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December 25 200714:30 pm

I wish everyone a merry Christmas!!

First i wanted to post a drawing of my new girlfriend Myriam!! I've drawn her in anime style and she looks really pretty^^

Then it's a drawing i made with Myriam^^ Yeah my girlfriend is an artist too, and a great one i must say!! =D
She made the lineart and i made the colors. The pose is really dynamic, she really made a marvelous piece of art ^_^

Now here's a drawing of Uzumaki Naruto. He's wearing his Shippuuden clothes. I've it made for the birthday of my friend Sophia^^ I'm really happy how it came out, one of my best works I think^^ Enjoy!!

And finally a drawing of Haruno Sakura from Naruto Shippuuden again!! I hope you'll like it!!



September 23 2007 13:00 pm

A few more drawings !!

First a colored drawing of Sanji, the coolest One Piece character^^ I drew it to use as my avatar in several forums.


Then a colored drawing of Sasori from Naruto Shippûden. I felt like drawing it after i've seen the end of the fight. I won't tell anymore details to avoid any spoilers ;-)

Now a few B&W drawings, I'll begin with Sakura Haruno wearing Nami's outfit from Enies Lobby arc (absolutely the best arc in One Piece imho =D )
Sakura note : 3 persons are working on a colored version of this drawing including my dear Myriam :-). I'll post them here when they're done ;-)

Nami again, i've drawn her so many times already lol^^ But it has always been fun^^

Last but not least, a drawing of Kyoko Milchan with Kyosuke. They come from the anime Heat Guy J which i really loved, specially the last episodes.



September 15 2007 20:00 pm

Today I wanted to wish an happy birthday to my great friend and partner Myriam. I hope we will continue to make drawings together, I love you my babe <3

And here's my present for you ;) It's not as beautiful as you really are, but I tried my best ^_^ You look really cute as an anime character ^_-



August 30 2007 19:55 pm

Oops, I forgot to add the tutorial. I made it for a friend, and I thought it might be useful for anyone who wants to color their drawings so I put it on my site too :-) For now, the tutorial is in French only but i will also make an english version and improve it a bit by adding pictures.

I also updated my email in the contact me section, because, as you may have guessed, my previous email was dead.

August 30 2007 19:45 pm

In this update, i will give you a few more drawings and also a tutorial :)

First a new colored drawing of Nami. She seems to be having a difficult fight judging from the shape of her skirt :-)
The background is just a random photo retouched up a bit. I also made a new logo with this drawing.


If you are curious, here is the screenshot I used as a model : [link]


Next, one of my favorite Naruto characters, if you have already watched this anime, you probably know who she is ^^


And finally, a colored version of one of my previous drawings, it seems a lot of people were awaiting this one, I wonder why ;-)


I have also a few more B&W drawings to show, I'll post them very soon



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