



All characters in this story are my own creations.


Please direct all comments and feedback to ThomGall@hotmail.com.  Put Black Cat, Platinum Angel, story title or story feedback in subject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete.









By Thom Gall


            Carmen Ortega smiled, eyes narrowing to slits.  She stopped her black Corvette and watched the men in the rear view mirror.  Filthy pimps.  Worse, they are trafficking in white slaves.  Or more correctly, they were kidnapping young beautiful women and forcing them into prostitution.

            Carmen despised Pimps more than any other creature in the world.

            Carmen smiled contentedly.  It had been a long three month stakeout and investigation.  Her toughest case to crack yet.  But now she knew which pimps were responsible.  All she needed to do was catch them in the act.  And she was about to do that right now.

            It took the gorgeous Latina two months to even get a lead.  Then another two weeks to narrow it down to one of three pimps.  A week later, she discovered to her surprise, and delight, all three pimps were involved.  And that last week was stalking them in and out of costume, until just on a hunch she drove over and witnessed two of the three pimps capturing a young black girl.

            She didn’t have time to change, so followed them in her car to this mostly deserted street near the red light district.  Their purple Caddy pulled up to what looked like an abandoned office/warehouse.  The bay door opened at their approach.  She passed them as she watched in her rear view mirror to make sure they really went inside.

            They did.

            After confirming their location, Carmen whipped into a nearby alley and pulled a small locked suitcase out of the scant storage the Corvette possessed.  Finding a jimmied door, she went inside a deserted building and changed.

            First thing, Carmen put on the black mask.  If any derelicts or vagrants happened upon her half out of her costume, she didn’t want them to be able to identify her.  Crime lords would LOVE to find someone who had seen her naked face.  They would find a way to locate her with an eye witness.  After the mask, she donned the thick black latex choker, with the silver cat’s face medallion -- her symbol.  Then she stripped out of her low cut red sweater, tight jeans and lacy red bra.  She put on dark, black pantyhose and wiggled into a tight black latex bodysuit.  It was low cut with long sleeves, displaying a generous portion of cleavage, and with a set of spectacular 40DDs she had a lot of cleavage to display.  Being French cut, the skimpy catsuit made her shapely legs look a mile long.  She pulled on a pair of black stiletto heeled calf boots with gray laces up the front, and then slipped into latex opera gloves.

            “Now to add the POWER,” she said, smiling with pleasure as she fastened a charcoal gray FEM belt around her narrow waist.  She groaned with pleasure as she felt the heady power surge through her shapely body.  That was always her favorite part of dressing in her FEM Fighter costume.  The Force Energization and Magnification Belt was a technological wonder that made normal people as strong as Alpha Meta women, which equated to ten times the strength of a strong man.  Then she put a pair of charcoal gray braces on her wrists.  The left brace produced a bubble-like force shield that could stop a tank round, while the right brace projected a stun beam.  Both sucked enormous amounts of strength from her body, so she had to use them judiciously.

            “Now it is time for Black Cat to kick ass and take names!”

            She stuffed her street clothes into the small suitcase and put it back into the car.  Then Black Cat made a circuitous trip around the pimp’s white slavery operation to come at them from a different direction.  She was always careful to keep anyone from tracing her steps back to the car, and learning her real name.

            In less than ten minutes the super powered FEM fighter was standing outside the office/warehouse to which the pimps were bringing their captives.  She wasn’t sure what they did to the girls in there.  Probably raped and molested them into submission, before putting them to work on the mean streets as whores.

            Pressing her ear against a side door, she heard the faint sound of a young woman begging for mercy.  Her throat tightened and her belly soured.  They were already abusing that poor girl!  Brown eyes flashing, the lovely Latina grabbed the door knob and was about to rip open the door and charge in.  She didn’t think it would take more than a few minutes to round up and kick the snot out of those nasty woman hating pimps.

            “And just where do you think you’re going?” a beautiful feminine voice asked from above and behind.

            Black Cat’s heart dropped into her stomach.  She knew that voice.  It was her bane, her most arrogant and self-righteous nemesis.  Platinum Angel, an Alpha Meta, or Amazon, Super Heroine.  A noted and celebrated Super Heroine for more than a dozen years.

            The sexy black clad FEM fighter whirled around, brown eyes blazing.  She looked up at the gorgeous platinum blonde Super Heroine, a member of the ruthless Fierce Angels, a relatively new Alpha Meta sorority of Super Heroines.  Platinum Angel was so gorgeous it hurt.  She was one of the few women that made Black Cat feel inadequate.  And she was so smug and arrogant.

            “You can just leave, Platinum Angel,” she snarled.  “This is my bust.  I did the leg work and I will take them down.  Your assistance is neither needed nor desired.  Shove off.”

            As an Alpha Meta, Platinum Angel had one advantage over Black Cat.  She possessed a Power.  Platinum Angel was a Telekinetic Power, giving her the ability to pick up and hurl anything great distances.  So it was no effort at all to pick herself up and “fly” through the air at incredible speeds.  At the moment she was floating five feet above Black Cat like some angel from stripper Heaven.

            Platinum Angel’s full pink lips curled into a mischievous smile and her baby blues twinkled with delight behind a pure white mask.  A light breeze played in her waist length silver blonde tresses, and ruffled the pure white “angel wings” of her headdress.  The amazing Amazon had a spectacular five foot ten body with titanic 44DDs, barely concealed in a mirror like silver bikini, with silver thigh boots and silver opera gloves.

            “You’re so cute when you’re angry, Black Cat,” Platinum Angel said, dropping the rest of the way.  Her stilettos clattered softly on the concrete and she struck a classic Super Heroine pose.  “But it’s time for you to step aside and let the big girls play.”

            “I am NOT some air head Amazon,” Black Cat said.  “I am a celebrated member of the FEM Fighters here in Ocean City.  Indeed, I’ve received National commendations.  So take your bimbo smile and bimbo bikini clad body and fly away.  I am taking these deadbeats on solo.  I don’t share, so scram.”

            “Ooh, kitty has claws,” Platinum Angel crooned, scratching in the air at Black Cat.  The sexy FEM fighter didn’t appreciate being mocked.  “I’m all a-quiver in fear.”

            “You should be,” Black Cat said, eyes narrowing and body tensing up for combat.

            Platinum Angel paused, looking her over closely.  She didn’t look impressed.

            “What are you, all of twenty?” she asked, hitting it right the first time.  “Yes, you’ve been scaring up trouble about two years now, and the FEM Fighter bunch won’t accept anyone under eighteen, like the Alpha Meta sororities.  I’ll give you this one warning only, Puss in Boots.  I’ve been a super heroine since the age of thirteen.  I was very…uh…MATURE for my age, in many ways.  I’ve been at it for fifteen years.  You were a mere child when I started, and I’ve dealt with upstarts and wannabes before.  Don’t try my patience.”

            “Not scared of me, huh?” Black Cat growled, stepping up close and pressing her 40DDs into Platinum Angel’s 44DDs.  They were the same height, so brown eyes locked into baby blue.  “This is my bust.  Period.  I’ll only ask you once more to step aside and leave me along.”

            “No,” the platinum blonde said smugly.

            “Ah, I see.  You asked for it,” Black Cat spat, then bought her knee up into Platinum Angel’s unprotect cunt.  She put all the strength her FEM belt gave her into it.  The stunning Fierce Angel’s baby blues went wide and then rolled up in supreme agony.  “Now you know I mean business.”

            Then she pounded a dainty, but hard fist into the Amazon’s throat. 

            “Ack!” Platinum Angel cried, falling across the dark alley until her shapely white rump pressed against hard, unyielding brick.

            “Puta,” Black Cat said, turning her back on the Fierce Angel.  She had to move fast, because Alpha Metas healed with extraordinary speed.  And she just knew Platinum Angel would try to claim some of her glory by joining in if she didn’t put paid on the white slaving pimps fast.  “For the last time, leave me alone and go away before I really hurt you.”

            With that she spun on a stiletto and strode back to the door.  She got halfway before Platinum Angel seized her waist length black hair and jerked her straight back into the wall.  Her head bounced off the bricks a bare instant before her back stuck, knocking the wind out of her lungs.  Black Cat fell to her knees at Platinum Angel’s booted feet, gasping desperately for air.  Platinum Angel reached down, yanked her hair straight back to expose her vulnerable throat and returned the favor with a savage punch to the throat.  Then she placed a silver boot on Black Cat’s chest and KICKED her straight back into a pile of rancid trash, watching it avalanche down atop the gasping, gagging FEM fighter.

            “You can’t beat me any more that all those malefactors before you,” Platinum Angel said, grinning.

            Platinum Angel turned and strode towards the door.  But the fiery-eyed Latina tackled her before she got halfway.  Platinum Angel felt her silvery bikini top pulled off almost immediately.  Her silver gloved hands tried to cover her nakedness, a bare second before Black Cat head butted her and stood over her with blazing eyes.

            “What is wrong with you!” Black Cat cried, and kicked her in the cunt.  Then kicked her again.  “This is MY bust.  I will not tolerate pouching by anyone.”

