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Feast Like a Cannibal at the Human Banquet

Shouldn't there be an apple in her mouth?Shouldn't there be an apple in her mouth?
Just when you thought you'd seen enough Japanese weirdness, something like the so-called "Cannibal Banquet" comes along to shock us anew. The photos pretty much say it all but I will comment anyway - hey, that's what I do!

"Do you prefer the breast, or the thigh?""Do you prefer the breast, or the thigh?"

Here's how the Cannibal Banquet works... a pinata-like "body" is carefully crafted, then stuffed with edible goodies in a red sauce. More "sauce" is somehow embedded into the outside covering - "skin" as it were - of the body so that it will appear to bleed when cut into. By this time, most of us would have lost our appetites, but I digress... Anyway, the prepared body (who appears to be wearing a wedding ring!) is wheeled into the dining room on a hospital gurney and a courteous host wielding a scalpel begins the operation. From the looks of it, plenty of alcoholic beverages are required to keep the patrons in the mood to chow down, cannibal style!

"Scalpel... Retractor... Fork...""Scalpel... Retractor... Fork..."
You know, I love Japan and even the more unsavory examples of weirdness I uncover just add spice to the culture's charm. The Cannibal Banquet pushes the limits, though, and I have to wonder if the bizarre scene actually takes place in Japan. Other commentators have speculated that the buffet is actually a Taiwanese stunt - wouldn't surprise me in the least. I find it both interesting and amusing that declaring something odd to be from Japan seems to give it an aura of believability in the weird wide world! (A little old but still weird. - via Weird Asia News - naturally!)

Steve Levenstein
Japanese Innovations Writer

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot !!

Don't quite get the

Michelle's picture

Don't quite get the reference?




Steve Levenstein's picture

Used by fighter pilots... "Whiskey" is subbed for "W" to avoid confusion, and so on. Probably originated back in the WW2 / Korean War era when radio reception sucked.


...that's not a wedding ring...it's the cork stopper of the whiskey bottle lying next to her right hand.


Steve Levenstein's picture

Whew! Thank goodness, i wouldn't want anything to disturb the sanctity of marriage! Wink


Thank goodness I am vegetarian. Great article though..

Tongue out

What do you do with the leftovers?



Steve Levenstein's picture

I would not advise putting the leftovers in the next morning's trash... just one scavenging dog running down the street dragging an arm'll have the sirens wailing...

This Will Spread to the U.S.

but will have a different name:  Like Barbiecue or Kentucky Fried Chick.

Guess the Guys

will want a Breast.


Right, I want to go here! have you got the address?


Gloria Campos's picture

 Not sure what to say........


Gloria Campos-Hensley

Green Blogger



What's the black fuzz made from and how drunk are those people!


I've realized tho that you shouldn't see it as wierdness but more like inginuity and a sample of how many broad ideas they bring to the market... aw hell, it's still effing wierd man!

and btw, from the looks of the people in the pic, I would assume its japanese, but i could be wrong


I'm skeptical it's really in Japan.

In the first photo, there are some beer bottles on the table. I live in Japan, and I don't recognize the labels. Where did the photos originate?

I like how a photo of a few Asians doing something bizarre can so easily be attributed to the whole of Japanese society.

hmmm What flavor?

I wonder if the contents are savory or sweet?


the japanese never cease to amaze me.


That is something else, I never would have thought of that on my own, I don't even know if i would try it.


I like the idea.

No, really - what is everybody whining about it? Makes for a very interesting evening, and since it's certainly NOT a real human, I don't see the problem. I know quite a few people who'd join me at this table,laughing.



Gives new meaning to me of 

Gives new meaning to me of  well-known phrases like  "chewing someone out" and "hair pie" or "ripping her a new one". LOL

This idea could be worse, and might be perverted even further so

There is a unbelievably huge market in Japan for weird sexual predator fantasy fetish of psudo rape/and murder and I'm sure these bodies have other options that can be installed in them for those kinds of twisted sex fantasy purposes for the right amount of $$.  I bet there are many more unsavory photos that follow those on a different site.

You an find lifelike $20,000 sex toys clones of preteen school girls on the web from japan with a 2 second google search if you dont believe me look for you self

by the way those are japanese beer bottles, I used to live in japan for while and it looks like definitly an Asahi super dry with the silver label and one of those Sapporo limited edtions on the right,  they could be drinking them somewhere else of course, but this is so japan-style igga peas give me a break with "its not in japan" bullsheet

That's what Im saying! 

That's what Im saying! 

Korean maybe?

Steve Levenstein's picture

 Japanese beer bottles on the table proves nothing - they can be seen on MY table in Canada fairly often. My born-in-Tokyo wife sez that the folding screen in the background of the first photo looks like a Korean design. Whatever, weirdness knows no borders!

stoopid round eye

Common mistake amongst us round eyes is that we can’t differentiate between the origins of Asians.

After living in asia and japan for quite a few years I can feel pretty confident that the people in these photos are more Taiwanese looking than Japanese. Pretty common mistake.


I myself is Japanese, born and raised in Japan. And I see the pic, and some of them do look Chinese. And we Japanese drink more Chuuhai rather than any other alcohol, but I don't seen even a single can of Chuuhai. The picture is suspicious :/

looks fake

1. Knife and fork but No plates?
2. 6-7ppl. and the bottle is more then half empty, suspicious.
3. The "blood"(liquid) seem far from acting normal when the cake is beeing cut.


That is gross, but I bet it is entertaining/educational. Mmm...I thirst for blood!Sealed

Why is this so unbelievable?

I don't know why any of you in our desensitized world find this to be so incredibly unbelievable. I think its real, Shit, I would even sit there and eat it. No biggie. If its food, its food. It's not really a human body and I see nothing sexual about it. Morbid, no doubt, but still. People do weird shit all the time, I for one believe it to be true and think that there is definetley a market out there for soemting like this. Everyone loves a good shock and if you're not ACTUALLY doing something wrong, than why the hell not?

Where can I get one?

Ok, it's a little gross, but I think that would rock to serve at a halloween party!


tastes like chicken!! Tongue out


Why is a part of the "body" pixelized?

I think it's right that an alcohol goes with such a dish. It weakens vomiting reflex.


haha i agree. it really does look appatising. (sp?) XD i'd so eat that.


I love this site!


very interesting discussion...


Just as bad as that place in Taiwan where you drink and eat out of glasses/bowls that look like toilets.
So what's the maturity level there, like 12 years old?

i wouldn't blame them...

From Unit 731 to the Junko Furuta case, Japan can definitely be viewed as a perverse country. Japan has earned a reputation for being bizarre because of modern media like hentai, videos of women inserting strange objects like eels into themselves (if you catch my drift) and crude television shows about underwear, semen, etc.


Pass a boob, please....


I'd Tap that!


if only it tasted like human, mmmmmm best taste i've ever had. better than cow. ;)

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