clearly point out a bad part about the history education of South Korea, and Japanese should urge to improve history education of them.
Korean poeple’s character;
Korean child educated on an anti-day drew pictures.

Comment by choleran
2006-07-04 12:23:52

-Racist and stupid comment deleted by admin-

Comment by dude
2006-07-04 15:01:37

if any of u people have met anyone from either japan or korea, you already know answer to this very issue, perhaps?

Comment by K
2006-07-04 16:13:51

Why korean hate Japan so much? I havent seen any Japanese demonstrating against Korea, but Korean does it so often against Japan in a very rude way. It just looks ridicurous.
This attitude isn’t really acceptable, if Korea wants to be a rival of Japan, they must have good manners with international commonsense at least.
Otherwise they will be neglected.



Comment by Hideo
2006-07-04 20:22:46

Hello mark,

If you do not mind, would you please fuck your ass with sex toy made in China, or suck North Korean’s junk missile?

Comment by from paris
2006-07-04 20:31:47

Some Koren and Chinese believe that Japan has been their enemy since the last war.Their historical educations between Korea and Japan are made of the distortion of facts.

I think most Japanese didn’t hate Korean in fact,but Korean hates Japan and their attitudes to Japan are so rude in many ways,so Japasese get hating them.
And for them,sports are like war, if Japan won,they get angry,if Japan lose,they are pleased with it.

Comment by tokyo majin
2006-07-04 21:49:09
South Korean’s education for kids is too terrible.
They’ve taught such a thing for children for more than 50 years after WW2.
And,almost Koreans live in Japan(called “Zainichi-chousenjin”) are criminals.They do rape womens,rob of moneys and estates,defraud,and more.
Also,their most biggest crime is PACHINKO.They take away money by it for North Korea’s missile ,TAEPODONG.
We thought that they should be died out from the earth.

Comment by Nobita
2006-07-04 22:05:58

We Japanese have not been interested though Korean people have the anti-Japanese sentiment. They have their own method of educating their children, and the Japanese cannot say anything
about it.
However, Over 10% of all crimes that occur in Japan were committed by foreigners, and the number of crimes that Korean committed occupies more than 50% of all of foreigners’ crimes. Korean people who have the anti-Japanese sentiment tends to think to be allowed even if they do wrong against Japanese people. Korean people who committed crimes in Japan tends to justify their own crimes.
The South Korea government is bringing up Korean’s children as criminals. Japanese Government should strongly and immediately criticize South Korean’s history education that have plenty of lies. Peaceful life of Japanese people is dropped into crisis by the stupid education of South Korea.

Comment by Indonesian
2006-07-04 22:11:31

This picture is no surprising. Korean people are always acting like this. Right now, they are doing the same regarding Takeshima problem. They have stolen this island and resort to force when they cannot deal with it. They are like Chinese. They really are shameful Asian people.

Comment by James (admin)
2006-07-04 22:21:09

Nobita: I am not sure I agree with your comments about crime by foreigners. As this link shows , the statistics that Japanese politicians like to mention about foreign crime are very misleading. The majority of foreigners arrested in Japan are arrested for visa violations, not theft/rape/violent crimes. The number of arrests of foreigners for crimes like theft/rape/violent crime show that Japanese people are just as likely to commit those crimes. The page uses statistics from 2003, but I doubt things have changed very much in 3 years.

Comment by 生
2006-07-04 22:40:37


Comment by nono
2006-07-04 22:53:03

       /( ´ⅴ`)  /\     ノノノハヽ
     /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|\/    ( ´ Д `)
       |       |/∽∽∽∽( O┬O
    =≡ ◎ ̄ ̄ ̄◎   .=≡ ◎-ヽJ┴◎ キコキコ

Comment by YANO
2006-07-04 23:17:03


Comment by Nobita
2006-07-04 23:22:59

James> You mentioned on the 2003 statistics, as you understand. and this data is counted criminals arrested in 2002 in actual. And you mentioned “The majority of foreigners arrested in Japan are arrested for visa violations”…do you really think so? Please try to check on 2005 data, According to this data(2004 actual), the total number of arrested foreigners were 32,087, and visa violation were 12,516. Can you say “The visa violation is majority” even now? And this data is 2004 actual one. It is forecast that the number of crimes by Korean criminals on 2005 increased by 50% compared with the previous year.
This previous year is not 2005 but 2004. 2005 data has not issued yet. Please understand this year is 2006. And please watch TV news on crimes that Korean committed.

Comment by Toshi
2006-07-04 23:30:06

I like Japan, and I do not want to leave Japan.
However, I want to leave Korea.

Comment by KK
2006-07-04 23:34:50

So sorry for the low level personality.
I do not think that this level is the ordinary level of Korean people.
I would like Korean people to see the pictures.
It is really shameful behavior.

Comment by Nobiyam
2006-07-04 23:41:52

I am not surprised their behavior like this, because it is only way to think about what they, Korean, are. They are not acturaly human like us.

Comment by a.n
2006-07-05 00:31:29

It is not a rare thing.They always regard Japan with hostility.
The Korean eccentric conduct that the world sometimes sees is always performed for Japan.

