Author’s Note: Constructive criticism is always welcome, as are suggestions to the development of the succeeding chapters. I do not guarantee that any feedback will be included in the story, but proper credit for any contributions will be given if it is.
“So where do we go to meet your friend?” Kimberly asked as she got out of the car at the gas station.
“She’s works at the Center for High Altitude Training at NAU.” Matthew said as he exited the car.” We’ve got a couple of hours left before it closes for the day.”
“So, who’s this friend of yours?” Kimberly asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Wendy James, she works as a physical therapist in the center in NAU.”
“Oh,” Kimberly said. “Old friend?”
Kimberly crossed her arms, “Girlfriend?”
“We dated a couple of times.”
“Is she pretty?”
“She’s hot.”
She paused before finally saying, “We just went here to fuck her, didn’t we?”
Matthew laughed. “Actually, no.”
“Then she dumped you. You’re here for revenge…by fucking her.”
He laughed even harder. “Contrary to what you must believe, I don’t handle all situations with beautiful women with sex. No, I don’t intend to have sex with her.”
Kimberly raised an eyebrow. “Right.”
“Hey, believe what you want,” Matthew chuckled, raising his arms in a defensive position.
Kimberly opened her mouth, but decided against it, “Fine.”
As Matthew topped off Kimberly paid the cashier in cash. The two then left for NAU. The Center for High Altitude Training was inside the campus. Kimberly parked the car and Matthew went inside, but exited no more than ten minutes after.
“What’s wrong?” Kimberly asked as he got back in the car.
“She’s at the Aquatic Center across campus,” Matthew said, “let’s go.”
Wendy waved goodbye to her friends as she made her way to the women’s locker area. She showered down, letting water flow through her shoulder-length black hair and down her fit and toned body.
The warm water was producing so much steam it was difficult to see. She reached for the towel blindly, until she felt it being handed to her. “Thank you,” she said, wondering who else was there at this hour.
“You’re welcome,” came the distinctively charming, and obviously male voice.
Wendy didn’t need to take more than a guess to know who it was.
“Matthew?” she asked.
“Hello, babe.”
She stepped out of the shower and true enough, Matthew stood there, eyeing her naked form. “You’re staring,” Wendy said, smiling, doing nothing to cover up her body as she wiped her hair dry.
“So are you,” Matthew replied.
Wendy raised an eyebrow. He was right. In that tight black shirt, she could almost see his toned body. She smiled, before finally realizing that he was not alone…behind him stood a stunning redhead. She looked over his shoulder at her and nodded to her, “Who’s she? Girlfriend?”
“It’s---complicated,” Matthew replied. Kimberly shrugged. That was probably how she would put it.
“Didn’t think so. Last I heard from you, you were seeing some blonde chick back in California. What was her name? H---something. Holly?”
“Helen.” Kimberly’s ears twitched at the recognition of the name.
“Right, whatever. So, what brings you to Flagstaff? And don’t tell me you were in the neighborhood, Matthew, I know you. You wouldn’t be in the women’s locker room if you didn’t need to see me right away.” Wendy smiled as she walked by him to her locker.
Kimberly looked her up and down. She wasn’t gorgeous, but she wasn’t unattractive either. She didn’t want to sound insulting, but it wasn’t her facial features that gave this woman appeal…it was that body. Tight and toned, but not too muscular, she had a perfect figure, with just the right amount of muscle and without the slightest hint of fat. Medium-sized but rounded and perky breasts and a tight ass made her one sexy woman. And judging by how brazen she was around the two of them, she knew her body was hot and she wasn’t ashamed to show it. Somehow, she doubted if that was Matthew’s doing.
“Well, actually I need some help,” Matthew said, and for the first time, Kimberly heard a hint of humility in his voice. He had an awesome and frightening power over people, but he wasn’t using it now…she really was a close friend of his, Kimberly thought, for him to actually rely solely on her good will.
Wendy wrapped the towel around her body, finally covering herself up. “Does this have something to do with that call six months ago?”
“Yes, precisely that.”
Wendy breathed deeply before turning to face him. “So you need---”
Wendy nodded. “No problem. There’s a small cabin near the Arizona Skibowl ski resort up north. We can go there as soon as I’m done here. Everything you need is there.”
“Thanks, Wendy. We can wait outside while you get dressed.”
“Why, being around me while I’m naked makes you uncomfortable?” She asked in a half-seductive, half-joking voice.
“No,” Matthew smiled, “but the steam from the shower room is making me sweat.”
“I know something else that can make you sweat…” she winked. Kimberly rolled her eyes.
“I bet you do,” Matthew said, as he walked towards and gave her a peck on the lips, then walked by her. Wendy smiled as she watched him go, Kimberly following right after him.