            Black Cat reached down, seized Platinum Angel by her long, silky platinum hair and lifted her to her feet, then ran her straight into the brick wall.  She bounced off the wall and fell straight back, spread eagle at Black Cat’s booted feet.  Then she reached down and grabbed her by her titanic tits, and two thick streams of hot milk shot her in the face.

            The sexy FEM fighter stumbled back, half blinded by the unexpected spray in the face.  That was the last thing she was expecting.  Why in Earth did her tits spray milk?  Was she a new mother and breastfeeding?  Impossible, because an Alpha Meta lost all of her powers forever the instant she became pregnant.

            “Yeow!” Black Cat cried, suddenly feeling herself lifted off the ground.

            “Stupid…whore,” Platinum Angel groaned, and slowly rose to her feet.  She didn’t bother even looking at Black Cat, legs pedaling and arms flapping as she tried to find gravity.  The sexy, well-endowed Amazon found her bikini top and put it back on.  “Stinking whore, you’re lucky my top wasn’t damaged.  I would’ve taken it out of your ass otherwise.”

            “Put me down, you stupid puta whore!”

            “Idiot, puta whore is redundant,” Platinum Angel said.  “And so are you.  Be gone!”

            With that Platinum Angel sent Black Cat streaking through the air at breakneck speed.  The suddenly terrified Latina screamed the whole way, expecting to be slammed high into the side of a building, then dropped to her death.  But instead, and to her surprise and relief, Platinum Angel simply deposited her atop a nearby office building.

            Aaaayyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee!” Black Cat wailed angrily.  “You miserable puta, I’ll get you for this!”

            Meanwhile, Platinum Angel couldn’t hear her threats.  She had more important things to do than worry about some two bit, wannabe Super Heroine.  If Black Cat had a real Power, then she might deserve a little respect, after she proved herself worthy, but the FEM Fighter didn’t so was beneath her contempt.

            Platinum Angel thought she saw a movement in a nearby window.  So the nasty pimps inside knew she was there.  Not a surprise after their little “cat fight,” and not a problem either.  They thought she would come through that door.  It was the only door on that side of the building.  They would be waiting and ready.  She wasn’t scared, indeed found the prospect of their pathetic ambush rather amusing.  But not as amusing as ambushing their ambush!

            After rattling the door knob just a bit, Platinum Angel took off straight up.  She went up and over the building, finding an open window on the second floor on the other side of the building.  She flew inside and landed in the empty office without a sound.

            Easing through the dark, empty halls upstairs, she found the stairs and glided down using her Power to levitate and “fly.”  Halfway down the shapely Amazon heard the pimps and thugs whispering urgently to each other.  Some wanted to make a run for it.  Her sudden disappear unnerved them.  The others wanted them to just shut up and wait, they were sure she would come through that door.  And they would be ready, too.

            Tsk tsk,” Platinum Angel said, standing behind them and shaking her head woefully.  “Such arrogance is dangerous.  You should’ve listened to your more timid cohorts in crime.”

            “Platinum Angel!”

            “Oh, you’ve heard of me?  I’m touched,” she purred sweetly.  She struck a classic Super Heroine pose and tossed her silver mane sexily.  “Am I the most dangerous Super Heroine you’ve seen?”

            The white slavers just gawked at her.  She counted nine young black men.  Two wore garish suits, the other seven looked like common gang-bangers in jeans and t-shirts.  More than she thought there would be, but well within her abilities to defeated, and defeat handily.

            “Where the….,” the pimp in the pink velvet suit started.  She knew him.  Sweetness was his name.  Pimping was his pleasure and his game.  But now he had worked his way up, or was it down, to white slaving.  “You are going to pay, Platinum Angel.  We’re gonna whomp your fine white ass, then put you on the streets whoring for us.”

            “Oh, do you really think I have a fine ass?” she said, then her eyes hardened.  “Well, it’s the last piece of feminine ass you’ll all see in a long while.  You boys are going to prison for a long time.”

            “I don’t think so, Platinum Pussy,” Sweetness said, eyes hard.  “We don’t appreciate high and mighty, stuck up white girls coming down here and bossing us around.  We do things our own way in the ghetto.”

            “Oh, I haven’t heard that like a million times,” she said, curling her lips in a sneer of contempt.  She walked towards them, smiling in pleasure as they all backed up a step, including Sweetness.  Oooo, big strong men scared of little ole me.  But there are sooo many big strong men that are oh so angry with little ole me, too.  What will I do, but wait.  I’m ten times stronger than a man, and there are only nine of you.  I win.”

            She saw she’d gone a little too far.  Their visages all hardened and set with determination.  Okay, she couldn’t expect them to surrender quietly now.  Sometimes she did push it too much, she knew that.  I wasn’t proper to taunt them so.  After all, they were helpless men.  What could they do to her?

            <I’m wasting time,> she thought.  <Black Cat will likely come running back, hoping to slip in and get some kind of credit for this bust.  But I’m not going to share the glory.>

            “Okay, boys, here’s the deal.  You surrender nice and quietly, and I won’t have to kick your black butts,” she said nicely.  That seemed only to anger them more.  “Let me rephrase that.  Give it up, or else, punks.”

            Platinum Angel gave up.  She reached out with her Power and seized Sweetness.  An instant later he shot straight up and smashed into the ceiling.  When she released him, he fell amid a shower of broken ceiling tiles.  The others gawked at him a moment and looked nervous.  But when they looked back her way, they regained their confidence.

            “Oh, Sweetness is gonna make you pay for that, Platinum Whore,” the other pimp, Saint Rogg said.  If anything, with his huge afro and thick muscles he looked even more dangerous than the gang-bangers.  “Then I’m gonna enjoy your sweet ass next.”

            “Such confidence,” Platinum Angel sneered.  “As yet, I haven’t seen anyone DO anything BUT threaten.”

            “Then let us change that right now.”

            Platinum Angel prepared to use her Power to seize any and all who assaulted her.  They all looked tensed up, ready to pounce.  But they just weren’t making the first move.  She wondered why, then heard the faintest scuff of shoe behind her.  She whirled around just in time.  Another pimp was inches from pressing a chloroform pad over her face.

            One whiff of chloroform and she’d lose her Power for at least an hour, maybe longer.  But the arrogant pimp missed, due to her super powered reflexes.  She ducked and danced aside.  Everyone lunged a few steps then stopped, confused by her avoidance of certain doom.

            “Oh, close one there,” she laughed.  “I haven’t come that close to capture in ages!”

            Now her blood was up.  It was true.  They had managed to lull her into a false sense of security, and ambush her with a powerful drug.  Drugs were the bane of Alpha Metas and Super Heroines everywhere.  Platinum Angel had been captured once, eight years back.  Her captor was another Alpha Meta, but she too used chloroform to good effect.  Platinum Angel was forced to be her sex slave and milk cow for almost a year.

            The gorgeous Fierce Angel vowed never to allow that to happen again.

            She walked over to Sweetness, still unconscious on the floor ten feet away.  She wanted to see if he had any chloroform, or other nasty tricks up his sleeve, which would tell her the likelihood of others have chloroform on them.  She didn’t like that kind of surprise.  Not at all.

            Keeping her back to the wall, not taking any chances, she squatted beside Sweetness and started patting him down.  Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist and flipped her over.


            Sweetness rolled atop her.  Sounds all around made her glance around.  Everyone was charging her.  She gasped, knowing she had to act fast.  Then Sweetness started pounding her face with hard fists.

            In desperation, she cried out and flung Sweetness away.  Instantly, she used her Power to soar straight up to the ceiling.  And just in time too.  Half a dozen gang-bangers descend on the spot she vacated.  So she streaked across the room along the ceiling before dropping back to the floor.

            “Nasty boys,” she scolded.  “I see I can’t trust any of you one wit.”

            “You are starting to become more than just an annoyance,” Sweetness said, now the angriest one of the bunch.  The three pimps strode up close to Platinum Angel.  She made certain she made no move that might indicated she was afraid to be too close to them.  But they stopped a safe five feet away, in a small semi-circle, and glared at her.  “I’m tired of playing around with you, whore.  Surrender sweetly, and we’ll be nice and not raped you stupid before putting you to work hooking, where a fine figure of a woman like you belongs.  Resist, and we’ll break you on our endless cocks first.”

            Platinum Angel, a well born and well bred heiress, was shocked and horrified by his words.  Foul, vile words, that showed just what a heartless, ruthless monster he truly was.  Her faced hardened.

            “I don’t choose sweetly,” she sneered.  “You BOYS are too nasty for sweetly.  I chose the hard way, the NASTY way.”

            Platinum Angel resolved to be just as nasty as them.  She would trounce them thoroughly, then call the police.  There wouldn’t be much left to prosecute when she got finished with this sorry lot.

            “So be it,” he said.

            The pimp with the chloroform pad started pouring more onto his pad.  Then the other two did as well.  Her baby blues widened in surprise.  So they did all have chloroform, or was it just the three pimps?  Didn’t matter, she reached out with her Power and seized all three.  The amazing Amazon lifted them up and pressed them against the ceiling.

            “Having fun up there?” she mocked.  “I know I am.”