The world should notice Korean dangerous nationalism.

Of course there is the person who had good sense toward a Korean. However, that kind of people are the minority.

Comment by xiao riben
2006-07-05 00:50:08


Comment by galaxie500
2006-07-05 00:59:44


Comment by from Japan
2006-07-05 01:03:21

The behavior which it should be ashamed.

The Korean nationality、It became clear.

It is the country whose worldwide wholeheartedness is poor.

Comment by 2ちゃんねらー
2006-07-05 01:06:53



Comment by haru
2006-07-05 01:17:28



Comment by akiko
2006-07-05 01:33:41

These actions are ..South Korean and Korean race.. daily lives. However, neither the government nor the mass communication in Japan inform the Japanese people of their behavior.

Comment by koro
2006-07-05 01:57:13


Comment by deez
2006-07-05 02:17:52

It is korean.
Sometimes they eat japanese flag too.
They must be so hungry..:D

Comment by mikaka
2006-07-05 02:39:41

Typical Koreans with childish act. no surprise.

Comment by akiko
2006-07-05 02:57:50

When it is done that it is good, the South Korean says, “I am South Korean”, and when a bad thing is done, is educated to say, “I am Japanese”.
Those acts are being revealed in every country in the world.

Comment by bitchkiller
2006-07-05 03:03:17


Comment by AKR
2006-07-05 03:19:56

>> bitchkiller

Please don’t fall to the level ‘dae-han-min-gook’.

Comment by fa-byon
2006-07-05 04:40:49

their acting shows that Korea is still the THIRD world.
It goes around,comes around. Poor Koreans!

Comment by ほげほげ
2006-07-05 05:01:14




Comment by sugar honey ice tea
2006-07-05 06:00:14

shame on korean people. they are so poor…

Comment by dd
2006-07-05 07:18:32

Hey Jap
You guys and Koreans are in a same level arent you?
Dont blame your bros and suck your ass hole each other forever

Comment by kimuti-kusai
2006-07-05 08:29:30

It cannot be helped because the South Korean is a barbarian.

Comment by ぽこたん
2006-07-05 09:36:47


Comment by ひであき
2006-07-05 13:38:22



Comment by do not trust chinks and koreans
2006-07-05 18:52:46

to dd I’m japanese and
Even if you have such an idea, I am not surprised at all.

coz Chinks and koreans do it bad in foreign countries

They pretend Japanese always.

Comment by Hideo
2006-07-05 19:00:04

Hey dd

I am sure your level is lower than Koreans, May be worse than North Koreans.

Congratulations!! North Korea is ready to fuck your ass with their missile!!

Comment by komi
2006-07-05 19:24:37



Comment by ellada
2006-07-05 22:18:02


Comment by akiko
2006-07-05 23:21:51

To Mr. dd

It might be good to visit South Korea and Japan once if you think so.

However, saying so only by seeing in the Internet is irresponsible.

Comment by フルハウス
2006-07-05 23:47:22


Comment by zen
2006-07-06 00:50:24

Their behavior is not remarkable.
Because they are Korean.
They are people in very typical Korea.

Comment by ぱぶろ
2006-07-06 14:12:39


Comment by ぽー
2006-07-06 16:02:12


Comment by にられば
2006-07-06 22:26:57



Comment by 日本人
2006-07-06 23:00:41


Comment by A japanese
2006-07-07 01:49:41

Korean never be ashamed of their stupid behavior.
NorthKorean also that.
They always bother japanese .
They are very ugly!

Comment by TAKO
2006-07-07 04:09:30

Thay were brain-washed to hate Japan.
I think all problem is belong to the Korean goverment and their teacher.

Comment by Dav
2006-07-07 05:13:32

> Hey Jap
> You guys and Koreans are in a same level arent you?
> Dont blame your bros and suck your ass hole each other forever

Oh well, indeed. From reading comments of Japs, looks like they too are really dumbass.
So, you Japs are civilized people than Korean? Huh?
I bet you Japs only continue to fail with those quite pathetic notations.

Comment by karon
2006-07-07 13:03:12


Comment by bebe
2006-07-07 13:22:19


Comment by Ta
2006-07-07 13:24:41


2006-07-07 14:02:51

Korean will always be Korean….

We the Japanese don’t expect them to like us.

It’s just that they’re so pathetic that we don’t wanna be around

Especially, when their breath smell so bad…

Comment by さや
2006-07-07 19:15:45




Comment by Nanassy
2006-07-07 21:24:23

Don’t mind.
In South Korea, execute citizen in burning at the stake ceremony [[routinely]].
They burn anything to hate them.
In particular, they burn national flag of hateful country frequently.
(As well as it, they ignite them by oneself….)

It’s calmer than it that Korean kick their hateful.

Comment by Muhammad
2006-07-08 02:36:09

Japan and Palastine for the win!

Korea and Isreal for the lose!