“Are you sure that this was the man who came by earlier?” the man asked. He knew he was on the right track. The gas attendant had overheard them talking about the Center for High Altitude Training. He had hurried over in an effort to head them off. “It’s very important, sir.”
The lobby security guard nodded. “Didn’t get a good look at the girl; she stayed in the car. But that’s definitely the guy who came here earlier. He was asking for one of our therapists.”
“Do you know the name?”
“Yeah…Uh, James, I think. Wendy James. She volunteers for the Aquatic Club at the Aquatic Center on the other side of the campus. But that was a couple of hours ago. It’s probably closed now.”
“Thanks, anyway.”
“No problem.”
Agent Rogan walked back to his car and took out his cell phone. He dialed quickly. “Hello, Travis?”
“Agent Rogan!?! Where are you?! Vice-chief has been looking for you! He’s off the wall, sir.”
“Listen, Travis, it’s important. I need a background check.”
“On who?”
“A Wendy James, current residence in Flagstaff, Arizona. Get it to my laptop ASAP. And, Travis?”
“Yes, Agent Rogan?”
“Strictly under the radar, understand?”
A pause, “…yes, sir.”
“Good man.”
Agent Rogan sighed. He was close. It just seemed so frustrating that he just kept on missing them. He understood Agent Travis’ concern. He was going directly against Agency orders, and the Vice-chief, who was in charge of the operation, specifically told Agent Rogan’s team to monitor the Mexican border and all roads leading to it from Roswell. The only way he’d ever be able to keep his job is to find Kim and Matthew.
The fire roared to life as Wendy tossed in another log and stoked it. Kimberly and Matthew sat at the table. “So how have you been, Matthew?”
“All right.”
“Doesn’t seem like it, if you’re coming to me.” Wendy said plainly.
“You have a point.”
“Look,” she said “I love you, baby, I do. You know I’m here for you.”
“Then tell me what’s going on.”
“I---can’t. Not just yet. I’m sorry, Wendy. You’ll just have to trust me.”
Wendy shook her head. “I’ll be honest, Matthew. When you called me six months ago I thought you had gone insane. I mean, it’s not everyday someone just calls up and tells you that he’s just sent half-a-million dollars into your account! It’s not normal, Matthew, it’s not.”
“I know.”
“And then you tell me to buy a truck, clothes, and to stash fifty thousand dollars somewhere safe because you might need it someday? It made me think you had gone off the deep end. When I checked my bank account that afternoon and actually SAW that you HAD given me half-a-million dollars, I assumed that you had STOLEN the money.”
“I didn’t.”
“I know, but I mean, look at the circumstances, Matthew. It doesn’t look good. I called you over and over and the only thing you said then was ‘Trust me’. TRUST YOU. You sounded like a criminal who was preparing a getaway.”
“But you didn’t call the police.”
“I---no, I didn’t. But damn it, Matthew, you put me on the spot. Why me, of all people? Calling and scaring me with this shit! How did you know I wouldn’t just keep the money OR call the cops?”
“Because I TRUST YOU,” Matthew said, plain and simple…so plain and simple that it couldn’t have been a lie. “And now I’m asking you to do the same.”
Wendy took a deep breath and walked to the window, looking out into the night sky. She rested her head in one hand and began to massage her temples, in deep thought.
“I want to help you, Matthew, I really do. But I won’t know how to handle it if something happens to you…you’re one of my best friends.”
“I know.”
”Then tell me what’s going on.”
“I will, I promise. But there are things going on right now that need to be resolved first. I need time to figure things out. But I promise, I WILL tell you everything, once this is over. I swear.”
“Well, you’ve never broken a promise to me.”
“No I haven’t.”
“…just my heart.”
She stood silent, her figure making a perfect silhouette against the deep blue of the early night sky in the window, the flickering fire causing the light to play across her face. Matthew stood and walked over to her and held her in a warm embrace. She hugged him back. “I’m sorry…” Matthew said, and Kimberly watched, awed at the first sign of true compassion she had ever seen this man display. “I’m sorry I brought you into this, honey.”
“It’s all right,” Wendy said, holding him tightly a tear running down her cheek, “you made a choice to put your trust in me. It’s time for me to make mine. I made a choice and I chose to call you a friend…and friends help each other out…”
Matthew looked down into her eyes, and wiped away the tears that were now streaming down her face. “I DO trust you,” she said softly. “Everything is in the back. It’s too dark to make the trail out at night. You can leave first thing in the morning. We can sleep here for tonight.”
