(14 分前)
Your amazing-you make every dance seem so easy!! Its incredible, I really admire what you do :)
(3 日前)
Hey so how has the SHINee song been coming? haha I havent had much time to try and learn it, but I think I at least have the moves...just gotta perfect them~~
but yeah so how is it going for you? |
(5 日前)
Awesome vids. You should so do a dance to King Kong. That would be so awesome. Keep up the awesome work girl
(6 日前)
hiya! i watched your videos yor a really good dancer! ^^
me and my friend are trying to dance songs from buono! but our arms look like wet noodles flying everywhere lol XD how do you make the dances perfect? ^^ |
i made up my own dance for the Special Generation Eccentric Remix. i look kinda small so ill have to find a new place for recording. but i plan on haiving it up on youtube by tonight. =)
Hey!! Konichi wa!!xD
What a AMAZING VIDEOS!!! you´re soo great!!! (even than me) XDXD iI´m learling a lot of dance from berryz, °c-ute, morning musume, biyuden and... mmm.. I think that´s all xD, Nice Channel!! You did a nice job!!^^ Sayooooo ~o~...~~~~ |
Wow. You're really good at ParaPara. ^^ I enjoy watching you perform different dances. Keep up the good work
(2 週前)
Cool!! thx for telling me ^^
(2 週前)
wow your new video is sooooo good!
i love it ^O^ could i ask question?? what program do you use to put your videos together?? ^____^ |
(2 週前)
yeah, that's true now that you mention it hahaa.
i've been watching it a bunch of times, and it doesn't seem too hard, the moves just go fast. so I hope I can learn it fairly easily. :P |