Comment by Domino
2006-07-08 03:17:06


Comment by hp
2006-07-08 09:05:04

ergghh thats a bit tooo extreme…reallly shows how cassy korean football fans are

Comment by Japanese One
2006-07-08 19:03:16

I think they are standard Korean people.
They find one’s life worth living in the insult of Japan every day.

ex: VANK’s “Discount Japanese Campaign”.
To drop the reputation of Japan, it does.
VANK is “Conscientious group in South Korea” being commended by the South Korea government.

Comment by 古い鉄
2006-07-09 01:20:14


Comment by 桜花
2006-07-09 05:12:13

Hi^^ I’m Japanese.(´・ω・`)

First, I’m waring everybody.
My English skill level is very very low sorry. 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

but,I want everyone to read my sentence
because I did my best and wrote it (`・ω・´)

Please look at this site↓

This site carries it mainly on a photograph of Japan-Korea colonial before and after.

and ,this site’s English translation by Yahoo Japan’s easy factulty(translations level is low Σ(゚д゚|||)shock)

「There are many very precious photographs and explanation」

I can say with absolute confidence「Korea does not have most of the culture / the tradition / the history / the remains」

but, All Koreans say to Japan and Japanese

「Japan took all things from Korea!!」
「Hideyoshi Toyotomi burn all from Korea!!」

I am dumb founded and thoroughly.
Japan has a clear argument for it but Japan never argues.


Japanese common sense is not common whole world. OTZ

She is the very tough woman who took a trip to Asian countries alone when Asia was primitive,savage country in Europe common sense.

then Isabella Bird wrote about Korea
「Korea and Her Neighbours」I absolutely want everybody to read

I want you to read if possible.
Japanese can prove correctness of a Japan argument

Japan does not take action in world so China and Korea carry out an anti-Japan activity.

I feel miserable…………………………………………………….

         。・ ゜。                   。゜。
       。・    ゜。               。゜   ・。
     。・        ゜。            。゜      ・。

   。・            ゜。        。゜         ・。

 。・                ゜。     。゜             ・。
 ・。                                     。・
∴                  ・(ノД`)・                 ∴

Comment by nanashi
2006-07-10 03:43:28




Comment by sy
2006-07-10 15:39:19

Those picture show how evil korean are. korea was ues to be Japanese colony and threr grugde still exsit. but we, japanese have appologised and helped korea economically. but korea still hate or try to beat Japan. furthermore, korea steals Japanese culture and technology. korea have been copied many Japanese culture. If we claim for those issue they do not listen or deal with it.
i wonder why korean people kick Nakata’s ass? or doing things that hurting japan. korea itself never have a chance to exceed japan. they cannot be superior over japan and they acknowledge it too. but they try to be by doing stupid things such as copying japanese culture or make bad image of japanese . this does not work always. and just shows their stupidity.
I think korean are pathetic because although they know thoes sort of act are bad, they do not stop.
korean are like brad as we know

Comment by Yoshi_UK
2006-07-11 21:52:35

I’m a Japanese man in England. Basically, Koreans have been trying to piss off our people however gentle or nicely we treated them as if we are their arch-enemies. At the end of all this bullshit, I think their effort has finally come to show its effect. I mean, I hear about the rising disliking of Koreans by the Japanese these days from people back home through various channels.
I don’t really care they want whatever crappy islets or whatever lies they teach their children about Japan. I don’t f-cking care. However, if they really want us to be their enemies, I guess we are well prepared for it. We can start from closing down the internet traffic to and from Korea, since it goes through a gateway in Kasumigaseki or somewhere. That alone can blow their stupid pride. I am sick of tehir nonsense which I have to deal with even in the UK.

Comment by ponpon
Comment by ponpon
2006-07-12 21:52:39

crazy・・・too crazy

The Korean who are drinking an alcoholic the name is Hiroshima atom bomb as The Korean are laughing and abuseing the japanese Ambassador to korea to his face

please see this movie after you’ve known that a vice-president of FIFA is korean!

Comment by (´ー`*)
2006-07-13 20:08:44


もっとも、自国でやるのは勝手ですが、他の国に来てまでやるのは、少し程度が低いと言わざるを得ませんがε- (´ー`*)

Comment by Meg
2006-07-15 08:29:52


Comment by (´ー`*)
2006-07-15 18:09:00

to meg さん ↓

恨み辛みをぶつけたいなら、2Chにでも書き込みなさいなε- (´ー`*)

Comment by George
2006-07-17 01:58:33

Last year, major newspapers in 33 relatively major countries jointly executed questionairs whether each country is exerting good influence or bad one internationally. China, Japan and Korea were picked up out of Asia. As the result, Japan won the best rating that the opinion of Japan as good influence country exceeded that of as bad one in 31 countries. Here is a question. Which do you guess the exceptional countries?

By the way, I wonder why Ms. Michell Wie, the promicing golf player, studied Japanese not Korean as foreign language though she is a Korean-Amerian.

Comment by James (admin)
2006-07-17 08:08:39


What were the other exceptional countries? Switzerland?

Michelle Wie, like many Korean Americans, has spoken Korean since she was a child. She wouldn’t study it as a foreign language because she can already speak it.

