Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2008 07:28 PM by Enishi
I wouldn't say the panic is over for good, it is for now at least. Thank you to those whom donated, I managed to pay for the rest coupled with the donations so Yurusu is safe for at least another year. I am going to do some serious thinking about the site, it needs some more changes and things to do. If anyone is interested in helping, add my msn date[at]devilsmaycry[dot]net and discuss them with me. I am open to all suggestions so if you have access to the forums then respond to this topic with any idea's you'd like to see, or any changes you want..or even things we used to have but don't anymore and you want back. Thank you.
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Posted on Monday, September 1, 2008 09:19 PM by Variable Rush
I am sure quite a few of you are panicing right now about the future of Yurusu. I have taken steps to ensure that Yurusu will not die. Yurusu will not go gently into that good night. While it is not as robust as our current forum and site, I have created Yurusu in Exile to accept all of our current, and future, members. The link to the page is: http://yurusu.2ksite.com/I hope to see you all there.
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Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2008 01:30 PM by Enishi
I just got a letter from the bank today, this is the bank account that all donations and advert funds go to. They decided to put charges onto the account, the charges caused the account to go overdrawn thus got charged again for going overdrawn so everything I had in there save to pay for the site and anything else related, is gone. I was going to close the account and go with a different bank, but they charged me for being Overdrawn so I cannot close it until I paid for the overdrawn amount, and I have nothing -- only 10p to my name until I'm paid next Friday. I can only afford to pay for one hosting account, the second one was for Yurusu's soul purpose. Now its gone, I cannot afford to keep both without the funds I previously have. I no longer have the job that provided for them both easily. I am constantly in Debt and trying to crawl out of it puts me into more debt, debt that somebody else made but I am still paying for. For those whom have loathed Yurusu and constantly wanted it to just disappear, well you can all rejoice. I have had enough, the fandom has gone, nobody cares about Yurusu or loveless any more. They only care about illegal downloads and crap dubs. The site was going to stay for the sake of old and new fans, but everyone has left the site is never updated and nothing happens regardless of us mustering together some form of strength to do something. I lost my faith, my drive and vision of this place. It should become a memory now, where it belongs. Edit: The hosting is $95.40 for the year.  I am just so tired of it all, everything. I gave the site to Variable to take care of, but it seems I am still the one updating it and keeping it going. I might be tired, and wanting to pack the bags but if any fans out there think differently, tell me, show me. Anyone whom wants to take this site and keep it going, then do so. But I will no longer do it, I am sick of it. I wish Yun Kouga and the wonderful Loveles series an good future. To the fans. Goodbye ~ Hannah / Former Web Master
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Posted on Friday, August 8, 2008 12:52 PM by Variable Rush
The current contest ends on September 1st. There's several tiers of the contest you can enter, the grand prize in each is a copy of Loveless volume 8 in English when it is released later in September (publishing date may change without warning). Loveless volume 8 drops on September 16th in the United States. To reiterate, the contests are as follows (full details can be gleaned from the main contest news post entry from May 30, 2008): 1. A picture contest (yes, I know, ironic), but, not just an ordinary picture drawing contest. In this contest the goal is to "draw Loveless characters in a non-Loveless situation." 2. Music contest. The music contest has two fronts. One is "a remix of the theme song, Tsuki no Curse" and the second is "a brand new song about Loveless or a Loveless character." Since it wouldn't be fair to judge a remix of an established song to a brand new song, there will be two winners in the song category, one for the remix, and one for the original. So, in all, 3 copies of Loveless volume 8 will be up for grabs. Email submissions to lovelessyurusu [at] gmail [dot] com To reiterate, 1. A drawing of Loveless characters in a non-Loveless setting (can be real world, anime, or anything) 2. A remix of Tsuki no Curse 3. An original composition about Loveless (character or story)
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Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2008 11:50 AM by Variable Rush
