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Sunday, September 21, 2008

[Anime] One Piece RMVB Episodes 1-100

One Piece RMVB Download 1-100 WallpaperI figure lots of people talks and looking to download and also watch one piece from the episode 1. So I found the one piece files and upload them for you to easily direct download the one piece files. Here is the fastest releases of one piece. I'm planning, besides making direct download files, I want to upload it streaming online but just dont have time at the moment, well that is my future one piece project. Anyway, Enjoy the show! and Thanks to those involve on this rmvb files like K-F fansubs. And thanks for the graphics and codes which lighten up the release. From time to time, i'll upload and post the one piece release on here from episode 1 to 100. So stay tune on one piece anime.

One Piece 001 RMVB
One Piece 002 RMVB
One Piece 003 RMVB
One Piece 004 RMVB
One Piece 005 RMVB
One Piece 006 RMVB
One Piece 007 RMVB
One Piece 008 RMVB
One Piece 009 RMVB
One Piece 010 RMVB
One Piece 011 RMVB
One Piece 012 RMVB
One Piece 013 RMVB
One Piece 014 RMVB
One Piece 015 RMVB
One Piece 016 RMVB
One Piece 017 RMVB
One Piece 018 RMVB
One Piece 019 RMVB

Note: These One Piece 1-100 RMVB files are meant for the distribution of backup files. Please buy the original. Support the Industry. Peace.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

[Manga] One Piece 515 is Out!

One Piece Manga 515 Luffy Wallpaper

Luffy is now become center of attention. He is at all-women island anyway. So no wonder. All women are really curious with Luffy but due to the leader of island is about to come back, they must kill Luffy before anything happen since men is forbidden on the island. What will happen next? Here is the one piece download links!

Chapter 515
Megaupload Link

For the Archieve One Piece Manga Chapter, Please Visit the Link Below:
One Piece Manga Archieve Download

Friday, September 19, 2008

[Manga] Naruto Returns 417 is Out!

Naruto Sasuke Manga 417 Wallpaper

The raikage really angry because his brother Bee has been stolen by Sasuke and the geng. And he will send all battallion including the special unit. How strong is the special unit? Meanwhile, Naruto continue his training, now on to focus and motionless training. What will happen next? Read and enjoy the naruto manga! Here is the naruto download link!

Chapter 417
Megaupload Link

For the Archieve Naruto Manga Chapter, Please Visit the Link Below:
Naruto Manga Archieve Download

[Manga] Bleach 326 is Out!

Bleach Manga Download WallpaperHey guys, the story comes back to the latest scenario. Everybody shocked when realize Ikaku defeated but the truth is he defeated due to he hide his own power which is his bankai. He doesnt want to show it to all captains. And when he about to die, Captain Konomaru appeared and come to a save. What will happen next? Enjoy the Manga! Here is the bleach download link!

Chapter 326
Megaupload Link

For the Archieve Bleach Manga Chapter, Please Visit the Link Below:
Bleach Manga Archieve Download

Thursday, September 18, 2008

[Anime] No Naruto Shippuuden 76-77 This Week

As title said, there will be no naruto shippuden released this week. So be patient on waiting for Team Asuma vs Team Akatsuki episodes :D

[Anime] Bleach 188 is Out!

Bleach 188 Amagai and Ichigo Wallpaper
Bleach 188 Ichigo Hollow WallpaperThe english sub is just out! Captain Amagai is indeed a traitor and now heading straight to meet and kill the Captain Commander. And at the same time, Ichigo with his huge sword came to a rescue and they fight each other. Who will be the winner? Ichigo or Amagai? Enjoy the release by Dattebayo. Thumbs up!

Bleach Episode 188
Megaupload Link
RMVB Megaupload Link

Watch Online

For the Archieve Bleach Episodes, Please Visit the Link Below:
Bleach Download Archieve

For the Archieve Bleach Movies, Please Visit the Link Below:
Bleach Movies Download Archieve

For the Archieve Bleach Movies Specials, Please Visit the Link Below:
Bleach Specials Download Archieve

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

[Anime] To Heart 2: Remember My Memories (Complete)

To Heart Remember My Memories Wallpaper Hiroyuki
To Heart Remember My Memories Wallpaper AkariThis is a great old anime that released like in year of 2005. Time flies by; Hiroyuki and Akari are 12th-graders now and they are mature enough to think about their own safety. Both of them and their friends have grown up gradually in someway, physically or mentally, but one of their best friends is missing from their watch: the life-like android, Multi. To their surprise, Multi is brought to their campus again without notice. Yet, she is no longer the same Multi they have known..The anime looks like very light but it is not because it involves so many battles that you ever imagine hehe..Enjoy the release! (Review by Wiki and MySpace TV.)

