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The Okayama Prefectural Tivoli Opposition Group
The Kurashiki Tivoli Opposition Group
The Tivoli Lawsuit Counsel
Tivoli, October 16th, 2006
Protest letter concerning Tivoli International and Tivoli Japan.
Dear Sirs,
Tivoli International has received your registered letter of October 6th 2006 expressing your concern about the future of Kurashiki Tivoli Park.
Based on the plea in your letter, Tivoli International would like to express its opinion on Kurashiki Tivoli Park and the cooperation with Tivoli Japan.
December 7th 1995,"Tivoli International entered a cooperation agreement with Tivoli Japan concerning the development of Kurashiki Tivoli Park, exchange of information and other arrangements. The objective of this agreement has been, in general terms, for Tivoli International to continuously supply Tivoli Japan with the know-how that Tivoli Copenhagen has accumulated through 163 year's operation. This transfer would allow Tivoli Japan to operate and develop the park according to the spirit and concept of Tivoli Copenhagen.
The agreement has now run for 9 years however much to the dissatisfaction of Tivoli International. The park is in a continuous physical decline and Tivoli Japan's accumulated debt is critical.
Regrettably, this is to a wide degree the result of the continuous disregard to Tivoli International's advice on developing Kurashiki Tivoli Park, leaving behind a park in a dire state. A fact that is an internationally respected brand in the amusement park industry and an economically successful company listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.
After 9 years of determined pursuance for a constructive cooperation, it is all the more painful to witness the current situation of Kurashiki Tivoli Park. Kurashiki Tivoli Park should have been a successful attraction for the city, its inhabitants and, not least, for the tax payers of the Okayama Prefecture.
Tivoli International no longer accepts this situation. We have recently informed Tivoli Japan if our dissatisfaction with the state of the park and required the implementation of a new cooperation agreement between our companies. It is our belief that only through a committed cooperation, adhering to the Tivoli Copenhagen concept and development strategies, that Kurashiki Tivoli Park will achieve a successful turnaround.
We are also aware that such a turnaround will come at a cost. Investments into the park’s attraction ant entertainment portfolio are a requirement from Tivoli International as they, among other things, are imperative for the park’s return to Tivoli’s fundament principles: to entertain and fascinate, to innovate, to create loyal visitors, to generate a return to shareholders.
Tivoli International believes there is a future for the cooperation with Tivoli Japan and for the successful operation of Kurashiki Tivoli Park, under the right condition. It is the above mentioned considerations we are taking into consideration during our negotiation with Tivoli Japan for the sake of the park’s future.
Kind regards,
Lars Liebst
チボリ・インターナショナル社は、倉敷チボリ公園の未来についての憂慮を表す貴殿らの2006年10月6日付書留郵便を受け取りました。 貴殿らの手紙の訴えに基づいて、チボリ・インターナショナル社は、倉敷チボリ公園およびチボリ・ジャパン社との提携に関する意見を述べます。
1995年12月7日、「チボリ・インターナショナルは、倉敷チボリ公園の整備、情報交換および他の調整に関して、チボリ・ジャパンと契約書を締結しました。 この合意の目的は、大まかに言えばチボリ・コペンハーゲンが163年の運営により集積したノウハウを、チボリ・インターナショナル社がチボリ・ジャパンに提供することです。 この取り決めは、チボリ・ジャパン社が、チボリ・コペンハーゲンの真の精神とコンセプトに従って公園を運営し発展させることを許容したものです。
チボリ・インターナショナル社は,正しい状況下において,チボリ・ジャパン社との協力と倉敷チボリ公園の事業の成功の未来があると信じている。 上記の考慮が,倉敷チボリ公園の将来のために,チボリ・ジャパン社と交渉の間において考慮に入れているものです。
Tivoli Lars Liebst
投稿者 赤坂てる子 : 2006年10月27日 10:34