U.S. Favorability Edges Up
Despite these economic concerns, there is little
evidence that the overall image of the United States has
slipped further as a consequence. In fact, positive views of the
United States have risen sharply in Tanzania (by 19 points)
and South Korea (12 points), and by smaller but significant
margins in Indonesia, China, India and Poland. Overall,
opinions of the United States are most positive in South
Korea, Poland, India and in the three African countries
surveyed this year Tanzania, Nigeria and South Africa.
However, positive opinions of the United States have
declined by 11 points in Japan a traditional U.S. ally and
in neighboring Mexico (by nine points). The image of the
United States also remains overwhelmingly negative in most
of the predominantly Muslim countries surveyed, though no
more so than in recent years.
Fewer than a quarter of respondents express positive
opinions of the United States in Egypt (22%), Jordan (19%),
Pakistan (19%) and Turkey (12%).Large majorities in Turkey and Pakistan say they think of the
United States as “more of an enemy” rather than as “more of a friend” (70% in Turkey; 60% in
Pakistan). In Lebanon, 80% of Shia Muslims consider the United States to be more of an enemy.
As in recent years, favorable views of the United States remain fairly low among the
publics of a number of its traditional Western European allies. Solid majorities continue to
express unfavorable opinions of the U.S. in France, Germany and Spain. Great Britain is the only
country of four Western European nations surveyed where a majority (53%) expresses a
positive view of the U.S.
中国の日本 Favorable 14 W
ublics in the Asian countries
surveyed express mixed views
about their neighbors, and the
divide is deepest between traditional
rivals. About seven-in-ten Chinese
(69%) express an unfavorable view of
Japan, and even more in Japan (84%)
dislike China. In India, nearly threequarters
(73%) hold negative views of
Pakistan, while 57% of Pakistanis
have similar views of India.
With the exception of the
Chinese, as well as the South
Koreans, whose opinion of Japan is
mixed (47% favorable vs.51%
unfavorable), Asian publics express positive views of Japan. Fully 77% in Australia and
Indonesia have a favorable view, as do six-in-ten Indians. India is also generally liked by its
neighbors majorities in Australia (71%), Indonesia (63%), Japan (60%), and South Korea
(52%) hold positive views.
Views of Pakistan and South Korea are more mixed. A solid majority in Japan (60%) and
pluralities in China (49%) and South Korea (42%) express negative views of Pakistan, while the
Australians are split (45% favorable vs. 41% unfavorable). Only in Indonesia does a majority
have a positive view of Pakistan; nearly six-in-ten in that country hold a favorable opinion
(58%). South Korea receives positive ratings by majorities in Australia (64%), China (56%), and
Japan (57%), and by a plurality in Indonesia (43%). In India and Pakistan, however, more
express negative opinions than express positive opinions about South Korea (41% vs. 31% in
India; 28% vs. 18% in Pakistan).BR>
もう Ofの意味が分かったの? Inと混同するな W
が読解力どうするつもりの T^T
日本人を見ていればいつも笑うことができるね W