Japanese Banquet of Cannibalism
Japan as a country never stops amazing us. I am sure you have heard of, or seen the “Nyotaimori” (literally means female body plate), where the restaurant serves sushi and sashimi on a naked woman’s body.
If that is not weird enough , Japan has just invented another way of eating, where a “body” is made from food and placed on an operating table, much as though in a hospital.
You can operate anyway and anywhere you want by cutting open the body and eating what you find inside. The body will actually bleed as you cut it and the intestines and organs inside are completely editable. It’s a banquet of Cannibalism.
(photos from Tom)
[...] Its Jello time for the Cannibalism!!! [...]
This is what happens to a new generation after 62 years we droped the Big One on Japan……. SICK!!!
I’m sorry for your under developed education
That comment was utterly ignorant…
youre so retarded dude
Lol. Look, it’s food,it’s NOT real people. People want to eat their then let them eat! God. People are differant… their!
Are the Japanenese weird or just a bit sick?
honestly, i think america is a bit sick.
oh chill.. japan’s just a lil quirky that’s all! Enjoy wat u see, or just ignore it..!
Rat Jap Bastards!
Excuse you but I don’t know if you have sen the news recently. But american are just as sick if not more. My brother can’t even stand on ur street without the fear of being shot. So before you get all judgemental, take a look in the newspaper, or better yet the mirror.
wait… huh? If you live in fear of being shot in America… leave or move or do something, but don’t whatever you do stand on that corner, especially when that lowrider caddy comes up creepin. and thats all im saying. Oh yeah Japs are way sicker than americans. just culturally we’re sort of opposite.
i couldnt agree more
eating people or babies is disguting and immoral!! what is wrong with the japanese and this person who says that her brother cant stand in the street without the fear of being shot, at least if he gets shot he doesnthave to worry about the nurses eating his leg! he cant go back to japan for fear of being slashed across the throat to be consumed by you guys. this is sick and disguting I am never going to Japan. no wonder the people over there fraid to get fat, they might be eaten!
dude, they taste good, wats wrong with eating people? i’ve eatened my sister b4..she tastes like bacon
How did you prepare her?
Choo Choo… killing is something, eating other human beings is other…
There’s just one thing I can’t quite grasp… If we are so weird here in the west, why don’t you freaking asians go back to your wonderful Asia?? There you guys can keep your “fancy” eating habits…
No kidding
Your brother should stop watching American television. Its not reality. I’ve lived in America for almost 30 years and I’ve never been afraid to stand on any street corner.
you rock
you are a friggin idiotic mofo bee-yotch
i luv u baby
diddo.tht shit is just nuts aint it
u already kno, i wanna **** u
very nasty
uhm wow guys stop being offensively racist.
Hey ‘BadBoy’–you really should keep your racist remarks to yourself-it’s just ignorant
[...] posted once an article about how the Japanese simulated eating a human body as a form of edgy entertainment. Well now there are reports that the Chinese have been eating [...]
Right. Now we’ve got our own Chinese Hanibal Lecter human diner playing God right here in Canada
that shite is SICK!!!!! your culture or not its FROCKIN SICK!!!
get over yourself! do you have something stuck up your bum?
Ur culture stinks. Go eat cheese
it’s a crazy thing for those who don’t like it
thats fukage
no kiddin
That’s pretty sweet. I wonder how many one of those would serve and where the put the desserts. :>
I know where I would put the dessert.
It’s weird, but thats nothing compared to other things I’ve seen the Japanese do for entertainment. Different culture, whatever.
this article is complete bs. and photoshop.
or perhaps i misread the article a bit and assumed it was talking about actual cannablisam…yeah that one is more likley….
