View Full Version : Prostitution: Should it be legal?
07-24-2007, 09:25 PM
What do you think about prostitution? It is said to be the oldest profession in the world, and indeed, even our closest relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos seem to engage in it outside of their long term relationships. A female chimp, when her usual mate is not around, may offer herself up to another male if she sees he is in possession of food that she would like to have.
It seems to be natural that women who are weak and without skills often turn to prostitution as a survival mechanism. But, it is also true that some women who are educated and strong also adopt it as a lifestyle, and there never seems to be a lack of customers for the product.
Legalizing it would bring it out from the dark and make more protections for women. They would be given more fair access to health care where sexual diseases could be stopped or monitored in the open and done so more accurately and efficiently. Prostitutes could even unionize demanding even better working conditions. Taxes garnered from prostitution could all be shoveled back into sex education and sexual disease prevention programs.
I am for legalizing it.
07-24-2007, 09:29 PM
Prostitution is legal, it is called dating! Women go out with men in return for meals, gifts, etc... then (occasionally) sleep with them. Not much different if you ask me. I see no reason why it shouldn't be legalized.
07-24-2007, 09:32 PM
why do you call them weak without skills? Are you looking down on them? I'm a firm believer that you have to do whatever it is you have to do to survive. If that includes selling your body on the street then so be it. So yes it should be legal and not be as taboo as it is today. Come on how many college girls over here work as juicys, whores, or in soapy/massage parlors? Most of them do it just to pay for college and then never do it again. Hey I'm all for that! Take that guys money and get yourself and education!
07-24-2007, 10:24 PM
While not being a fan of the industry, I can see the points TP brought up as being legitimate reasons to legalize it. But much like porn stars and strippers, there will most likely always be a stigma associated with those who live that lifestyle.
07-25-2007, 12:54 AM
Prostitution is legal, it is called dating!
Whoa! Does that mean you'd call your daughter a prostitute when she starts to date? [Yes, I know you were just being sarcastic (but some actually do believe that "dating equates to prostitution")]
Women go out with men in return for meals, gifts, etc... then (occasionally) sleep with them. Not much different if you ask me.
Hmmmm... dating is for entertainment and more importantly often used as a tool to size up someone as a future mate -- kinda like a test run before buying the car. Prostitution is to bring in income to support one's self.
The differences are clearly defined as for the general use of the terms and the goal of the participants (or at least one of the participants) in both situations.
I see no reason why it shouldn't be legalized.
I see reasons, but I don't agree with them. Though, for the most part it appears you and I agree that it should be legalized.
07-25-2007, 07:49 AM
So what do we call the woman who marries a man for his position, power, or economic status? Or the woman who stays with this man despite her unhappiness?
The social stigma of prostitution is a carry-over from our Puritan forefathers.
All of we humans have the right to live life as best we can. We all use our natural ability, or physical makeup, our brains, or whatever else it takes to live.
Legalize it, mandate health check ups, don't tax it (because the customers wont be able to deal with the paper trail) but charge a licensing fee to engage in it.
07-25-2007, 09:33 AM
A sales tax on services at point of sale in cash would leave no paper trail to customers.
07-25-2007, 01:24 PM
I totally agree with you. If it would be legalized it would reduce the numbers of STD's ALOT! It has been known to do so in the past. I didn't think this way some odd years ago, but because if what my husband does, my views changed.
I'm all for making whores legal!!! Wait! Could I use that word on here????
07-25-2007, 02:07 PM
I'm all for making whores legal!!! Wait! Could I use that word on here????
So much for de-stigmatizing.
07-25-2007, 02:38 PM
I totally agree with you. If it would be legalized it would reduce the numbers of STD's ALOT! It has been known to do so in the past. I didn't think this way some odd years ago, but because if what my husband does, my views changed.
Always refreshing to see when someone states that their views have changed away from traditional status quo thought. Like you, I think it could go a long way towards reducing STD's.
I'm all for making whores legal!!! Wait! Could I use that word on here????
lol. Whores are already legal!
Yes, it is fine to use that word here, so long as you don't use it in insulting or attacking another forum member with it -- unless someone unabashidly admits to being a whore, then I geuss you'd be using it as fact, as something they have labeled to themselves to describe their lifestyle.
07-25-2007, 03:32 PM
LOL! Alrighty then!