            “Not just yet,” Sweetness snarled.

            “I’ll be damned it that chloroform does you any good up there.”

            “I don’t know, what happens if I do this?” he asked, and threw the contents of the chloroform bottle on her.

            Platinum Angel was hit full in the face and chest.  It splattered all around her, drenching the front of her buxom body.  She held her breath in desperation, knowing that just one breath would de-Power her long enough for them to overpower and capture her.

            “Get her!” one of the other pimps cried.

            The sexy Super Heroine’s baby blues widened as seven gang-bangers raced toward her.  She knew a moment of panic.  She had to breathe.  She wasn’t able to hold it much longer, but the second she did her Power would vanish.  So she thrust out with her Power one last time, pushing, smashing all the gang-bangers across the room into the wall.

            And then she took a deep breath.

            “Oh God!” she cried, and was forced to take another breath.

            The three pimps came crashing down.  Sweetness landed atop Platinum Angel.  Her face was pushed down into the puddle of chloroform quickly evaporating, filling her lungs with heady drugs to make a Super Heroine weak and sleepy.

            Powerless, Platinum Angel still had her super strength.  She tossed Sweetness aside and bolted to her suddenly wobbly feet.  The gang-bangers were on their feet as well.  Seconds later, she found herself surrounded by the three, very angry pimps.

            Suddenly, Platinum Angel started praying Black Cat would arrive.

            “You boys don’t give up, do you?” she said nervously.  The chloroform had stolen her Power and was making her dizzy.  She licked suddenly dry lips and swallowed a lump in her throat.  “Perhaps you would like to reconsider your options?  If you just leave I won’t pursue.”

            They laughed cruelly.  The three pimps started walking in a circle around her, confusing her.  It was impossible to keep them all in front of her.  She didn’t trust any stinking pimp behind her.  But constantly turning her head to look over her shoulder just made her dizzier, and the chloroform was still evaporating off her face and chest, making her weaker and dizzier by the second.

            “I’m not alone,” she bluffed.  “Black Cat is outside, about to come charging in.”

            “Black Cat?  You mean the sexy FEM fighter you LIFTED up and placed on a building several blocks away?”

            <Yeah, that would be the one,> she thought dismally.  “Never liked cats anyway.”

            They laughed at that.  Then Sweetness backhanded her while she was trying to watch the man moving behind her.  The blow spun her completely around, but did little else.  She was incredible strong and resilient.

            The third pimp jumped on her back.  He pressed a chloroform pad over her nose and mouth.  Platinum Angel sucked in a good half lungful before she stopped herself.  It was enough.  She felt her world shift dizzily.  Sweetness put all his considerable weight into a punch to her belly.  Her wind exploded out, and she sucked in an enormous lungful of chloroform.  Blackness started creeping in quickly, giving her dimming tunnel vision.

            “It’s all over but the fucking,” Sweetness whispered to her as her lids fluttered.

            With that he pulled off her silver bikini top.  He started mauling her 44DDs, and, of course, milk squirted out.  They all thought that a wonderful trick.  Soon, Sweetness was sucking merrily on one tit, and a gang-banger on another.  Very quickly they became even more aroused, and one of them started rubbing her cunt.

            <Oh no….don’t….,> she thought wearily, dizzily.  Her tunnel vision was so bad she couldn’t see more than one man at a time as they all crowded around her.  <Very bad…ver….bad….milk… aphrodi..siac.>

            Then the lights went out for Platinum Angel.

            The pimps and gang-bangers that worked for them didn’t care if Platinum Angel was awake or not.  They gorged themselves on her potent mother’s milk, then sated their lusts on her shapely body.  For the next hour, the Fierce Angel was fucked seven ways to Sunday by the ten men.  When they tired of her unresponsive body they left her hanging by her wrists from chains in the warehouse and went to molest the five conscious captives in the next room.

            Platinum Angel awoke to find herself swinging gently, minus bikini top and bottoms.  Cooling milk was still dripping off her considerably deflated tits.  She could feel thick, syrupy cum dribbling down her legs into her thigh boots.  Both her pussy and butt hole were leaking.

            Her full weight was only borne by her delicate looking wrists.  Of course, being Alpha Meta delicate looking was deceptive.  She could take ten times as much punishment as a normal woman.  Maybe more.  Platinum Angel found she could just barely stand on her tiptoes.  Her sky high stiletto heels were off the floor by a bare inch.  It gave her wrists little respite, but at least she stopped swinging.

            Sweetness was the only one in the warehouse with her.  The big black man was shirtless and barefooted, wearing just his pink velvet slacks.  He was busy, but noticed her eyes open regarding him.

            “Good, you’re awake,” he said.  “We’ll get started in a little bit.”

            “You realize, you will never get away with this,” Platinum Angel croaked out.

            “Of course we will, Platinum Whore,” Sweetness said, whistling as he set up video equipment.  From the soreness of her twat and butt hole, it felt like they’d all had at least one turn fucking her, so she didn’t see a lot of action happening real soon.  Unless they were bringing in more men to rape her.  Of course, her milk was a powerful aphrodisiac.  One swallow of her mother’s milk and they would be raring to go.  “By the time we’re finished today, you will be eager to please in all ways.”

            “Only if you want me to kick your face in,” she grumbled.

            Finally finished, Sweetness aimed the camcorder at her and turned it on.  She saw her tits spring onto the screen of a large monitor behind him, allowing her to see everything they video taped.

            “This is a state of the art camcorder, Platinum Whore,” she said.  “It is entirely digital, with two hundred and fifty hours of video space.”

            She swallowed.  They were going to video record themselves raping her.  Probably sell the video on the internet porn sites specializing in that smut.  She took a deep breath, steeling herself to become a porn star.

            Sweetness walked up to her and squeezed her right tit, sending a thick stream of milk towards the camera.  Then he did the same with the left.

            “Hey, got milk?” he said to the camera, and broke up laughing.  “This whore does!”

            The pimp stepped behind her and started fingering her anus.  Her baby blues grew wide.  It was humiliating, especially the fact he easily shoved two thick fingers inside her with no discernable effort.  She couldn’t believe her ass was that loose.  How many man fucked her up the ass while she was unconscious?

            “Shall we start?” Sweetness said, and she felt his erect cock slide between her butt cheeks.  She tried to twist around to avoid being impaled upon his dick, to avoid giving him that most intimate of taboo pleasures.  But he was an expert at this, and easily found her already loosened sphincter and pushed inside.  Ahh, success.”

            Platinum Angel’s back arched and her eyes rolled up as she let out with a primal cry, “Yeeeeeeeeeoooooooowwwwwwwww!”

            “I knew you’d like that,” he chuckled in her ear.

            Holding tightly to her well rounded hips, he quickly pumped her a dozen times, pushing he entire ten inch dick into her poop chute.  Platinum Angel was trying to put up a brave face for the camera.  She didn’t want to be seen as being “broken” or “pathetic.”  If this was the end of her, then she wanted to do down fighting as best she could, even if that was only denying their ultimate pleasure of taming her on camera.  Then he surprised her by reaching down and lifting her legs up.  He held her thighs to her belly, giving the camera a perfect view of his thick black cock moving in and out of her yielding sphincter, not to mention a great shot of her completely shaven pussy.

            Despite everything, she found herself transfixed by the images on the monitor, of his cock fucking her ass.  She’d never actually seen a penis moving in and out of a woman before.  Add that to the erotic physical pleasure the act forced upon her, and she felt her libido fire up and butterflies erupting deep in her belly.

            Uuuggghhh-uuuuoooooooohhhhh,” she groaned, fighting the climax that was slowly building.  “You are evil, Sweetness!  You will pay for…..uggh…Oh.”

            Platinum Angel heard about women, even great Super Heroines, broken by a large cock wielded with brutal authority.  Was Sweetness such a man, with such a cock?  Was she ripe for conquest?  She’d been broken once, eight years back by a lactose vampire, Lady Lactose, using dildos, vibrators and her own tongue and fingers.  It was her year as the sex slave and milk cow to Lady Lactose that kept her breasts hyper lactating.

            Thinking of Lady Lactose stirred the Old Feelings deep within.  Her libido kicked into high gear, ripping a gasp from her full pink lips.

            “Please, no,” she begged.  “I can’t take this.  You don’t understand.”

            “Good,” Sweetness said, grinning, and started kissing her ear behind the pure white wings of her headdress.

            Ooohhh,” she groaned when he pushed his hot, wet tongue deep into that ear.

            She felt her breasts starting to burn and swell.  It was part of her “curse.”  When aroused she started lactating faster, making her tits bigger and the skin tighter.  Since she’d started off with those huge sacks more than half empty, Platinum Angel wasn’t feeling “stretched out.”  Yet.

            Platinum Angel realized she was panting.  Her soul was afire.  All pain was gone, replaced with heady pleasure.  Every touch and movement sent waves of incredible pleasure radiating through her shapely body.  And being bounced up and down on Sweetness’s ten inch cock made for a lot of movement and touching.

            Another of the pimps came in, saw them and whooped.  Saint Rogg raced over and dropped his pants.  His cock was easily as large and frightening as Sweetness’s.  He didn’t waste time thinking about it.  He just guided that jet black cock straight into her bubble gum pink pussy.