Comment by George
2006-07-18 00:48:26

Dear James,

Thanks for your reply. Do Switzer have any bad impression aganist Japan? The answer is the ones which strongly disagreed that Japan became the permanent member of security council.

What I wonder is whether even Korean get fond of Japan as Ms. Michelle Wie voluntarily selected Japanese out of so many foreign languages if they grow up with fair education in free world.

Comment by James (admin)
2006-07-19 21:53:59


I suspect that Michelle Wie studying Japanese has more to do with making money than anything else. I’ve met many Korean-Americans who absolutely HATE Japan. They have been told by their parents that Japan is evil, Japan raped their country, and Japan is trying to steal DOKDO from Korea. They have been completely brainwashed to hate Japan. Michelle Wie probably also hates Japan, but she knows that she can make a lot of money by being nice to the Japanese.

Comment by George
2006-07-20 03:01:07

Dear James,

Thank you for your swift response. The Korean-American who was a colleague with me did not seem to have any special emotion against Japan. If your words are right, still more It may be said that education can supercede bad influence from parents as I cannot take her motive for money because neither there is major golf tournment in Japan nor Japanese is essential to play golf even in Japan.

By the way, you did not answer my question, reason of Switzerland.

Comment by Toru from US
2006-07-21 10:14:40

I would just let these suckers do whatever they want to do to show people in the world how stupid they are. It’s fun to watch.

Comment by ry
2006-07-25 12:41:02




Comment by James
2006-07-25 16:27:34

This is why I dislike nationalism no matter what its guise or channel. Countries are little more than an arbitrary collection of people, and instead of taking your opinions from media and other third parties, get out and just meet people. I’ve lived in Japan and loved it. I’ve been to Korea and loved it. Both affinities are because of the people I met. When people start generalizing and using phrases like “We Japanese” and “all Koreans” my stomach begins to turn. Take some initiative to work past the information you’re fed from the TV in Japan or learn in a Korean school, open your mind, and see people as the individuals. Sure, some of them are going to suck, but they can’t represent entire groups.

Comment by George
2006-07-26 00:25:10

Dear James,

You didn’t understand my question, did you?

Although you use past tense like ‘loved’, now what? Your English is too odd to be comprehended. Are you polishing the sentences you have just typed?

Comment by James
2006-07-26 01:20:42


I am neither the admin James nor was I specifically responding to any particular post. I merely posted my feelings about nationalism in general. As for my use of the past tense, I believe you are mistakenly reading too much into it. Based on your posts, you appear to be a non-native English speaker, and although your English is far better than my Japanese, don’t be so quick to fault another’s writing rather than your own understanding.

To answer your question to me, I still love Korea and Japan and will soon be returning to Japan to teach.

Comment by George
2006-07-27 02:04:57

Dear James,

I am very sorry for having confused you with admin. James because I longed for the reason of Switterland as I am curious about the relationship between Japan and Switzerland.

However, your message seems still off the mark as far as you did not comment on particular message because the photos are not relating to nationalism.

By the way, I was taught not to make grammattical mistake at significant point in the context in English class of English speaking courtry and not to mention, comment on other’s ability.

Comment by CatChopper
2006-07-30 17:36:18

Those Koreans… how childish. Are they educated?

Comment by J.J.
2006-08-11 14:20:21

To Everyone:

I’m a chinese and damn proud of it. I was raised in an environment that has all the positive and negative of Japanese as you can get. But I don’t hate Japaneses. Or my parents told me bad stuff about marrying a Korean because of the macho-ism they have on female status! I don’t hate Koreans. However, whatever happen in World War II happened and it will always be there. I recently saw in the History Channel that I believe it was called “War on Crimes” or something like that and the American, British, and Australians was tortured by Japanese during their invasions of South Pacific Islands. So, Chinese are putting Nankings incidents as one of the majority issues that had the Hatred of Japaneses and I believe that same thing goes to Koreans. So do we need to hate everyone and go back to the gazillion years of hatred passing down to the next generations. I mean, I believed any ethnic type of people have good and bad in it. Not all Koreans good, bad, and vice versa of Japanese and Chinese. One thing is certain, many bad things happen during World War II and we can’t be certain who’s right and who’s wrong. Like Jewish people in concentration camp, is that false either? I just think that point who’s right or wrong is not the answer. I believed that the most wrongful party should be the government. They are to be blame the most because of them, people go to war and die, cripple, or worst mental problems. They should fight their own war. And I have Korean and Japanese friend, yes, living in harmony. I do think that the Chinese people have much more to deal with than hating Japanese, like better relationship with Taiwanese and economically improving for their own. Please people, at the end, whatever in the past, is past, not now or future, we should be really hoping for a better future of relationships with each other; helping out so we can be on our own and not the real foreigners (White dudes!!!), still we are all Asians.