Kimberly has slept well. The cabin had two pairs of bunk beds. Kim had taken the top bunk, while Wendy slept in the bed under her. Matthew took the bottom bed on the other side of the cabin. When she awoke, she smelled bacon and eggs. She looked at the bottom bunk and saw that Wendy wasn’t there. Matthew was setting the table. “I hope you’re hungry,” he said, beaming at Kimberly.
Kimberly smiled back as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “I actually am.”
“Well, eat up.”
Kimberly slowly got out of bed and jumped the last step on the ladder to the floor. She stretched out her arms and yawned. “Where’s Wendy?” she asked.
“Oh, she left early this morning. Went to her house and grabbed some extra clothes for you. The two of you are about the same size.”
“That’s sweet of her.”
“As soon as she gets back we can pack up and leave. We should make it to Palm Springs in a day or two from here.”
The two ate breakfast heartily. Wendy walked in no more than ten minutes after they had begun, holding a small knapsack in her hand which she handed over to Kimberly. Breakfast went by quickly as Kimberly listened in on a few of Wendy’s old stories. Oddly enough, she gathered from what she saw that Wendy was probably unaware of Matthew’s…special talents. She didn’t think it overly important immediately, but then she wondered.
Matthew didn’t seem like the type to keep a lot of secrets from those he believed he could trust. He had shown her his abilities, or at least part of them. She didn’t fully understand it herself, but she knew he could read minds…she knew he could change people. And she knew it Matthew wanted it to be, she wouldn’t know that it was his doing. Yet he allowed her to know. Her…a relative stranger whom he just happened to trust (and, she didn’t forget, whom he wanted to screw). Why not tell a trusted friend? A friend who would undoubtedly be more understanding?
That meant one thing…maybe he didn’t always HAVE these abilities. Her thoughts traveled to what Wendy had said…that call six months ago…a call that, from Wendy’s description, depicted a scenario in which Matthew knew that he might get into trouble, as if he had come across something that would change his life forever.
Six months.
Around the same time he treated David Trent. Around the same time he met Vincent Lancaster.
More questions, no answers. Kimberly decided it would have to wait. If he wasn’t telling Wendy anything, a woman he undoubtedly cared a great deal about as a friend, he certainly wasn’t going to tell her. Not yet.
Breakfast went without a single hiccup. They cleaned the dishes and went out to the back of the cabin, where a red pickup was waiting for them.
“You can leave your car here. I’ll get rid of it tonight,” Wendy said, fishing into her pocket. She produced a key, and proceeded to hand it to Matthew. “Oh, I forgot something in the cabin. I’ll be right back.”
As she made her way into the cabin, it came.
A loud BANG.
A gunshot.
Eerie silence.
Kimberly and Matthew whipped around to see a man standing there, his .45 pointed straight at Matthew’s head.
“ROGAN!” Kimberly exclaimed in astonishment.
Both of them froze as Agent Rogan toted his gun threateningly. “It’s all right, Kim! Walk towards me!”
“Rogan! Stop it!” Kim shrieked.
“Get behind me and hurry!” he shouted.
Matthew put up his hands. “I don’t think you want to do this, Thomas,” he said calmly.
“Shut up!!!” Rogan responded. “You’ve got some nerve, you bastard.”
“PUT THE GUN DOWN, ASSHOLE!” came another cry. Behind Agent Rogan, Wendy emerged, a double-barreled rifle pointing at him.
“NO!” Rogan shouted defiantly. “This ends here!”
“I don’t think you’ll shoot me, Thomas,” Matthew said.
“DON’T CALL ME THOMAS. And what makes you think I won’t, huh?”
“It’s not that you won’t. In fact, I’m pretty sure you would. But the thing of it is, you can’t.”
“Oh? And how do you figure---AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” Rogan screamed suddenly in agony. He dropped his gun instantly as pain shot into his arm.
For Kimberly, the horrific memories of what had happened to Agent Blackwell came flooding back. “MATTHEW!!!” she cried pleadingly, “DON’T!”
“Relax…” Matthew said.
Kim looked back at Agent Rogan, who held his hand in pain. “Son-of-a-bitch…my gun…feels like I stuck my hand in a power outlet.”
Matthew grinned. Rogan saw him gloat and in defiance, attempted to reach for his weapon again. This time Kimberly saw a visible arc of electricity shoot from the gun to his hand, and Rogan again recoiled in pain. “AH, SHIT!”
Matthew looked on, his expression unchanging.
Agent Rogan wasn’t through. Maybe he didn’t have his gun, but he had his fists. He was taking this guy down.
He bolted forward, and Wendy cocked her own gun and aimed it.
Before she could fire and before Rogan could reach Matthew however, Kimberly screamed at the top her lungs, “STOP!!!” She had gotten in between her partner and Matthew, her hands in the air. “Stop it, Tom. He’s not what you think…”
Agent Rogan stood there with a look of disbelief.