To Heart anime download 4 starCredit Danccm for Providing the Links
If you have problem with Megaupload download limitation, please go HERE for tutorial on how to bypassing it.

To Heart Episode 1 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 2 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 3 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 4 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 5 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 6 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 7 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 8 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 9 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 10 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 11 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 12 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Episode 13 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Special Battle 1 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Special Battle 2 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Special Battle 3 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Special Battle 4 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Special Battle 5 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Special Battle 6 Download
Megaupload Link

To Heart Special Battle 7 Download
Megaupload Link

Note: These To Heart 2 - Remember the Memories files are meant for the distribution of backup files. Please buy the original. Support the Industry. Peace.

[Otaku] Viagogo the Best Concert Tickets Hub in UK!

Viagogo Anime Concert Wallpaper

I remembered when I was in Birmingham UK last 2 months, I really wanted to attend Tina Turner concert as I really a fan of her since I was still a kid. However, to my dismay, when I got onto the ticket seller booth after hell out long queue of lines, the seller lady told me that all tickets had been sold out. Dang! My time and sweat was just a waste that day and up until now, I still can’t get hold onto the Tina Turner Tickets. Well, if you guys not know (which I believe is 99.9% true haha), Tina Turner is a queen of rock and roll and eight time Grammy award winner. I can say she is a super veteran on the international music industry as she has produced 9 albums since 1973 with profit of you know, a figure even in the dream we can’t even touch hehe.

But my unlucky event of losing lots of popular singer’s concert is coming to the end. Guess what, at the moment I’m holding Stevie Wonder Tickets and please don’t get jealous of me okay. “Hey Tirana, how can you get that ticket so easily eh”. Patient dude, I will tell you but first let me credit all thanks to my friend Fido. Last 2 weeks, I hanged out with him at The Curve, One Utama and he invited me to Avril Lavigne concert at Kuala Lumpur since he had extra ticket. I was shocked because I’m looking everywhere for the ticket but didn’t have the luck and then, he was so easily told me that he had extra ticket!

That was when he told me about this Viagogo website, a ticket hub which based at UK that brings together ticket seller and buyer. Not only concerts tickets, it has also popular sports and theaters tickets sold on the website. Ah! Now I don’t need to queue long lines just for a ticket that not even nobody could confirm me that I can get hold of it. At the site, you can just name any concert you want to attend. What? Steve Coogan Tickets? Deal! You can get it on there even I don’t know who the singer is haha. Today, I got a day off from hyper tension work environment. Yeay! I can doze off the whole day and at the meantime, I’m uploading To Heart – Remember My Memories anime. So stay tuned here!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

[Anime] One Piece 370 HD is Out!

One Piece 370 Odz Wallpaper
One Piece 370 Nightmare Luffy WallpaperThe strawhat crews are now busy fighting the Odz. On to their shock, Odz is now can stretch like Luffy. What is the reason behind it? Odz is not supposed to have that rubber ability. Is is related to the Moria inside the control room? Meanwhile, Luffy has become new person. What happen actually and how strong he is at the moment? Enjoy the show!

One Piece 370 HD
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

One Piece 370 RMVB
Megaupload Link

You might interested on One Piece Anime Download
One Piece Anime Archieve

You might interested on One Piece Anime RMVB Download
One Piece Anime RMVB Archieve

[Otaku] Cool Anime Swords Story!

Anime Sword Girl Wallpaper

Yesterday was my first date (at least on my definition of date itself) ever after 24 years alive on this beautiful world but I think you could guess know the result; otaku like me is just not suit to love or to be loved hahaha. Anyway, whatever, I don’t care about my love life anymore, at least for now. But I want to spin a yarn about the “lost” of this girl, even she studied at Japan for 4 years, she doesn’t know where and what Akihabara place is all about! Poor her. Thus, I can’t ask her suggestion on which shop to find my desired Sword figure in Akihabara.

