Here’s another doujin courtesy of Fordman, containing shota. There are some story elements from King of Fighters that are touched upon in this doujin. Those of you who know jack shit about KoF shouldn’t be too confused… I think.
A few announcements to make. First, Tiptop has asked me to add the Hindenburg Hmanga as a donor project. Second, thanks to someone e-mailing me today, I’ve got my hands on 3 more chapters in the parabellum series, so I’ve re-opened the donor project for it. Those of you who want to contribute towards either of them can check the donor project section for details.
Third, I’ve updated the “Commission List” and the “Recent Commissions” up to release #582.
Fourth, Force Unleashed isn’t as bad as all the reviews seem to claim. I think the problem is that the reviewers were expecting the game to bring the light of Jesus down from the heavens instead of, you know… beam the light of their TVs into their living rooms. It’s no God of War, but it’s decent enough.