Tokyo Toshokan
東京 図書館
#tokyotosho @
A BitTorrent Library for Japanese Media
(GMT) 2008-08-26 04:42 (Central US) 2008-08-25 23:42 (Japan) 2008-08-26 13:42
- 2008-08-25 Site will be moving to a new and improved server. It should take place sometime in the next week or so. More details as it approaches. No user visible differences should occur except it could (should) be a little faster.
- 2008-08-23
3 $5 off $50 coupons are available for Play-Asia. Message Edward_K on IRC if you want one.
Expires in 7d!
Also, another minor update, searching by felines, or cats. - 2008-08-17 A minor update to the site.
- 2007-10-25 Requesting comments for TTv3. Post your suggestions!
- 2007-03-10 Just to let you folks know, we have another domain, You should use this if you're having difficulty reaching the .com, add it to your bookmarks if you'd like.