Actually, the first bit is true, but it has nothing to do with cannibalism, the Japanese are just appreciating the female body. The second part, could be photoshop, or maybe it was a funny cake made for a surgeon’s birthday…. because this is not a common thing
mmmmm female body parts
~hi my name is nick i am from france ,i would love to be real food for an asiatic woman cooked or raw;let me know if some woman is interesting on cook and eat me for real,thanks;your eternal food for asian woman one bite every day ;;who want to eat me,??
dude..u are
flippen warped
You really need to be able to tell your photoshop, idiot. That’s a real object, not pixel pushing. You, apparently, can’t get your mind around it and need to go back to school.
it’s a WHITE guy in the first pic…who’s weird? this is all an attempt to capture news and shock people…i guess the marketing worked. Fools.
I know it is challenging but the first and second part are two differant stories..
Just try reading it..
YEAH!!!! Sun Tzu!!!! Down with the White impure race!!!! You sound like the type of person we would like in our club, HUMANS AGAINST WHITIE (H.A.W.) (sarcasm)
yo dumb ass, this happens @ sushi restaurants all over the world!
im white & i live in china, white people are allowed to live in asia.
Great, now to go with using the bubonic plague as a weapon against the Chinese and countless war-time atrocities for which they show no remorse, these sick Jap bastards can live out twisted fantasies of eating somebody; notice how they’re all smiling? There’s something seriously wrong with their collective psyche
get a life! quit being so narrow!
China and Japan are TWO DISTINCT COUNTRIES ande not both the same place. I recommend you buy an atlas or even just download Google Earth or something and learn where these places are before making kneejerk reactionary moronic comments
That’s kind of funny, because if you had read his comment you would see that he was saying the Japanese used the plague ON the Chinese as a form of biological warfare. Talk about making knee-jerk reactionary moronic comments!
Hey, I like Chines food and I like Japanese food ,but one thing I do know is that Asians do have a weird sense of what is entertaining and what is not….like farting in each others faces and all that damn whining the females do when they’re getting banged. I ‘ve been to china and japan and they both sucked major toolage but damn their kung pow and general’s chicken is fucking delicious lol oh and so are they’re women!! Oh and watch them when they cook they may try and sneak a piece of baby in there!!!! LOL
Wow…That is seriously weird. Not that I am against it, but it is just different. You guys need to just relax. So it looks like a person, big deal. I’d give it a try. I definitely don’t think they need to die or anything.
I agree, I mean some cultures would think most of the western population were sickos for eating beef.
I’m not approving cannabalism at all, but this kind of meal is an interesting concept.
I totally agree like where can I get some of that dough body. Maybe I am just sick and twisted but that really adds new meaning to the word desert. I think it would be a fun evening.
PS for all you guys making racial comments above… I am totally a white girl. So I guess were all just human, just very different no matter our race.
Weird-yes. But you must give the Japanese points for originality and being able to express themselves no matter how strange. I personally think it’s a cool idea for a Halloween party!
Wow! I wonder if I can get my caterer to do something like that.
I know what I’m having at my wedding!
can you imagine how fun that would be! watching my crazy republican family stumble around because they are so narrow in their own heads! hahahaha! may have to steal this idea!
I think the concept is interesting. It’s not like they’re actually killing people and eating them. It’s a person made from food. Nothing wrong with that.
Personally, I wouldn’t eat anything off of another person (referencing the first part of the story) … esp. since you don’t know how long it’s been since they’ve showered, had sex, etc. That just seems nasty.
Actually, with the thing of eating sushi off of people, the models are always cleaned before and after the food is placed on them. I’m not sure what to say about the sex part though…
lol them crazy japanese
honkeys are crazy too!
Suddenly, that whole “Hiroshima and Nawasaki” thing doesn’t seem as morally and ethically wrong anymore…
you twat!
Oh you total, utter, regessive fool. And it’s NAGASAKI by the way.
And yes, I am aware that I made a spelling mistake. Regressive, yes, that’s what I meant.
burn in hell you uncultured republican white trash!
Alright jenni! Down with the White man. We should round them up brand them and burn their books! YEAH!!!!! (sarcasm)
I’m with you, AmericasFault.
couldnt have said it better
You make me sick with such an idiotic comment and makes me want to move back to Japan sooner just to get away from stupid, naive american such as yourself. It’s people like YOU that give americans a bad name.
i love japan but that’s just too weird.
