I just got home a short while ago.
I had work today.
Then I had something music-related tonight.
I was soooo stressed out.
I never did something like this before.
I felt incredibly pathetic and unskilled and unexperienced.
But in the end, things turned out okay. I’m surprised my voice was able to come out even though these songs were SO above my range.
But I’m super happy it’s finished for now.
I have to go another time for the same kind of job next week (probably), but at least now I know what to expect. I’ll do my best to be more ready next time.
We went eating afterwards. I had a few drinks. Just 2 though, but I’m still a little buzzed even now. ^^;;; I think alcohol is okay as long as you don’t go overboard. Looks like drinking is really common in Japan. Sheesh! Mah. Everything is okay with moderation. Remember that folks.
The one big thing that ruined my day was that I got a strange person talking to me in the train. He wasn’t mean or anything………but he was very insisting and even got off my station to try to walk me home and get my number. I gave him my e-mail though, but I hope he doesn’t end up searching like crazy and find out infos about me. =_= I’m incredibly troubled right now. I think I’ll have nightmares. I don’t have time for this. Or to be nice to people I meet on the street. I mean………gosh, I’m already stressed out and busy…..like no one could imagine. I wanna cry. T_T I hope nothing happens from there. I should remember never to accept talking to a stranger. Like wow. How idiotic of me. He kept bugging me to know where I work………..so I wouldn’t be surprised if he did an internet search with my e-mail address. =_= I tried just now and I found this one 2ch thread that gave the link to my blog so………..I’m scared. I felt wrong but I’m just too honest. And thing is….I was still a bit drunk so I didn’t think clearly enough not to give out any infos. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I’m so scared. =_= I don’t wanna die. I’ve been depressed for the longest time, but now that I finally have a door to the future, please God……help me. I sound like I’m joking but I’m honestly feeling very scared and paranoid right now.
I have to learn to be more careful from now on. I mean, in general….
Things are going to get more and more like this with time though.
Eventually if my face gets out there, people could randomly try to talk to me or do things like these……… then I’ll have to be firmer and just not give into their requests.
I pray that I get stronger…
Other than that, I want to apologize for my previous entry. Haha.
Even though it’s now that I had alcohol, I feel so ashamed I wrote this. Like…COME ON.
But hey, I won’t delete it. I don’t take it back
It’s been so long since I had a crush on someone.
It doesn’t matter I hardly know him (all I know is from what I saw/felt…the rest is from what I heard and read on his blog. XD). But hey. I’m just a normal girl after all. I get crushes too!
*sniff* But hey, sayonara natsu no akogare…or something. I don’t think I’ll have a chance to really see him so closely ever again. XD BUT I GOT VIDEOS!!! *cackles evily*
Okay, I shut up now.
Goodnight all. Sorry for the pointless update.
Thank you for all your encouragements for the Animax Grandprix finals!!!!!
I’ll do my best!!!!!!! Tomorrow I have work again, so it’s time to sleep. (oh wait…it’s already passed midnight again, isn’t it)