DISCLAIMER: This is a work of erotic fiction intended solely for the entertainment of adult persons. All characters and situations are entirely fictional and based on no one in particular, taking place in a universe where sexually transmitted viruses and diseases don't actually exist, except for the fun ones that make everyone obsessed with sex.
Kimberly stepped out of the front door of her newly constructed palace, bending over at the waist to pick up the daily paper. She liked to show her servants that she could work hard when she wanted. The paper’s headline read, “Paradiso celebrates six month anniversary of Queen Kimberly’s reign!”
The entire front page was written by that darling man Edward Towers. Most of the text described the parade that was going to take place tomorrow day and the orgy in the evening. A few other pieces had fashion tips and detailed Kimberly’s favorite foods and presents. There was also a bit congratulating the city council for their foresight in calling the emergency election that put her in charge and passing the law that disbanded the council after she took the reins.
Such a devoted fellow. He had even taken it upon himself to actually write that poem she had suggested. Whenever she saw him, he looked haggard and sleepless, professing that the words to describe her seemed to elude him constantly. He said he thought the effort of it would kill him sometimes. Ah, well. Anyone could write a newspaper.
Every page past the first one was simply a catalogue for Female Designs, with Kimberly on every cover, of course. She loved the weekly photo shoots. Sometimes Mark would show up and screw her in between outfits. With the new airline he had acquired, he said that pretty soon she’d be doing shoots in new, exotic locales like Moscow, London, Beijing, and Washington D.C.
She’d have a bit of an audience, he explained, but Kimberly hardly minded. Her cheerleaders often posed with her, as did other girls from the high school and her club. Some of the best dancers Kimberly knew at the club had been snatched up from the school. Many of them hadn’t been close to graduation age. A few months ago Glory became Mark’s top girl for his maternity line.
The young nymph wore a royal blue stretch lycra micro dress that only somewhat contained her bustline. On the other end its hemlines stretched long enough only to cover her cunt and half her sumptuous ass. It was backless, and strapless, help up purely by her enormous tits’ ability to defy physics. She decided to allow matching over-the-knee boots with skyscraper heels to feel the grace of her legs. Big heels, she knw, announced to the world that she couldn’t run, couldn’t even walk, really. All she could was wiggle and sway her sexy tight ass to wherever she was going, each step having to be carefully placed to ensure the maximum amount of hotness therein.
Her lacy blue stockings had little bluebonnets sewn into the fabric. Pure white gloves that extended past her elbows decorated her hands and arms. On top of all this was Mark’s birthday gift to her, her true birthday, as Mark would say, when he let her know she’d be seventeen and his forever. He had been nice enough to give her a thick, pure-white mink coat that suited the regality of her beauty and the crown on her head. It contrasted brilliantly with her bronze skin, her colorful outfit, and the thick sheets of chestnut hair running down its back in locks and waves to a bit beyond her ass, fluffy and shiny.
Every item she wore screamed for people to look at her, to be the center of attention. And she of course knew that was where she belonged – there was nothing more natural, more right, than beautiful babe with eyes locked on her body. Mark repeated this to her a few weeks before in the middle of presenting her with a glorious diamond necklace, every bit of which was made of the precious stones, including the strand leading into a lovely 100-carat diamond the size of a doorknob resting on her tantalizing titties. The earrings matched.
She walked the long cobblestone path to her car, where her voluptuous chauffeur waited. Something like four or five houses had been demolished to make room for her palace, but Kimberly had promised and delivered them places serving in her new home. They all seemed quite happy about it.
“School, Mommy,” she said to the waiting driver, and glided inside to her seat.
A little joke they played. Her real name was Ronni. It had once been longer but Kimberly felt it had too many syll . .. sy . . . like, sounds your tongue had to make when saying something. Mark had told her just the other day that he was a God, and as such she was his Goddess. Goddesses couldn’t have mommies, that was silly, that would mean she had been born, and everyone knew that Mark had made her in the image of his greatest desire.
Besides, Ronni couldn’t have been older than twenty-three at the most, and well, the numbers didn’t seem right. But whatever. Kimberly knew you’d have to be a mathematician and have a few years of free time to figure out something that complicated. She had found her while touring the local Female Designs department store with Mark. It had been him, in fact, that suggested the job for her.