            Uuugggghhhhhhhh, Jesus.  Mercy!” Platinum Angel cried.  “I will do anything you ask…just stop….jus….stoooooaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

            “Damn, Sweetness, you done got this ho all warmed up and raring to go!”

            “Sure nough,” he said, grinning.  “She’s about to lose it any second now, I can feel it in her wound up body.”

            Platinum Angel’s baby blues flashed in defiance.  She would not be broken!  She would not be tamed.  She was the most celebrated, most honored and beloved Super Heroine on the West Coast, not just Ocean City.  The renown Fierce Angel didn’t fight and struggle for fifteen long years to end it as one of Sweetness’s cheap street sluts, pedaling her sweet ass for fifty dollars a shot.

            The vision of her walking the mean streets, whoring herself for a disgusting pimp flashed before her mind’s eye.  Fire erupted deep in her belly as she watched herself on a bed, spreading her arms and legs to a paying customer.  And she felt that erotic heat go over the top, and she gasped as she felt that mad rush to climax consume her body and mind.

            The climax hit Platinum Angel like a brick between the eyes.  Her whole body convulsed, back arched and milk sprayed from both nipples.  She kicked her booted feet and screamed.


            Her pussy and ass muscles began quivering and contracting.  Both pimps suddenly had surprised looks on their faces.  Seconds later she felt Sweetness’s cock stiffen, then release a gush of hot cum deep up her ass.  Then Saint Rogg groaned and sent another wad into her pussy.

            Sweetness released her legs and pulled out.  Saint Rogg pumped her a few more times, getting a gusty grunt with each stroke.  Then he was too limp to continue and pulled out.  Platinum Angel hung before them, utterly spent physically and emotionally.

            “Now the coup de grace,” Sweetness said.

            The big pimp reached up and seized the edge of her pure white mask.


            Platinum Angel threw her head back, whipping it around in a desperate attempt to remain masked.  She was too famous in everyday life, too recognizable to be unmasked.  There was no way she could ever hope the pimps wouldn’t recognize her.  It would all be over then.  There would be absolutely NO chance of escape and salvation if they learned her true identity.

            Together, the two pimps held her tight and stopped her struggling.  Then Sweetness grabbed the edge of the mask.  Platinum Angel gasped, filled with cold dread.  The pimp made sure she was facing the camcorder, and pulled the lily white mask off.

            “Fuck me to tears,” Saint Rogg cried.

            “Fucking A!” Sweetness cried, and started to dance.  “Felicity Silverbush!”

            The pimps laughed and danced.  They knew her.  Everyone knew Felicity Silverbush was one of the richest women in the world, and one of the most beautiful.  The drop dead gorgeous celebutant went to all the most exclusive parties, partied with the rich and famous, and traveled the world doing charity work, especially when it concerned protecting animals and wildlife.

            “Platinum Angel -- FELICITY,” Sweetness said, so pleased with himself and his great luck.  “You work for ME now.”

            “Us,” Saint Rogg cut in.

            “Yeah, right.  You work for me, Saint Rogg and LL Tamer,” Sweetness said.  “As a cheap ass street whore.  Understand?”

            Tears rolled down her beautiful, unmasked face.  Everything was lost.  Her fate was to be a whore, the life she despised above all others.  Felicity had fallen from the top of the world of wealth, admiration and respect, to the lowest of the low, a street whore.

            “I…ack,” she said, choking on her words.  “I-I u-u-understand.”

            “We KNOW you understand, girl.  Will you go willingly?  Or will we have to get NASTY?” Saint Rogg asked, eyes fierce.

            “I have no choice,” she whispered, eyes downcast.  Then looking up into his merciless eyes, “I will o-obey you.  I will do as I am told.  I accept my fate.”

            Sweetness turned dramatically to the running camcorder. Grinning victoriously, he said, “Got her!”

#                    #                    #

            Black Cat frowned.  It had been four hours.  No sign of police at the white slavers’ hideout.  No activity at all.  Was she wrong?  Did Platinum Angel find anyone inside?  They couldn’t have escaped.

            “But it did take a little while to go dress up as Black Cat and return,” she said, suddenly full of doubts.  If Platinum Angel went in and blew their cover and exposed their bolt hole without anyone being there at the time, then all of her hard work was for naught.  “Damn that albino bitch!  What did she do?  How did that arrogant stuck-up super strumpet screw it all up?”

            Black Cat was seething.  Had been since Platinum Angel plucked her out of the alley and perched her atop the office building several blocks away.  She’d been monitoring the police band and watching the hideout from another abandoned building just down the street.

            “Amazons really try my patience,” she said.

            What to do?  The stunning Latina crime fighter turned on a stiletto heel and strode deeper into the abandoned building.  The only sound the crackling of the broken glass and filth beneath her feet.  There were signs of recent occupation by vagrants, piles of ashes where small fires once burned and cleaned off places were someone had obviously bedded down.

            Black Cat gnawed on her lower lip, wondering if she should chance a peek inside the pimps’ hideaway.  As far as she could tell the police knew nothing about it, so Platinum Angel could not have told them anything.  Maybe she was still inside, lying in ambush for their return?

            That thought excited Black Cat.  If that was true, or the Super Heroine had gotten bored and left, then it meant she still had a chance to save the day.  If the pimps didn’t know their secret was found, then they would return.  Looking out a broken window five stories up, the FEM fighter wished they didn’t all park inside the warehouse.  She had no idea when someone was there except by seeing them enter.

            “I’m going in,” she said, determined to save face.  “And if I cross paths with Platinum Angel…”

            Minutes later Black Cat emerged from the building’s rear entrance.  She hurried down the alley, feeling the hidden eyes of vagrants all around her.  As long as they didn’t work as lookouts for the pimps turned white slavers, then she was safe.  And she doubted even pimps were desperate enough to hire unreliable vagrants for anything.

            “It’s party time,” Black Cat said, brown eyes fierce as she glared daggers at the entrance to the office section of the building.  She thought of it as a white slave distribution center.  A temple of anguish and debauchery.  “And I’m closing you boys down, right now.”

            Black Cat leapt out of the alley running full tilt.  She knew from experience not to give them time to think and plan.  Surprise was her best weapon, followed up with a strong, violent attack.  Hit them hard, and don’t stop hitting them until they are down.  And then it isn’t a bad idea to hit them again.

            At the last moment, she leapt in the air and rolled up into a ball a split second before she smashed through the window.  Black Cat hit the floor running inside, making sure she was always moving faster than the shattered, missile like shards of glass, and moved past it quickly.  She stopped only to shake out the few shards stuck in her long, silky black hair.

            <Practice makes perfect,> she thought, grateful FEM Fighter training was so demanding and thorough.

            The shuffle of feet and surprised shouts brought a smile to her gorgeous masked mask.  So she charged out of the abandoned reception area and raced towards the back offices.  She immediately found herself approaching two young black men swinging chains.

            Black Cat smiled roguishly.

            “Surrender, miscreants!”

            Of course they didn’t.  Did not even seem to consider it.  She wasn’t surprised, but she just wanted to give them the opportunity before she thrashed their butts.  It looked better in the papers and before juries when she could say she gave them the chance to surrender.  Otherwise, juries could frown on the thorough whipping she usually gave the felons she battled and might even consider they had been punished enough and let them go.  It had happened before.

            She charged them.  They charged her.  Seconds before they met she reached over and pressed the activation button on her left Power Brace and the force shield snapped into position around her.  When the gang-bangers made contact with that bubble of pure energy it sent a jolt strong enough to drop a horse through them.

            Aaaiiee!” they cried, and collapse.

            Black Cat released the button and the shield collapsed.

            “Whew!  That was fun,” she said, grinning down at the pair with bright eyes.

            She paused to get her wind.  The hard run hadn’t winded her, though, the five second burst of force shield sucked an enormous amount of her stamina away.  It got its energy from her body.  She was one of only two FEM fighters in Ocean City who could use her shield continuously more up to five minutes before passing out.  The other was Lady Katana.

            “Two down, unknown number to go,” she said, and took off running again.

            Neither one of the down men was one of the three pimps she knew had joined together.  She hoped all three were within the building.  Black Cat made for the warehouse, where she just knew the pimps were loading up their kidnapped beauties into cars or trucks to whisk them away.

            Oofff!” Black Cat grunted as a gang-banger charged out of a side office as she was racing past and plowed into her.  He had timed it perfectly.  She’d already bounced off the opposite wall and been dragged to the floor before she realized what was happening.  She elbowed him in the jaw.  “I don’t…have,” she kneed his crotch, “time for this…now.”

            A right fist between the eyes put him down.

            Before she regained her feet, two more men charged out of that office and bowled her over.

            “Let go!” she cried.

            One of the men, the biggest, had wrapped his arms around her just below her 40DDs and bear hugged her.  He was trying to squeeze the life out of her, making it extremely difficult to breathe.  She spent a fruitless moment beating on his arms, but that had absolutely not affect.  Then the other young man stood up and glared murderously down at her.

