DEFCON 16: August 8-10, 2008

at the Riviera Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas

DEFCON 16 Receipt!

For those of you that need a receipt for attending DEFCON 16, it can be downloaded from here:

Upload your Photos!

Now that con has ended, get on over to and upload all of your awesome pics and videos from the show! We want to see them!

New Talk: Ticket to Trouble

Brenno De Winter will be speaking Sunday on controversy surrounding hacks of the Belgian Subway system. The presentation will occur 13:00 to 13:50 in Track 3.

DEFCON 16 Updates Feed

For the latest news straight from the info booth go to!

DEFCON 16 NEWS: MIT Students Gagged by Federal Court Judge

The EFF Announced today that they will represent 3 MIT students who were set to present at DEFCON 16 on Mass transit vulnerablities. The students were forced to cancel their presentation on Sunday, due to a Federal Court Judge's Order.


MIT Students Gagged by Federal Court Judge EFF Backs Researchers Forced to Cancel Presentation on Transit Fare Payment System

Las Vegas - Three students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) were ordered this morning by a federal court judge to cancel their scheduled presentation about vulnerabilities in Boston's transit fare payment system, violating their First Amendment right to discuss their important research. (read more at:

To see some of the other press happening at DEFCON 16, check out the DEFCON in the news thread at

DEFCON 16 Capture the Flag is Coming!

In just a couple of days, the ultimate battle will begin at DEFCON 16. That's right, we're talking about the DEFCON Capture the Flag Competition organized by Kenshoto! Eight Teams will unleash their best root-fu in the struggle for the coveted CTF Title! The following teams will be competing:

1@stPlace (returning champions)
Pandas with Gambas
PLUS 4800

Head into CTF Room in Royale Pavilion to check out the action!

New Talk Added:

Toying with Barcodes By Felix "FX" Lindner on Saturday at 17:00 in Track 1. Check it out at:

Don't miss the TCP/IP Drinking Game

The annual must-see Defcon event of BGP, booze, and bemusement returns in this year's TCP/IP Drinking Game. Panelists will pit their trivia knowledge of network trivia against one another and the ever-present haze of inebriation for all to see. We promise that no RFC nor hepatic system will be spared. Read More

Stay in the loop with the DEFCON 16 Twitter feed!

The vehicle of choice this year for up to the minute updates of breaking DEFCON news, announcements and so forth will be the DEFCON 16 Twitter feed. Sign up now at and follow user defcon16 to keep up to date with this year's DEFCON!

See news breaking? Send events of note at DEFCON 16 to defconupdates {at} gmail ]dot[ com so we can tell the world!

New Happenings at DEFCON 16

Well folks, the time for the 16th installment of the hacking convention known as DEFCON draws near, and this year promises to be a great one! We've got more content than ever, including 5 full tracks of talks, demos, workshops, new contests, a new Hardware Hacking Village, and even a new EFF fundraiser to replace the dunk tank! Here is some of the goodness you can expect:

DAVIX Visualization Workshop
At this "Bring Your Own Laptop" workshop we will introduce you to DAVIX. The workshop starts with an introduction to the set of available tools, the integrated manual, as well as customizing the CD to your needs. In a second part, you can use DAVIX to analyze a set of provided packet captures. In the end we will show some of the visualizations created by the participants. Be prepared for pretty and meaningful pictures! Get more info at:

Mobile Hacker Spaces
Interested in visiting a Colorado Hacker Space here at DefCon 16? Check out the first ever Mobile Hacker Space, which will be parked in the outside chill out area during the convention. Try your hand against one of the challenges in the pentest lab, or learn from the web-based tutorials posted on the open network. Participation is encouraged, and presentations will be given every day from 2-4pm, which will provide a more hands-on look at how the Mobile Hacker Space operates and fits within published hacker space design patterns. Make sure you also attend the presentation on the history and design of the Colorado Springs Mobile Hacking Space on Sunday, at 1pm in Track One. Forums link:

Quantum Spookshow
Quantum mechanics make possible some things that are impossible in the "classical" world of ordinary experience, and which even seem to contradict common sense. Some of these spooky effects are coming into practical use in security applications. The Quantum Spookshow of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) demonstrates quantum cryptography and quantum entanglement on a four-node quantum network, which supports quantum encrypted streaming video and violations of local realism. Participants are encouraged to interact with the light beams that constitute the physical link of this network, and to meet physicists who have designed and built quantum networks. Quantum mechanics provides methods of encryption that are secure from eavesdropping attacks against the quantum channel, but in any actual system there are points of vulnerability, e.g. correlations of classical noise in the operation of quantum elements. Participants will have a chance to discover vulnerabilities by hands-on interaction with our systems.

Hours: 10:00-18:00 on Friday and Saturday with Sunday, closing around 16:00
Location: 114. Directly across from the Contest area.

EFF Fundraiser
This year we decided to replace our beloved Dunk Tank with something NEW!
Hackers and Guns in Las Vegas – Ya gotta love it.

