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Cat with four ears 'a target for catnappers'

This four-eared cat is so rare that his owners keep him indoors to prevent him getting catnapped.

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Yoda's extra ears are not thought to help him hear
Yoda's extra ears are not thought to help him hear Photo: BARCROFT MEDIA
Yoda the four-eared cat with his owner Valerie Rock
Yoda the four-eared cat with his owner Valerie Rock Photo: BARCROFT MEDIA

The feline, named Yoda, has two extra “flaps” behind his normal ears, but is otherwise in good health and appears to have perfect hearing.

His owners, who picked him out from a litter of eight-week-old kittens being handed around in a bar, say that local vets were mystified when they took him for a check-up.

"We began to realise that we had something very special,” said Valerie Rock, 65.

"As a result, he has been an indoor cat and has a chip installed in case he gets lost,” she added.

"Yoda is so different that we were concerned that he might be catnapped.”

Valerie and her husband Ted, from Chicago, Illinois named the cat Yoda after hearing that the Star Wars character was based on George Lucas's cat.

"People do a double take when they see him or his picture. It is great fun showing him off,” Mrs Rock said.

"We have actually had people ask if we had his ears cut to look this way. But he is a perfectly normal affectionate, curious cat and is a joy to have around.”

Yoda's extra ears – which are not thought to help him hear - are not attached to the base of his skull, with one placed slightly behind the other. They are believed to be the result of a genetic mutation.

Multi-eared cats are rare, but not unheard of. In 2004, a six-month-old cat with two extra ears was put up for adoption at an animal shelter in Germany, and in the same year Russian media reported that a kitten had been born with seven ears.


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