            Black Cat couldn’t concentrate on the big man holding her until she could get rid of the other, who was looking for an opening to jump onto her.  If he came closer she could put him down quickly, but he stayed just out of kicking range, and she was starting to feel woozy for lack of oxygen.  She needed to escape immediately or she’d be captured.

            “What?  Afraid of a little girl?”

            His dark eyes flashed, and he charged her.  She waited for him to get well within her kicking zone.  Then she waited for him to get within hand’s reach.

            <Now!> she thought.

            Just as she was kicking out, the man below her rolled over.  Her foot missed the gang-banger and Black Cat found herself face down on the cold tiles.  A hard foot came out of nowhere and struck the side of her head.  Light and darkness exploded behind her eyes.


            He kicked her again.


            A third kick to the temple, and blackness descended.

            “Go tell Sweetness and Saint Rogg we got another one,” LL Tamer said in his deep base voice.  The smaller gang-banger raced away, a big smile on his scar-riddled face.  “Tell them it’s Black Cat!”

            LL Tamer reached down to the base of her back and unfastened the FEM belt that gave her super strength.  He’d tangled with FEM fighters before.  Indeed, he had worn a military issued FEM belt in the Marines for six years.  He wouldn’t take that chance.

            Tossing the FEM belt down the hall, he stood up and pulled her up by her long, straight black hair.  She moaned and whimpered, but didn’t wake up.  Running an appreciative hand over and around her 40DDs, then down to her narrow waist and pubic mound, he paused to admire his catch.

            “I ain’t never broke no FEM fighter on my cock,” he said, a gleam in his dark eyes.  “Time for LL Tamer to prove himself worthy of that exalted name.”

            He picked up her limp body in both arms and carried her into the room he’d attacked from.  There were four cots in the room and a table with cards and money lying scattered atop it.  He tossed her atop a cot and admired her beauty a long moment.

            “Let’s see who you are first,” he said, and pulled off her mask.  Nothing.  “Damn, I don’t recognize you.  No matter.  I know who you are now, MY whore.”

            LL Tamer pulled Black Cat’s latex bodysuit down off her shoulders and down around her waist.  With her arms trapped within the long sleeves and the bunched up latex holding her arms in tightly, he smiled.  It would hold her long enough to kick her ass if she tried to escape.

            The pimp with the most brutal reputation in Ocean City lifted her left foot, gave the long “fuck me” heel a lick then pushed it way up.  Her pubic mound was pushed up and exposed for exploitation.  He could just make out the imprint of her fleshy nether lips through the smooth black latex.  He rubbed it a long moment through the latex, until she started groaning and rolling her head back and forth.  Then he pulled back his right fist, and pounded that helpless cunt will all his strength.

            Yyyeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooowwwww!” Black Cat cried, coming fully awake instantly.

            “Ah, got your attention, did it?” LL Tamer said, grinning.  Then he straddled her chest and pulled out his foot long, thick black cock.  And dropped it between her massive tits.  “How about we get acquainted over a little titty fucking?”

            Black Cat just looked up at him aghast.

            “Good,” he said, laughing, and grabbed both tits in huge hands.

            Two men came staggering into the room.  She recognized them as the first two she took down.  They were followed in by the third man down, and then by three she’d ever seen before.  With her hands bound at her waist she felt that her FEM belt was taken away from her and groaned in misery.  Then his monster cock hit her in the chin, while he was busy titty fucking her.  She grimaced in disgust and turned her face away.

            “Punk,” she rasped out.  “Don’t touch me with that nasty thing.”

            Black Cat hated LL Tamer the most of the three pimps.  He was the most brutal, most ruthless and heartless of all the pimps in Ocean City.  He was suspected in the murder of a dozen prostitutes, and several former associates.

            <It must’ve been a sick joke to name him Lady’s Love Tamer,> she thought.  <Probably a gang name.>

            “I’ve already called the police,” she said, trying unsuccessfully to keep his foot-long cock from hitting her in the face while he titty fucked her.

            “Ha!  That’s funny, Black Pussy,” LL Tamer said.  “I know my enemy too well.  You FEM fighters and Amazon types don’t call the police until AFTER you catch the bad guys, so you can have all the credit and glory.  Bunch of stupid glory mongers.”

            She felt her face burning.  It was true.  Everything would be so much easier if they found the criminals and called the police in to arrest them.  But it was more fun, dramatic and rewarding to go in alone and prove to the world what great heroines they were.

            It was a fierce competition, indeed.

            The reward was fame and glory.  The punishment for failure -- too grim to contemplate.

            For the first time in her two year, stellar career as a FEM fighter, Black Cat was enduring the reality of failure.  She was de-powered, bound in her own costume, being titty fucked by a giant black pimp with six more eager gang-bangers ready to gang-bang her senseless.

            “If you rape me, you will incur the wrath of all FEM fighters,” she threatened.

            “Don’t scare me!” LL Tamer said, releasing her tits and rubbing his wet cock head in her beautiful face.  “I might get so scared I PISS myself, or your face!”

            Everyone but Black Cat laughed at that.  He returned to titty fucking her, and she was just glad to get his rancid dick out of her face.  It REEKED of urine and stale sex.  She licked her dry lips, and gagged on the taste of his dick off them.

            “Oh! Stop that!” she cried when one of the gang-bangers started rubbing her pussy through the smooth latex.

            “No, keep it up,” LL Tamer said.  “If you can make her cum before I cum, then I’ll let you fuck her pussy first.”

            “I’ll give none of you any satisfaction!” she cried defiantly.

            They laughed.

            “Scar,” LL Tamer called.  The scar-faced gang-banger pushed through the crowd.  “My man, Scar.  I grow tired of the ho’s constant yammering, could you plug up her mouth for me?  I’m sure you’ll find an interesting way to do that.”

            Black Cat and Scar locked eyes in that moment.  He smiled cruelly and her eyes widened.  He pulled out his cock as she clamped her teeth together and starting shaking her head.  Two other gang-bangers jumped up to help hold her head steady, after they forced it painfully back.  Then someone smashed a fist into her throat.

            “Ack!” she cried.  Scar promptly shoved his thick cock into her mouth.  Uuummmmmgghhh!”

            Ahhh, ho choking on cock, music to my ears,” LL Tamer said wistfully.  Then laughed.  “Bet you a hundred dollars you lose it before I do.”

            “Bet,” Scar said, and started pumping in and out of Black Cat’s mouth.

            Black Cat struggled to keep it together.  The pimp titty fucking her was bad enough, but she couldn’t ignore being ramroded down the throat by a cock.  Then the other gang-banger pulled the latex away from her pubic mound, and CUT the protective latex, exposing her.  Seconds later he sliced open the black pantyhose beneath and she felt cool air touch her overheated cunt.

            Uuuummmmmmhhhhhh!” she cried in protest, struggling futilely.

            In the past she’d privately scorned other Super Heroines and FEM fighters that fell to criminals and vanished.  It was the price of failure.  Rule of the jungle.  Good to cull the pack, so the big cats had more room to play.  Now she regretted those beliefs, now that she faced defeat face to face.

            She didn’t know what it was.  The titty fucking.  The fingering of her cunt.  Or, most likely, the intense face-fucking she was receiving, but something she’d never felt before ignited deep in her belly.  Her twat tingled, and that erotic tingle was slowly washing through her shapely body.  Then a wave of heat washed through, leaving her sweaty and starting to pant loudly through her nose.

            Inadvertently, without knowing she did it, Black Cat started sucking on Scar’s cock.  That made it better for both of them, since it started her mouth to watering again.  Her hips started to roll, move up and down with the same rhythm her pussy abuser was using.  Then she let out a tiny gasp when he penetrated her vagina with his finger.  As his finger moved deeper and deeper, with tiny strokes into that tight, tight pussy, she felt his tongue flick her clit.

            Uugghhh-hhmmmmm,” she gasped and groaned sensually.

            “I heard that Super Heroine types surrendered faster, break faster than normal women.  I think that’s right,” LL Tamer said.  “This ho is fucking us back, and is enjoying it as much as we are.”

            Black Cat felt overheated.  She couldn’t get enough air.  That tingle in her twat had turned to something else.  Something she’d never felt before, but she liked it.  She liked it a lot.

            “LL Tamer, this ho is a virgin!” pussy man said.  “I can feel her hymen tissue.”

            “Son of a bitch, I got to cum before she does,” LL Tamer said.  “So I can taste that virgin puss on my cock first.”

            Scar pulled his cock almost out, leaving only the head in her mouth.  Black Cat started to suck on it.  She licked it, rolled her tongue around it.  She became consumed with that cock.  She couldn’t get enough of it.

            “More,” she breathed, then sucked on the cock hard.  Scar jumped with intense pleasure, then pulled completely out.  She groaned with displeasure, until he pressed his sweaty balls to her full red lips.  She started to lick and suck with relish.  Mmmmm.”

            LL Tamer paused to look down on her in pleasant surprise.  He’d never had a woman react like this.  It was shocking, but fun.  But he was afraid she would be tamed before he got a cock inside her.

