This file dump is maintained by GokuMew2. It is for exclusive use by members of the
Yamane Ayano and
Club Sion LiveJournal communities. Here you'll find various works by Yamane
sensei but you will NOT find full tankoubons (volumes of manga) or novels, licensed manga, HQ scans of manga chapters, novels, artbooks, drama CDs, or anime, unless
they are out of print. Access to this dump is granted to all members of the Yamane Ayano and Club Sion communities. Please check the following locked
entries for more info:
yamane_ayano, club_sion. The Dump will be SHUT DOWN if the login info is found publicized anywhere
other than these two entries.
Don't forget to support Yamane sensei by buying her works!! Buy them by click on any of the links on the sides of each page. The links
on the left are powered by Amazon Japan, while the links on the right are by Amazon USA. You can also view all items in the stores by clicking
here for the Amazon Japan one, or here for Amazon USA. The Amazon Japan store has a more complete selection of Yamane sensei's works. |