Uh talking about Anime Swords, I just realized that so many popular anime character wielding such an interesting and unique sword like Kisame Hoshigaki in Naruto Anime series and Ichigo in Bleach Anime. Not only limited to anime characters, I think it also used by majority of computer and console games characters. Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example.

What is the best example eh? Let me think first. Oh ok, how about Bleach anime? Almost all characters on the Bleach anime used sword as they called as Zanpakuto. These Bleach Swords are so unique that they can transform from one to another. For games example, have you ever played World of Warcraft? That is the best online games I ever played and took me few months just to heal the addicted huhu. Well, almost all desired characters on the games can use sword as a weapon and all weapons are so exclusive that they have special ability stats on them. So still don’t believe me? I don’t care you don’t believe me. What I am concerned now is my boss is calling me up to his room to give more piles of work. Urghhhh..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

[Anime] Prince of Tennis National Championship 16 is Out!

Prince of Tennis National Championship Tezuka
Prince of Tennis National Championship EchizenActually this prince of tennis national championship is long ago released but it is just right now I have time to upload this episodes. For those who do not know, this is just the sequel of Seigaku tennis team after the leaving of Ryoma Echizen and looks like Ryoma is coming back on these special episodes. I already watch online the episodes and its better than past prince of tennis. The quality of this relase is great and I think equivalent to HD release. Without any further due, enjoy the show! Tezuka versus some other genius. Who will be the winner?

Prince of Tennis National Championship 16
Part 1
Part 2

You might interested on Prince of Tennis Anime Download
Prince of Tennis National Championship Anime Archieve

Saturday, September 13, 2008

[Manga] One Piece 514 is Out!

One Piece Manga Direct Download

Haha where the heck is Luffy flying to? But to our surpise he went to Sanji's dream island and where is it? You want to know? Read it. Its interesting and funny. Hehe. Here is the one piece download links!

Chapter 514
Megaupload Link

For the Archieve One Piece Manga Chapter, Please Visit the Link Below:
One Piece Manga Archieve Download

[Manga] Bleach 325 is Out!

Bleach Manga Download

Hey guys, the story comes back to the latest scenario. While Hisagi enjoying battle with "captain level" arancar suddenly one of the pillar destroyed. Who is defeated? Ikkaku? Looks impossible! What will happen next? and what will happen to Hisagi battle? Enjoy the Manga! Here is the bleach download link!

Chapter 325
Megaupload Link

For the Archieve Bleach Manga Chapter, Please Visit the Link Below:
Bleach Manga Archieve Download

[Manga] Naruto 416 is Out!

Naruto Direct Download

The battle between Hawk team and 8 tailed-demon is now coming to the end. Gutsu Ninja Book written by Jiraiya is indeed unfold lots of secrets. Now Naruto is reading and comprehend the content. Meanwhile, the Hawk team is already on the meeting point. However, the Rakaige pursuit is on the move. What will happen next? Read and enjoy the naruto manga! Here is the naruto download link!

Chapter 416
Megaupload Link

For the Archieve Naruto Manga Chapter, Please Visit the Link Below:
Naruto Manga Archieve Download

Friday, September 12, 2008

[Anime] Naruto Shippuuden 75 is Out!

naruto Shippuuden 75 Kakashi WallpaperNaruto Shippuuden 75 Akatsuki Wallpaper

Hey guys, the new naruto shippuuden 75 english sub is out. Akatsuki is increasing their pace on the journey to nail the jincuriki. Chiruki of Fire Country Temple, best friend of sensei got killed by Akatsuki, this make him angry and want to revenge. In the meantime, Konoha has made special arrangment to counter the movement of Akatsuki. What will happen next? Meanwhile, Naruto continue his training and seems like naruto has a lot of improvement. What is the shock that Kakashi sensei want to show Naruto?? Enjoy the the Dattebayo released!

Naruto Shippuuden 75
Megaupload Link

For the Archieve Naruto Shippuuden Episodes, Please Visit the Link Below:
Naruto Shippuuden Download Archieve

For the Naruto Shippuuden Movies, Please Visit the Link Below:
Naruto Movies Download Archieve

For the Naruto Shippuuden Specials, Please Visit the Link Below:
Naruto Specials Download Archieve