            “Suck me!” Scar cried, pulling his balls out of her eager mouth and shoving his cock in.  She took him in easily, with a moan.  Then seconds later he came.  “Oh, yeah!”

            Sucking on just his cock head, Black Cat sucked him dry.  She was still moaning and licking her lips when the next cock pressed against her lips.

            Mmmmm-uuuhhhmmm,” she moaned as that long cock slipped deep into her mouth, until his sweaty balls laid across her nose.  And ten seconds later, he shot is wad in her mouth.  Aaawww.”

            “I’m close,” LL Tamer said with a strained voice.  “Hold her head up.  I want to get her between the eyes.”

            Pussy man decided to up the ante.  He sucked her clit into his mouth and gave it a little nip.

            Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” she cried, bucking.  “Oh!  Oh!  Oh, God, I think I’m cumming!”

            He nipped it again, trying to make her climax before LL Tamer so he could be the one to pop her cherry.  She bucked some more, crying out as she felt something change deep in her belly.  Like something big and beautiful rising up to consume her.

            “Yes!” LL Tamer cried triumphantly, as a blob of hot, creamy cum splattered across her nose and dribbled down across her slack lips.

            She tasted the cum on her lips, and felt that erotic tingle turn the corner and race towards climax.  Her back arched as her mouth opened wide to scream, and another shot of cum slashed her face, mostly vanishing into her mouth.


            The orgasm was the most wonderful feeling she’d ever felt.  As a proud virgin, she’d never known carnal pleasure.  She’d even denied herself the pleasures of the hand and dildo, fearing she would want it too much and started submitting to men for sex.

            At that moment, Black Cat regretted that decision.

            Then LL Tamer shoved his foot long cock into her mouth.

            “Lick it clean before I deflower you, ho,” he demanded.

            Black Cat started licking and sucking without thought.  It tasted sooo good.  She looked up into his merciless eyes as she licked his cock clean, and felt something stir deep in her belly again.  She knew then and there he had and would always have power over her, he would call to something deep in her belly, deep in her soul.

            Then his words sank in.  Deflower.  Deflower HER.  If he got that cock up into her, she knew she was a goner.  She had a weakness, and LL Tamer, the infamous pimp, would exploit it and her to the max.  She would likely die an early death, as a crack ho.

            The debauched FEM fighter tried to lift her arms, to push him away, but her latex costume held them down.  Then she realized something.

            <My Power Braces!  They didn’t remove them!>

            Throat tightening, she continued to lick and suck his cock until he was satisfied.  Then he slowly crawled off her.  She sighed in relief, not realizing until that moment how difficult it had been to support his considerable weight.  But before she could decide her next move, a gang-banger pulled out a switchblade and sliced open the front of her costume.  Then four gang-bangers ripped it off her, leaving only her boots and opera gloves.  The gloves were once over the sleeves, so they were pulled down by the latex bodysuit’s removal, covering the Power Braces.

            Black Cat found herself in a circle of horny black men, all but panting they needed so bad.  She was all but naked, her body glistening with sweat.  She smiled up at them, and reached over to her left wrist.  She depressed the activation button through the thin latex.

            A powerful force shield energized around her in an instant.  The men were all too close, so were jolted and flung away by the energy shield.  All except LL Tamer were left unconscious.  He only dropped to his knees.  So she locked eyes with him and pointed her right hand at him.

            “Good bye,” she said.  “You lose.”

            Black Cat depressed the activation button and a powerful bolt of pure energy shot out and hit the hated pimp in the chest.  He grunted, then groaned as he collapsed.  The FEM fighter paused to take a deep breath and try to get her wind back.

            “Well, that was an experience I don’t want to ever repeat,” she said at length, then rubbed at her tired eyes and to wipe the cooling cum off her face.  Her heart froze.  “Oh my God!  I’ve been unmasked!”

            With all of the sexual abuse she hadn’t noticed her mask was gone.  Looking around, she found it under the cot.  She snatched it up and pressed it back to her face.  That done, she got up and toweled off as best she could.  Nose crinkled, she realized she’d need a proper shower to get all the “sticky” off.  A LONG shower.

            There was no salvaging her costume, so she left after shooting each man once with the stunner and LL Tamer twice.  Just to be sure and because he deserved it.  Then she found her FEM belt casually tossed down the hallway and put in on.  She smiled with pleasure as the feeling of power rushed through her, energizing her.

            Black Cat quickly decided she didn’t like walking naked.  Her big boobs bounced and jostled, distracting her.  She liked them bound up nice and secure, with little or no movement.  Besides that, she really felt the cool air on her overheated skin.  It was impossible to forget her nudity, so the idea of just leaving and starting over crossed her mind.  That idea was quickly rejected.  It was too much like admitting defeat.

            Black Cat never lost.

            As she moved down the hallway, she began to hear others further along.  She quickly realized they sounded very happy.  They were laughing and joking when she peeked into the warehouse from the open door.  Her jaw dropped at the sight she beheld.

            Platinum Angel was hanging by her wrists from the high ceiling.  Her skimpy bikini was gone, leaving her just as naked as the FEM fighter.  Except for one item.  The legendary Fierce Angel was unmasked.  Face stripped.

            <Platinum Angel is Felicity Silverbush?  The celebutant?> she thought, stunned.  It was inconceivable, but there she was before her eyes.  Felicity Silverbush, A.K.A. Platinum Angel, being ass fucked and pussy fucked at the same time by a pair of gang-bangers.  The other two pimps and a final gang-banger were between her and the captured Super Heroine, watching the erotic action with barely controlled ardor.  <Oh, how the mighty have fallen.  Mighty cocky.>

            The super curvaceous Amazon was writhing helpless between the gang-bangers, crying out with carnal pleasure as a pair of big, thick cock hammered her mercilessly.  In just the few seconds she watched, Black Cat found her blood pressure spiked.  She was surprised to realize her right hand was inexplicably dropping down to her cunt.

            “Better end this fast,” she muttered, swallowing the thick lump in her throat.  Then she smiled.  It would be SOOO good to capture all these pimps and gang-bangers when Platinum Angel failed so utterly miserably.  She eased out, moving slowly and quietly up behind the three men watching.  The two fucking gang-bangers and heroine were totally consumed in their evil tryst.  Then moving up behind Sweetness, Black Cat grinned wickedly and said loudly, I’m going to enjoy PIMP slapping you asswipes down!”

            Black Cat’s savage roundhouse was flying as Sweetness turned around in shock.  Her black booted foot connected with a solid THUNK and the big man dropped like a sack of potatoes.  She kicked Saint Rogg in the gonads and turned on the gawking gang-banger.  He was fast, his fist connected with her jaw as she turned to face him.

            Ooofff,” she groaned, spun around.

            Black Cat dropped low, catching her fall with practiced ease.  Then she whipped her leg around powerfully, kicking his feet out from under him.  He hit the floor with a pained grunt while she surged to her feet, and sent a powerful kick to his head.  He was unconscious before his limp body settled.

            Slanting a gaze over her shoulder, she smiled roguishly as the stunned pair fucking Platinum Angel.  The thoroughly debauched heroine was in a daze, not knowing anything was different.  Then both men hastily pulled out of Platinum Angel.

            Haaaiiii-yaaa!” Black Cat cried, suddenly spinning and hammering the closest gang-banger to the floor with a quick series of punishing kicks to all the most tender spots.  She left him a moaning, groaning mess.  Then she locked eyes with the last man standing.  “Not looking good, is it?”

            “I’ll kick your ass, bitch,” he growled, hands clenched into fists.

            She pursed her lips into a kiss, and winked at him.

            Infuriated, he charged her.  When he swung at her face, she caught his wrist and used leverage and his momentum against him, sending him cartwheeling through the air.  But he rolled to his feet, none the worse for her skilled martial display. 

            “Nice,” Black Cat said, smiling with approval.

            “You won’t think so after I kick your ass, and then hang you up next to Platinum Whore there,” he sneered.

            “If I’m ever defeated by a little punk like you, then I deserve to be captured, fucked and put to work whoring,” she said, voice dripping with contempt.  He was a magnificently muscled man and moved with feline grace and power, something she admired.  Not that she’d ever admit that to that sleazy miscreant.  “Give me your best shot, before I haul your butt to prison for the next twenty years.  Punk.”

            His dark eyes flashed, and he charged her with an enraged growl.  Black Cat feigned the same flip as before, then when he tried to dropped lower and tackle her, she jumped and cartwheeled off his shoulders.  She could tell by the way his body reacted during the brief time her hands were on him what he was going to do next, so she hit the ground and didn’t even look to confirm her suspicion.  Instead, she spun around letting loose a devastating roundhouse.  As suspected, he was in the wrong place at the right time for her.

            “Slap down!” she said as the gang-banger crumbled at her feet.  “That felt good.”

            With all the sleazy white slavers down and out, Black Cat turned to soak in the sight of pure defeat.  Platinum Angel looked like she’d been fucked seven times over, and liked it.  Her waist length platinum mane was tousled, her gorgeous, so familiar, face was slack and her baby blues were glazed over.  Cum dribbled thickly down her inner thighs and into her silver thigh boots.  But what really drew her eyes was the Amazon’s truly spectacular 44DD rack, standing up high and tight like balloons.  Then she spotted it.

