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ストリートビュー批判の「Google の中の人への手紙」の海外での反響

樋口 理さんのGoogle の中の人への手紙 (日本のストリートビューが気持ち悪いと思うワケ)というエントリを英語に翻訳したGlobal Voicesの記事は、英語圏でも議論を巻き起こしました。このエントリでは、経緯も含めて、その議論の一部を翻訳して紹介したいと思います。








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Interesting perspectives on Google Street View from a Japanese blogger.Conspiracy theory aside, I think he is quite thoughtful in expressing his concerns, and -- though I'm a HUGE Street View fan -- I am fascinated by cultural observations and objections to this service. - Adam Lasnik


I agree with Mr. Higuchi. I for one do not like passers-by to peek into my private space. When online privacy is important, I do think our privacy in real life needs to be respected. Now I'm curious what Google is going to do to deal with this issue? - BeeLing Poh


I think this is very common case when people from US tend to think that whole world spins around their axes, and privacy-Americana-way is privacy for rest of world. Just few weeks ago some American was trying to teach me that whole world should take privacy as they do, thinking that it is possible to do anything in public place, especially photograph-eing everything what comes to mind. What is worse, they are NOT going to change... - silpol

Maybe they could do more coordination with the cities that they are photographing? I know it could bring up a whole other set of issues but at least residents will be able to make whatever preparations they might feel are necessary for them to feel comfortable. And hey, while their at it they might as well help residents find people who want to advertise at their address. StreetSense anyone? - Raymond

My question = Was Google Japan involved with the roll-out? I am Japanese, speak Japanese and English, and have lived in Japan. It is blatant (to me) this feature is NOT ok, due to our culture and practices. IMHO, the Google Street Veiw feature should be completely omitted. - Mona N.


これは、Robert Scoobleさんという有名なブロガーのコメントです。

I think this is funny. Whenever Japanese tourists come to the US they take video of EVERYTHING. I think what really is going on here is that our technology is testing our beliefs about a whole range of things. It was OK to have a tourist taking photos of your street before, but now that Google is doing it in an automated way, well, that changes everything. Interesting to see how this all works out.



I'm afraid you overstretch what Japanese tourists do - they also come here to Finland, but contrary to your descriptions, they stay rather in norm, at least I haven't seen single Japanese tourist targeting his camera into rather-non-curtained windows of Helsinki.


In my culture that's insulting and maybe Mr. Higuchi should apologise (if we take his logical to the extreme).




It's that way here in the U.S. too. It is impolite to take photos in people's windows. Google just doesn't care.


What this really reminds us of is that meatspace is fundamentally different from cyberspace. On the net, we've evolved the ROBOTS.TXT for just this problem, and everybody agrees that websites aren't private by default, unless the owners explicitly say so. Google is a net company, and views the world as if it was an extension of the internet.

But the real world is not like the net, and in the real world the ROBOTS.TXT convention is inverted: the onus is not on the people to inform Google which data is out of bounds, instead the onus is on Google to ask every possible person which data is public. As a result, Google's company culture is fundamentally ill suited for meatspace information gathering.

meatspaceはサイバースペースと根本的に違うんだということを、この問題が気づかせてくる。ネットの中では、この手の問題に関して ROBOTS.TXT (訳注:Webサイトが検索エンジンに登録不可であることを伝える規約)という解決策を導き出してきた。そして、ウェブサイトではプライベートなものの方が例外だということにはみんな同意するだろう。所有者が(ROBOTS.TXTに)特記して初めて立ち入り禁止になる。グーグルはネットの企業であり、この世界をインターネットの延長線上にあるものとしてとらえているんじゃないかな。


Bull. Not only did that letter from the Japanese guy sound just like the letters many Americans have written re Streetview, thus negating the whole "it's another culture" argument, but it's an objectively wrong stance and catering to it is harmful.

Reality. People need to cope with it. They're visible. If they're doing something interesting their neighbors are already taking pictures, they just aren't (yet) sharing them in an easily indexable way.

If you complain about this you'll go on acting like you have privacy until it becomes painfully obvious that you don't. If you suck it up and act now, regardless of your cultural preference, as if you do not have privacy where you do not (publicly visible areas) you will not get a rude awakening.

Banning Google's Streetview would prevent people from seeing the area, but would not prevent an enemy of yours from placing a perfectly legal webcam and watching you specifically, or sharing this data - it would merely prevent all the other uses.

Don't feed the concern trolls.


Not all countries are like America. Some other countries don't make a habit of sueing each other, but would prefer more civilized approaches. Like, for instance writing a letter [globalvoicesonline.org] and asking them to respect local culture.


I don't know that what google is doing is taboo seeing as they are a technology in this case not a person.

If it's taboo to spy on your neighbors then don't use Google's street view. Or at the very least keep the view centered on the road.

You can't claim "the photo made you look". It's like child pornography. The fact that it exists does not force you to go download it. If you find it impolite to look at people's houses... don't look at people's houses. I'm going to let those who find the images offensive in on a little secret: nothing is stopping some insensitive smeghead from just driving down your street and staring at your house.