I think the body, if made of food should be made of a selection of meats. This would give it greater impact. One could almost have a crackiling surface, something really to sink one’s teeth into and reaffirm one’s carniverous past. I’m all for it. Reminds me of tales where starving animals (and occasionally humans) have had to sacrifice offspring or companions in order to survive.
wow now that is just amazing. to have such barbaric, but thats not even the right word, instincts or sentiments. Like to have it made of cake that would be neat but to have one of meat…some body let you watch to many horror flicks when you were a kid. Would still be a sick dinner party but i think most of my guests would leave. even if they were drunk.
Are you allowed to stick yer chopsticks up her chuff?
I don’t know, but your comment = XDD
Snort! Like your style Richard.
Definitely the most disturbing thing about this is the photoshopped pubic hair. Dead weird.
The Japanese love their fads - they’ll get over this one soon enough no doubt.
I don’t know about the pubic hair thing…personally, I like my pupcha’s to be shaved when I eat at the ‘Y’! That way I don’t need to go to the dentist for a haircut!
Did you mean ‘edible’ or ‘editable’?
Well, this really could get under your skin couldn’t it? There’s really no body to the premise for a start, there’s no flesh on the idea.
AT least they are just pretending at cannibalilsm–OUR culture is full of real ones–think of Dahmer, that German guy who made a deal with his victim, etc etc. White people have been proven to be more prolific serial killers than any other race.
Oh gosh that’s really gross, but do not generalise Japanese, I have NEVER had such a disgusting sashimi in my life, sadly few perverts do like that but even they don’t disseck like in the above pic!
anyway it’s sooo miffing me!
It is really disgusting! But I hope you do not stereotype all Japanese eat Sushi or any food like this. I have never seen this before in Japan. I wonder where this writer took this picture…
I love that the pubic hair has been pixelated out, because that is the disturbing bit!
i’d would rather see genitalia than someone’s insides. surgery i far scarier than porn…as long as it is standard porn.
Looks interesting and fun! To all you all who think that its sick or wierd~ get a life and quit being so narrow (which is another form of racism)
Live and let live!
Being narrow is another form of racism? Your kidding right. “Race” being the keyword of racism. So now we have Black, Caucasion, Pacific Ilander Hispanic, and Narrow. You are a genious.
ewwwwwwww that’s bleeding edible corpse if disgusting! however the real live platter, now we do that with fruit here in the summer, but the trick is that you’re not allowed to eat with your hands!
I agree with Anna - the weirdest thing about this is that the pubic region is pixelated.
Cannibalism - very naughty and a little bit tittilating…
Sex - absolutely taboo !
fucking churrr, that’s awsome. good on you ya crazy little fuckers.
Sushi is really overated and quite boring - give me steak and chips any day. The second picture - the real joke here is that it is a real body - they just have not told them that they are actually eating the real thing
The pubic hair is pixellated out due to Japanese pornography laws. Which inclines me to think these pic are genuine. Sounds like a fun meal.
And to the above poster who commented on Nyotaimori, I think part of the appeal is exactly the not knowing when the person last showered, had sex et.c. Different culture, innit.
But that pubic hair isn’t even real! In fact, it’s edible!
In any event, this stuff is weird and unusual and I’m sure that 99.99% of the Japanese population agree with me.
I wonder if the photos were even taken in Japan. First photo shows 2 gaijin in a large room w grand piano–sure doesn’t look like ANY sushiya in Japan that I have ever seen (most sushiya look about the same). The room looks more like a part of a hotel. Second photo doesn’t look like a restaurant either. The folding screen, the pepper grinder, the furniture. . .none of it looks Japanese. I think the photographer rounded up some Japanese people somewhere outside Japan and posed them for the pictures.
lol on Jos’s pun.
Are they actually using scalpels??
I so need to see this in person.