You've seen it played out numerous times in movies and on TV. A flash bang grenade goes off. SWAT kicks in the door and moves quickly to differentiate between the good guys and the bad guys in the same room. How do they train to effectively recognize and take out the bad guys, while not wasting any of the hostages? One of the tools they use is a Firearms training Simulator or FATS system and someone was foolish enough to let us get our hands on one for DEFCON 16.

So… Calling all Shooters, FPS Gamers, Psycho Killers, and 1337 wannabes. Come on by and pop a cap in someone’s VR ass. We will be set up in room 115 across from the contest area and next door to the Quantum Spookshow from 10:00 – 20:00. See if you got the skillz to make it through the challenges unscathed. Then the next time you hear a knock at your door in the middle of the night - you'll be ready. More at:

Warballooning Demo

A WarBalloon, er... Airborne Surveillance & 802.11 Stumbling Platform, also known as the "Kismet Eye in the Sky" will be flying just outside the DEFCON convention center on FRI and SAT from 11AM - 2 PM.

DEFCON Attendees:
please note the Balloon & Electronics launch will occur Daily at 11:00 AM & several times during the day as we change antenna's & recon new targets. (read more)

Coffee Wars: Call For Beans

In addition to whatever other insanity flourishes at Defcon each year, the last eight years have been witness to the amazing and ridiculous contest known as CoffeeWars. This single ludicrous event is really two contests. The first, and most important, is the attempt to select the finest coffee from all of hacker culture. The second is the loopy part: to find the upper limit on how much coffee the staff can drink. (read more)

DEFCON Shoot is Back!

The DEFCON Shoot is a public event happening just prior to the DEFCON hacker conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Anyone who wants to can show up and for a small fee make use of a private range located about 30 minutes outside of the city. There will be opportunities to see and possibly shoot some of the weapons belonging to your friends and it will also be possible to rent firearms (including Class-III full autos) from the range itself. As of right now, the event's ability to come off is contingent on participation... that means that we need you if we're going to make it happen. (read more)

New DEFCON 16 Events/Contests

There are few new happenings recently added to the mix that you might want to know about, such as the EEE PC Mod workshop, The Leetskills Talent Competition, as well as Buzzword Survivor, where you can win your share of $10k!

DEFCON 16 Black & White Ball: Acts Announced

Get ready for some hot DJ action kids! Zziks has posted a tentative lineup for the Black & White Balls and Daytime Chillout Area. Check them out as they evolve on the Forums!

DEFCON 16 Schedule now on-line!

DEFCON 16 Schedule now on-line! We are proud to present the schedule of speakers and events for DEFCON 16! Thanks to all the new space available at the Riviera Hotel & Casino, we have even more room this year. 4 Full speaking tracks and an additional "Breakout" track filled with cool talks, demonstrations and workshops. We are pleased the amazing list of speakers who really diversified the content this year. Check it out!

DEFCON 16 Badge Hacking Contest Announced! Featured on Hack A Day!

The DEFCON Badge Hacking Contest awards the top 3 most ingenious, obscure, mischievous, obscene, or technologically astounding badge modifications created over the weekend. No longer just a boring piece of passive material, the badge is now a full-featured, active electronic product, and it exists for your hacking pleasure. Read More...

Check out the Hack A Day feature here!

Movie Night with the Dark Tangent

This year on Friday night we will be screening a documentary, "Hackers Are People Too", which will end before the director/producer needs to participate in Hacker Jeopardy. Then we will move on to some Blu-Ray goodness of "Appleseed Ex-Machina" for the latest in cg anime from Japan.

Saturday evening we will go retro with a 25th anniversary screening of WarGames, Followed by a fireside chat with David Scott Lewis, IT & green tech entrepreneur, model for David Lightman (Wired magazine, August 2008). You can find out more on this in the Movie Night forum thread.

Then we'll close with "Three Days of the Condor", where you can see an early Robert Redford deal with spies, telephones, and intrigue. For those who have seen 'safehouse' you'll recognize a scene for scene rip off homage to "Condor".

HAPT Poster Appleseed: Ex Machina Poster Wargames Poster Three Days of the Condor Poster

Final round of DEFCON 16 Speakers chosen!

This is it, Ladies and Germs, the last few DEFCON 16 speakers have been chosen and the Talk schedule is now in it's final stages. Look for the DEFCON 16 Schedule page to be updated this week! For now, check out the speaker page and see what the latest selections are all about!

You can discuss the speakers and talks on the DEFCON Forums at:

People's Choice voting is open for the DC16 Artwork Contest!

Go to the DEFCON 16 Artwork Contest Public Gallery to view this year's submissions. Once you have found your favorite go ahead and cast your vote here.

Voting for the People's Choice category will run for one week, ending June 30th at 6pm. You will need a DEFCON Forums account to vote, so if you don't have one, sign up now at!