            “Milk?” she said.  “What’s with all the milk?”

            Mother’s milk oozed out of both nipples as if they were overfull and too tight to contain their precious contents.  Like the cum dripping down Platinum Angel’s shapely thighs and dripping off her swollen cunt, milk dripped off the bottom of her tits, and dribbled down her belly.  Cum and milk puddled at her feet.

            “How long have you been hanging up here?” Black Cat said, more to herself that the Amazon.  Platinum Angel’s eyes seemed to focus a second, slanting over to her, then she groaned and closed her eyes.  Black Cat’s eyes sparkled with malicious glee.  She had done what a living legend couldn’t.  The arrogant Fierce Angel’s Super Heroine career was over, maybe her life.  She would have to go into hiding, maybe even enter the witness protection program.  “I’ll miss you, Platinum Bitch.”

            <Not,> Black Cat thought, oh so happy.

            Black Cat started a slow walk around Platinum Angel, soaking in the sight of her.  All the bruises, scratches, CUM.  And milk.  Using a latex gloved finger, Black Cat captured a single drop of fresh milk and put it in her mouth.

            Mmmmm,” she said, sucking on the finger greedily.  “Tastes great.”

            Suddenly, she froze.  Glancing around quickly, she reassured herself everyone was safely unconscious.  Platinum Angel was just as out of it.  So Black Cat, bent down and LICKED the oozing milk off one swollen nipple.  Smiling, delight filling her eyes, she licked the other nipple.  The Amazon stirred slightly, but didn’t come around.  So Black Cat carefully pinched a nipple, and a squirt of milk rewarded her effort.  Then she gently caressed both super tight tits, and mashed them together.  Two thick streams of hot milk hit her own ample, naked chest.

            Black Cat paused to rub the hot milk into her skin, suddenly feeling extremely naughty.  She walked behind Platinum Angel, and cupped her shapely hiney, enjoying the silky softness of her skin, then pulling her butt cheeks apart and smiling wickedly at the sight of cum oozing out of her sphincter.  She pushed a finger up that most taboo of orifices, and felt its looseness.

            “You have been such a bad little Super Heroine,” she muttered.  “You should be punished.”

            She reached around Platinum Angel’s hanging body and squeezed her massive tits, sending two streams of milk arching away to splash on Sweetness’s face and chest.  She grinned as she slowly circled her new toy a few times, hands running all over her arch rival’s helpless body.

            Finally, she stopped in front of Platinum Angel and took hold of a tit.

            “That is one milk engorged tit,” she said.  “Would you like some relief?  Cats LOVE milk, you know.”

            Black Cat leaned down and sucked a swollen pink nipple into her eager, hot mouth.  She started sucking.  Hard.  And milk flowed.  The more she sucked, the better she got at it and the more milk she was reward with.

            As she suckled, Black Cat was only vaguely aware of the heat infusing her body.  Didn’t realize her pussy started releasing juices, getting wetter and wetter.  Soon, she was panting as she sucked desperately at that generous nipple, her right hand holding the tit steady and her left between her own legs rubbing her engorged clit.

            Coming up for air after five minutes, she gasped, “Mio Dios!  Such good milk.  I can’t get enough.”

            There was a little slack in that tit now, so she moved over to the other tit.  For the first time she realized she was sweating, her belly tingly and filled with butterflies.  Once she realized she was starting to masturbate she pulled her hand away and ran her fingers through her long black hair, wondering what had come over her.  Her heart was racing and she could barely breathe.  She considered calling the police, to finally put the pimps and associates out of the white slavery business as well as the pimping innocent young women trade.

            Then her eyes fell on Platinum Angel’s naked tits, milk dripping off them.  One was bigger than the other now after her efforts.  Her throat tightened and the butterflies in her belly exploded with need.

            <I have plenty of time,> she thought, now consumed with the thought of drinking more of that intoxicating nectar.  <I’ll just even her breasts out.>

            With both hands, she lovingly lifted that hefty tit and wrapped her hungry, red lips around the erect pink nipple.  She groaned sensuously as milk began to flow into her again.  In less than a minute, Black Cat’s right hand slipped off the Amazon’s tit, and dropped down to her own chest.  She started caressing and fondling herself, eventually moving to tickling, pinching and pulling her nipples.  Within a minute or two her nipples were as hard and swollen as Platinum Angel’s.

            “Mother of God,” she groaned, pressing her body hard against Platinum Angel’s silky smooth but extraordinarily firm body.  Hard shudders rattled her shapely body.  Then in Spanish, “Madre de dios, save me.”

            She looked up into Platinum Angel’s baby blues.  They froze, staring longingly into each others’ eyes.  Then they cocked their heads and pushed into a deep, lingering kiss.  Both heroines moaned sensuously.

            “I can’t help myself,” Black Cat whispered, snaking her hand to Platinum Angel’s pussy.  “I can’t stop….I….”

            “I understand,” Platinum Angel said breathlessly.  She gasped and arched her back when Black Cat’s fingers found her clit.  “Milk…my milk is powerful aphrodisiac.  Not your fault.”

            Black Cat didn’t see Sweetness begin to wake, then stagger to his feet.  He just gawked at the two women for several long minutes, mesmerized.  Soon the others began to rise.  Then LL Tamer rushed in, followed by the other four gang-bangers.  So ten angry, and increasingly hornier and hornier, men watched Black Cat bring Platinum Angel to climax with her hand as she mindlessly suckled on her intoxicating tits.

            Sweetness was the first to recover.  He knew women better than they knew themselves.  All pimps did.  That was how they were so successful in convincing them to whore themselves, to utterly degrade and demean themselves, for their pimps.  All of Sweetness’s girls LOVED him passionately.  And, he knew, so would Black Cat and Platinum Angel before too long.

            While Black Cat suckled and fondled the amazing Amazon, the pimp gently removed Black Cat’s FEM belt.  He froze when she paused and looked down as he unfastened it, then glanced up into his eyes with a dazed, hungry look, then returned to her tit and its intoxicating milk.  Black Cat didn’t protest at all when he removed her Power Braces.

            “I get her first,” LL Tamer said.  “I won the right in a bet earlier.”

            The four gang-bangers with him nodded.  Sweetness frowned, but nodded acceptance and waved the other pimp to a chair.  Then he gently took Black Cat by her upper arms and pulled her off Platinum Angel.  She whimpered.  He kept it gentle because he didn’t want to break the erotic spell she was under.

            “Come on, Sweetheart, we gonna make it even better,” he said soothingly.


            “Yes, much better,” Sweetness said, grinning wickedly.

            “It’s almost anticlimax,” LL Tamer grumbled.  “She’s been broken on Platinum Angel’s tits before I could break her on my cock.”

            “Ah, but you get to give Black Cat her first lesson in submission and pleasure,” Sweetness said.  He could see she was starting to regain a little of her senses.  But her nipples were still rock hard and she was stilling panting and licking her lips.  “Let’s begin, shall we?”

            Black Cat was gently, but firmly pushed up to LL Tamer.  He was sitting naked in a straight back wooden chair.  His foot long cock stood at half-mast, mostly because of its heft.  She paused, transfixed by the sight.  Alarm bells went off deep in her mind.  They were going to push that…that…THING deep inside her body.  Then she thought, <They’re going to fuck me.  Make me cum.>

            Her hands began to tremble as she dropped to her knees before LL Tamer.  She reached out with both hands took hold of the long, black shaft, leaving lots of shaft untouched.  Then she leaned forward, guiding the head to her slightly parted lips, breathless, hungry.  She remembered the orgasms they forced upon her earlier, so wonderful, so satisfying.

            “Suck it,” LL Tamer said, forcefully.

            Her big brown eyes jumped up to his fierce, brown eyes.  Suddenly, she was transfixed again.  Energy passed between them, leaving her breathless as her lips parted, and then wrapped around his dick head.

            Mmmmm,” she groaned, eyes closing as she reveled in the taste and smell of cock flesh.  Black Cat licked that cock, then sucked on the head.  She rubbed her face all over it, then tried to swallow it whole.  Of course, since she’d never voluntarily gave a blow job before that day, she barely got her mouth filled before the gag reflect stopped her.  For five, then, finally twenty minutes, they worked on getting that monster cock into, then down her throat.  When they stopped, he was getting halfway down her throat.

            “We’ll work some more on that later,” LL Tamer said, grinning victoriously as she stood up before him.  “Now, time to deflower the great and mighty Black Cat.  Mount up, ho.”

            “Yes.  Mount,” she said, overheated and panting.  Then she hesitated.  “It’s so big…I…I’m afraid.  It’s like it’s a King Cock or something.”

            For the first time Black Cat truly understood how huge LL Tamer was.  Sitting down, the head of his cock rose up past her crotch, almost to her navel.  She was a virgin.  She could never handle anything that big so quickly.  She needed to be eased into sex, not beaten down by it.

            “Don’t worry,” LL Tamer said soothingly, pulling her closer by the hand until his erect cock was touching her twat. 