Comment by J.J.
2006-08-11 14:55:32

I just saw this website and I think all people should at least read it,
it just may be a solution that I was saying:

Comment by Ken
2006-08-25 00:04:11

Hi J.J.,

If all the Chinese are openminded like you, Japanese people will get along with you. But if they are still stick to the unhappy era over 60 years ago, those 3 countries had better study each history together. For example, Korean schools are teaching that Korea had been independent for 5,000 years and governing almost half of China in ancient age. That’s why they are hating Japan as she robbed the territory at the merge on 1910. Too distant start line isn’t good for mutual understanding of history.

Comment by George
2006-08-27 00:35:06

Here are new messages but from neither of James.
Admin. James has not answered and another James also ascaped, didn’t he? When I read a new message, I recalled one more his grammatical error that female pronoun is used for country. The very he cannot be a native English speaker. Besides, he hates to hear Japanese people speak like a nationalist but he is planning to go there. In the long run, his words are odd.

Comment by James (admin)
2006-08-27 09:36:39


I originally answered “Switzerland” to your first question because, at the time, South Korean soccer fans were enraged at their national team’s fair loss in the World Cup. I’m in no position to know the public opinion of Asia, so I wasn’t going to bother guessng that a country like China, Korea, or the USA was second to Japan on the survery results.

Maybe you were taught “not to make grammatical mistake at significant point in English class of English speaking country”, but your English is still very hard for me to understand. It is difficult to see what exactly you are asking me, especially in your latest comment about the pictures relating to nationlism.

Comment by George
2006-08-29 00:45:32

Long long tme no hear! James,

I do not utterly comprehend how Switzer team’s win is related with bad impression to Japan.

What is your ’still’ for though you had never mentioned hardness to understand? Or do you also insist on “I’m a native English speaker”? I did not ask the question to you. I say this ou of kindness but an administrator should not scoff at reader’s opinion as you are supposed to leave it long after once replied.

Comment by required
2006-08-29 14:56:49

Japaneses are always lower than Koreans.

Japan loses to Korea in football.
Japan loses to Korea in basketball.
Japan loses to Korea in baseball.
Japan loses to Korea in handball.
Japan loses to Korea in hockey.

Plus Japan is inferior in everything.

Even Samsung surpassed Sony.

Japan is simply slave of Korea nowadays.

Comment by James (admin)
2006-08-29 15:03:46


That is a very interesting page. I would not have expected Great Britain to be so popular, since it supports the USA so much. I was not scoffing at your opinion, I just didn’t realize you had asked me a question that required a response.

Comment by James (admin)
2006-08-29 15:06:49


Thanks for you wonderful comment, which is on par with the stupidity of some of the racist Japanese comments posted here. You’re a true credit to the morons dragging Nakata’s jersey in the original post.

Comment by George
2006-08-30 04:35:51

Dear admin. James,

Thank you for swift reply. It is my pleasure but Required’s comment may be more interesting as well as his/her name.
Sorry for having confused you but I asked you about relation with Switzerland but nationalism to another James. I thought the photographs possibly were showing that they simply disliked Nakata. However, now I have got they had relation with nationalism after all though Chinese people seem a little more future-oriented.

Comment by ken
2006-09-23 23:53:25

Korean people is bad manners and copies anything without permission.
All Korean people is a criminal.
Korean people is shame of Asia.
Japan is very troubled near a Korean peninsula.

Comment by Joel
2006-09-27 09:35:13

I find it amazing the amount of comments this has generated. Glad to see our fine young international minds gathering here at Japan Probe to discuss the major issues of the day in a mature and adult manner.

Comment by J.J
2006-10-10 14:42:08

To be honest, everyone has entitled to their opinion. I don’t blame any older generations hates Japan so much. You and I don’t know what they endored during the early 1900s. One thing is certain, my parent hates Japanese too but they learn to live with it. But my parent won’t tell me to hate Japanese, or the ridiculous Jewish people in U.S.A. I just don’t endure people teaching only the bad of certain things. Like for instance, when Caucasians tried so hard to conquer so much from Asian people for all these years every since the world discovered for ethnic people, do we go out and killed every one of these caucasians??? Do the African people should do that as well since their fate is similar to ours??? I hate and I mean literally hate people for only saying bad stuff out of certain things. To be honest, an open apology is nice, however, I can say for around 80 or more percent, Chinese just want for the Japanese acknowledge of what happen and just like teaching kids right from wrong. That’s all. Covering up something, in my opinion, just seems to make worst case scenarios of everything. My mind is pure and simple, just move on and wish for better things to happen. Honestly, any ethnic types of people at old generation types are much more aggressive about what happened before and subbornly won’t forget.

P.S. Let say everything that they said the Japanese did in the past is true, I will tell you in my mind, yes, I do hate the Japanese people for doing that. However, my hate is to those who went to the wars, the soldiers, the militants who did exactly what survivors said that what happen to them!!! Honestly, like Saddam or Hitler or Stalin, that murdered, raped, tortured millions of souls, wouldn’t you hate those people who did it also??