07-25-2007, 04:14 PM
I'm a whore. Just wanted to clarify that.
07-25-2007, 05:14 PM
Unfortunately I know there would be some type of watch dog nut group that would be against legalizing prostitution.
Yes, it is fine to use that word here, so long as you don't use it in insulting or attacking another forum member with it -- unless someone unabashidly admits to being a whore, then I geuss you'd be using it as fact, as something they have labeled to themselves to describe their lifestyle.
I'm a whore! I will gladly clean the house, walk the dog, wash my wife's car, or do anything else for her if she pays me in trips to karubi daiyo!
07-27-2007, 11:51 PM
Unfortunately I know there would be some type of watch dog nut group that would be against legalizing prostitution.
Not would be -- there is. It is called the Christian Right, and the many conservatives that are amongst that on the extreme end of the spectrum.
07-28-2007, 12:46 AM
Prostitution is legal in Australia, and I think they only legalized it so they can start taxing!
07-28-2007, 12:51 AM
I wonder what the regulations are? No street walking? Condoms mandatory?
And are the taxes collected ALL poured into sex related diseases and prevention or sex education? I would hope so.
07-28-2007, 01:02 AM
And are the taxes collected ALL poured into sex related diseases and prevention or sex education? I would hope so.
Of course not, you wish. It's probably used to sponsor our politicians' $100000 a day overseas holidays. :mad:
07-28-2007, 01:09 AM
Of course not, you wish. It's probably used to sponsor our politicians' $100000 a day overseas holidays. :mad:
Well, that just sucks. If the U.S. or Japan ever legalizes it, I hope it all goes into sexual education, disease control, and family planning.
Karaoke Man
07-30-2007, 01:53 PM
Who is the "weak" one? The prostitute or the one who uses their services? It is also legal in France and Amsterdam...they even have to pay income taxes and have medical insurance. It is also legal in 22 counties in Nevada (but not within the Las Vegas city limits). Why does man spend 9 months getting out of the womb and the rest of their lives trying to get back in? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Who is the weak one?
07-30-2007, 03:53 PM
This is how I see it:
There is proof that legalising prostitution of both genders has economical benefits to a community in the way of revenue. Revenue received from such businesses can be put toward public works and community projects to better the community. Managed correctly, it has the opportunity to be beneficial to a community. Along the same lines, illegal prostitution brings in similar amounts of revenue, but not directly to a community.
There is always the moral issue of it as well, as there are those who will sell people into prostitution. The slave trade has always been, whether legal or illegal. There are unscrupulous people who have no quarms about kidnapping and selling people. A policing commission is required to maintain law and order in this respect. It's possible that illegal prostitution has this occur more often than publicly known.
Property values are also an issue, depending on the type of establishment maintained for this particular form of commerce. There would need to be a law to require establishments to conform with other local businesses. Private businesses would also be required to be permanent and adhere to regulations of commerce. These rules would be similar to any other form of public and home business, but with a codicil including personal sanitation. In many places, private home use for this form of commerce may be disallowed to maintain property values. Illegal prostitution doesn't always have obvious signs of degrading property values, but many illegal establishments for prostitution do nothing to raise values. Many establishments are in impoverished communities already.
If a person chooses to make a profession of prostitution, then he or she has the right to do so in a legally established business. This means that taxes are paid to the local government, licenses are obtained correctly, benefits and pay are offered according to law and other such legal things.
Much like Nevada has a gaming commission, the same must be done for this form of commerce in any place it is established. The ability to police this is essential in keeping it legitimate and safe for its employees, including but not limited to housekeepers, accountants and servicers. Illegal prostitution doesn't provide any security for its employees, whether it be physically or in the way of rights.
In conclusion, I would not vote to allow legal prostitution without reading the whole law of it first and finding the above points addressed in a positive and effective manner.
As a matter of opinion, "whore" is a deragatory term used to offend more often than as a job description. I don't use it to describe a person without meaning offense, so I try not to use it often. If a person wishes to use the term to describe himself or herself, it is his or her right to do so. I learned some time ago that people will think of you as well as you think of yourself.
07-30-2007, 04:50 PM
As a note, Amsterdam is considering doing away with prostitution as a legal profession.
07-31-2007, 08:40 AM
Don't they have places in Utah that allow this type of "sales"??? I'm not sure if I remember hearing it or reading it.