Who wants to go to Japn? I do I do!
I want to go to japan we humans do not realiize that we are canibals when when we eat each other`s “P” parts in the emotional game of **x
Ok… this beats the nuts that have entomological banquets!
Haven’t any of you ever played the “corpse” game at Halloween.. go into a dark room where the autopsy is taking place.. Put your hands in all sorts of gooey, creepy things…. Peeled grapes for the eyeballs, uncut manacotti pasta for the windpipe. LOL our Halloween customs and parties are no less gruesome than this.
They should make a movie out of this called “Restaurant of the living deads”.
this is the greatest thing ive ever read about food!
just think about how much more time i can spend dinning with friends, instead of messing about with a corpse leaking horrible fluid on the carpet and prowling the streets finding a suitable location to hide the bones.
fantastic i say! where can i make my reservation??
Man, I hope that girl showered beforehand! Sorry, don’t get the appeal.
Incidentally, I live in the US and, OMG, I even go out at night without fear of being shot!! Talk about propaganda puppets! Hilarious!
Ah, I see the radiation from those two nukes is floating around.
Is it me, or does Japan seem to redefine the word “strange” once or twice a year?
Yep. Both are screwed up.
Japan’s the more “somehow socially stable but weird as hell” screwed up. America’s “kind and friendly new neighbor door with the wonderful car and the white picket fence that secretly cannibalizes its young and worships Satan in the basement” screwed up.
Those Dolcett freaks are going to love this…
Ugh…. I have nothing against it but it sure looks disgusting…….
I’d try it.
Canadians are sicker than any of them.
Hey Bob, leave Canadians alone!
with black label anythings posible
That’s some sick stuff.
First off, the fear of getting shot on a random street in America is totally irrelevant to a life sized body made totally of food (and bleeds) being consumed by a japanese family… Why dont you check your own news paper and find out whats sick… (Random “hoodie” hoodlums stabbing random people in the subways of Brittain) Im tired of seeing psuedo-intellectual gibberish of Ant-American limeys. This is the probablem in the world today… people are ready to express thier hate for another country, but they wont actually do somthing to help out. Whoever made that comment (too lazy to scroll up, Oh and I guess all of us Americans are lazy too) your a useless whore.
[...] As seen on InventorSpot.com and WeirdAsiaNews.com. [...]
Why is it that aii the so called “tolerant” liberals are so quick to put anyone down that has a different opinion? They dont just put you down they can actually get violent..relax Libs..its all in good humor…eat or dont eat, comment or dont comment, Yay or Nay…but jeeeezUSS relax!
God Bless America LOVE IT or Leave iT!!!!..but how long will we last with Morons like some of the above..who just can not see the BIG picture?
Does anyone know where that place is? I live in Tokyo and I’d like to go.
i think its weird, but very cool. kind of artistic, must be difficult to make a whole body out of food. you guys shouldn’t fight over who lives in the sickest place. youve never been in South-Africa…i can see that clearly. now, here we have alot of sick people. i think it would be really cool to have a body as n wedding cake, imagine that…
I think after getting to the bottom of this page, and scrolling back up a few times, ainchan is right. While i’ll admit i don’t know much at all about japs i look at the pics and see a very western home with japanese people. All of the japanese in the picture look young, though japs overall seem to age better, those in the pic seem very young, my age, university age. Maybe its like a med school celebration or something. I still think it would be fun though.
What the???!!!!
Guys you are all being majorly pwned. This is a joke, just like the umbrella hat or the thing to hold your head up when you fall asleep on the train. THINK people, think!
sigh.. i dont no.. this is very low.. i mean in where i m atm *australia* we show great respect to females.. females r like god.. and in this picture it shows how low japanese ppl r… i mean a picture can mean a thousand word.. i dont no.. i really feel sorry for uz japanese.. show some respect to females cuase there is no difference between a male and a female.. lol and fcuk sake.. STOP KILLIN SHARKS AND WHALES.. very low how u guys r agaisnt nature.. and worst off all.. i never thought japanese were this low to show great disrespect to females.. its jst low.. cant stop feeling sorry for uz.. tsk tsk tsk… eating a female.. pst how low can japz can get… get a life honestly
its a cake or not.. i dont care.. this is jst unbelieveable.. i mean the culture of japanese has gone under questioning.. lol very low
O_O;; arienai itsuno!!