On June 4, 2008, Tokyopop Group announced it had cut 39 jobs and would scale back its manga publishing by as much as 50% in addition to announcing they would split into two divisions, one a publishing arm, and the other a multimedia arm. As of right now, there's no word on whether certain manga would cease being released by Tokyopop, or exactly how they aim to reach the 50% reduction in published goods. While we're told that the majority of those laid off are primarily layout artists, we did recieve word that Susan Hale, director of Public Relations was one of the unfortunate ones to get the boot. We here at Yurusu feel sorry for them and hope they are able to bounce back. What does this mean for Loveless? According to our source (links at bottom) the translating of manga is handled by freelancers. For those of you who do not know what a freelancer is (I am one, and have written for Anime Insider, Linux Journal, 2600, among others) it's someone "who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one employer" according to Wikipedia, and that's about as succinct as a response I've seen. Ray Yoshimoto, the primary translator for Loveless has a long and illustrious career translating manga, among other things, so he should be able to pull through, even if Tokyopop ceases publication of Loveless. All we can say is: Continue to support Tokyopop. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/press-rele...-reorganizationhttp://pwbeat.publishersweekly.com/blog/20...pdate-tokyopop/http://comics212.net/2008/06/03/thoughts-on-tokyopop/
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Posted on Friday, May 30, 2008 08:46 PM by Variable Rush
Loveless volume 8 drops on September 16th in the United States. And we here at Yurusu are ready with a new contest. It's been a while since we've had a contest and we wanted to do something a tad bit different than the normal "draw a picture" or "write a fanfic" contest like we've done in the past. We've been kicking around a few ideas and here's what we have: 1. A picture contest (yes, I know, ironic), but, not just an ordinary picture drawing contest. In this contest the goal is to "draw Loveless characters in a non-Loveless situation." What does that mean? Let's see, if you wanted to draw "What would Soubi look like if he were a Gundam?" that would work, or even a real world approach with a re-enactment of Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963 with Ritsuka re-fashioned as John F. Kennedy, Yuiko as Jacqueline, Soubi as Connally and Kio as Lee Harvey Oswald. Of course, these are ideas I've come up with and while I would personally like to see these two, it won't help your odds of winning. 2. Music contest. The music contest has two fronts. One is "a remix of the theme song, Tsuki no Curse" and the second is "a brand new song about Loveless or a Loveless character." Since it wouldn't be fair to judge a remix of an established song to a brand new song, there will be two winners in the song category, one for the remix, and one for the original. So, in all, 3 copies of Loveless volume 8 will be up for grabs. This contest is open to all. Contest ends September 1st. Winners will be announced later. Email submissions to lovelessyurusu [at] gmail [dot] com To reiterate, 1. A drawing of Loveless characters in a non-Loveless setting (can be real world, anime, or anything) 2. A remix of Tsuki no Curse 3. An original composition about Loveless (character or story)
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Posted on Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:57 AM by Enishi
I spent most of today updating the website. Every page except 1 will be working, that means loads of wallpaper! many avatars, winamp skins and much more! The link coding has been fixed so those of you using Internet Explorer will be able to hover over links without the page expanding. A lot of the pages have been updated, some coding fixed and a new hover image style. We have had some fab Fanart from Floreane, see it Here. And Neva-Chan has agreed to have her Fanfic posted on the website, which you can see Here. We are still looking for more news posters, if you are intrested then see the previous news post. Any Fanart, Fanfic, Suggestions etc please send our way. You may post such on the Suggestions form or Contact us. All of us at Yurusu.net would like to wish the Wonderful Chou a happy 21st birthday! We hope your day was filled with happiness and joy  So..HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHOU! I'll be going on Holiday a week this saturday to Scotland with the family, hopefully my Grandma will be able to come along. She had an operation yesterday to open up an artery in her leg otherwise she may lose her foot -- or worse the leg, taking away her independance. I pray for a speedy recovery and that all goes well, I shall be visiting her today..and hope she is feeling better. Thank you and have a nice May.