Comment by Ken
2006-10-10 23:00:07


Comment by Ken
2006-10-11 01:10:31


What is true? What are you talking about? Is it Nanking incident? Did you see it? There must have been some rapes and murders as happened in other wars. I don’t justify such Japanese deed but is your country entitled to blame it? Do you know the number is increasing from what the US regarded right after the war? The Chinese-American who wrote “The rape of Nanking” seemed to have suicide as she couldn’t bear the suspicion to have invented story? There are talks that Korean legiments did it or the numbers by civil war between Chinese National Party and Communist Party are added. Do you know colonized countries in Asia have hatred against Westerner’s deed before Japanese occupation? Did your country apologize and compensate for it? What do you think the A-bomb to Hiroshima and Nagasaki although the Japanese never forgive them? If you can read Japanese or Korean, please vist following site as there is a sane one like the Taiwanese even in the Koreans.

Comment by J.J
2006-10-11 15:33:03


Unfortunately, I don’t read Japanese, Korean. Embarass as it is, I hardly understand chinese characters. Some of it I understand. I do understand your point-of-view. In my opinion, any ethnic groups will have at least some bias toward other ethnic parties in some ways. I mean, during Mao regime era, do you know how many people died and starve because you can’t do this or that? I don’t know how many times I heard my mom’s co-workers and older generations says. I never like governments, they always have the power to crush everything and power to do anything. These stories during World War II, you and I can’t never know if it’s true or not. Unless we have a time travel machine or device (haha). I’m not saying you got to believe me and you calling me too naive (or idiot or brainwash by the stories I’ve heard) to believe about these things. Like the A-bomb, I saw a film aftermath in Japan during my high school time. Got to say I feel sorry and sad. I really do blame the government the causing of every war. If you have a good leader, president, kings, or emperor; you need a whole staff that support them or else there would be so much corruptions happen and everyone is for themselves instead of a whole country together. Asian people may do have hatred toward Westerners because Westerners take away everything that we have generations before and the hatres keep coming to the newer generations. So in the end, I guess everyone has different opinions.

Comment by J.J
2006-10-11 15:38:21

By the way Ken, I do blame Chinese for too old fashion or else we don’t need to be bullied by Westerners for that long. I hate wars and what it will do to people. But wars are governments to governments thing. Civilians shouldn’t need to pay for it.

Comment by Ken
2006-10-12 01:49:26


I agree with the idea that government is vicious but I have to supplement a little. The US government had already compiled the encryption of Japanese ultimatum before the attack but it took advantage of delayed declare in order to involve American people who had been reluctant toward war and catch up with the colonization competition in Asia. My mother hates Americans because she saw the face of fighting plane’s pilot grinning with shooting her during the war. People in war aren’t virtuous either. Idiot was the US goverment, which had been asked support from Stalin and did it while Sir Charchil wisely plotted to let Nazi and communists fight each other to be exhausted. Later, the US was bothered with the communists. Pop at the time hoped Japan to subdue the commusits in China. However, the US helped it and now are bothered. The US supported Vin Radin, who became a monster. The US supported Saddam, who became a monster as well. It may be the most idiot that the government of half of those who don’t even know where Japan is administers the world. What I would like to say is that people of each time must have thought it the best even if it seems idiot now. It is whether people are advancing or not with leaning from history of not only own country but also other countries.

Comment by J.J
2006-10-12 13:50:01


You know what, I completely agreed with you on that. My parent first immigrant to U.S was to have a better life (so many chinese think like that) and majority worried about ‘97 Hong Kong handing back to China. My parent never hate U.S. until recently, during when I was mature enough to know current affair internationally, I was disappointed and felt why my parent didn’t choose Canada, which was more peace and quiet. My best friend join the Marine (stupid enough was to get close to his girlfriend. hope to get station there). And station in Iraq twice. Major issue why kids want to join the military was to get free education (college degree) which lead to this issue, majority of the U.S. citizens are poor and no education especially for us, minorities. Where else to get money to get college degree and get a good job, join military. My friend told me that he is living in a house with other three roommates. Do you know that three of his room-mates are mentally ill and force to take medicines and go back to war zone? Don’t you just feel like you want to yell at Bush Administrations?? First he said that the U.S. troops will be pulled back from Iraq in 2003 or somewhere near that year and now, it is 2010. Luckily one of his roommates contract is finish and now he is out happier. As for my buddy, he will finish his contract next March. Don’t you just hate U.S. government more?? I do because I’m disappointed at how things are handling. At least Clinton’s Administrations didn’t cause this mess, just the impeachment.

Comment by James (admin)
2006-10-12 14:48:42


I also think that the Bush adminstration has screwed up the Iraq War, but I don’t think I have ever heard him name an exact year for U.S. troops to be pulled out. Since the beginning of the war Bush has rejected a timetable for withdrawing troops. Whoever told you that he said 2003 or 2010 must have been mistaken.

Comment by J.J
2006-10-12 23:52:21


It was an article that I saw earlier, however, it was like in for a little time and there’s another new article, so I didn’t exactly read it. I just saw the title, something like U.S. Troops be pull from Iraq 2010. Hey, they always lie ’cause they said it before and it did’t happen. I just want to say that Bush suck as president. See the similar of the Two Bushes as president? They always go to wars with the Middle East. The only thing that they will get Americans is more hatred by Middle Easterns. I really don’t want to have another 9/11. That was just too sad.