You guys are just plain disgusting. Moreover, it shows that you disrespect your own species, and the woman’s body. So why don’t you guys just think for once, and wonder what better ways of slapping yourself for making such stupid food.
Does anyone knows what’s the inside… and how much it costs… (I am open for everything)
Seegoi!!! (If that is the correct spelling)
Though I’ll never even think about it for just a second, let alone sticking a chopstick near it.
I watch a shit load of Japanese Anime (If any of you know what it is), and hell yea I love Japan for their creative side. But going creative to this point is well, *Having a wicket chill down the spine* nothing to say, but I would freak if that was to let out in front of my face.
A few weeks ago, news letter in Australia states that a horror novel writer chop up his girlfriend, hid body parts and so on. Another man feed his 5 year old daughter to the alligators. Now that is sick.
I’m not Japanese nor am I white or even Australian, I’m viet and I have nothing against other people’s opinions or cultures.
But yea I love “Weird Asia News”. Hahaha, it’s so weird.
Uh… wow. And I thought I was being brave eating horse meat…
Looks interesting. Would probably give me nightmares the rest of my life if I tried it though…
They show “cannibalism” but censor pubic hair. Amazing.
the human flesh have follow characteriastics.
1.- flavoru like pig.
color white
2.- the woman have best flavour the man have undesirable odor like sweat and salt.
I read thsi indformation in the internet!!!
I’d eat it.
it’s a fake body (the second part)…
Asian sence of humor… What can you say…
ya all rocks
iwannafukthat girl
me 2
If i were to eat such things. I will surely wormit it out!
ok, y’all. History is history’s past. Every culture has its weird culture-shock like moments. The woman is clearly ALIVE and will not be eaten. It must have cost a fortune! And the second photo is basically cake-made backery. Surely, that cake-like body could be good for medical students to have an inventive way to study the body.
Just so if y’all Asian-Americans or non-Americans should know that the U.S has been full of shame (slavery and KKK). At least they admit it in there history books. And the Japanese, I am sorry. But y’all should remember the pain of WWII–what the Japanese did to the Chinese, Indonesians–vivisection…I know Germans too–but still. I am a descendant of one of those countries that has suffered a genocide.
I am just saying my opinion only. I didn’t say that this doing is wrong!
at is toally discusting!!!!
First they eat from dishes and food that look like toilets and shit and now they do this. Those people are sick!
just because they r diffrent doesn’t make them sick they r just diffrent and if thats the way they eat good on them
DUDE. Japanese don’t eat people. I can’t believe that you guys actually buy this. These pictures are altered and edited, clearly. I’ve been studying Japanse culture and language for years. I’ve never heard of it.
Think about it. If the Japanese really DID eat people, then why havn’t we heart anything about it on CNN, travel channel, etc?
Anyway, the top one is probably some weird restaraunt where you can eat off of a woman (alive).
And the bottom one’s look fake to me.
Alright, I looked up some information on this and apparantly it’s either a stunt or like a fake body with edible goodies in it. None of it’s actual human organs. Before any of you say anything else and all this “Japan is sick!” rubbish, do some research. Because you just fell for a trick.
It is a bit strange - the whole cake-woman thing. But then, more than anything it seems mostly like some sort of joke.
As for some of the people who commented above - a lot of you really need to become a lot less xenophobic. The Japanese don’t eat people; it is seen as taboo like in many other cultures in the world. Also, just because they’re joking around with some weird stuff doesn’t mean that they are evil or something.
