By Thom Gall


                   Black Cat strode into the Mayor’s office like a super model on the catwalk.

  Beautiful brown eyes flashed at the assembled men.  She knew Mayor Anita

Jennings and Police Chief Howard Strain.  The others were city PR types, and

assistants to the Mayor and Police Chief.  Beneath her notice.  Rabble.

                   “Black Cat, so good of you to come,” Mayor Jennings said.  She was a tall,

attractive woman of thirty-five, with shoulder length brown hair and level

gray eyes.  This was her first term and the elections were fast approaching.

  “Are there no others?”

                   Black Cat stopped three feet front and center to the Mayor’s desk and

struck a classic super heroine pose -- hands on well rounded hips, booted

feet shoulder width apart, chest jutting out and head held high.  It was a

haughty, arrogant stance, but she wasn’t just any woman.  Black Cat was a

FEM Fighter.

                   “I assure you, madam Mayor, I am more than enough,” Black Cat said, brown

eyes flashing confidently behind her black mask.  Black Cat was a gorgeous

example of feminine beauty, especially when in costume.  She was five ten,

with a shapely 40DD-25-36 body, long straight black hair parted down the

middle, and tons of attitude.  Her costume was all back leather and latex;

from top to bottom -- black mask, wide latex choker with a silver cat face,

low cut latex body suit, which was long sleeved and French cut, black hose

and black leather thigh boots.  Black latex opera gloves protected her

hands, with Power Braces on each wrist.  The left Brace produced a force

shield, while the right projected a stun beam.  The requisite power belt,

called a FEM Belt, cinched her tiny waist, which was charcoal gray like the

Power braces.  The only flash of color on her entire body was her dark red

lipstick.  “I’m the equivalent to ten squad cars on site.”

                   Chief Strain stiffened and his face darkened.  Half of the other men in the

room, whether suits from the Mayor’s Office, or police officers with the

Chief, shared the Chief’s outrage.  The other half were fixated on her body.

  A tiny smile curled the ends of her full red lips as she glided a hand

across her rock hard abs, with her muscle definition superbly defined

through the shiny black latex, and saw more than half the eyes in the room

follow that hand down, down, down.  Men were pigs.

                   “I beg your FEM Fighter-ship’s pardon,” Chief Strain said through clenched

teeth.  That caught her attention.  “But my understanding is you are ten

times stronger that a man, not twenty times stronger.   Since all of our

officers ride in pairs, that would make you, theoretically, the rough

equivalent to five squad cars.”

                   “I know how strong my belt makes me, Chief,” she said haughtily.  “And I’m

aware of how your boys roll, but there is more in the equation that pure

physical strength.  Craft, cunning, determination and especially pure talent

all count, so I stand by my original assessment.”

                   “Castrating bitch,” one of the junior officers muttered.

                   Utter silence filled the room as the Latina lovely’s fiery gaze turned

toward the offending officer.  He was a young man, with close cropped brown

hair and a homely face.  She remembered him from dozens of such meetings,

but he wasn’t important enough for anyone to bother introducing them.  This

was the first time he’d spoken.

                   “And you are?” she asked icily.

                   “Officer Michael O’Brian, Ms Cat,” he said shapely.  “Ocean City Police,

assistant to Chief Strain.”

                   “Not much assistance, I suspect,” she said, and dismissed him.  “Officer

O’Brian, it is not my job to sit here and stroke a room full of FRAGILE male

egos.  I’m a Super Heroine, a FEM Fighter.  I fight for truth, justice and

civil rights.  If strong women frighten you, if we emasculate you, then I

suggest you crawl back to your MOTHER and be bottle fed the rest of your

miserable, pathetic life.”

                   He turned bright red, all but spewing in rage and humiliation.  He stood up

and faced the offending, arrogant FEM Fighter, fists clenched and grinding

his teeth.  Power belt or not, he wanted to kick her ripe, round ass. 

Before he could respond, the Mayor and Chief waved him down.

                   “I didn’t think so,” Black Cat sneered when he sat back down.  He was

beneath her notice, beneath her contempt.  O’Brian was nobody.  She turned

back to the only other strong woman in the room.  “Mayor Jennings, I will

ensure no one, and I do mean, NO ONE, will steal the Cat’s Eye Diamond on my

watch tonight.”  She let her gaze touch each of the major players in the

room briefly.  “And tomorrow morning, at 10 A.M. sharp, I will escort the

armored car carrying the Cat’s Eye Diamond to the airport, to be transported

to its next destination point.”

                   “There’s a lot of really tough, bad thieves out there, Black Cat,” Chief

Strain said.  “I wouldn’t feel right leaving a lone woman….er….anyone alone

in that museum tonight.  I insist on leaving at least one squad car…”

                   “That won’t be necessary, Chief,” Black Cat said, waving his offer off

dismissively.  “You’re men would just be a nuisance and get in the way if

anyone proved stupid and brave enough to try and steal the diamond while I

was on duty.”

                   “Nuisance?” Chief Strain said, turning red and fighting hard to contain


                   “You’re honor,” Black Cat said, turning away from the stewing police chief

to address the mayor.  She preferred speaking to the female mayor, for at

least she could understand her somewhat.  Men never seemed to understand. 

Or, more likely, couldn’t think with a pretty woman in the room, so were

useless either way.  “You have my promise and word of honor, I will

safeguard the Cat’s Eye Diamond tonight and see it safely off to its next

destination in the morning.”

                   “That’s all that I ask, Black Cat,” Mayor Jennings said, slanting a worried

look at her police chief.

                   With that, Black Cat cast a roguish smile around the room full of men. 

Then she turned on a tall stiletto heel and strutted out of the room with

sensuous feline grace.  The only sound the clicking of her heels on the

hardwood floors.

#                    #                    #

.                 Kourtney Kittens, internationally revered pop princess, locked the door to

her penthouse suit atop Ocean City’s most expensive, most luxurious hotel. 

She smiled crookedly at the door, then slanted a saucy look at the city

skyline out the floor to ceiling windows across the vast living room.

                   “Ah, Ocean City, you’ve always been good to me,” she purred, full lips

curling into a sensuous smile.

                   The drop dead gorgeous redhead headed for the master bedroom.  She’d just

flown in from New York, and convinced her handlers she was exhausted and was

going to spend the evening in bed catching up on lost sleep.  It wasn’t easy

to be the world’s sweetheart.  She was the nineteen year old

temptress/virgin her legions of fans and the press loved to love.  Kourtney

was the epitome of purity and sweetness, wrapped up and dancing in tight

bustiers, skin tight micro mini skirts and sky high stilettos.

                   They would be so shocked to learn the truth about her much written about

innocence and purity.  The thought made Kourtney smile wickedly.

                   Clicking on the TV, she turned to a large black trunk, to which only she

had a key.  She frowned at the TV when she realized there was a press

conference on.  Didn’t she order the TV channel set to MTV?  It was

someone’s job to get there ahead of her and ensure it was so, and that

person would be very sorry tomorrow for his or her failure.  Very sorry, and


                   “Black Cat, do you believe anyone will dare challenge you tonight?” a

reporter called.

                   At the mention of the FEM Fighter, Kourtney turned toward the TV and

watched raptly.  Black Cat was surrounded by a mob of local reporters.  She

was a tall, shapely and very beautiful Latina.  Kourtney felt a slight pang

of jealousy, but shook it off.  After all, she was the most downloaded woman

on the internet, with over fifteen hundred websites dedicated completely to

her worship and adoration, at last count.

                   “No one in their right mind would challenge Black Cat,” the arrogant FEM

Fighter declared, her expressive brown eyes flashing.  “Like I told Mayor

Jennings and Chief Strain, I will protect the Cat’s Eye Diamond, and promise

it will be safe on my watch tonight.”