Comment by J.J
2006-10-12 23:56:47


It was just a title from a few days ago, however, it disappear after that day. I remember it was something like this (the title), “Troops will be pull from Iraq 2010″ but I didn’t read the article. Anyway, whatever they said is always lying because they said that before.

Comment by Ken
2006-10-13 01:41:14


I’m sorry but substantially, I like Republican better than Democrat. However, it is not of current one by southern bumpkin but of original eastern establishment. Because eastern establishments are relatively studying international affairs. I knew Iraq war would turn out to be a mistake. Why didn’t US consentate on Afganistan? You haven’t caught Vin Radin yet. Why did you attack Iraq which had said that it hadn’t had A-bomb and don’t you attack N. Korea which has it now? How come?
I understand your feeling for Canada as I’ve been there twice while I was living in NY. The grilled red snapper I had in Bunf has been the best northern american cuisine for me. Only, there isn’t entertainment other than ‘Canadian ballet’.

Comment by J.J.
2006-10-13 02:59:03


North Korea has just been on the news like recently and Iraq news are like almost everyday (and it kind of hitting home ’cause I know my buddy can be back there if need). One thing I don’t understand why Korea was separated into North and South? And to be honest, hopefully someone can stop them ’cause if not, it could turn ugly. Why North Korea build an A-bomb? Its not like if the world needs another threat with so much things happening. Wonder how long it will stop?

Comment by Ken
2006-10-14 02:14:51


Didn’t you study history? The very answer to your question is related in above site by a Korean who read Western textbooks.
Korea had been the slavery country to China since ages ago. Chin dynasty was at the mercy of Western counries from Opium War, etc. After the Sino-Japanese War, Japan released Korea from such slavery relation as sending 3,000 virgins every year, etc. Then Russia was advancing southward to get non-freezing port. After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan merged (not colonized) Korea leagally on the law at that era. After the World War II, the USSR conspired to make Korea a satelite country and the puppet government was about to occupate it. So the US in the name of the UN pushed back to the border of China. Then China dispatched the army and pushed back to around current border between North Korea and South Korea. South Korea, which the US gave their blood for, has been anti-US now.
Kim Jong-il wants the security of his dynasty. He has a delusion that he won’t be attacked unlike Iraq if he has A-bomb. A Swedish professor is going to report Korean brain was proved to be exited to have a delusion by a kind of microwave. Likewise, According to the report by an American physician, over 70% of Koreans have any mental syndrome. I’m assuming that it is the chain of abuse by above-mentioned history. The king of Korea insulted by Chinese envoy had been abusing his people.
By the way, do you know Korea registered the Festival of May 5th to world heritage as Korean culture and is applying Chinese medicine as same with changing the name to Korean medicine?

Comment by J.J.
2006-10-14 03:26:38


Unfortunately, in N.Y. they only have bits of informations of asian history and a bunch of history in Europeans and American histories. I only could read stuff from internet and some books. In U.S. they don’t really teach you much history in Asia, majority would be in Europeans and early settlers in America. Even in college, I have a bunch of theologies for requirements. Let me see, the only history in asian during my high school years, early chinese stuff for the first semester, and after the world war II for the last semester. The first years was Europeans for the 3/4 years and little bit of South Asian for the last 1/4 of the year.
The last third and fourth year, was American history, economics and politics. I just got interested in Asian (particular Chinese during the last two - three years). So I really have no idea why Korean was split into two. You really know alot of history stuff. I should look at these history stuff in bookstore. Anyway, on the last question, I don’t really know how to answer it, I mean; even though that it may be chinese million of years ago, Korean in alot of ways must have change itsy bits in chinese medicines. If they change it, I guess it would be a slap in chinese face. So I really don’t know how to really answer that question. But I do have a question to you, do you have in some ways hate Koreans and Chinese(s)? No offense, because in some ways, you do sound anger in your writing.

Comment by J.J.
2006-10-14 03:34:18


Unfortunately, in N.Y. they only have bits of informations of asian history and a bunch of history in Europeans and American histories. I only could read stuff from internet and some books. In U.S. they don’t really teach you much history in Asia, majority would be in Europeans and early settlers in America. Even in college, I have a bunch of theologies for requirements. Let me see, the only history in asian during my high school years, early chinese stuff for the first semester, and after the world war II for the last semester. The first years was Europeans for the 3/4 years and little bit of South Asian for the last 1/4 of the year.
The last third and fourth year, was American history, economics and politics. I just got interested in Asian (particular Chinese during the last two - three years). So I really have no idea why Korean was split into two. You really know alot of history stuff. I should look at these history stuff in bookstore. Anyway, on the last question, I don’t really know how to answer it, I mean; even though that it may be chinese million of years ago, Korean in alot of ways must have change itsy bits in chinese medicines. If they change it, I guess it would be a slap in chinese face. So I really don’t know how to really answer that question. But I do have a question to you, do you have in some ways hate Koreans and Chinese(s)? No offense, because in some ways, you do sound anger in your writing. Anyway, this is the last time I’m writing here because they always block me from writing. No need to do something if they always try to block you. Bye