(Finally, those who bring up the history of Japanese foreign relations really need to study not only U.S. history, but also the histories of Japanese neighbors such as China, Myanmar, and Vietnam, and European history – the actions of humanity are not always good or beautiful, but can be cruel and disturbing. In light of that, saying insulting things towards anyone is rude and unacceptable [i.e. please don't refer to Japanese people as 'Japs' - its derogatory].)
Anyway, this article is a little weird. I wonder where the photos were taken and where the writers got the information about the story.
I went to Japan recently. From the City area to the very rural area…and they didn’t eat me:) LOL
although I clearly look Gaijin=Foreigner in Japanese, they just eat normal human food…u know fish and red meat.
Japs, are a bit freaky I must admit and they also very twinky..u know white wanabee. So rather than being cannibal, I think is more like the fascination of anything western.
Only North Korean eat human meat especially babies…don’t know why…do some research over the internet and bumped into that cannibalism in North Korea.
recently watched a korean film about women eating baby fetuses as its belived to make the women younger. . . . personally havent tried it
and in the fake bodies what do they actually put inside? ret meat?
japanese or not, in my opinion shit like this signifies a world heading towards boredom and eccentricities are becoming mainstream…sorta like american idol. But i suppose that’s what we call “evolution” eh guys?
btw, the japanese and japan, for all THEY care, the world can go f*ck themselves cuz japan as a whole, is self sustaining and “more” advanced in every human way imaginable…the way i see it (i’m not jap btw), the world needs japan more than they need the world.
Wow! Can I import to the UK???????????????
i hate china
It’s because im asian huh u lil’ white kid
whats up yeemeng
u ugly laura
Skylar, u wack, get outta hea
What’s with all the americans thinking that they are the normal ones? LMFAO!!
hey Roundeyes of japan…we eat normal food not cannibals..you love torture gameshows…well that just shows…how sick u are…..and your have the highest rate of suicide ..and netherlands second….so go away from what makes yours a violent country..we already had one war..with you ages ago..leave violence behind you…and i will agree on one thing with you…american government is to blame not its ppl..should have gone after osama..the one who caused the devastation and not the peabrain saddam…had they gone after osama less 4′000 to 8′000 if u beLIEve cia figures dead soldiers and 80′000 civilians…even one death is wrong so 80′000…my god..the humanity is dying…peace ppl and assholes alike
I “love” how so many people are seriously getting up at arms over something like this or pretending to. If it were a real person they were eating and stuff, I could understand all the trash talk (but not to the point of racism…that’s worse than just making a big deal about eating a “body” when the “body” isn’t even a real one…) I agree with some others, most of you need to get your heads out of your butts and stop being so racist, xenophobic, stupid, and pretending you’re better and smarter than other people. All cultures have something or more than one thing that makes other people’s heads spin. Most of us Americans love to eat cow meat and the cow is sacred in at least one place, if I remember correctly it was/is India. So, I’m sure people from India think we’re sick/weird for loving hamburgers and other things made with beef aka cow meat. I have mixed feelings about eating meat myself even though I’m an American-German. I don’t know if there are people today that feel this way, but some people in the past felt that people gum chewing was akin to a cow chewing its cud (a very insensitive view in my opinion) and so viewed many Americans as “dumb” simply because we like to chew gum! You shouldn’t be so quick to judge people, especially an entire culture based on one or a few things alone and assume that something’s for real…if you take a good look at the pics and compare them, it should be obvious to you unless you have bad eyes that the other “body” is fake! I could rant on and on about things but I’ve already made several statements so I’ll end with this : The Japanese aren’t the only ones with a “twisted”/”weird” sense of humor.
u r very correct!!
they’re too yucky
WHAT ABOUT 69 is that canibalism or canivorism - it involves human flesh right - I am confused ??????
LOL~ i laughed when i read your comment ^_^
the 69 postion is to do with sex, you dont eat the other person.
and WHY ARE PEOPLE TAKING THIS SO SERIOUSLY? (that is making me laugh as well)
Good god I hate you narrow-minded racist twats. It’s a fake body. NOT REAL. Are you people comprehending this? If you don’t like the fact that they’ve been innovative enough to make something that clever, than don’t look at it! I hate the fact that America is being connected to such animosity and hate-mongering.
