About Stippy

The Gaijin Nose“Stippy” is an association of foreigners who have lived in Japan for so long that Japan now seems home. Stippy members know Japan more than some Japanese, and they want to tell you about this country from a Gaijins point of view. This homepage will be updated frequently with insightful explanations on the different, strange, and the down right weird parts of Japan that you stumble across every day while living in this wacky country. Stippy is a page that we hope all gaijin living in Japan will enjoy reading, and maybe learn a thing or two, or more likely just have a few chuckles. People actually residing in Japan (or those that have in the past) will likely find Stippy the most interesting, as we try to tackle those issues (if you can call them issues that is) that baffle even the most hard core gaijins living in Japan.

Some Frequently Asked Questions (only one so far!):
1. So what does “stippy” mean anyway?
Now that is a long story. All of the writers on this site are graduates of the Monbukagakusho (or Monbusho) Scholarship. This is scholarship provided by the Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT), which gives free tuition for 5 years (often more) at any National University in Japan. More importantly the scholarship also provides scholars with a monthly allowance, called a “Stipend”. It was common (knowingly or not) to mis-pronounce this important monthy transfer of cash from the Japanese government (thanks to the taxpayers!), in such a way that the “i” in stipend became the same as the “i” in ship… This naturally became shortened to “Stippy”. So was born the word that hundreds (thousands?) of scholars would mis-pronounce month after month, as they anxiously awaited their “stippies” (the plural form of the word is still under debate) - the literal foundation of their lives in Japan.

If you like, feel free to contact us from the contact page, or just leave us a message below as a comment, we are always keen to hear from people!

20 Responses to “About Stippy”

  1. on 03 Nov 2006 at 4:52 am Hannah

    Hey fellow stippy-ers!
    Excellent site by the way… look forward to catching up again in Japan in Dec sometime… Hannah

    PS I was led here by J@pan Inc newsleter :-)

  2. on 14 Dec 2006 at 9:10 am liwen

    Hey, Stippy , nice to meet you !

    Here is really cool ! I knew here from my friend’s page which introduced here on his page .
    I’m gaijin in Japan , too .

    Just stop by to say hi .


  3. on 17 Dec 2006 at 1:54 pm Andy

    Great site, and wonderful content. Living stateside these days, and stoked to find a resource on Japan.

    NOTE: this is the most popular del.icio.us tag right now.

  4. on 19 Feb 2007 at 5:19 am VK

    Hi. I discovered your site a couple of months ago, quite by chance. I was once a long-term resident of Japan, having spent almost 20 years there, mostly in Tokyo. Now I live in rural France and it’s a real treat to surf through your site and remember what made Japan Japan. Thanks!

  5. on 28 Mar 2007 at 1:25 pm Justin

    Hey Stipsters….. great site. Always fun when I’m feeling a little nostalgic. I do miss the weekly beer consumption counts though!

  6. on 05 May 2007 at 11:28 pm DogBite

    Great site! Having returned to my home country, I have found that this site keeps me informed on the truly important things. Hoody Hoo and Wody Wo to all fellow Stipsters! Keep out of the 交番 and set good examples for the youth.

  7. on 19 May 2007 at 1:35 pm katty

    waaaaaa!! Great site

  8. on 19 Jun 2007 at 3:24 pm shibuyanodon

    Long time between drinks for stippy articles ne!
    Is it over?

  9. on 23 Jun 2007 at 7:33 am Peter

    Found the ‘Gaijin in Jail’ story very interesting,

    Travel Folio, Japan Photos

  10. on 07 Jul 2007 at 10:42 am mansel

    Hi Stippies,

    How are u doing fellows?

    Its a wonderful site, felt like it was made for/by myself.

  11. on 02 Dec 2007 at 8:35 pm Raidenkyou

    Hello, I wanted to ask how can I get in touch with Japanese National Universities… Im looking foward to study Japanese like you all did. Now, Im saving the money to start at 2009. Maybe I could become a stuppy too someday… lol.

  12. on 07 Dec 2007 at 4:49 am Majestyk

    Was looking for some photos to use with a piece I’m writing on Xmas in Japan and found this site through your Kentucky Fried Christmas article. I’ve just had a poke around a bit of the site - some interesting posts, I’ve just stuck your link on my blogroll on bigonjapan.com


  13. on 29 Dec 2007 at 12:41 pm Karen

    Would be very keen to make a move to Japan (or various other parts of Asia) but have so far not been able to get any good info on the best avenues re roles in Finance. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


  14. on 17 Jan 2008 at 7:03 pm Luis Castillo

    Hi All,

    I need help! And besides that, I need you honest opinions. I have posted the beginnings of a funny(?) story about the offbeat adventures of a gaijin bar in Nagoya and am looking for constructive feedback. Check it out and let me know: http://www.BurgerManOfJapan.com. Thank you.

    The Burger Man

  15. on 19 Jan 2008 at 4:22 pm Neil Duckett

    Great site, found my way here through metropolis ….. look forward to reading more in the future and possibly contributing myself.

  16. on 05 Feb 2008 at 4:30 am KM

    ‘Success Stories: Japan’ did an article awhile back on the generics industry emerging in Japan, wonder if there is any more news here after the Aeon article? Thx, KM

  17. on 16 Mar 2008 at 6:55 am Adrian

    Great site! I have a freind who has extended working vacations in Japan and is thinking of moving over there. I shall be sure to mention stippy to him!


  18. on 21 Mar 2008 at 8:56 am samy

    Hola,tengo interes en postular a una beca monbusho, se que no es facil y me estoy informando y preparando para mi futuro con tiempo. debo mejorar mi nivel de ingles y estudiar aqui en argentina,mi pais, algo de japones. por otra parte desearia contacto con quienes esten en japon y me puedan dar toda informacion util.Me interesan dos carreras tecnicas: una es turismo y la otra diseño de videojuegos, me interesa saber cual conviene elegir para estudiar en japon. El sitio es muy interesante. Espero se contacten a mi mail o a mi pagina http://www.samy lerman.blogspot.com

  19. on 10 Jun 2008 at 2:51 am Foste

    Great site indeed. I have been reading your articles for 3 hours now!
    Weird enough I don’t live in Japan but am quite interested in their culture and perhaps moving there after college!

    Well I will be enjoying your company and of course I will comment if I may.

  20. on 20 Jul 2008 at 1:37 pm Mainichi Sucks

    Thank yo for archiving WaiWai at your site! This is helpful to trace back what Mainichi’s stupid
    did to curse Japan. The paper will close their business soon. Word to guys’n girls outside Japan: if you want Japanese gossip, learn Japanese and visit 2ch.net and you get much much funny’n bizarre tales at the site. B-)

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