“You---you’re defending him? This freak?”
“HE’S NOT A FREAK!” She said angrily. “He’s…he’s my…it’s complicated, Tom. It’s complicated.”
“Kim, the Agency wants him because he’s some sort of weird psychic! He controls minds and shit like that! He’s using you!”
“NO! I don’t believe that…”
“He IS. It’s not safe for you to stay with him, Kim.”
“I’ve made my decision, Tom. I’m sorry. I don’t think he deserves what’s waiting for him if the Agency gets a hold of him.”
“You saw what happened to Blackwell and Cross!!”
“They got what they deserved.”
“You can’t possibly mean that.”
“I do, Tom. I do. You have to believe me on this…you have to trust me. Please. Trust me,” Kim pleaded. Thomas Rogan held his limp hand, and looked at her in disbelief. He wasn’t convinced, and Kim knew it. “Please Tom, they’re going to cut him open. They’re going to turn him into a lab rat. NO ONE deserves that.”
Wendy cautiously approached, her gun still trained on the agent. She kicked Tom’s gun out of the way and circled around him to take her place beside Kim and Matthew.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this, Kim. You’re throwing your life, your career, maybe your future away by taking a chance on this…guy. Why?”
“You took a risk following me here, Tom. I don’t see any backup, and I know the Agency is looking for us near the Mexican border…you’re here on your own, probably against orders. What made you risk throwing your life, your career and your future away?”
“You’re my partner,” he shrugged, wondering why she was even asking the question, “it’s only natural.”
“And I chose to make Matthew my partner---it’s only natural.”
Thomas Rogan nodded in understanding…then, a long pause.
“I made this choice on my own, Tom. And I made it because I trusted Matthew, despite that all logic and all reason told me not to do so. It’s time for you to make your choice, Tom. Either put your faith in me, or don’t,” Kimberly finished.
Thomas shook his head.
“I don’t believe I’m doing this. You’re crazy, you know that, right?” He smiled.
Kimberly returned his smile, and she rushed forward to hug him. “Thank you.”
“You owe me. BIG!” Rogan said.
Wendy lowered her gun, and Matthew approached the man who moments ago, threatened to shoot him. Thomas Rogan looked him over, then raised an eyebrow. Matthew smiled and extended his hand. Thomas hesitated, but eventually shook the man’s hand. “Sorry for trying to shoot you and punch you in the face, Mister Freeman.”
“Apology accepted. Sorry for frying your hand.”
“Yeah, HOW THE HELL did you do that?”
“It’s much more fun if it remains a secret.” Matthew smiled.
They all laughed. Wendy leaned over to Matthew and whispered. “What the bloody hell just happened? The Agency? Psychic?”
Matthew whispered in reply, “All in due time, baby. I promise.”
Kimberly interrupted. “We still have one problem. Tom, the moment you go back to the Agency they’ll ground you from active service for sure if you come back empty-handed.”
“He won’t have to,” Matthew said.
“Oh?” Thomas asked curiously.
“Here’s what we do…”
“Well, this is it,” Wendy said. “Can’t get much more isolated than this spot right here.”
“Perfect,” Matthew said. He took his old prison uniform and threw it into the river below. Kimberly tossed her black coat, her ID card and cellular phone into the river as well. “I guess that’s it.”
“Yup,” Kim said. She looked at Agent Rogan and smiled. She gave him a tight hug.
“You take care, Kimmie,” Thomas said.
“I know this is hard for you to understand, Tom,” Kimberly said, “but thank you for trusting me. And don’t worry, I’m in VERY good hands,” she finished, looking at Matthew.
“If you say so.”
As Agent Rogan said goodbye to his field partner of 5 years, Matthew gave Wendy a kiss, saying his own goodbyes to her as well. When they all finished, Matthew and Kimberly got into their red pickup truck and drove off, while Wendy started her own SUV and left right after them, leaving Agent Rogan standing on the cliff. He breathed deeply. Slowly Agent Rogan took out his .45 and pointed it at the water below, before firing four bullets into the Colorado river. He pulled out his phone and dialed.
“Hello, Agent Rogan?” came the voice on the other line.
“Yeah, Travis?”
“Good to hear from you, sir.”
“Good to hear your voice, too, Travis. Listen, I found them.”
“Yeah, I know. Tell the Vice-chief to get a team to Flagstaff, Arizona, and take the Fort Valley Road North. I’m standing on a cliff overlooking the Colorado.”
“Got it. You have Freeman in custody?”
“What?! Why?! Is Agent Walters all right?”
“They jumped.”
“They JUMPED.”