Comment by J J
2006-10-14 03:40:37


Unfortunately, in N.Y. they only have bits of informations of asian history and a bunch of history in Europeans and American histories. Even that the stuff would little bit during early chinese, little bit of South Asians (India and Middle East) and after World War II. Nothing much really, I only got interested of my own people’s history. If I can fine the right book all about this stuff in english. Anyway, I don’t know how to answer your question because really I don’t know how. Korean took chinese medicine studies like for ages, so really hard to say. I do have a question for you though, do you in some ways have little bit of hatred in Korean or Chinese people?? Because I do feel in some ways you are, maybe I’m wrong. Anyway, this is the last time I’m writing because they keep blocking me from submitting so no need to write here if they dont want you. Bye bye.

Comment by Ken
2006-10-15 22:08:52

First of all. ‘ken’ of Sep.,23 is not me. I’m going to answer your question so you must answer my answer followed in return.
I think everybody is born good and each environment fosters him or her a good or bad adult. Here is a tale. The famous founder of Honda of car and bike went to Taiwan and Korea to transfer the knowhow. After several visits, he got messages from each. Taiwanese said, “We mastered the knowhow. So please come and see it.” Korean said, “We mastered the knowhow. So you need not to come any more.”. Then, he said, “It would be better to have no truck with Korea.” I had a sort of respect to China as it created some cultures like Kanji though half of currently used words are makde by Japanese. But I lost such respect to hear that the government was not notifying the people of enormous amount of ODA from Japan and moreover they are using the money to build anyi-Japan memorial facility or send to developing countries to make them pro-China. I’m losing even interests to see the violent behavior at Asia cup of soccer. I had sympathy with Korea during the military government as the people’s odd behavior was against repress. Now I have a different sort of sympathy with them to read that over 70% of them have any kind of mental problem. Here is a site to introduce Korean tradittional art of imitating handicapped persons.
As a summery, I am still expecting post-brainwashed geneneration of Chinese but regading Koreans as hard-to-help people. A word ‘OINK (Only IN Korea)’ is said getting popular from finantial business. I wish China will not be called as same. However, it may result in vain to see above site on Aug.,29.
If you can read Chinese, I will let you know the site of the impression to Korean by Chinese.
Well, I do have a question. Why does your parent hate the Japanese though my mother hates Americans to see demon like face of a pilot?

Comment by Ken
2006-10-17 00:21:58


My post was also rejected yesterday. Who is blocking?
I’ll answer your question so in return you must answer my question followed. First of all, ‘ken’ of Aug.,23 is not me. I think everybody is born to be good and each environment fosters him/her a good or bad adult. Here’s a tale. The famous founder of Honda of car and bike went to Taiwan and Korea to transfer the knowhow. After several visits, he got messages from each. The Taiwanese said, “We mastered the knowhow. So please come and see it.” Koreans said, “We mastered the knowhow. So you may not come any more.” He said, “It would be better to have no truck with Korea.” A Korean phygician reported that over 70% of Koreans have any mental problem. A Swedish professor proved that a Korean brain was excited to have dilusions by a kind of microwave. Before the liberation from military government, I had sympathized Korean odd behaviors for frustration but now am regarding most of them hard to be saved. Here’s a site to introduce Korean traditional dance of imitating handicapped persons.
On the other hand, I had a sort of respect to China as they had invented some cultures beginning with Kanji (though half of currently used idioms are made by Japanese). But I lost such respect to hear that the government hadn’t notified the people of enormous amount of ODA from Japan and furthermore, they were using the money to build anti-Japan memorial facility or send it to developing countries to make them pro-China though I still have a sort of expect to post-brainwashed generation of Chinese. A word ‘OINK (Only IN Korea) seems getting well-known from finantial field. I wish China won’t be called as same but it may result in vain to see above site in a post on Aug.,29.
If you can read Chinese, I’ll let you know a site of the impression to Korea by a Chinese.
Well, I do have a question. Why does your parent hate Japanese people though my mother hates the Americans to see a demon like face of fighting plane’s pilot?

Comment by James (admin)
2006-10-17 08:15:08


The Spam Karma plugin that guards this site from spam comments keeps flagging your posts as spam. I’ve added your IP addresses to the whitelist, so hopefully your further comments will be automatically approved. Sorry for the delay.

Comment by Monkee
2006-12-13 02:02:38

I know it’s been 2 months since the last comment post but I really don’t think this racist ranting does the issue any good. It really brings the website down. Should Japanprobe be a forum for ignorant dickheads from boths sides? Let’s fan the flames some more.

Comment by Raphael
2007-03-03 07:53:56

This sucks, and japs sucks too. Sports must be free of politics, but in the other hand, japs have commited atrocities. Like in China, Nanyin, and Korea as well. Why hate? well… just read and look for pictures. Japanese have nothing to say but they feels like superior in asia. Im Latin American, and have travel to such places, and understand a little whats going on…

Why Japanese have no such hate against korea or chinese? ask first why Germans have not hate against jews…


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