DEFCON 16 Artwork Contest Extended!

Due to late blooming interest in the contest, all entries for the DEFCON 16 Artwork Contest will be accepted up until 5pm PST on Sunday June 22, 2008. You can find the rules here.

Good luck all!

Defcon Goon: Speaker Operations: Call for Volunteers

From Agent X on the DEFCON Forums:
The few, the proud (arrogant?) ,the insane? Yes, that's right Speaker Operations a subset of the Defcon Goon Squad is looking for a few good folks. Speaker Operations goons are the blue shirts that ferry speakers to and from stage, keep the speaking schedule in order, and generally try to make the talks not suck... Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we fail, generally there is beer at the end. In an effort to ensure a healthy supply of goons for future Defcons, I'm holding semi-formal auditions/interviews this year at Defcon 16. Find out more here.

Open CTF Registration is now Open!

Formerly known as Amateur Capture The Flag (aCTF), this contest pits any Defcon attendee against the house (DC949) as well as other contestants. There are a series of challenges of varying difficulty involving a variety of things, including cryptology, stenography, malicious software, and websites (and other services) just waiting to be exploited. Find out more at:

DEFCON 16 Artwork Contest Reminder

There's only about a week left to submit your creations for the DEFCON 16 Artwork Contest. The Contest info and rules can be found at Current submissions can be found here

Gringo Warrior at DEFCON 16 NEW!

Participants in Gringo Warrior will have five minutes to free themselves from handcuffs, escape from their "cell", get past a guard, retrieve their passport from a locked filing cabinet, leave through another locked door, and make their escape to freedom. The course will offer a variety of locks representing a range of difficulty, allowing participation by people of all skill levels. Points will be awarded based on the time of completion as well as the difficulty of locks attempted. The best warrior of all wins the grand prize!

Get the full story at:

DEFCON 16 Twitter Feed!

DEFCON 16 Now has a Twitter Feed for all you Tweeters out there! Frequent updates will be forthcoming up to and during the con to keep you in the loop for news, contest updates and events.

DEFCON 16 CTF Quals Complete

See the final results at!
The first 7 teams on the list have qualified. If any are unable to attend, invitations will be extended to the alternates in scoring order.

DEFCON 16 Slogan Contest Now Open

Do you think you have the wordsmithing skills to come up with he next great DEFCON slogan? The DEFCON 16 Slogan Contest is now up and running, so get on over to and submit your literary gems for a chance to be featured in the DEFCON 16 Program!

More DEFCON 16 Speakers online!

The second and third rounds are up, go to the speaker page to Check 'em out!

First round of DEFCON 16 speakers selected!

The first round of speakers have been selected for DEFCON 16, and it looks like we have a great lineup going! The selection process is coming along nicely and we should have the next batch of speakers online by the middle of next week. Check 'em out!

Call for Papers Closed/Speaker Selection has begun!

The time has come to close the DEFCON 16 CFP. Speaker Selection is now underway, and updates to the Speaker list will be frequent as they are chosen. Keep your eyes on the speaker page, the schedule page, and subscribe to the RSS Feed to stay apprised of speaker announcements as they occur!

Call for Papers open through the weekend!

For all you last minute stragglers and super busy folks, we are keeping the Call for Papers open through Monday the 19th. Get on it and send that submission to talks at defcon dot org! Click here to get the form and instructions!

Call for Papers Closing Soon

You've only got a few days left to submit your groundbreaking research to the DEFCON Call for Papers. Go to the CFP Form and get your submission in for the chance to give a talk at DEFCON 16!

DEFCON 16 Capture the Flag Qualification Announcement

Kenshoto will be back this year bringing all out cyber-warfare to DEFCON 16. The qualification round for this year's Capture the Flag contest has been officially announced. Find out more...

DEFCON 16 Artwork Contest now open!

Whip out your favorite medium and get to creating, because the official DEFCON 16 Art Contest is now underway! This year’s contest is a bit different from previous years, and will run now to June 15, 2008. Read More...

DEF CON 16 Announcement - Retro Style

With the passing of "Sledgehammer" I was looking in the DEF CON archives for an old picture of him at the first DEF CON, and came across the first con announcement.

To commemoriate both I decided to announce DEF CON 16 in the same style. How 'bout those InterNets? Read More...

It has begun...

DEFCON is back at the Riviera Hotel, August 8-10, taking over the whole place, no drunk frat meetings or police chiefs conferences to share with!

The wheels are turning on the 16th installment of your favorite hacking conference. Contest and Event threads are up and running in the forums, and now is the time to start suggesting new ideas, or to get involved with an existing event.

Your favorite official contests will be back, including Capture the Flag, the Mystery Box Challenge, DEFCON Bots, and the Lockpicking Contest as well as the unofficial Toxic BBQ, Øwn the Box, and the Phreaking Challenge. See the current state of the official and unofficial contests and get involved at the DEFCON Forums.