For everyone else, I apoligize on thier behalf. I promise you not all Americans are that…utterly repulsive.
it’s very interesting….crazy, but interesting…(sarcasm) no i lied it’s F-n weird as f**k…i’m asian but that’s just too weird. u want to eat off a human body (real or fake) than go get one!!!! do it personally not publicly or internationally…damn now japanese really taking their view of art a little too far……
Crazy stuff.Not very fun for me…It’s creeping.Urgh
Looks pretty sick-demanding to do something like that,don’t ya think?Have fun!
This page is so funny! Pictures and comments. Think my sides would explode if I saw words “narrow idiots” one more time. This thing is definitely a novelty, and genious at that. Smart resterants, buisnesses,etc., got to have something unique and interesting to draw people in and give them an experience they can talk about to friends even if its how sick it made them. Its why we go on rollercoasters, to magic shows, to Rob Zombie concerts. Spectacles, frills, and thrills. You narrow fools are rediculous!
My objection is that it’s sexist. Only a female body is objectified.
Men do not love women as equals — the love men have for women is how a woman would love a dog. Only women love as equals.
Last few days, i learned alot about Japan and i must say japs got some wierd culture… butt licking as a source of media entertainment,public sex in a packed area, major fans of child pornography, men wearing g-string and now pretending to eat a human being…oh well atleast you dont see them pooping in a cup then eating it
Omg, you guys are overreacting, that shit looks SO fun, if yall werent being all judgemental and retarded you could see that it is a FAKE body, its not like theyre actually eating people, its a JOKE, and I for one, think its halarious,
I would eat her liver with a side of fava beans and a nice chianti
YEAH, this is awesome!!!
wlvhyem ancwjy rzokhu gfrjh fwcv qshd hwptk
woa,, sounds cool! Strange, but cool!! What does the artificial body taste like???? whats it made of??
Stop feeling threatened and you won’t feel any offended.
No matter how you express your negativity or aggression, the world is as it is and if you die it won’t even make a difference but at least leave some imprint and show that you can either learn to not feel threatened by the differences in what others allow to be entertaining in a public setting or give us some insight on why it’s a positive to not eat anything in human bodily appearance so we can appreciate your comment without having to get pissed off first.
Dignity please.
(If I had the invite, I’d watch but it would take a lot of sake before I agree to eat a finger.)
Most Americans never leave the country unless they are traveling to a US protectorate or some other country which has been transformed by American ideology. This lack of knowledge about the outside world is painfully obvious when reading the comments posted on this page. What is frightening is the fact that many of these comments were written by people who didn’t closely read the article. It is as if only a sentence, or part of sentence, had been read before the comment was made. I guess anything more difficult than Dick, Jane, and Spot is just too overwhelming for most Americans. I mean, f$%#, we invented the game Operation in which children pull out various, and completely inaccurate, parts of the body. Just consider this an adult version of the game! I am continually amazed by the profound stupidity of my fellow Americans. Hardly any of us take the time to look in the mirror when judging other countries. Nazi Germany was a lot like this…
[...] yamyam suşi – tokyo, japonyasuşi servisi yapan bir lokanta. garip(!) olan kısmı ise suşilerin, hamurdan [...]
Actually, this is exciting.
I think I might like to try this out some time.
Off to Japan!
Those Japs are ching-chong kookoo! We need another WWI
Stop Trolling, unless ur actually funny
[...] yamyam suşi – tokyo, japonya suşi servisi yapan bir lokanta. garip(!) olan kısmı ise suşilerin, hamurdan [...]
r u people blind?? that woman who was cut and was bleeding is an edible food! it’s not human being! idiot americans!
on the contrary of what i have just said, that artificial body looks disgusting… it really looks as if ure eating a real human body…. it’s really disgusting…but i’m curious how it tastes like???