                   Kourtney’s big green eyes widened.

                   “So, you are the security they got to keep baddies like me away from the

Cat’s Eye Diamond?  How puurrfect,” she purred, well pleased.  Her eyes fell

immediately to Black Cat’s forearms, and beheld her two Power Braces

covetously.  She wanted them almost as much as the diamond.  And tonight,

she would finally get a pair of Power Braces to go with her purloined FEM

belt.  “Tonight, we catfight, Black Cat, and I promise you, Miss Kitty will


                   The pop princess first removed the emerald green satin bustier she wore as

a shirt, exposing perfect 38D tits with sweet pink nipples.  She watched

Black Cat haughtily declaring herself undefeatable and the perfect defender

of the priceless diamond while Kourtney caressed the silky, hot skin of her

milky white tits, enjoying the feel of her perfectly manicured hands on

them.  She’d rather have Black Cat’s hands on her body, but her private

fantasy was pleasant enough.  Then after a long moment, and before she

roused herself too much, she slipped off the super tight black micro mini. 

Then she unzipped and pulled off the black calf boots.

                   Turning away from the TV, she regarded herself in the mirror. 

Waist-length, curly red hair flowed in silken waves across her shoulders and

down her back.  Her 38Ds were high and proud, her belly rock hard and waist

narrow.  Kourtney had well rounded, flaring hips that gave her a sassy

strut, and long legs to drive men wild.

                   Opening the black trunk, she paused to take a quick visual inventory.  It

was all there -- her Miss Kitty costume and tools of her trade.  Yes, the

sweet and cock-teasing pop princess was none other than the infamous and

quite notorious cat burglar called Miss Kitty.  The redheaded beauty was the

bane of stores, mansion and museum security departments and police

departments the world over.

                   “Tonight is going to be sooo much fun,” Kourtney purred, slanting a

mischievous look over her bare shoulders at the TV and Black Cat.  “So much


                   She reached into the truck and pulled out a pair of black latex pants. 

Slowly slipping them on, she watched herself in the full length mirror as

she struck numerous poses to ensure they fit perfectly.  She could see her

legs’ and rump’s muscle definition perfectly.  Then she pulled out and

pulled on her black leather thigh boots, with the five inch heels.  That

done, she cupped her swinging breasts and struck a couple more poses before

the mirror, wondering if she should pose for a Men’s Magazine to tart up her

image even more.

                   “Wouldn’t all those nasty little boys like to see me pose for pictures like

that?” she cooed at the mirror as she released her tits.  “Ha!  NOT going to


                   She’d lose her innocent girl appeal if she posed.  Better wait until her

career starts to cool off before considering that option.

                   Next, the emerging super villainess pulled out a black leather bustier.  It

laced up the front, so she was able to make it very tight and sexy, with

soft satiny flesh revealed through the lacing from belly button to deep

cleavage.  Once again, she paused to admire herself in the mirror.  Her 38Ds

were BARELY contained in that sexy bustier, almost exploding out the top.

                   Kourtney finished off her Miss Kitty costume with black latex opera gloves,

a studded collar, and a black leather cowl mask that covered the upper part

of her face completely, as well as the top of her head.  Her long red hair

flowed out beneath the back of the cowl.

                   Finally, finishing off her costume, she donned a wide black belt.  A rare

and priceless FEM belt, that gave her ten times the speed, strength and

stamina of a man.  It made her more than the equal of any ordinary FEM

Fighter, for she possessed natural catlike grace and balance, and hidden

strength they never dreamed possible, not to mention the cunning of a

hunting cat.

                   Kourtney stole the FEM belt off an injured and unconscious FEM Fighter.  Ms

Valiant was tasked to defend Kourtney, when nefarious white slavers came

after the sixteen year old pop princess.  Ms Valiant fought them bravely,

and even defeated them.  Barely.  The heroic FEM Fighter collapsed after the

last of the evil men fell unconscious.  Then, seeing her chance, Kourtney

removed Ms Valiant’s FEM belt, tied the helpless FEM Fighter’s hands behind

her back, and left her to the white slavers.

                   No one ever heard from Ms Valiant again.  And one month later Miss Kitty

struck for the first time in Miami.  It had been a glorious three year

catwalk ever since.

                   And then the final ingredient.  Miss Kitty rubbed slippery oil all over her

latex gloves, hips and legs.  It made the latex gleam like the patent

leather of her boots and bustier, and slippery to the extreme.

                   “Miss Kitty is ready to play,” she purred, green eyes flashing at her

gleaming black reflection.  “Yeeeooowww.”

                   Now happily in costume, the much feared Miss Kitty walked over to the

phone, feminine hips swaying sexily.  She picked up the phone and dialed a

number she only used on special circumstances.  A deep male voice quickly


                   “Hello, Packer, Miss Kitty here,” she whispered throatily.  “Are you still

interested in doing a little business?”

                   “You got a package for me?”

                   Packer was a notorious white slaver.  He took care of all her pretty, young

feminine problems on the West Coast.  They never showed up again.  Word was

he sold his sexy feminine merchandise only to Asian Drug Lords.

                   “Mmmm, yes,” she said, turning to the TV.  Black Cat was climbing onto a

fast looking, shiny black racing motorcycle.  “I have an extreme fit little

black and brown package for you.  All we need to do is arrange payment and


#                    #                    #

                   Black Cat waited in the lotus position, her mind centered and contemplating

nothing.  She was at peace.  She was ready for anything.

                   Click.  Clicky-click.

                   Beautiful almond eyes opened, and cut left.  Then a tiny smile curled the

corners of her full red lips.  It wouldn’t be so boring after all.  There

really was someone with the balls to challenge her.

                   That person would regret that decision for the rest of their life.

                   “Come to Mama, baby,” she purred low.

                   Black Cat remained in position until she finally spotted movement.  She was

sitting deep in the shadows, behind and to one side of the Cat’s Eye Diamond

display case.  Sitting motionless, she knew her opponent couldn’t see her.

                   She waited, prepared to pounce when the moment was right.

                   Soon, the intruder moved across a dim pool of light.  A woman.  Wearing

shiny black latex and leather that gleamed in the faint light.  A shapely

woman who moved with catlike grace.  She looked cautious and alert.  Perhaps

she knew Black Cat was protecting the diamond and feared her coming attack.

                   Then a flash of color, of fiery red hair.

                   Black Cat’s left brow lifted.  She almost gasped she was so surprised. 

Last word placed Miss Kitty in France.  French Riviera.  Apparently, the

sexy cat burglar got around, and moved fast.  And everyone knew she couldn’t

resist anything cat-themed and outrageously expensive.

                   “How sweet is this?” she muttered, pleased.  “My rep will grow by leaps and

bounds by capturing her.”

                   The sexy Latina FEM Fighter watched quietly as Miss Kitty eased up to the

display case.  Click.  Click.  Click.

                   “Can I help you, Miss Kitty?” she asked as the cat burglar reached for the

display case glass.

                   “Yikes!” Miss Kitty cried, leaping straight back five feet.

                   “Quick reactions,” Black Cat said, brown eyes narrowing as she uncurled out

of the lotus position and rolled sensuously to her booted feet.

                   Miss Kitty’s eyes locked on her.

                   “What’s the matter?  Cat got your tongue?” Black Cat said, grinning


                   Black Cat started walking straight at Miss Kitty.  Click…click…click echoed

in the dark room.  Sometimes the most direct approach was the best.  She

didn’t expect much of a struggle with the beautiful cat burglar.  Miss Kitty

appeared an inch taller than her own five foot ten inch body, and maybe

slightly heavier, but with slightly smaller breasts.  Miss Kitty was known

for stealth and cunning, not as a fighter.

