Black Dog - Man in the Mirror

Here’s another Lucky Star commission some of you might have already grabbed. You can get it at the link below.

Charlie Nishinaka - Cheers Vol.1

Here’s the full volume 1 of Cheers courtesy of Starfox. Thanks to whoever pointed out that I fucked up the main character’s name. It was supposed to be “Ueno”. I’ve corrected the spelling throughout the book, so you can grab the full volume release, with fixes and all of the covers and inserts. Those of who want to contribute towards further volumes in the series can check the donor projects section for details.
Direct Download

Gorgeous Takarada - Wet Princess Ch.1

Here’s the start of yet another Gorgeous Takarada donor project courtesy of Opiage. Again, if you want to pitch in towards its completion, you can check the donor projects section for details.
Direct Download

Also, You can likely expect Desperation classroom 5-6 sometime this weekend and a couple more donor projects should be starting up tomorrow.

Gorgeous Takarada - Alice Breaker Ch.1

Here’s the start of a new donor project courtesy of Opiage. Those of you who want to contribute can check the donor project section for details.
Direct Download

Komoriei - Subordination Doll Elegy

Charlie Nishinaka - Cheers Ch.5-7

Here are 3 more chapters of Cheers courtesy of Starfox. This is a donor project, so those of you who want to chip in can check the donor project section for details.

I’ll update the DDL later tonight. Expect some more releases, as well.

Type.90 - Blood Lunch Ch.4

Here’s the fourth chapter of Blood Lunch. Again, courtesy of Rune, Niagatrats, Decoy4924, & JukanX.
Direct Download

Hijiri Rei - Unmoral Kids Ch.4

Sukapon-Do - Sengoku de Pon!

Type.90 - Blood Lunch Ch.3

Okay. Here’s the third chapter of Blood Lunch. This is courtesy of Rune, Niagatrats, Decoy4924, & JukanX. I was hoping to get 4 ready as well, but it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. And a reminder that this is a donor project, so if you want to contribute, you can check the donor projects section for details.
Direct Download