07-31-2007, 09:12 AM
henderson county, Nevada is one of the only legal areas for prostitution in the states. most known is the bunny ranch, where prices are in excess of $1k. but even with the high prices there are still those that will pay for services. prostitution is good but only if the prices aren't high, and the prostitute is clean, healthy, etc. it's make the person some money to use for whatever, short term deal in most cases so why not legalize it in other places. but most countries will not due to health concerns and welfare of the female prostitutes.
but on the other hand it is somewhat bad. there are those sick individuals that think they can literally abuse a person for what money they paid or even not paid. those people do however bring bad things toward prostitution being legal.
this subject is kinda on the lines of strip clubs, whether they help morale for individuals or create some sort of hangout for predators or all sorts.
07-31-2007, 11:51 AM
Where did you hear that Amsterdam is doing away with prostitution?
Without the red light district, Amsterdam will not be Amsterdam and
I'm sure there will be a great drop in the number tourists.
Really cannot see it happening.
07-31-2007, 12:00 PM
Don't they have places in Utah that allow this type of "sales"??? I'm not sure if I remember hearing it or reading it.
Nope, I don't think Utah would ever legalize such a profession due to the high number of LDS that live there. They hardly have any strip clubs either, and the few they have the girls have to wear pasties.
07-31-2007, 12:03 PM
100% "private" clubs as well.
Bizzaarr place!
Multiple wives? No problem just keep it in private! Strip club??? No way Jose! Not without an abundance of red tape.
07-31-2007, 12:21 PM
Multiple wives? No problem just keep it in private!
Why should multiple wives be discriminated against by telling them to keep it private and men with only one wife be allowed to be public with it -- provided both are legal, or are you saying it is no problem to circumvent the law so long as it is done with skill so as not to lead to being caught?
[If this goes more than a few posts, then perhaps we will split this thread on this point]
07-31-2007, 12:29 PM
Why should multiple wives be discriminated against by telling them to keep it private and men with only one wife be allowed to be public with it -- provided both are legal, or are you saying it is no problem to circumvent the law so long as it is done with skill so as not to lead to being caught?
[If this goes more than a few posts, then perhaps we will split this thread on this point]
It is actually well known throughout the Salt Lake Valley that there are several clusters of polygamist amongst suburbia housing areas.
It is against the law to be married to more than one spouse. The practice was abolished by the Mormon church in order for UT to become part of the Union. And it is a law circumvented on a regular basis in UT. The first wife is the only legally binding marriage while the rest of the wives & children mooch of welfare and government programs for the majority of their support. Funny (ironic) they rely on the same government whom they lie to and cheat for a high percentage of their support.
07-31-2007, 12:34 PM
Yes, Temp, I know all that. I didn't ask you for information on the state of polygamy in Utah, I asked you a specific question concerning what seems to be your prejudice towards polygamy, but your willingness to let it exist if one were supposedly deft enough to circumvent the law. To me it sounds like you are saying, "hey, if you can break the law and get away witih it, then fine."
Or perhaps you just worded your thought on it wrong? Could you either answer my question directly or clarify your innitial thought on it. Thanks.
07-31-2007, 12:35 PM
Yes, Temp, I know all that. I didn't ask you for information on the state of polygamy in Utah, I asked you a specific question concerning what seems to be your prejudice towards polygamy, but your willingness to let it exist if one were supposedly deft enough to circumvent the law. To me it sounds like you are saying, "hey, if you can break the law and get away witih it, then fine."
Or perhaps you just worded your thought on it wrong? Could you either answer my question directly or clarify your innitial thought on it. Thanks.
It was sarcasm. Utah turns a blind eye to it as long as it stays out of the news.
07-31-2007, 12:39 PM
It was sarcasm. Utah turns a blind eye to it as long as it stays out of the news.
That was it exactly. They strongly control adult "entertainment" & have been accused of running out businesses yet polygamist are widely known to exist and until an issue arises and the news is brought in, it is just overlooked/ignored.
Not spreading prejudice or meaning anything other than a shake of the head to the bass-ackwardness of the situation.
07-31-2007, 12:42 PM
Another example would be a local boutique that the city has been trying to run out of business for years, and even went as far as to send the owner to jail because supposedly you could see "marital aides" through the window from outside.
07-31-2007, 12:47 PM
It was sarcasm. Utah turns a blind eye to it as long as it stays out of the news.