                   “No, I’m just flabbergasted that such an obviously uncoordinated wretch can

even stand up in those boots, but less walk in them,” Miss Kitty said coyly.

  “Especially being so top-heavy.  Silicone?”

                   “You flatter me, bitch,” Black Cat said, enjoying Miss Kitty’s shock and

anger at being called a bitch.  “But I’ll strut the catwalk with you any

day, bitch, and compare my NATURAL tits against yours, too.”

                   “Oooo, how catty of you,” Miss Kitty said.  She looked her opponent over

slowly, a tiny smile claiming her beautiful masked face.  “How delicious you

look, Kitten.  I will so enjoy capturing and subjugating you.”

                   Black Cat stopped in her tracks.  Amused.

                   “Subjugate me?  Are you a cat burglar or a comedian?”

                   “I’m a better woman than you’ve ever dreamed of being, kitten,” Miss Kitty

said, green eyes flashing.  She removed a black leather book bag and set it

on the floor.  Black Cat eyed it warily a moment, but quickly dismissed it. 

Its contents were of no concern to her.  “I’ve never been defeated, or even

so much as foiled in my plans.  And I’ve taken down REAL Super Heroines,

like Lady Shadow, Power Girl, Dame Justice and Ms Purity, who were all heads

and shoulders better Super Heroines than you.”

                   “Says you, Miss Doggie,” Black Cat said, eliciting a growled “yeow” from

her foe.  As she suspected, Miss Kitty didn’t like any comparisons of

herself with dogs.  A cat person through and through.  So Black Cat paused

and seemed to contemplate her more closely.  A part of Black Cat understood,

since she was a cat person as well, and had no use for dogs of any sort. 

“Amazing, I was expecting to find big floppy ears and a cold wet nose,

because you are such a BITCH.”

                   Miss Kitty screamed in rage and charged Black Cat.  The sexy FEM Fighter

easily blocked the enraged cat burglar’s flailing fists, then swept her feet

away.  But Miss Kitty surprised her by flipping completely over and landing

on her feet with a fierce grin.

                   “I always land on my feet,” Miss Kitty purred, then kicked straight up into

Black Cat’s chin.

                   “Aayyyy,” Black Cat cried, falling back several steps, disoriented and

shocked.  Such power in her kick!  “You’re wearing a FEM belt.”

                   “Not bad, for a bit titted BIMBO,” Miss Kitty said, seizing the FEM

Fighter’s black latex body suit between her tits and pulling it down so hard

her globular brown tits popped out and bounced enticingly.  Then she

released the overstretched rubber and watched with satisfaction as it tried

to spring back into place, but caught up under her opponent’s big tits

instead.  The pained look on Black Cat’s face was classic and very

satisfying.  “Wait until the next Super Heroine crosses my path, and I have

your Power Braces as well.”

                   “No!” Black Cat cried, pain and outrage filling her heart.  She lashed out

with her right foot and connected with Miss Kitty’s left cheek.  The

beautiful redhead cried out as she staggered back.  “I will not allow that

to happen!”

                   Black Cat paused just long enough to pull the top of her latex body suit

back over her highly sensitive, and now aching, tits.  She scrunched up her

nose at the foul cat burglar who had managed to hurt her, if only slightly. 

She wouldn’t allow that to happen again.

                   Miss Kitty scowled at her from the shadows of the dimly lit room.  They

were proving more evenly matched than either would’ve thought.

                   “Yeeeoooww, my pretty little pussy cat,” Miss Kitty purred with a wicked

glint in her big green eyes.  “I absolutely love a good catfight.”

                   “This cat fights for keeps, Miss Pussy,” Black Cat retorted.  “I command

you to surrender, or suffer the consequences, Miss Kitty Bitch.”

                   Miss Kitty’s eyes flashed green fire.  She meowed and attacked.  Black Cat

waited in a defensive pose, then struck at the last second.  She first

blocked Miss Kitty’s flashing fists, then seized her latex gloved forearm

and pulled just so, to cause the notorious cat burglar to go sprawling on

the floor.  Instead, Black Cat’s latex gloved hand slipped right off as if

she was gasping greased lightning.

                   “Bitch!” Black Cat cried.  “You’ve covered yourself in oil.”

                   Miss Kitty laughed and executed a perfect roundhouse, connecting with Black

Cat’s ribs.

                   “Oooopphhhh!” Black Cat cried, falling back and holding her side.  Miss

Kitty kicked her again, in the side of the face, and spun the sexy vigilante

around.  “Aaayyyy.”

                   The shapely cat burglar stepped up close behind her foe, quickly seized

Black Cat’s body suit on each shoulder, and then suddenly yanked it down to

around the FEM Fighter’s narrow waist.  Black Cat gasped, frozen in place. 

Never had anyone done such a thing to her, and now Miss Kitty had exposed

her breasts twice in one fight.  And this time, her arms were pinned to her

side by the tough, elastic material of her costume.

                   “What, cat got your tongue now?” Miss Kitty whispered in her ear, then

reached around and grabbed Black Cat’s right tit in a painful grip.  Before

the sexy super heroine realized what was happening, Miss Kitty jerked her

tit so hard it spun her completely around to face her.  “Say goodnight,

Pussy Cat.”

                   Miss Kitty viciously punched Black Cat in the throat, then laid a brutal

forearm upside her face.  The lovely Latina staggered back, tripped and

landed on her shapely rump.  Miss Kitty followed, enjoying the way her large

tits jiggled and jounced as she staggered, then especially when she landed

on her behind.

                   “You’re going to be prettiest kitty in the kennel, before the dogs I sell

you to auction your fat ass off to the highest bidder,” Miss Kitty gloated.

                   “You shouldn’t speak such kitty litter, bitch,” Black Cat growled.  She

quickly pulled her arms out of her costume bunched around her waist, leaving

her black latex opera gloves bunched up around her Power Braces.  Then she

pointed her right fist at Miss Kitty and placed her left index finger atop

the activation button.  “Now you say goodnight.”

                   Black Cat pressed the button.  Miss Kitty proved quicker than anticipated. 

She jucked her left, and leapt to the right.  Black Cat wasted a long burst

to the left, leaving her gasping and slightly drained.  The Power Brace

pulled life energy straight from the wearer at a phenomenal rate, so every

time she activated it, or its sister on her left wrist that produced a force

shield, she sucked energy and vitality she badly needed to fight her foe.

                   “Bitch,” she said, then shot another jolt at the running cat burglar.  And

missed again.  “Bitch.”

                   Black Cat’s lungs suddenly felt like she’d just swam all afternoon.  A deep

ache.  But she would recover quickly, but for now she’d used up all the life

energy she could afford and still expect to win this fight.

                   “Feeling weak and vulnerable, Sweet Puss?” Miss Kitty asked.  “Poor baby. 

And here I am still in peak condition and ready for battle.”  Then she raked

her big green eyes up and down Black Cat’s topless body.  “Once again, I

have to say, nice tits.”

                   Black Cat’s almond eyes flashed brown fire, then she pointed her right fist

at the offending woman.  Miss Kitty darted left, and Black Cat took off

after her.  Within ten steps Black Cat caught and tackled the wicked woman. 

She grabbed a big hand full of thick, silky red hair and yanked straight


                   “Aaiieee,” Miss Kitty cried.  Then black Cat returned the favor and punched

her in the throat.  “Uugghh.”

                   “Doesn’t feel very nice, does it, bitch,” Black Cat snarled, and kicked her

in the side.  Glancing down at her exposed tits, the FEM Fighter turned

angry eyes on her downed foe.  She reached down, and with super human

strength, Black Cat ripped off the lacing holding the front of Miss Kitty’s

leather bustier off.  The sexy black leather lingerie fell open and off her

shapely body, exposing beautiful, milky white breasts with soft pink

nipples.  “Turn about is fair play, Miss Topless.”