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Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 05:33 AM by Enishi
Although we have closed the staff application after we had yet another staff member use their access to attack Yurusu and my trust of people has somewhat been lowered to a meager speck. We still need people to help with Loveless News, 2 positions are going and I know there are things happening everyday with Loveless and being a Fansite we lost most of what made us attractive and popular. I would like at least to strive that we bring people Loveless news when they want it. Before you apply, to which you must respond to this topic using the format listed at the end of this post. Please read the following. 1. You must be active and willing 2. You must post at least 1 loveless related news every few weeks 3. You must be able to search out and write up Loveless related news 4. You must have some understanding of forum commands(Basic/ posting topics/ etc). 5. You must be registered on the forum(To apply and post news) 6. Have reasonable spelling and grammar skills Seems like a lot, but for what we lack now with no Scanlations, or anything of real value we struggle to keep the website going and the only reason I keep it up is to provide and be the best source of Loveless fandom. More of an Archive to fans new and old whom want to know a little bit more or get into the community and talk about their fandom or anything else of interest. We are after someone enthusiastic, imaginative and engaging. Even if you haven't posted news before but would like to give it a go then you're welcome to! ==[Application Format]== Name: Age: Experience: If any, otherwise leave blank Example of News: (Write something, it doean't matter what it is. Be as imaginative and creative as possible). Why you want to be a News Reporter: Now you are wondering, all this and whats in it for me? You will have some access on the forums, to post topics here and discuss things in the Private forums. You're own email@yurusu.net (Optional), free hosting(Optional), Help and support from current staff and Admins. I know its not much but we are open for suggestions and improvements. Thank you all for your time, I look forward to your applications  0/2 Positions filled.
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Posted on Tuesday, April 1, 2008 04:13 PM by Variable Rush
While our April Fools Day joke that Tokyopop would no longer be releasing Loveless in English was totally fake, the truth is a lot more shocking than you may believe. On December 31, 2007, Geneon Entertainment, Inc closed its doors forever. Geneon was one of the biggest publishers of anime in the United States. Titles released by Geneon included Dragon Ball Z, Trigun, and Hellsing. Why did this happen? How did one of the leaders in bringing anime to the United States fall on such hard times? What caused this? Fansubbing/scanlation groups. Such groups are a double-edged sword in the anime community. Sure, they sub anime fresh from Japan so that others can see it, but, at the same time, also whittle away money from the official distributors of a property in the US, Japan, the UK, and anywhere else a "fan" lives. Sure, quite a few of us were first exposed to Loveless via scanlations or fansubs, but, how many of us went and bought the manga or the DVDs when it was commercially available in our country? Huh? How many of us? While some of us did the right thing by supporting the author and the official translators, the vast majority failed to live up to the duty to PAY FOR SOMETHING THEY ENJOY. There's an unspoken rule among fansubbers/scanlators that once a property is licensed for release in their native langauge, all scanlating ceases. The Loveless manga was licensed for the US by Tokyopop in September 2005, the anime was licensed by Media Blasters in November of the same year. Quite a number of groups, time and again, to laugh at this convention. If not directly, then through their actions. To this date, they still scanlate Loveless, Naruto, and who knows how many other anime/manga. Even before the anime or manga was licensed, this is, and was, a violation of international copyright law. Even if such groups are making no money from hosting or scanlating, they are still taking money away from TokyoPop, Viz, and every other anime/manga publisher. It's not fair use. It's not in the public domain, and it's not "promoting" either property, I mean, if you can get the milk for free, why buy the cow? In turn, just because you "make no money" from it, does not mean that no one owns the right to make money on the property. It's not fair use because that only applies to a small percentage of the property in question (like using quotes to emphasize a point in a book review). And while it is "promoting" the property in question, it's not doing it in a way that would encourage others to spend their money on it. Again, we return to the Geneon story. Quite a few series went without finished volumes and are now rare and hard to find. Oh sure, you can find them on eBay, but for quite a bit more money than they'd be worth if they weren't rare now. Don't let Loveless end this way. Support Tokyopop and Yun Kouga. Buy Loveless.