Ok, I see.
So, just to be clear and for my benefit, Temp, you actually believe:
Multiple wives is not fine.
Polygamy should always be illegal
07-31-2007, 01:00 PM
As civilization has progressed, it is no longer a modern time acceptable practice.
Much like healthcare abilities and practices have evolved/progressed there are practices that are no longer considered safe/wise/or practiced for various reasons.
07-31-2007, 01:33 PM
Further comments on polygamy should be placed here (
08-01-2007, 05:22 PM
I personally think it is irrelevant whether it is legalized or not,fact of the matter is it has been happening and will continue to happen.
Drugs are illegal in most places but does that stop people from using?
08-01-2007, 06:09 PM
Just the fact that it is illegal makes it all the more tempting. Come on all they want is physical pleasure. If done safely and correctly then no harm will come to either party, actually both parties will benefit.
08-01-2007, 07:31 PM
What about decriminalising prostitution instead? :confused:
08-11-2007, 10:19 AM
I live in nevada for 10 yrs and prostitution is legal, it pays about 15 to 20% of state taxes that fund scholarships and various other programs
08-15-2007, 12:40 PM
My take on prostitution or polygamy is who cares? If the people who are doing it arent harming others, what difference does it make? How does one guy having three wives harm anyone? Again, IF nobody is harmed mentally or physically, I obviously dont agree with FORCING 12 year olds to marry a 55 year old pervert, but if it is consentual between two adults, go for it.
How is prostitution bad? IF it were leagalized, you could regulate STD testing on them and cut down on alot of diseases being transferred.
On a side note though, if prositution were legalized, ALOT of people would be out of a jobs.
08-15-2007, 02:56 PM
Now how come THAT is legal but prostitution isn't?
08-15-2007, 03:32 PM
i dont know but i'd like to hear the answer
08-15-2007, 03:55 PM
Isnt this basically prostitution? I dont see the difference here.
08-15-2007, 09:53 PM
:-| Uhm. Whisper Alley is the same thing, but not as neat. I think the above is a form of prostitution. If the government allows it, then it may not be considered as prostitution by the law. It seems very organised though.
08-15-2007, 10:13 PM
that is not prostitution! There was no penetration, and she is just providing a service to those poor men anyway!
08-16-2007, 05:41 AM
Well prostitution is the act of performing sexual acts for money, but it also says indiscriminantly, or done against the I guess if it is legal, it really isnt prostitution. Since it is legal, anyone know of a shop around here? lol, j/k
08-16-2007, 09:31 AM
It's not really legal here either...that wasn't exactly a major news outlet doing the story. I'm sure there are payoffs going on to keep the police away, and I'm sure there are crack downs at times too.
08-16-2007, 12:01 PM
Prostitution is fairly rampant and important for the economy here. How else are those girls going to be able to afford Ryukyu Daigakko?
It's fun to walk up to them (they're on display) and talk to them and try to get them to crack a smile. Of course they are not allowed to acknowledge a gaijin if a member of one of the purer races is around. That is what makes it so fun.
10-15-2007, 02:07 PM
Let me rigidly define what I mean first.
Women and I guess men too, ewww! who work voluntarily in a privately owned, government regulated brothel. Something with legal basis to operate where worker's security, health and safety are ensured and they earn what is agreed by this new industry as a fair wage for what they do.
Would I want my daughter to do it, certainly not and I could understand the reflexive response the idea would generate.
By bringing prostitution out of the shadows where it can be monitored and regulated perhaps it would be a good thing. Perhaps social diseases could be curbed. Involvement and profiteering by organized crime could be seriously undermined. Workers who chose the job for whatever reason will see more return and work in a safer environment.
To me it seems quite rediculous that it is illegal to sell something that is perfectly legal to give away.
Prostitution: Should it be legal? (
FYI There already is a thread here asking the exact same question.:rolleyes:
10-15-2007, 02:20 PM
And it's two months old. Answer the question in MY thread or get ta steppin smartass. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
OOh I have two rolling eye smilees, I'm twice as sarcastic, dufus.
10-15-2007, 02:35 PM
what no pithy little comeback? I'm almost dissapointed.
Mod, if you feel it best go ahead and lock this one. If it really is that blasphemous to have two threads about the same subject co-existing in such a confined space. Wouldn't want the space-time continueum to unravel or something or get Muku's panties in a tighter bunch then they already seem to be. Why are you such a tool? You need a hug or somethin?