                   Miss Kitty spat at her, and then rolled away and up to her feet.  The two

semi-clad women squared off.  Neither wanted to back down now.  They were

angry.  It was no longer business or pleasure -- for both women it was very


                   As one, they charged forward and grappled.  Then Black Cat executed a quick

move, and had Miss Kitty in a head lock.  Miss Kitty reached up and twisted

Black Cat’s big tits, causing the FEM Fighter to cry out and release her.

                   “Interesting,” she said.  “My little Super Heroine has super-sensitive

tits.  I like it.”

                   “That fact won’t save you,” Black Cat said, brown eyes narrowing.

                   Black Cat rushed Miss Kitty.  This time, they crashed together, bare tits

to bare tits.  Each tried to throw the other to the ground, but they were

too well matched in skill and strength.  So it quickly devolved into pure,

nasty cat fighting.  Miss Kitty grabbed Black Cat’s long, straight black

hair first, yanking her head straight back.  Panicking, Black Cat seized her

enemy’s beautiful red hair.

                   “This is fun, but…,” Miss Kitty gasped out after several minutes.  Then she

lashed out with her foot and caught her foe in the side of the knee. 

“..I’ve got plans for later tonight.”

                   Miss Kitty placed her stiletto heeled right foot on Black Cat’s chest,

between her neck and tits, and kicked her away.  She didn’t hesitate.  She

would kick the sexy super heroine in the head the second she stopped

rolling.  But Black Cat had other ideas and rolled up to her feet and

executed a powerful roundhouse into Miss Kitty’s midsection.

                   She doubled up the super villainess.  Then Black Cat stepped past her,

seized her long red hair and yanked her straight back, smashing her into a

display case.  The case shattered, scattering glass everywhere.  Miss Kitty

was left sprawled on the floor, gasping in pain and trying to regain her


                   Black Cat grinned down at her defeated foe.  She kicked Miss Kitty over

onto her back and stood over her, booted feet to either side of the cat

burglar’s well rounded hips.  Pulling a pair of handcuffs out from where

they were tucked under her FEM belt, she grinned wickedly down at Miss

Kitty.  When the display case was destroyed it set off the alarm.  The

police would be there shortly and she wanted Miss Kitty ready to go when

they arrived.  Plus, she needed a little to time to “tidy up” her ravaged


                   “Not so cocky now, are you, bitch?”

                   “Don’t….call….me…..,” Miss Kitty snarled, then kicked straight up.  She

drove her right stiletto heel straight up into Black Cat’s latex covered

twat.  “…BITCH!”

                   Her aim was perfect.  The tip of the sharp stiletto drove straight into

Black Cat’s clitoris.  The breath exploded from the FEM Fighter’s lungs as

intensive, disabling pain shot up through her shapely body.  Her full red

lips parted slightly and her big brown eyes rolled up into her head as she

slowly leaned forward.  Then Black Cat grasped her aching cunt with both

latex sheathed hands and fell hard to her knees.


                   Miss Kitty sat straight up, now face to face with her adversary.  She

reached around the FEM Fighter and seized her long, straight black hair, and

jerked it straight down.  Black Cat’s head snapped back, exposing her

slender throat to the vicious criminal.  So Miss Kitty punched her helpless

foe in the throat.

                   “Uugghhhh,” Black Cat cried, falling straight back so that her feet were up

under her body.

                   The vivacious cat burglar quickly scrambled to her feet and stood over the

helpless FEM Fighter.  She licked her full red lips in hungry anticipation,

then leaned over and spoke sweetly as she pulled both of Black Cat’s hands


                   “What’s the matter, honey?  Does it hurt right….,” she kicked Black Cat in

the twat.  “…HERE?  Or does it hurt more…here!” as she leaned further over

and punched her in the throat again.

                   “Ooooooooooooooooooo,” Black Cat groaned miserably.

                   Miss Kitty saw her chance.  Victory was hers for the taking.  So she

dropped to one knee beside the stunned heroine, and reached to the small of

her back.  With deft fingers, she unsnapped the all-important power belt,

the FEM belt, and reduced Black Cat to an ordinary woman.

                   Even through the intense pain and humiliation, Black Cat felt the belt’s

removal, and worst, she felt her super strength quickly drain from her body.

  And with the loss of the FEM belt, her body wasn’t able to heal at a

phenomenal rate any more.  She was now an average woman strength, endurance

and healing wise.

                   “You won’t get away with this,” Black Cat murmured through the haze of


                   “Silly girl, of course I will,” she giggled.  “Indeed, those Super Heroines

I told you about, all said the same thing when I reduced them to nothing,

too.  But here I am destroying you, and I’ll be here next year capturing

another Super Bimbo.”

                   First things first, Miss Kitty pulled off Black Cat’s Power Braces, and

placed them on her own forearms.  Black Cat tried to stop her, but she was

week as a newborn kitten.  Their slight weight felt good, felt right.  Now

she was surely the equal and more to any FEM Fighter she met.

                   Miss Kitty picked up the dropped handcuffs and snapped one end to Black

Cat’s left wrist.  Then she grabbed her by the hair and pulled her forward,

bouncing her head off the hard tile floor and leaving her moaning and

sprawled face down at her feet.  So she quickly pulled both wrists back and

handcuffed her defeated adversary.

                   “Truth is, I’m afraid, you fell faster and easier than the others,” Miss

Kitty said.  “I’ve taken on women who weren’t FEM Fighters or Amazons, and

they put up more fight than you.”

                   ‘Bitch,” Black Cat snarled weakly.

                   Miss Kitty’s bright green eyes flashed.  A snarl twisted her pretty lips.

                   “You need an attitude adjustment,” the redheaded cat burglar said.

                   She walked over to the black leather book bag she set aside earlier.  It

was no different that any other book bag, that any high school or college

student might carry, except it was black leather.  And, of course, the

contents were very different.

                   Reaching into the book bag, she rummaged around and finally produced a

straight razor.  With that, she quickly cut Black Cat’s black latex body

suit and black pantyhose to ribbons, leaving the incredibly shapely Latina

in nothing but black mask, tattered black hose and thigh boots.

                   “Bitch!” Black Cat cried with more strength and venom, now lying on her

back at Miss Kitty’s feet.  She struggled with the handcuffs, but was normal

strength now, and wasn’t going to break free.  “How DARE you!”

                   “Oh, I dare.  I dare mightily,” Miss Kitty said dangerously.

                   Then she smiled cruelly as she looked her helpless captive over with

relish.  What a beauty!  Her silky brown skin all but glowed with its

perfect complexion and health.  Not a pimple or mole to see anywhere.  And

her body was feline perfection in every way, full of dangerous curves.

                   “Such a pretty coat,” she said, dropping to one knee and caressing her

long, silky black hair.  Then she stroked Black Cat’s back and well rounded

hiney.  “You make a puurrfect cat toy.”

                   “Take your hands off me, bitch,” Black Cat said.

                   “Don’t call me that again, or else,” Miss Kitty growled.

                   “Ooo, you growled that out like a dog, like a BITCH,” Black Cat said

undaunted by her precarious predicament.  “Bitch.  Bitch.  Bitch.”

                   “You asked for it,” Miss Kitty said, eyes fierce and angry.

                   Black Cat smiled secretly to herself.  Soon the police would arrive.  All

she had to do was keep Miss Kitty distracted.  As soon as she realized the

alarm was sounded the cat burglar would high tail it out of there.  But

Black Cat didn’t mind taking a bit of a beating to catch the elusive cat

burglar.  Of course, the police would take full credit for capturing her,

and not acknowledge her all important role in the capture at all, except to

brag about “rescuing” her.  Dammit.

                   “Oh, what’s this?  Yeow, I love it,” Miss Kitty purred happily.  “And I

think you’ll enjoy it, too.”