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Posted on Friday, March 28, 2008 04:55 AM by Chou
The Japanese television channel kids station, who is best known for showing animation and other cartoon material for children, will admit the Loveless anime into their adult airtime in April. The first episode ("BREATHLESS") will air on April, 11th. AIRTIME PROGRAM: 2008-4-11 ----- Nighttime ----- 12:30 ----- Episode 1: Breathless 2008-4-11 ----- Repetition ----- 04:30 ----- Episode 1: Breathless 2008-4-13 ----- Repetition ----- 04:00 ----- Episode 1: Breathless 2008-4-18 ----- Nighttime ----- 12:30 ----- Episode 2: Memoryless 2008-4-18 ----- Repetition ----- 04:30 ----- Episode 2: Memoryless 2008-4-20 ----- Repetition ----- 04:00 ----- Episode 2: Memoryless 2008-4-25 ----- Nighttime ----- 12:30 ----- Episode 3: Bondless 2008-4-25 ----- Repetition ----- 04:30 ----- Episode 3: Bondless 2008-4-27 ----- Repetition ----- 04:00 ----- Episode 3: Bondless
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Posted on Friday, March 28, 2008 04:29 AM by Chou
Related to the new DVD-Box there will be published two new Drama CDs by Frontier Works. There are no images at the moment and the information about the second CD are rare. More information will follow soon. Please check out futur entries for that. Title: ドラマCD act.1 ~HAIRLESS~Price: ¥ 2,940 Release Date: 2008/4/23 Number of Discs: 1 Label: フロンティアワークス ### Information on Loveless.tv### Story/ Plug on Nifty.com### Information on Frontier Works### BUY DRAMA ACT.1 ON AMAZON.co.jpTitle: ドラマCD act.2 ~ACTLESS~Price: unknown Release Date: 2008/5/23 (temporary date) Number of Discs: unknown Label: フロンティアワークス ### Information on Loveless.tv### Information on Frontier Works### BUY DRAMA ACT.2 ON AMAZON.co.jp
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Posted on Friday, March 28, 2008 04:06 AM by Chou
The official Loveless website, which is now active again, announced that a new DVD-BOX will be released on June 25th, 2008 in Japan. The box originally costs ¥15,750, but at the moment there is an event on Amazon where you have to pay ¥11,655. I'm currently not sure if this box is just a reprint or if there are some changes. If there are some new information we'll let you know. Related to this box there will be published two additional Drama CDs this year. (Please read the related entry for more information about the CDs)  Actors/ Seiyuu: 皆川純子, 小西克幸, 成田剣, 植田佳奈, 能登麻美子 Directors: 紅優 Format: Color, Dolby, Widescreen Region: Region 2 Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Number of discs: 6 Studio:: バンダイビジュアル DVD Release Date: 2008/06/25 Run Time: 300 minutes -> buy LOVELESS DVD-BOX on Amazon.co.jp
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Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2008 01:18 PM by Enishi
Finally got the forums back up and running, what happened was we allowed someone we thought we could trust access and again they wiped the site. Fortunatly I had a backup from the same day the site was attacked, I just had to change a few things before bringing the forum back up. It's now up and running again, yay! Sorry for the wait, and I hope you will come back to the community and join in the Loveless debates! Unfortunatly this attack means we have no choice but to close staff applications indenfinatly, we allow people we have never even met access to everyone whom has worked hard on the site's contributions, and this happens. It saddens me that there are people out there whom will go to great lengths to deface the site in the name of one other website which we just want peace with. Thank you all for your patience ^^
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Posted on Friday, February 22, 2008 04:22 PM by Enishi
It's not even Aprils yet someone has gone to great lengthes to make a fool out of me and my website. I wonder if they got a good laugh from it? Did it make their month that whole more enjoable for being able to cause someone grief during a difficult time? I hope you feel big about yourself. My hosting will NOT be terminated, In fact i just got off the phone talking to them and they have no record or recollection of this email at all and that when read to them they emphasised that it is not the format in which they would send an email in the first place and I had done nothing further wrong. Regardless of that I went ahead and had a panic attack, got sent home from work due to illness and being told by a Nurse to not go back to work until I've seen a Doctor about my combination of Exhaustion, Flu and depression. Excuse myself whilst I go emo. Or is that what the spoofer expected? I am going to share the email with you as you all need to be wary in case they decide that you're life isn't bad as theirs and needs to be made as such. I have somne speculations as to the sender, along with a few other trusted friends whom also pointed out their suspiscions of whom it may be as the email contained detailed information about my site directories, which would not be show to anyone other than myself or a hacker. I will not voice whom it may be as I have no proof, but I shall also not support it as I'd be giving that person too much credit as I never in my life thought them capable of doing something of this level that requires intelligence. Sorry for any grief this has caused fans, I did not want to disrupt your enjoyment of Yurusu. As Spock says "Live long and Prosper" ~ Star Trek Spoof Image HereAlso we are looking to obtain another license for our forums so if you'd like to donate any spare change towards the cost that would be greatly appreciated. Any money left over will be donated to a charity of the staff's choice. Thank you!
