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my pictures


when i was high school student
WoW i had much hair::DDD

oh my god
where is the hair
by black eyed peas:DD

my tatoo

when i was in japanese jail:D
just my room:DD

noone knows my real face:DD

my ex girl friend:DD
it is my japanese style bed

excuse me, i am afraid it is my bed
where should i sleep?
next to you?
oh my god
i am toshy:$:DDD

actually this cat was too old cat
she was seventeen years old then and she had to go to hospital twice a week

        this is japanese phone box,not shower room:DD
take a look around
by limp bizkit:DD

my sister's cat i think really beautiful cat

                                                     a little bit crazy smile?:DDDDD  maybe i was drunken so much then:DD

my ex boyfriend:DD
this stupid cat was homeless cat
he was dying and he lived in my apartment for a while
he made a recovery from illness a few months later
and then in winter 2000,he became homeless cat again with his will while i wasn't in japan:DD
i guessed homeless cat loved to enjoy outdoor life:D

my ex girlfriend and my nephew:DDDDD
it was really cute picture:DDD
it was picture of 13 years ago
i will guess their talking

"how are you?"
"i am fine,and you?"
"i am fine too"
"let's go to pub together?"
"do you tempt me?"
"sorry,i have a boyfriend"
"oh gosh,you meant my uncle shintaro?"
"yeees,anyone else?"
"okey,see ya"