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September 15th, 2008

Is Microsoft aiming for an early Windows 7 launch?

Posted by Ed Bott @ 3:12 pm

Categories: Windows 7

Tags: Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Corp., Microsoft Windows, Operating Systems, Software, Ed Bott

Andy Patrizio at InternetNews.com has raised some eyebrows with his report that an “internal calendar” at Microsoft has June 3, 2009 as the planned release date for Windows 7.

That actually sounds pretty reasonable to me. Earlier this year, in my Windows 7 release date prediction pool, I picked July 29, 2009 as the date when I expected Windows 7 to go gold, and a pair of commenters on that thread picked June 1 and June 6, putting them in the catbird seat if this latest report is correct and Microsoft can stick to that schedule. (The consensus among pool participants after five weeks of voting was September 30, 2009.)

My colleague and ace Windows-watcher Mary Jo Foley reported last week that Microsoft is planning to make Beta 1 of Windows 7 available in mid-December. The InternetNews.com report suggests that a beta release (not necessarily Beta 1) will be handed out on October 27, 2008, the first day of the Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles. Paul Thurrott has a similar report, adding that Windows 7 Build 6780 is being targeted for PDC; Thurrott says this build is referred to internally as M3 (for “milestone 3”) and is currently being tested by Microsoft employees and among close partners.

If the June date is accurate, isn’t that an awfully compressed beta cycle?

It is indeed.

I assume those internal calendars are targeting the release to manufacturing (RTM) date for Windows 7. That would mean a beta cycle of roughly six or seven months. By contrast, XP went from Beta 1 to RTM in nine months, and the messy Windows Vista development effort took 15 months to go from Beta 1 to RTM, with a total of 11 Customer Technology Program (CTP) builds and interim releases in addition to Beta 2 and two release candidates along the way.

Anyone who expects that the Windows 7 beta program will be run like its Windows Vista predecessor needs to do a hard reset. Both XP and Vista were developed under the leadership of Jim Allchin, who’s now out of the picture. But can new Windows boss Steven Sinofsky crank the engine this fast without blowing things up? Perhaps. We’ll have a pretty good indication when we see what Microsoft shows off at PDC. If the PDC code is feature complete and stable, that would a strong indicator that the upcoming Beta 1 release will be more like what we’ve come to expect from a Beta 2 in previous development cycles.

And even if the June 3 date turns out to be on the money, this schedule would be downright leisurely compared to the one Microsoft followed for Windows XP, which was launched in October 2001, only 20 months after its predecessor, Windows 2000. As I noted earlier this year, Windows 2000 “went through the longest development cycle of any Microsoft operating system release ever.” Windows XP used the same basic driver model, file system, and security architecture as Windows 2000, adding usability improvements and and the now-familiar “Luna”-themed XP interface. That’s a pretty good description of how I expect Windows 7 to differ from Vista.

A June 3 release date would be 855 days after the January 30, 2007 consumer launch of Windows Vista, well within the normal range for a new Windows release.  (See these two charts for graphical evidence.) Aggressive? Yes. Impossible? Not at all.

For Windows 7, I expect the beta pool to be far, far smaller than it was during either the Vista or XP projects, with confidentiality agreements strictly enforced, and I would be surprised to see more than four widely released builds before RTM.

Can Microsoft really have Windows 7 ready by June 3?

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Ed Bott is an award-winning technology writer with more than two decades' experience writing for mainstream media outlets and online publications. See his full profile and disclosure of his industry affiliations.