                   The topless super villainess pulled out a harness with an extremely large

dildo attached.  Actually, it was a strange kind of double dildo.

                   “What the hell is that?”

                   “Isn’t it Cat-tastic, baby cat?” Miss Kitty purred, stroking the foot and

half long black dildo lovingly.  But the dildo went both ways.  Literally,

one end would go into Miss Kitty, and the other end into Black Cat.  “This

is my first chance to use this marvelous pussy pleaser.”

                   “Don’t you dare use that…that…THING on me!” Black Cat declared, brown

almond eyes flashing defiance.

                   Shrugging, Miss Kitty pointed her right fist at Black Cat and smiled.

                   “Have you ever been on the business end of a Power Brace?” she asked


                   “You won’t dar…Aaayyyy!” she started to say, and Miss Kitty zapped her

right between her 40DDs.  The sexy Latina crime fighter gasped, threw her

head back and screamed before collapsing.

                   “I told you before, I dare mightily.”

                   Miss Kitty pulled her own latex pants down to the top of her thigh boots. 

Then she strapped the harness on with a gleam in her very green eyes. 

Finally, she applied KY Jelly to both ends of the long black dildo, and

knelt between Black Cat’s sprawled legs.  First, she pressed one end of the

massive dildo into her own moist, tingling pussy.

                   “Oooooo, yeesssss,” she purred.  “This is going to be so much fun.”

                   That done, Miss Kitty leaned over Black Cat’s exposed pussy.  She ran her

fingers through the curly black pubic hair, close cropped and bikini waxed. 

Miss Kitty could smell her sex, and her suppressed excitement.

                   “Super Heroine types are all such suppressed sluts,” she purred, caressing

Black Cat’s most intimate spot.  “Such a pretty pussy.  Nice fur indeed.”

                   “Oooohhhh, you bitch,” Black Cat screamed angrily.  “I am so going to get

you for this!”

                   Heart hammering, Black Cat tried not to look at the monster dildo sticking

out of Miss Kitty’s close cropped, bikini waxed pussy.  The black leather

harness was just loose enough that when Miss Kitty fucked her victim, then

the dildo would have enough play to slide in and out of her pussy too. 

Black Cat thought it brilliant, obscene, and exciting all at once.  But, the

thought of being fucked by such a THICK and LONG dildo terrified her.

                   And worse, with her luck that night, the Police would show up just as Miss

Kitty was forcing her to climax.  Oh, how they would all enjoy that sight! 

Utter humiliation.

                   “Not before I pet your pretty pussy, kitten,” Miss Kitty said.  “And

kissing and snuggle with it, too.”

                   Black Cat froze in shock as Miss Kitty bent over and pushed her face into

her nether regions.  First, Miss Kitty gently kissed Black Cat’s now moist

and tingling pussy lips.  Black Cat gasped.  Then she gasped again when Miss

Kitty’s hot tongue slipped out and licked her pussy all over.

                   “Oooo, shit,” Black Cat gasped out, back arching provocatively.  “Stop it.”

                   “Mmmmm,” Miss Kitty responded, pressing her tongue past the pussy lips and

running it up Black Cat’s slit.

                   “Ooohh!” she cried, gasping and panting now with every stroke of that hot


                   Black Cat was incredulous.  Her body was betraying her.  Why was it

responding so well to Miss Kitty’s efforts?  Where all those sicko porn

sites about super heroines true?  Was she secretly a lesbian?  She

considered herself asexual, having never really been interested in men or

women.  All she cared about was fighting evil, putting criminals behind

bars.  She was a FEM Fighter, and spent her childhood preparing to become


                   Without even realizing it, Black Cat spread her mile long legs even wider,

giving Miss Kitty easier access to her vulnerable womanhood.  An erotic

tingling heat had begun to spread from her loins to her throat.  It was so

hard to breathe Black Cat was reduced to panting.  Both her cunt and nipples

felt like they were on fire.

                   “I’m going to tame you tonight, kitten,” Miss Kitty purred.  “After I

finish with you, no mere man will ever be able to satisfy your animal


                   Using both of her thumbs, Miss Kitty spread Black Cat’s aching pussy lips

wide and lowered her mouth to it.  She spent the next five minutes driving

the captured FEM Fighter wild with mind blowing cunnilingus.  Then she went

to work on her clitoris.

                   “Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Black Cat cried, wild eyes.  “Too much!”

                   Black Cat felt the tingle change into that heady rush to climax.  It washed

over her like an unstoppable wave of erotic desire and pleasure.  It hit her

like a brick between the eyes.  It was, of course, her very first orgasm, so

she had no defense against it or its aftereffects.

                   “Aaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!” she cried, then took a deep breath

and screamed again.  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

                   Miss Kitty continued to lap up her gushing love juices until the climax

subsided and Black Cat’s superb body slowly relaxed beneath her.  Then she

gave her foe’s cunt one last lingering kiss, and sat up with a look of

feline mischief.

                   “Now wasn’t that fun?” Miss Kitty said.  Then a glint came into her emerald

green eyes.  “But not as much funs as this.”

                   “What?” Black Cat asked, dazed and confused.  The climax scrambled her


                   “This, kitten,” Miss Kitty purred.

                   Miss Kitty started kissing and licking her way up from Black Cat’s still

throbbing pussy.  She kissed, licked and caressed her way up her captive’s

silky smooth body, over her rock hard abs and up to her large, taut tits. 

In no time, the sexy super villainess was cupping the hapless heroine’s

perfect 40DDs.  Her golden brown tits were perfectly shaped, silky soft and

had delectable small brown nipples, now fully erect.

                   “Such big tits you have, my kitten,” Miss Kitty purred, lusted consuming

her beautiful face.  “And Miss Kitty wants a drink of milk.”

                   “Aahhh,” Black Cat gasped as Miss Kitty sucked in a hypersensitive nipple,

and began to caress her other tit.  “Oooo. Soo…..Ooooo, aaahhhh.”

                   “You make more noise than an alley cat in heat, kitten,” Miss Kitty said,

grinning like the cat that ate the canary.  “Now, hold on, it’s time for me

to mount up.”

                   “Huh?” Black Cat said.  Then she felt the cold tip of the thick, long black

dildo press against her quivering twat.  She instinctively, and instantly,

knew she could not handle that after what Miss Kitty just did to her.  “Oh


                   With a victorious yelp, Miss Kitty thrust forward.  The dildo met some

resistance that pushed the dildo deeper into her own pussy.  She groaned,

and thrust harder, finally penetrating Black Cat’s ready pussy.  Black Cat’s

back arched again as the KY Jelly coated dildo slowly pushed inside her. 

She gasped and struggled to break free of the handcuffs, to no avail. 

Gyrating her hips only made the penetration feel better.

                   Miss Kitty pulled back.  Again, the part of the dildo inside her moved

first.  Black Cat’s cunt was clamped down on her end, quivering and spasming

with erotic pleasure.  The sexy cat burglar gasped and grasped Black Cat’s

shapely hips, digging her nails in through the latex gloves.  It felt so

good it was hard for the dominating woman to concentrate.  But the unique

harness would only let about eighty percent of the dildo within her come out

before it reached the end of the line, and started pulling the dildo out of

Black Cat.

                   “Aaaaiiee,” both women cried softly.  “Ooooooo.”

                   Thrusting, once again, saw the dildo within Miss Kitty push in first.  Once

it was all the way inside the sexy cat burglar, it started pushing deep into

Black Cat’s vulnerable cunt.  The lovely Latina cried out incredulously. 

This time, Miss Kitty was able to thrust the thick, black dildo all the way

into her prisoner.  She could feel Black Cat’s body trembling beneath her. 

