(cache) GET-MU.COM > Free premium links generator for MegaUpload/Generador gratuito de links premium para MegaUpload



How many times did you want to download something from MegaUpload but you couldn't?. We have your solution, we generate premium links for free. Just write the address of the file hosted in MegaUpload click the button and that's all!.

Before you use the system please read this:

- Don't abuse, you may break it (or not :P).
- The speed might not be the best but we are always working to give you a better service.
- The generated link only works for the person who generated it(you can't share the generated link, it won't work for your friends).
- If you have an address like this:
You must erase the "/es" so the address looks like this:

Put the URL of the file:

Your Ad Here

Your Ad Here

Is your link valid?


03/06/08 - We've moved to a new dedicated server with UNLIMITED BW on a 100 mbps speed port, that means: DOWNLOAD ANYTHING, WE ARE NOW FASTER!.
15/05/08 - Enjoy GET-MU from now on without any limits!.
23/04/08 - I've added a F.A.Q, so read it before asking in the shoutbox.
17/03/08 - We have incresed the speed of downloads 10 times (a lot of money invested), please don't abuse because we have a limited bandwidth.
5/03/08 - We are now in a new dedicated server, we might add advertisement to pay the bills.
5/03/08 - We have moved to a dedicated server, we accept donations to survive the next month.

Click here to lend your support to: Para pagar el hosting/to pay the hosting and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !


Why that crappy CPALeads ad is always there!?
Well, to see the site without it you must complete a simple survey, once you are ready with the survey you will see the site without any problems.

Something to say?

The guilty

The creator is Francesc, you can visit his blog, or his image hosting site. img