  • Talkback
  • Most Recent of 63 Talkback(s)
@Ed: Interesting stuff
Explains some of the people behaviour here :)... (Read the rest)
Posted by: TedKraan Posted on: 09/19/08 You are currently: Logged In | Log out
Do they have a choice? Richard Flude   | 09/15/08
You're right, talk is cheap John Zern   | 09/15/08
They'll release as their balance sheet dictates, not software readiness fr0thy2   | 09/16/08
Except... Sleeper Service   | 09/16/08
The people who hate vista... jamesrayg   | 09/15/08
Its good MS takes a different view martin23   | 09/16/08
Maybe their user feedback groups are organized into committees fr0thy2   | 09/16/08
lol! ;) TedKraan   | 09/16/08
Sure, talk is cheap ruiatcal@...   | 09/15/08
Here's your hint... storm14k   | 09/16/08
I'll be willing to give Win7 a chance kcredden2   | 09/15/08
I thought you were serious tech_walker   | 09/15/08
I can see it now... mikefarinha   | 09/16/08
Agreed! muehlbauer   | 09/18/08
Realistic? CobraA1   | 09/15/08
Did you read the story...? jamesrayg   | 09/15/08
re: Did you read the story...? CobraA1   | 09/15/08
If you're wrong its because its a totally different team tech_walker   | 09/15/08
It'll be about global mentality shifts more than which team. fr0thy2   | 09/16/08
You don't get it Ed Bott  ZDNet | 09/16/08
Question? zulubuck   | 09/16/08
Watch and Wait Qix77   | 09/15/08
Watch and watch carefully Gruffydd   | 09/15/08
What version? storm14k   | 09/16/08
FUD about Vista is what is keeping ... mwagner@...   | 09/16/08
XP faster and smaller than W2K? Ed Bott  ZDNet | 09/16/08
same way, i percieved TedKraan   | 09/16/08
Today, it might be the other way ... mwagner@...   | 09/18/08
@mwagner Axsimulate   | 09/16/08
Odd ... mwagner@...   | 09/18/08
Mike, that's not FUD TedKraan   | 09/16/08
not quite rtk   | 09/17/08
Why TedKraan   | 09/18/08
True believers Ed Bott  ZDNet | 09/18/08
@Ed: Interesting stuff TedKraan   | 09/19/08
As long as UAC is Gone... dunn@...   | 09/17/08
Perception cfischer83@...   | 09/15/08
Typical TedKraan   | 09/16/08
Perhaps you should try the new Windows Mojave! <nt> Badgered   | 09/16/08
Try this, try that.. TedKraan   | 09/16/08
Irony impaired Ed Bott  ZDNet | 09/17/08
MJ talked about it TedKraan   | 09/17/08
Tried it once, didn't like it ... mwagner@...   | 09/18/08
reflecting on that TedKraan   | 09/19/08
Does it matter when? (nt) No_Ax_to_Grind   | 09/16/08
Sure does voska1   | 09/17/08
It's really Vista SP2 or 3 andycher   | 09/16/08
They must be desperate to get it out the door Chad_z   | 09/16/08
Why do you think they did the "Mohave Experiment" Kid Icarus   | 09/16/08
Even if they do... gene_fitz@...   | 09/16/08
@gene_fitz Axsimulate   | 09/16/08
It won't be a problem ... mwagner@...   | 09/16/08
Windows 2000 : Windows XP = Windows Vista : Windows 7 qmlscycrajg   | 09/16/08
RE: Is Microsoft aiming for an early Windows 7 launch? mwagner@...   | 09/16/08
What would be the Name of Win 7 be? ... Camry, Carolla or Supra!!! pawan@...   | 09/17/08
Could Be based on Server 2008 Lfraz   | 09/17/08
RE: Could Be based on Server 2008 DotNetWill   | 09/17/08
RE: Is Microsoft aiming for an early Windows 7 launch? msimos   | 09/17/08
Answer: Axe_to_Grind   | 09/17/08
RE: Is Microsoft aiming for an early Windows 7 launch? techfix   | 09/17/08
Yes and no.... Qix77   | 09/17/08
I hope so! the_roo62@...   | 09/18/08
Assuming that Win 7 is a refinement of Vista and uses the Win core and jaszman   | 09/18/08

What do you think?

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  • An early Windows 7?
    Andy Patrizio at InternetNews.com has raised some eyebrows with his report that an “internal calendar” at Microsoft has June 3, 2009 as...

    Trackback by Anonymous — September 16, 2008 @ 3:14 am

  • An early Windows 7?
    simply reflects a stated policy of a new operating system about three years after Vista’s release to consumers. There has been much speculation that Windows 7 might actually come out in 2009. The latest rumors are talking about June, 2009 and Ed Bott

    Trackback by Anonymous — September 16, 2008 @ 3:14 am


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