That inspired her to drive it home harder and harder, and enjoy everything

about the experience more and more.  Miss Kitty especially loved the way she

so easily reduced the haughty, arrogant FEM Fighter to a quivering, panting

alley cat in heat.

                   For the next five minutes Miss Kitty hammered it home with wild abandon. 

Her own libido fired up intensely, threatening to trip over the edge to

climax at any moment, but she used her steel like will power to hold it at

bay, wanting to break Black Cat first.

                   Already weakened by the first orgasm, Black Cat was in no shape to fight

off Miss Kitty’s amorous efforts.  Soon, the beautiful Latina was so

delirious she began thrusting her hips to push her twat into the dildo.  Her

long, long legs were thrust out to either side, knees locked straight,

trying to squeeze out every last ounce of pleasure.

                   Both women were quickly overheated, panting and gasping.  That wonderful

tingling sensation consumed their sweaty bodies as Miss Kitty thrust and

thrust and thrust.  Then, feeling her own body starting to edge closer and

closer to the edge, she noticed Black Cat also looking like she was about to

blow.  So Miss Kitty reached down and seized both of Black Cat’s magnificent

tits and squeezed.


                   Then Miss Kitty leaned forward, still thrusting unmercifully.  She grasped

Black Cat’s face in both hands and forced her captive to look deep into her

emerald eyes.  Electricity erupted between them.  Both women groaned, and

Miss Kitty leaned down and press her warm red lips into Black Cat’s lips.

                   “Mmmmmmm,” they both groaned.  “Uuuummmmmm.”

                   The feel of Miss Kitty’s lipstick coated lips melting into her own lips was

too much.  Black Cat thrust her tongue up into her captor’s mouth, toying

with her tongue, and felt her highly charged libido morph into that wild

rush to climax.

                   When Black Cat returned her kiss to enthusiastically, Miss Kitty knew she

had dominated her foe both on the battlefield and in bed.  She was truly the

best.  She was dominant, and Black Cat was tamed and hers.

                   “You are Miss Kitty’s cat now, kitten,” she purred.  “Say it.”

                   That pronouncement startled Black Cat.  That rush to climax intensified,

and she lost it entirely.

                   “Aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!” she cried.  “Oh!  Oh! 


                   “Say it!”

                   “I am yours!”

                   “Yyyeeeeeeeoooooooooooowwwwwwwww!” Miss Kitty cried, consumed by her own


                   “What a beautiful sight,” a gruff male voice said, sounding very amused.

                   Both women froze.

                   “So that’s what cat scratch fever does to a SUPERIOR woman,” another man

said.  “Turns them into horny alley cats.”

                   They turned to see half a dozen cops leering down at them.   Blood ran cold

deep within both women, for very different reasons.  Miss Kitty realized she

had dropped her guard, and was now the most vulnerable she’d ever allowed

herself to become.  Black Cat just felt utter humiliation to have the Police

discover her being sexually dominated by another woman, not to mention

obviously defeated and bound up.

                   Frantic, Miss Kitty pulled out of Black Cat, making an audible ‘slurp’ and

popping sound as the monster dildo pulled out of the exhausted FEM Fighter. 

Then the desperate cat burglar tried to pull up her latex pants, but the

harness and dildo were in the way leaving her upper thighs still somewhat

bound and restricted.

                   “Yeow!” Miss Kitty cried, lurching to her unsteady feet.

                   “Get her!” Black Cat cried, afraid Miss Kitty would escape and she’d be

left alone in humiliation.

                   Just as Miss Kitty took off running, Black Cat kicked out and caught her

left foot.  The cat burglar was briefly staggered, but her excellent sense

of balance saved her from falling.  But she was slowed down, and one of the

cops tackled her.

                   “Yeeooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww!” she cried in fear and anger.

                   “Dog pile her!” a familiar voice commanded.

                   “No!” Black Cat gasped, her head whipping around.  It was.  Officer Michael

O’Brian was leading the Police.  Then his eyes turned to regard her with

smug satisfaction.  She felt her face flame red.  The sexy FEM Fighter

writhed on the floor, struggling to free her handcuffed wrists.  That ended

when she realized the cops were enjoying watching her tits jounce about. 

“Stop looking at me.”

                   “But you are so beautiful, not to mention SUPERIOR looking,” Officer

O’Brian said and laughed.

                   “I’ll get you for this outrage!” Miss Kitty yelled furiously.

                   Four cops were holding her down.

                   Officer O’Brian walked over to Black Cat and reached up under her arm pits,

and lifted her to her booted feet.  But instead of just releasing his hold,

his hands slid down to, over and then ever so briefly, cupped her 40DDs. 

She gasped and fumed.

                   “How dare you,” she hissed, almond eyes flashing in rage.  “I will tell

your superiors about this outrage.”

                   “Superiors?” he said, then looked her up and down.  “That doesn’t appear to

include you anymore, does it, kitten?”

                   “Huh?” she said, suddenly frozen in place.  Why did he call her ‘kitten?’ 

How long had he been watching her and Miss Kitty?  “Heh, what did you mean

by that?”

                   O’Brian smiled smugly, and then stepped away.  He walked over to Miss

Kitty, still struggling in the grasp of four street cops.  The incensed cat

burglar hissed and spit at him.  He ignored her and dropped to one knee,

reached up under her and unfastened the FEM belt.

                   “Nnnooooooo!” Miss Kitty cried as she felt her beloved super strength

quickly fade away to nothing.

                   Officer O’Brian tossed the FEM belt aside and looked his prisoner over with

relish.  Miss Kitty froze and locked wide green eyes on his eyes when she

realized he was looking at her so frighteningly.

                   “I’ve always wondered what made women like you so damn COCKY,” he said,

tapping the end of the massive black dildo jutting out of her twat.  She was

so wired, to aroused, even that light tapping on the dildo radiated pleasure

through her body.  “Now I know why.”


                   “If you only knew,” he said, grinning.  Then he reached for her face. 

“Let’s find out whose hiding behind that mask.”

                   “No!” she snapped, whipping her hand about.

                   Black Cat smiled cruelly, despite the fact that the act of unmasking her

foe set her own heart to hammering.  That was the worse fate possible for

such as Miss Kitty.  She understood that fear all too well.  Super Heroines

and FEM Fighters all shared her fear of that ultimate defeated.  Black Cat

would rather be caught naked before the whole world, being fucked stupid by

an army of villains, than have even one man see her naked face.

                   To be unmasked was the lowest, most cruel blow imaginable.

                   “Your arrogance brought you to this, Miss Kitty,” Black Cat said.  “Did I

not tell you that you wouldn’t get away?”

                   Officer O’Brian moved around behind Miss Kitty.  He curled an arm around

her slender neck, immobilizing her thrashing head.  Then he thrust two

fingers into the eyeholes of her black leather cowl mask, and pulled

straight up.

                   Black Cat watched breathlessly.  She saw how the two-sided tape holding the

mask in place pulled on the girl’s soft cheeks, stretching the skin.  It

resisted removal a long moment.  But when the tape started to come free, it

went fast.  The cowl almost popped off, exposing the surprised beauty


                   “Oh my God!  It’s Kourtney Kittens!” Black Cat cried, feeling victorious

and betrayed at the same time.  Kourtney was her favorite singer.  “How

could you do this to all your legions of fans?  You are a role model to

millions of young girls.”

                   “Oh!” Kourtney cried as O’Brian released her neck and his hand dropped to

her exposed tit.  He gave it a quick squeeze.  “Police brutality!  You saw

it, Black Cat.  You are my witness.”

                   “Yes I did,” Black Cat muttered, shocked.  Her own tits suddenly started to

tingle as she recalled him cupping her tits.  Then she glared at Officer

O’Brian’s smug face.  “O’Brian, that act will end your career.  I demand to

see Chief Strain immediately.”

