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Aso elected LDP president, set to become prime minister

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Secretary-General Taro Aso was elected president of the governing party on Monday afternoon.



Why no warning in Japan about 'pigs without lipstick?'

There's a nursery rhyme in Japan about a priest who puts a cat in a paper bag and kicks it around like a ball. I don't know if it's based on a true story, but it sounds like it could be.More...


Veteran craftsman leaves individual stamp on traditional woodblock printing

Noboru Nakata sits at a workbench as he has done for the last 50 years, dressed in traditional 'samue' working garb, and silently starts coating a woodblock in ink while the audience of 23 looks on.More...

Daily Haiku Selection

Haiku in English

Sept. 22. 2008

landing sound

of summer camellia



Fumiko Sato (Osaka, Japan)More...