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Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2008 09:04 AM by Chou
Even if we are now able to preorder Volume 8 at Amazon we actually don't know how the cover will look like, because there isn't a preview at Amazon or Yun Kouga's official website until this day. Nevertheless Comic Toranoana, a shop where you can buy manga related items, released the cover of the limited edition a few days ago. > click to read the Volume 8 main topic
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Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:55 AM by Enishi
24 hours and Yurusu is gone. I could move it but why bother? I will be chased by haters, hackers and law suits wherever I go. I can't stand it anymore, I used to be able to fight so hard but now I can't. When the site is gone, its gone. I've done what I can and tried but its not enough, so now its time to say "Thats it". Thank you to everyone whom has supported and followed us through the past few years. It was nothing before you amazing people came along, the Fans. Thank you. Time for obligatory Emo song to fit in with the situation. Linkin Park - In The End. It starts with) One thing / I don?t know why It doesn?t even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme To explain in due time All I know time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away It?s so unreal Didn?t look out below Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on / but didn?t even know Wasted it all just to Watch you go I kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter One thing / I don?t know why It doesn?t even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme To remind myself how I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mocking me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I?m surprised it got so (far) Things aren?t the way they were before You wouldn?t even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me In the end You kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn?t even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn?t even matter I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There?s only one thing you should know I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There?s only one thing you should know I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn?t even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn?t even matter
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Posted on Monday, February 11, 2008 07:41 PM by Variable Rush
I do not know if you've met me before, but, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Variable Rush, of course, that's just my "nom de Internet," you can call me Brad.
As you can see from the title of this message, Yurusu has a new Administrator, me. I've talked to a few people to get their feedback regarding this change from Enishi to me. I've been met with acceptance by most, while a small minority threatened to leave forever.
Enishi is still around, however she has basically delegated herself to more of a figurehead role, she's like the queen of England. I'm the prime minister.
While I may not be able to please everyone, I pledge to do my best. While I am not at liberty to explain any policy to be enacted, I do plan on giving diplomacy a try regarding particular matters that still need to be resolved.
I thank you for your patronage as we look forward to a bountiful year for Loveless and Yurusu.
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Posted on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 04:35 AM by Enishi
I hope you all had a wonderful 2007 and didn't get to drunk/tipsy during the celebrations! ^^; I'm hoping 2008 will be the best year ever for loveless, and that we will have more content and downloads than before! If you have something that you'd like to see on Yurusu then contact us and tell us what you think, your ideas and any changes you'd like to see happening. This website has always revolved around a community and its your input and feedback that keeps us going! Some of you have been asking about the Scanlations, I took them down for a while because I felt it wasn't what you people wanted and really would like to encourage everyone to use the scans as previews and to buy the manga itself, so I'm going to post a poll on here and I'd like you to vote on wether or not we should bring the scanlations back, its up to you! Have a nice January =^_^=
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Posted on Tuesday, December 25, 2007 03:06 AM by Enishi
I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and Thank you all for your love and support over the past year it has helped the site grow and the fandom of Loveless to grow even more stronger! Also I hope 2007 was the best year for you! Don't eat too many mince pies!  I hope you all have a wonderful day! All the best for the new year. Enishi
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Posted on Monday, December 10, 2007 09:21 AM by Chou
Ichijinsha has announced that volume eight will be released on 2007/2/25.
It's unknown how the cover will look like, but the advertising site suggests it. If you would like to buy volume eight in Japanese you can order it in advance on Amazon.co.jp (They ships international!). The release dates for countries aside from Japan are currently unkown, but we will inform you as soon as possible. (of course ^_~)