                   He stood up, paused to look Black Cat over slowly, from stiletto heeled

feet to shiny wet twat, to taut tits and erect nipples and up to her flushed

face and tousled black hair.  She fumed to be so callously gawked at, leered

at like a titty dancer slut.

                   “Take these cuffs off me this instant, and then take me to Chief Strain,”

she demanded.

                   “Okay,” he said, then looked over his shoulder.  His men had Miss Kitty

handcuffed and kneeling between them, head lowered in subjugation.  “Search

Miss Kitty good, then take her in.  Don’t take any chances.”

                   To Black Cat’s horror, not to mention Miss Kitty’s, a cop reached down and

jammed a finger up her sphincter.  She screamed and bucked, but the other

three cops held her while he performed a lewd full body cavity search of her

luscious body.

                   “You’re violating her civil rights!” Black Cat cried.

                   “That’s not the only thing we’re going to violate,” Officer O’Brian said

with a wicked gleam in his eyes.  Then he looked at her askew.  “I don’t

understand why you are so angry, she did worse to you than we’ll do to her.”

                   “She’s a helpless prisoner now,” Black Cat said, recalling how terrifyingly

helpless and vulnerable she felt while Miss Kitty’s prisoner.  “Now take off

these damn cuffs!”

                   Instead, O’Brian angrily took her by the upper arm and started to walk her

toward the back of the building at a brisk pace.  She cried out in outrage. 

Miss Kitty cried out behind her as well, but she was being led away too

quickly to look back over her shoulder to discern what evil act was being


                   “Stop walking so fast,” she said, managing to twist free of his hand.  But

he immediately seized her upper arm again, this time squeezing until she

grimaced.  “You’re hurting me.”

                   “So sorry, Black Cunt…er..Cat,” he said, scowling.  His painful grasp only

tightened a bit more.  “But I’m taking you to the Chief, as requested.”

                   “What about the cuffs?” she asked through pain clenched teeth, not wanting

him to know how much he was hurting her.  She really missed her FEM belt at

that moment.  “Take them off.”

                   “I can’t,” he said.  She knew he was lying.  “The key for it is different

than what Ocean City Police use.”

                   A bold faced lie.  But the back door was close, and she suspected the

police had an operations center setup in the alley behind the museum,

despite what she told them in the mayor’s office.  For once, she was glad

they disobeyed her.  Otherwise, Miss Kitty would’ve been able to dispose of

her any way she wanted.  And Black Cat was sure she wouldn’t have liked her

fate in Miss Kitty’s hands.

                   “Bastard,” she snapped, big brown eyes flashing.  “Just take me to the


                   Within moments they exited the back dock entrance.  As expected, the

bus-like Tactical Operations Center was parked there.  Numerous squad cars

were parked in the alley as well.  Chief Strain was standing beside the TOC,

giving orders and looking authoritarian.  For a brief instant, she felt a

pang of desire.  She’d never seen him looking so commanding and strong.

                   “Chief Strain!” Black Cat called, twisting free of O’Brian’s grasp again

and running over to the shocked Police Chief.  Her naked 40DDs bounced

enticingly.  “Chief Strain, arrest Officer O’Brian.”

                   “Black Cat, you look so…,” Chief Strain stammered, his eyes locked on her

still jiggling 40DD as she stopped before him.  She was so mad about

everything, her heart was pounding in her ears and her chest was heaving

from heavy breathing.  The cops all stopped to stare.  Then the Chief shock

himself out of that testosterone induced daze.  “What is the problem, Black

Cat.  Miss Kitty didn’t escape, did she?”

                   “Of course not.  It’s worse.  Officer O’Brian and the other arresting

officers have molested and are right now molesting Miss Kitty,” she said. 

Then she kicked at O’Brian, but missed.  “And this Neanderthal dog refused

to free me from my handcuffs, AFTER copping a feel of my breasts, too.”

                   “I don’t blame him,” Chief Strain said, amusement lighting up his eyes. 

Then he reluctantly pulled his eyes from her tits.  “I heard Miss Kitty is

really Kourtney Kittens.  Grrrr, I’d love to SEARCH her myself.”  All the

cops laughed.  Then he looked Black Cat over, slowly, head to toe.  “Nice

tits.  I mean -- Wow.  What are those?  Double-Ds?  40?  42 inches?”

                   “You monsters!  Wait until I tell the Mayor and the press,” she cried.  Her

eyes flashed brown fire and her face screwed up in rage.  “You are all going


                   “Ah!  Such a delight to speak with, as always,” Chief Strain said.  He

stepped close.  So close his uniformed chest pressed lightly against her

naked tits.  In her tall stilettos, she was tall enough to look him straight

in the eyes.  Somehow, up close, the Chief didn’t look delighted.  “But we

all know, you are not going to say anything to anyone, Black Cunt.  We are

sick to death of your superior, mightier-than-thou attitude.”

                   “So we made a decision after our meeting with the mayor this afternoon,”

Officer O’Brian sneered.  “We decided to kill two birds with one stone.”

                   “Or skin two cats with one knife,” Chief Strain said, chuckling as he

indicated her nakedness.  Again, the cops all laughed.  “Miss Kitty, a.k.a.

Kourtney Kittens, is now in custody.  She will go to prison for her crimes. 

But you, Black Cat, are another matter.”

                   “You are going to just vanish,” Officer O’Brian said.

                   Black Cat felt her heart sink.  Cold fear gripped her.  Now she understood

the term “out of the pan and into the fire.”

                   Suddenly, Black Cat found herself completely surrounded by stone-faced

cops.  Cops with grudges.

                   “You’ve only been around a year, but already you are the FEM Fighter we

hate the most,” Chief Strain said.  “You are the most stuck up, the

haughtiest, most arrogant bitch among the FEM Fighters and Amazons.  Even

the Alpha Metas aren’t as arrogant and demeaning as you’ve been.”

                   “Yeah, at least the Amazons patronize us, though I’m sure they feel the

same as you,” O’Brian snarled.  “Damn castrating bitches.”

                   Black Cat swallowed hard and looked around nervously.  What did they have

in mind for her?  Handcuffed and stripped of FEM belt and Power Braces, she

was helpless to stop them from doing anything them wanted to her.

                   “My sister FEM Fighters will not tolerate this,” she said.  “They will hunt

you all down like dogs.”

                   “They will mourn the loss of a Sister in Arms,” Chief Strain said, “And be

grateful the woman responsible was arrested and sent to prison.  Namely,

Miss Kitty, who I’m sure will be pleased to take credit for taking down

another Super Heroine FEM Fighter.”

                   “Enough talk,” O’Brian said, stepping up behind Black Cat.  He reached

around and seized one tit in his right hand, while his left dropped to her

pussy and started to rub it.  “Sweet.  Her tits are firm with very soft


                   Her hypersensitive breasts started to tingle as the skin grew taut from

arousal.  Black Cat barely suppressed her outcry when he grabbed her from

behind.  She was sure he wanted to startle her, to terrify her.  Black Cat

wouldn’t give O’Brian, or any of them, the satisfaction.  She would take her

medicine like a superior woman, like a FEM Fighter.

                   Then his index finger found her clit.


                   Chief Strain took hold of her other tit in both hands, and sucked in her

rock hard nipple.  Black Cat squirmed and gasped, panted and grunted, as the

two Policemen abused her sexy, shapely body.  In no time they stoked the

fires of her libido until that heady tingling washed through her hot body.

                   “Bastards.”  <PANT>  “You won’t get away…<PANT>…with this outrage,” she

said, head startling to loll about she was so delirious with desire and

need.  “Ooohhh, ahhh.  YOU!  Ohh!  <PANT>  <PANT>  Mercy!”