10-15-2007, 03:12 PM
But, it would just make more sense to use the thread already created for the subject. Just because it's old doesn't mean you can't post in it.
And it's two months old. Answer the question in MY thread or get ta steppin smartass.
OOh I have two rolling eye smilees, I'm twice as sarcastic, dufus.
Whatever suits your fancy, if you are looking to pick a fight on an internet forum you are quite a bit dumber than I first thought you were.
Mod, if you feel it best go ahead and lock this one. If it really is that blasphemous to have two threads about the same subject co-existing in such a confined space. Wouldn't want the space-time continueum to unravel or something or get Muku's panties in a tighter bunch then they already seem to be. Why are you such a tool? You need a hug or somethin?
Do I actually need to spell it out for you? :rolleyes:
10-15-2007, 04:08 PM
There are a couple places that have legalized prostitution, I know we have it in the states and I know of a place in Australia as well..oh, and of course Ansterdam :P
10-15-2007, 04:12 PM
you are just an ass then? Cool.:thumbup1:
10-15-2007, 04:14 PM
Thailand, Philippines, Japan... may not be legal in all of these places but it sure is available. Hey, if its ok for a woman to abort a fetus under the "Its my body and I can do what I want with it" clause, then why shouldn't they be able to sell their body too?
10-15-2007, 04:16 PM
Should having two Prostitution threads on the same corner be legal? :D
hehe I'm an ass too :)
oh yeah
10-15-2007, 04:31 PM
No but I think this thread should be locked and I will join the discussion in the older thread. :)
No but I think this thread should be locked and I will join the discussion in the older thread. :)
You could have saved all this bs by doing a quick search in the first place you know.
10-15-2007, 04:36 PM
I never really understood why it would be illegal...seriously, what is really wrong with it?
Thailand, Philippines, Japan... may not be legal in all of these places but it sure is available. Hey, if its ok for a woman to abort a fetus under the "Its my body and I can do what I want with it" clause, then why shouldn't they be able to sell their body too?
I agree with what you wrote here, it would be so much better to legalize it in it formally, instead of all the crap that it calls laws now.
10-15-2007, 04:41 PM
seriously man. hug, go get one, people might not dislike you so much.
I never really understood why it would be illegal...seriously, what is really wrong with it?
The number one reason it is illegal here in Japan is because of the US during the occupation era. The Supreme Commander, none other than General Douglas MacArthur, outlawed what until then was licensed prostitution.
So if anyone wants to "blame" anyone for it being illegal here, blame the US and it's puritanical views towards sex.
The interesting part here is the Japanese definition of prostitution.....
Legal status
Article 3 of the Anti-Prostitution Law of 1956 states that "No person may either do prostitution or become the customer of it", but no judicial penalty is defined for this act. Instead, the following are prohibited on pain of penalty: soliciting for purposes of prostitution, procuring a person for prostitution, coercing a person into prostitution, receiving compensation from the prostitution of others, inducing a person to be a prostitute by paying an "advance", concluding a contract for making a person a prostitute, furnishing a place for prostitution, engaging in the business of making a person a prostitute, and the furnishing of funds for prostitution.
However, the definition of prostitution is strictly limited to coitus. This means sale of numerous sex acts such as oral sex, anal sex, and other non-coital sex acts are all legal. The Businesses Affecting Public Morals Regulation Law of 1948 (Fūzoku eigyō torishimari hō (風俗営業取締法, Fūzoku eigyō torishimari hō?)), amended in 1985 and 1999, regulates these businesses.
Taken from....Prostitution in Japan (
seriously man. hug, go get one, people might not dislike you so much.
Dislike? :w00t::w00t: :D
10-15-2007, 04:55 PM
You are fun to interact with Muku. You piss me off with one post then crack me up with the next. I may disagree with you frequently but I don't regret a second of arguing with you, keeps me sharp.
I think I have been yelling at car guys too long, dealing with people with some synapses firing is refreshing. :D
10-15-2007, 04:59 PM
However, the definition of prostitution is strictly limited to coitus. This means sale of numerous sex acts such as oral sex, anal sex, and other non-coital sex acts are all legal. The Businesses Affecting Public Morals Regulation Law of 1948 (Fūzoku eigyō torishimari hō (風俗営業取締法, Fūzoku eigyō torishimari hō?)), amended in 1985 and 1999, regulates these businesses.