Mark was just so funny sometimes. Like the other day in the middle of a fuck session. He spent about two or three days a week with her, most of the time. Poor soul had to travel constantly. They had just came together, like always, and he had stopped to look at her. He did this a lot. She posed for him, made her feelings manifest with her face, letting him know that no other cock than his could even come close to satisfying her. A good bimbo’s face was one of the best breeding grounds for creating lust in her man’s life, and, as a Goddess, Kimberly knew she was the best bimbo. He looked at her, concentrating, and she felt a haze recede from her brain that she hadn’t even known was there. He looked at her strangely for a minute while she continued her pose.
“Aren’t you going to say something?”
Kimberly smiled. “What would you like me to say, darling?”
She’d say whatever he liked. He was the one that had made her so beautiful. Worshipped. Because of him she had everything she had ever dreamed of.
“I . . .” He seemed at a loss, though a strange, new hunger shined in his eyes. “I suppose nothing. You,” he said, pushing her down against the bed, suddenly and magnificently hard again, “are a very good girl.”
Almost she said something, something close to being unsure. But then she giggled, and the thought popped, echoing off the walls of her empty head. It was hard to be sure of anything when Mark was around, that was why she felt so glad he took care of her. She leaned up to kiss him, and feeling the haze slowly fade back in. She rather enjoyed it.
“Don’t sound so surprised,” she whispered.
After that he started visiting her four times a week. Kimberly didn’t know what had changed, but she was glad it did.
As she rode she saw her town making the preparations for the celebration tomorrow. They had been working on them all week. Probably it would go much smoother if she stopped letting the workers fuck their wives, girlfriends, daughters, sisters, or just whatever hot babe happened past as they labored, but Kimberly wanted her subjects to have fun.
Kimberly’s heart leapt up to her the empty space in her head when they arrived at the school. Mark’s helicopter was parked there, in the helipad where the girls soccer field used to be. Women hardly had a use for outdoor sports, after all, when every babe at the school was either on the cheerleading squad or the stripper team, so she had suggested to him that something useful might be done with it. The cheerleaders in their skimpy outfits gave out a joyous cry as Kimberly stepped out of the car, sounding off their adoration with a cheer as they did every morning.
She strode inside, looking for him, her hands out at a ninety-degree angle at her side in their naturally relaxed state. The halls were empty, as usual, largely because the different classrooms were full to the brim of students necking, grinding, and fucking in whatever form they desired. Even the young men had to be placated for a while, Mark said. He’d take over the world, but there was no reason to be a sadist about it.
Kimberly didn’t know why he insisted on using big words around her but it wasn’t as if she would argue with him. There had been a lot of commotion for a while when all the classrooms had beds, sofas, and recliners moved in. Glory had just stepped out of class with a student. Her bright orange microdress barely contained her fabulous curves, especially the one getting bigger every day around her tummy.
“Now Johnny, this is like, y’know, the fifteenth time this week I’ve had to suck you off because you weren’t paying attention, and,” she saw her Queen strutting quickly down the hall and bowed. Johnny got to his knees. “Hi, your Highness!” she breathed cheerily. “Our Master awaits in your room.”
Kimberly thanked her and rushed there. Glory was her friend, and she didn’t really require her to use her formal titles, but the blonde babe seemed to enjoy it like everyone else. The former principal’s office, redecorated to serve as her bedroom away from her bedroom. The only bit of the door not covered by bed was the space needed to open the door. She originally had it colored neon pink, but then Mark made her realize that he would be there as well, and the color was a bit loud for him when it wasn’t covering a fertile female body. They compromised with a bright, happy sky blue.
He lounged on the pillows there, already naked. Kimberly came at the sight. It smelled like strawberries. Mark liked different smells, and made sure she accommodated him there. The titanic-tittied teen felt so lucky that he could do whatever he wished with her. It kept him happy. She crawled onto the bed with him.
“I’m so glad you’re home early,” she cooed. “I thought it would be another few days.”
He smiled. “I closed the deal. Female Designs is going worldwide, and I felt like celebrating.”
“Yay!” The tiny goo of her mind could come up with nothing better to express her emotion.
“And it’s been six months we’ve been together now,” he said, stroking her face as she slid onto his form. “I thought I’d give you a present as well. I’ve been thinking I want some more babes just like you. How do you feel about having triplets?”
Kimberly showed him how much she loved that idea for the next six hours straight. It was so good to be the Queen.
All comments welcome: masterstroke0@yahoo.com