                   “No mercy,” Chief Strain said, pulling away.  He waved O’Brian off her, for

which she was immensely grateful.  Another thirty seconds of tit and clit

action, and she would’ve climaxed.  Then he pinched both of her engorged



                   “Ah, I like that reaction even better than panting, groaning and grunting,”

he said, chuckling evilly.  Glancing down, she noticed the massive bulge in

the Chief’s trousers.  Then he started backing up, pulling her by her

nipples after him.  Helplessly, she followed him.  Strangely, though, the

pain, humiliation and her unknown fate was firing up her libido terribly. 

Just the act of walking, with her silky upper thighs rubbing together, was

getting her excited.  She could feel her juices flowing.  “I want to hear

you scream in orgasm again, this time caused by my cock up your cunt, not

some lezzy bitches’ dildo.”

                   “Oh my God!  You WERE watching!”

                   “Oh, yes, babe.  We have a direct feed from the museum’s security camera

system,” he said.  “We saw it all.  In fact, we have it on tape.”

                   “And the museum has it on tape,” O’Brian sneered.  “And I’m afraid that the

museum’s tapes were lost.  They’ll probably end up on some internet porn

site.”  He bowed his head in feigned sorrow.  “By this time tomorrow night,

you will be an internet porn star.”

                   “I can’t believe I helped you, worked closely with you all, this past year,

only to learn what woman hating monsters you all are,” Black Cat snarled.

                   “Not true, Whipped Pussy Cat,” Chief Strain said, backing up to a crate. 

He released her nipples long enough to unbuckle, unfasten and drop his

trousers.  Then he sat down and grabbed her hips.  She was forced to move

forward, straddling his big, purplish cock.  “We love and respect REAL

women.  SUPERIOR women like Amazons and FEM Fighters like you aren’t worthy

of our love and respect.”

                   Black Cat looked around desperately, looking for a sympathetic face among

all the angry cops, while the Chief caressed her satiny smooth butt cheeks

and rubbed his face in her belly.  She found no one who might save her.  In

fact, their anger looked to be transforming into cold lust.  Then he pulled

down on her hips, forcing her down, down, down, until she felt his cock head

pressing against her cunt.

                   “We don’t have to do this, Chief.”

                   “Yes…,” he said, pressing down hard, forcing her upon his cock. 

“….Ohh….yes we do.”  Then his hands ran up her back, grabbing her shoulders

from behind, and pulled down hard.  Black Cat groaned low in her throat as

six inches of cock penetrated her vagina.  Then he buried his face in her

cleavage, enjoying her scent and silky soft skin a long moment.  “Oh, yes! 

God, this feels good.”

                   Black Cat ground her teeth and tried to keep from crying out.  He let her

push back up, until just his cock head was inside her, before pulled her

back down.  Once again, she pushed up, and he pulled her back down.  That

went on for about five minutes.

                   “Oh, God,” Black Cat cried.  Feeling the tingle transforming into that rush

to climax.  “So wrong.  Oh!  Oh,


                   Looking him in the eyes, she realized he was consumed with triumph.  Seeing

that made her admit she really, truly was defeated.  Her career as a FEM

Fighter was over.  She would vanish, never to be seen or heard from again.

                   Black Cat climaxed again.          “OOohhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuggggggggggggghhhhh!”

                   Chief Strain suddenly pulled her off his cock.  He spread his legs and she

was forced to her knees between his legs.  He seized her face in both hands

and forced her to look up into his eyes.

                   “Eat me,” he said.

                   He pulled her face down into his cock.  Black Cat opened wide without

thought.  It just seemed natural.  In her own defense, she was overwhelmed

with sexual stimulation and climaxed into a daze, so it only seemed natural

for her to suck cock.

                   “Uuuugggggghhhhh,” she moaned as her mouth filled with rancid cock.  His

cock stank horrendously of stale urine.  It tasted worse.  “Hhhmmmgghhhhh.”

                   “Ah, such a sweet looking ass,” Officer O’Brian said from very close behind

her.  “And so tempting to a poor, morally weak man like myself.”

                   Black Cat heard “zzziiiippp.” And “felt” someone move up behind her.  Then

she felt rough hands on the soft skin of her butt.  Seconds later, fingers

started poking at her sphincter.

                   “Huuupphhhhh!” she cried, but the Chief wouldn’t let her remove her mouth

from his cock.  She was forced to continue sucking.  “Unuunnnnnnmmmm.”

                   O’Brian rubbed her sopping wet pussy, smearing her love juices up to,

around and finally into her puckered sphincter.  Then she felt him rubbing

his erect cock all over her pussy, and finally thrust it deep into her

vagina without warning


                   Black Cat suddenly realized the chief was become more erratic in his

thrust.  And his cock actually swelled a bit more, becoming more rigid.  She

knew he was about to blow, and became obsessed with that.  The thought of

man spunk in her mouth was too disgusting too contemplate.

                   Then O’Brian pulled out of her cunt, and pushed into her asshole.  At the

same time, he grabbed her long, black hair and pulled back hard.  She gave a

gargling squeal as the Chief continued to pump in and out of her sweet

mouth.  Torn between a cock pushing up her sphincter, and a cock about to

release a mouthful of cum, she just froze and her body took over.

                   “Yes!  I’m butt fucking Black Cat,” Officer O’Brian crowed.  “Take that,


                   “Mmmmmmm,” she cried, then felt the Chief ejaculate into her mouth. 


                   “Swallow, or else,” Chief Strain commanded, and she obeyed mindlessly.

                   She felt her body change.  The tingle was gone, replaced by an erotic heat

that screamed climax coming.  It was the biggest yet.  She was shocked

breathless by the enormity of it.

                   “Now, let’s take a gander at that pretty face of yours,” Chief Strain said,

leering down at her.  Before she could think, he grabbed one side of the

mask and ripped it off.  “Viola!”

                   Then the orgasm washed through and over her.

                   Black Cat screamed.  And screamed and screamed.  O’Brian ass fucked her

while she screamed, and Chief Strain used her long, luxurious hair to clean

his sticky cock.  She screamed and screamed until O’Brian finally exploded

up her ass.  Then another took his place.  And another and another.

                   Black Cat spent seven hours on her knees or back, sating the dark animal

lusts of vengeful cops.  Near daybreak, another man was brought forward. 

She recognized him as a suspected white slaver.  The FEM Fighters were

keeping an eye on him and his activities the best they could.

                   “Hello, Packer,” Chief Strain said breathlessly.  He had just finished

fucking her for the fifth time that night.  “I think you know Black Cat.”

                   “We’ve never had the pleasure, but I know who she is,” Packer said warily.

                   Then turning to Black Cat, the Chief said, “Miss Kitty called Packer to

come pick you up even before she left for the museum.  That’s how confident

she was that she would defeat you.  And if not for us, she would’ve sold you

into white slavery.”

                   “And that’s not what you have planned?” she said peevishly.

                   “Oh, no,” Chief Strain said.  “I’m going to GIVE you to Mr. Packer.  HE

will sell you into white slavery.  In Asia Minor, I do believe.”

                   “Really?” Packer said, suddenly alert.  “I’m not under arrest?”

                   “Of course not,” Chief Strain said.  Then his eyes narrowed.  “We’re going

to give Black Cat to you.  You take her far way, and don’t come back

yourself.  If I see you again, you won’t make it to trial.  Understood?”

                   Packer’s eyes lit up.  He looked Black Cat over covetously.

                   “Understood,” he said.  “Don’t worry, neither one of us will ever come back

to Ocean City.  And this dusky beauty will be sold to Drug Lords in Asia

Minor, just like you said.”

                   Black Cat was ball-gagged and handed over to Packer.  The last Chief Strain

and Officer O’Brian saw of the lovely Latina FEM Fighter was her shapely

hiney wiggling down the alley behind the white slaver.