            When she felt it penetrate her vagina Black Cat stopped, eyes wide as saucers.  It was really spreading her wide, and he was barely inside her.  She tried to back up, but two gang-bangers stopped her.  Each then grabbed an upper arm and lifted her off her feet.  With LL Tamer keeping his cock just inside her, they lifted her straight above him and slowly lowered her onto the foot long cock.

            Aaahhhhhhhhh,” Black Cat half groaned, half screamed as he speared and penetrated her, splitting her hymen into shreds.  Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

            They let go once her feet were on the floor, and she was half-full of cock.

            Madre de dios!  I am soiled!  Ruined,” she gasped, sobbed.  She laid her delicate, gloved hands on his broad shoulders, back arching and every muscle tensed.  Her vagina was quivering around the massive invader, unsure what to do.  The pain quickly subsided, but the wicked pleasure didn’t.  If felt disgustingly good, revoltingly RIGHT.  When she looked into his hard, very pleased eyes, she knew she was lost.  Especially when her libido fired up at that instant, taking what little breath she had away, and making her so terribly hungry.  Uuugggggggghh.  Oh, God, what have ….have you done to me.

            Black Cat lifted up on her tip toes, only rising an inch or so due to wearing five inch stilettos.  Then she dropped back on her heels, gasping with pleasure, before lowering herself down until she felt herself completely full.  And what an erotic, exhilarating feeling that was!

            “Oh, couldn’t you have left me alone?” she asked beseechingly.  Then she pushed up, sucking in a breath through gritted teeth, reveling in the fiery pleasure.  LL Tamer reached up and took hold of her titanic tits, one in each huge hand.  That heady tingly heat infusing her statuesque body suddenly ramped up, surging closer to that point of no return.  She groaned, her head rolled back and her eyes rolled up as she slowly slid back down that long shaft.  “I can’t go back now.  Oh, God, I don’t know if I want to…go back.”

            The sexy, shapely FEM fighter stopped fighting it, and started to ride that massive cock as it was meant to be ridden.  Soon the warehouse was filled with squeals of delight and intense pleasure as she strove mightily to achieve her new goal in life.


            “Oh!  Yes!” she cried.

            “You mean, ‘Si si!’” LL Tamer laughed.

            “Si!” she cried, and felt that wonderful heat change.  “I’m cumming!  I’m..cum-mmmmiiinnggggggggggggggg! Oh!  Si!  Si!  More!  M-m-Mooorrrrrrrrreeeeeeeehhhh!”

            Moments later, LL Tamer lost his battle, and filled her vagina full of cum for the first time ever.  She moaned and groaned, rubbing her lower belly lovingly as she felt his cock spurting over and over deep inside her.

            “Take off the mask, Black Cat,” Sweetness said, suddenly pressed up behind her.

            “Mask?” she said, startled.  One hand reached up reflexively, frightened.  She licked her lips, then nodded.  “Okay.  I’ll take it off.”

            With trembling fingers and trembling lips, she reached up and removed the black mask for the second time that night.  The others all looked at her intently.  Even Platinum Angel seemed to rouse herself enough to gaze intently at her naked face.

            “Who are you?” Saint Rogg demanded.

            “Carmen Ortega,” she said softly.  “I’m not famous like Felicity over there.”

            “You’re still beautiful, and will make us a ton of money whoring,” Sweetness said, and promptly lifted her off LL Tamer.  “My turn.  Is that ass virgin, too?”

            “Yes!” she cried, suddenly frightened again.  “Please, be gentle.  I’ll obey.  I’ll do anything you want, just don’t hurt me.”

            Black Cat, A.K.A. Carmen Ortega, Ocean City’s newest prostitute in training, was forced to all fours.  Sweetness showed her how he got that name, by taking it slow and easy, and made being anal raped a pleasure for the femme fatale FEM fighter.  Then Saint Rogg had his turn.  Then she was passed around by the gang-bangers.  She had to answer all of their yearnings, lusts and depravities for three hours.  After that, both women were passed around until the wee hours of the night.

            Just before noon the next day, both women were roused from sleep.  They woke to find they hadn’t been tied up while asleep, but still lying on the cold concrete floor of the warehouse.  Their costumes were missing -- boots, masks and all.  The only thing on her gorgeous bodies was dried cum.

            “Oh, God,” Felicity cried out softly.  “It wasn’t a nightmare.”

            “Kneel,” Sweetness said.

            Both women rolled to their knees and knelt obediently.  They found the three pimps standing before them, looking them over with supreme pleasure.  Two gorgeous faces heated up with humiliation.

            “What are you going to do to us?” Carmen asked.

            Sweetness watched them with pleasure.  Every emotion in the book flashed across their lovely faces.  They were confused, helpless and terrified, perhaps for the first time in their lives.  Especially Felicity Silverbush.  Rich, spoiled rotten, poor little rich girl that the public and tabloid pressed ADORED above all others.  Seen as being a little bit naughty, but big-hearted and ultimately pure.

            At a signal from the pimp, a gang-banger quickly untied them.

            His cock started to harden when Felicity’s perfectly manicured hands rose up and gently cupped her 44DDs, oh so gently.  Her tits were full to bursting with milk after her long nap.  The pimp wouldn’t wait to milk her.  He had plans for that heady nectar.

            Carmen Ortega was an unknown.  She had no life outside of FEM Fighters.  She had no Name, or wealth or notoriety outside of being Black Cat.  The lovely Latina hadn’t fallen as far as Felicity, but they crawled in the same gutter now.

            “You’re both filthy,” Sweetness said, enjoying how they cringed and then scratched at the dried cum on their bodies.  “Time to clean you two up for work.”

            They were taken to a cold shower, where they shared a single shower head and were forced to give each other erotic bathes.  The soap lathered up spectacularly, and they even seemed to enjoy themselves a bit after they got used to the icy water.  And the way their nipples and tits reacted to the water was awesome.  Of course, the whole episode was caught on tape for later distribution to porn sites and porn shops around the world.

            After drying each other off, they were taken to a large vanity where they were provided with all the beauty products they could possibly need.  They dried and styled their long silky tresses, then applied their make up.  In no time they were dolled up in spectacular fashion.

            Felicity was given a tight, hot pink latex dress that was strapless and micro short.  She wore matching pink pumps, silver bangles and earrings.  A pink dog collar and her Platinum Angel choke chain finished her hooker outfit.

            Carmen was given a bright yellow latex dress, very similar to Felicity’s.  But she wore her cleaned up Black Cat thigh boots and a black, silver studded dog collar.  Her jewelry was all gold.

            “Fuck-licious!” Sweetness said, looking them over hungrily.

            “I ain’t seen two more fuckable whores in my life,” Saint Rogg said.

            LL Tamer stepped forward, gaining the two beauties’ undivided attention.  He ran his big hands over first Carmen’s, then Felicity’s sexily clad bodies.  Then he pulled Felicity’s top down, exposing her overfull 44DDs.

            “Sweet Felicity needs to be milked,” he said.

            Saint Rogg picked up a silver suitcase and stepped up to them.  He opened the case, and pulled out a breast pump.  Before she knew it, Felicity found herself being hooked up on the pump, both tits at once and being milked.

            Ooooo,” she groaned, so relieved.

            They took out just enough milk to relieve the pressure and deflate her tits to their normal size, which was very impressive indeed.  It felt great to her.  Her twat began to tingle as the milk flowed.  Being milked was always a very erotic sensation for her, whether she did it herself or someone else did it.

            The pimps divided the milk into two glasses.  First, Carmen was given a glass and made to drink it down.  She felt the effects of the sweet, powerful milk before she finished the glass.  Her flawless skin goose-fleshed, a shudder glided down her shapely body and her breathing became more labored.  And she felt color burning in her face and upper chest.  Slowly, after returning the empty glass, she felt her libido become super charged, nipples harden and cunt moisten, eager for some action.

            Felicity watched Carmen’s five minute transformation from frightened prisoner, to hungry whore with fascination.  When Carmen’s dark, sultry eyes turned to her, and locked onto her baby blues, the beautiful heiress gasped.  The memories of their many sexual escapades of the previous night, for the camera and their pimps delight, returned to her.  She felt her own body change, become sexually charged.  And Carmen noticed, too, stoking her libido even more.

            Then Felicity was given the other glass of milk.

            “What’s this for?” she said.  “I seriously doubt my own milk will affect me like it does everyone else.”

            “Have you ever tried it?” LL Tamer said.

            “Well, no, but…,” she started to say.

            “Drink it.”

            Felicity began drinking her own mother’s milk.  At first, she felt awkward, a little disgusted.  But quickly realized it was the best tasting milk she’d ever drank.  A moment later, she felt the first effects of the powerful aphrodisiac.  At first, it was just a new tingle in her nipples and crotch.  Then it went deeper, affecting her breathing.  And by the time she emptied the tall glass, her base, animal needs were starting to fire up.

            “They are ready, able and more than willing now,” Saint Rogg said, laughing.

            “Then let’s get to work, girls,” Sweetness said, grinning wolfishly.

            And thus Felicity Silverbush and Carmen Ortega -- Platinum Angel and Black Cat -- began their long, very lucrative sex careers.