So basically "Eatin ain't cheatin"? I like it!:thumbup1:
You are fun to interact with Muku. You piss me off with one post then crack me up with the next. I may disagree with you frequently but I don't regret a second of arguing with you, keeps me sharp.
I think I have been yelling at car guys too long, dealing with people with some synapses firing is refreshing. :D
Nobody on this board get's under my skin anymore. TP used to, but once you know how to react to him he is no biggie.
There are some pretty decent folks here, and we help to keep each other entertainted.:D
So basically "Eatin ain't cheatin"? I like it!:thumbup1:
:w00t: I was waiting for someone to pickup on that one.
Many American's in general seem to me to have rather prudish views about sex, and yet bust their balls and boobs to get as much of it that they can, while they can.
Scratching my "head" here..........:eek: :D
10-15-2007, 05:05 PM
I stick to mainly car forums. Not saying car people are dumb but they tend to have the same thought patterns so you get into a groove. Here, there are so many different personalities and opinions I'm going to have to step up my game and stay on the balls of my feet or risk looking like the guy who learned one move on Streetfighter and just keeps repetitively hitting that button sequence.
10-15-2007, 05:07 PM
I stick to mainly car forums. Not saying car people are dumb but they tend to have the same thought patterns so you get into a groove. Here, there are so many different personalities and opinions I'm going to have to step up my game and stay on the balls of my feet or risk looking like the guy who learned one move on Streetfighter and just keeps repetitively hitting that button sequence.
Ah I hate that type of street fighter player:cursing:
I stick to mainly car forums. Not saying car people are dumb but they tend to have the same thought patterns so you get into a groove. Here, there are so many different personalities and opinions I'm going to have to step up my game and stay on the balls of my feet or risk looking like the guy who learned one move on Streetfighter and just keeps repetitively hitting that button sequence.
I have quite a bit of respect for car people, they are the one's I have to pay to keep mine running:D
10-15-2007, 05:10 PM
It's a blessing and a curse. Sure you can fix things when they break but sooner or later you begin to "tinker" which usually results in you breaking perfectly good machines.:crying:
10-16-2007, 01:25 PM
The number one reason it is illegal here in Japan is because of the US during the occupation era. The Supreme Commander, none other than General Douglas MacArthur, outlawed what until then was licensed prostitution.
So if anyone wants to "blame" anyone for it being illegal here, blame the US and it's puritanical views towards sex.
The interesting part here is the Japanese definition of prostitution.....
Taken from....Prostitution in Japan (
I wasnt really referring to why it is illegal in just Japan, and I wasnt trying to blame anyone...I just dont understand why it would be illegal at all? We pay for pedicures, manicures, massages, escorts, manual labor in fields, drivers, body doubles...what is the difference between that and having sex? Is sex so taboo that it makes that particular practice illegal?
10-16-2007, 01:39 PM
I believe that in the next 20 or so years protitution will be widely accepted though heavily regulated.
I wasnt really referring to why it is illegal in just Japan, and I wasnt trying to blame anyone...I just dont understand why it would be illegal at all? We pay for pedicures, manicures, massages, escorts, manual labor in fields, drivers, body doubles...what is the difference between that and having sex? Is sex so taboo that it makes that particular practice illegal?
My point is that here in Japan it wasnt illegal until the US got involved and used it's puritanical views regarding it to regulate and create laws against it.
10-16-2007, 04:12 PM
Ahh, sorry, didnt know it was legal before...damn the luck!
Ahh, sorry, didnt know it was legal before...damn the luck!
I dont know how far back it goes but the link I put in post #64 here on this thread said that it was licensed here in Japan, until SACO outlawed it.
I say bring back the licensing and keep it in the open.
10-16-2007, 04:33 PM
completely agree with you.
10-16-2007, 06:02 PM
You know...we are talking about the oldest profession in the world. My ex cost more than the cuties at Maehara, but still, I have yet to visit any country where there wasn't the warm embrace of a loving woman for sale.
10-19-2007, 12:48 AM
As a car guy with all synaptic pathways flowing AND with multiple investments within the Maehara/Koza/Okinawa city "lovin" areas, I'm all for legalization. :w00t:
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