My view on all this? The Googmobile drove past work this last week and I hung out the window and waved.

I don't know that what google is doing is taboo seeing as they are a technology in this case not a person.



My view on all this? The Googmobile drove past work this last week and I hung out the window and waved.

If the people at Google were reviewing the images then yes it would be 'run by people'. But I imagine the process is almost completely automated by this point. The invasion of privacy is to look at someone's house. Not the camera capturing the image.

It's a question of ethics. A camera cannot commit an immoral act. Only a photographer can. Google's web crawler cannot be charged with child pornography possession if it simply indexes a page containing child pornography. Google's street view is nothing more than an automated tool which captures data.

It only becomes a question of morality when someone chooses to view those images. Morality can only be tied into intent. If you view child pornography on accident then you have not commited an immoral act. If you intend to view child pornography and you view it then you've committed an immoral act.


これは倫理の問題だ。カメラが不道徳な行動を取ることはあり得ない。行っているのはカメラじゃなくてカメラマンだ。グーグルのWebクローラー(訳注: 検索エンジンの為の自動収集プログラム)が、チャイルドポルノを含むページ自動的にダウンロードしたからと言って、それを告発することはできない。グーグルのストリートビューは、データを集めるだけの自動化されたツール以上のものではない。


By the way, has Google tried doing this in some parts of Russia yet? There are areas occupied by the 'nouveau riche' where they will be lucky to leave alive. Ditto, there are areas in China and N Korea I believe where they will not be welcomed. You see, I don't think that they will operate in such places with the same degree of freedom as they expect in some other places, because those nations deem it unacceptable behaviour.


"I completely agree with this letter. My wife is Japanese and has been living here in the Bay Area for 5 years. She's pretty accustomed to American life, but as soon as I showed the Street View Japan, she went silent and then said something like, "No. no no no, this is bad. Not in Japan. No way." And her friends feel exactly the same way. It really is a cultural difference, and Google really is asking for a world of hurt here. What is astounding is that they pretty much did *all* of Tokyo. Look at how much of that map is blue. Did it occur to them to try it out in a small area to see how the Japanese would react? To me, this reeks of extreme hubris on Google's part."

私はこの手紙に完全に同意する。私の妻は日本人でベイエリアに5年間住んでいて、アメリカ流の生活に完全に適応している。しかし、私がこれを見せるやいなや、彼女は黙りこくってしまい、しばらくして「No. no no no,this is bad. Not in Japan. No way.」と言った。彼女の友達も全く同じように感じたらしい。これは本当に文化の違いだ。

Google really is asking for a world of hurt here.


Did it occur to them to try it out in a small area to see how theJapanese would react?


"Speaking as an American who grew up in America, married to a Japanese woman, and lived in Tokyo for two years while going to animation school, going through these street views is pretty spooky. I feel like a ghost freely walking along the streets, watching old haunts of a place I once knew and felt at home. It's two AM in the morning, so my wife is asleep, but I can't wait until she wakes up and I can show her the parent's house!"


Since when are the Japanese sensitive about photographing private residential areas!?

I live in the Weststadt residential neighborhood of Heidelberg, Germany. Heidelberg is a beautiful city, and sees many tourists. For some reason, the Japanese tour groups frequently travel down my street. Also, for some reason, many of the older Japanese tourists frequently take pictures of me doing such mundane things as bringing home groceries. I find it amusing that I am probably in several dozen Japanese photo albums, probably entitled "typical German going to the grocery store." I find it especially amusing, because I am an expatriate American, not a German.

In any case, is it typical for the Japanese to consider their own residential neighborhood private, but everyone else's to be public?




I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Every time I have visited China I have been practically assaulted by Japanese tourists. They not only photo me. They try and touch my hair and start posing in front of me etc etc etc. Needless to say this was unappreciated.


Global Voicesへのコメント


I've lived in Japan for more than 24 years and thoroughly understand the author's concerns. However, a quick look at Street View of my neighborhood showed only blurred faces of my neighbors and license plate numbers. Maybe other street views are in more detail, but I had the same results when checking the View near my local station. My impression was that Google did a wonderful job of clearly identifying streets and alleys, but seems sensitive to the worries and concerns of individual privacy.

Unfortunately, with so many Japanese carrying cell phones with high-definition cameras and increasingly quality video capabilities, Google street view would the least of my concerns. I dare say the busy-body oba-chan (elderly woman) in my neighborhood is a greater threat to privacy than anything Google could possibly imagine.





Shame on Google. Anyone with half a brain could have told you that "Street View" would have been socially unacceptable in Japan. Haven't these people ever spent time in Japan? It is an intrusion of privacy that really should not be accepted in the states either.


I have spent time in Japan, and I certainly couldn't have told you that "Street View" would be unacceptable. People reading this should take a lot of this "outrage" with a grain of salt... Japanese as a whole aren't anywhere near as privacy crazy as this story or people's posts are making it out to be. I have walked down residential streets taking pictures, in full view of the residents, and had nothing even remotely resembling a look of disapproval let alone someone calling the police.

The reaction was no different than what you would expect in Europe or North America. My biggest problem was old ladies inviting me to take pictures of their flowers.