issho Thursday, February 8 2001 Volume 01 : Number 1264
subjects of the messages sent today:
[ISSHO] ARTICLE: dokuritsu kikan
[ISSHO] Threatening letter #1
[ISSHO] Otaru Lawsuit: Bank Transfer Details
[ISSHO] THANKS: telephony
[ISSHO] Re: threatening letters to Dave and boycotts
[ISSHO] fire prevention (fwd)
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 00:07:22 +0900 (JST)
From: ISSHO Kikaku <>
Subject: [ISSHO] ARTICLE: dokuritsu kikan
More on the independent human rights watchdog being planned (Jp text)
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 09:46:20 +0900
From: Ken Sutherland <>
Subject: [ISSHO] Threatening letter #1
Before you go out and try on a bullet-proof vest, or pick out fire
retardant sleep wear for your girls, let me just state the obvious:
We have nothing to fear but fear itself!
This is 100% scare tactics. If we freak out, loose sleep, start fighting
amongst one another, then these ass holes will have achieved their goal.
Actually, I wish they would target ME. [Clue soppy violin music] You see, I
know I lead a miserable, meaningless life. If I were to be assassinated,
hung on the cross of equal bathing rights, join the martyr club with Gandi,
King, or Christ, then at least I will have achieved something with me time
here on Earth.
But what if they were to attack not me, but my family? We don't have
children. Everyone that knows me knows that my wife and I don't get along
so well. So if they were to kill her, I'd be dancing around like the end of
the Wizard of Oz singing:
Ding Dong, The Wife is Dead!
The Wife is Dead, The Wife is Dead!
Ding Dong, The Wicked Wife is Dead!
So when the fire bombers show up in front of your house, please redirect
them over to my place.
(God, I hope she never reads this! 8^)
Now if I wake up tomorrow morning with my pet hamster's severed head in my
futon, that would be pretty upsetting.
Anyway, let's keep things in perspective, and redouble our resolve to weed
out this cancer in our society.
- ---------
Ironically, this was in the "Today In History" mail yesterday.
1994: Medgar Evers's Assassin Finally Convicted of Murder
Medgar Evers, a black civil rights activist, organized protests
against racially discriminatory laws in Mississippi. On the night of
June 12, 1963 the 37-year-old Evers was murdered in the driveway of
his home, shot in the back by a gunman hiding in the bushes. Byron De
La Beckwith, an avowed white supremacist, was charged with the murder,
but in two trials in 1964, all-white juries were deadlocked and De La
Beckwith went free. The persistence of Evers's widow and an energetic
investigation by Assistant District Attorney Bobby DeLaughter resulted
in a retrial more than three decades later. On February 5, 1994,
after deliberating for seven hours, a jury of eight African Americans
and four whites convicted 73-year-old De La Beckwith of Medgar Evers's
murder, sentencing him to life in prison. He died there seven years
later. As a Mississippi State Supreme Court justice wrote about the
retrial: "Miscreants brought before the bar of justice in this state
must, sooner or later, face the cold realization that justice, slow
and plodding though she may be, is certain in the state of
Medgar Evers's widow played an active role in bringing his
assassin to justice:
More on the retrial of Evers's assassin:
About the prosecuting attorney who reopened and won the case:
To join, visit:
- --
Ken Sutherland
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 12:17:56 +0900
From: Arudou Debito/Dave Aldwinckle <>
Subject: [ISSHO] Otaru Lawsuit: Bank Transfer Details
Hello all. I don't mean to make this sound like a panhandling email, but
uh, anyway...
I have received numerous requests from people to give details of our support
group bank account, for people who wish to be financial supporters of the
lawsuit against Otaru City and Yunohana Onsen.
I opened an account on Jan 22, 2001, but did not want to release details
until we had made our arguments public for suing in the first place. Now
that those arguments have been made, and yesterday's death threat letter
against my children ( has made it
clear we must start taking security countermeasures, I reckon the time to
release it is now.
Here's the deal. Fine print first.
1) Our legal costs are: lawyer's fee 80,000 yen, plus various taxes
through shuunyuu inshi etc 18,750 yen (this varies with the amount sued
for), total 98,750 yen per person. As proof, see my receipt from the
lawyer, with her office address and inkan removed, at There are three plaintiffs, so
the total amount we are in the red for at the moment is about 300,000 yen.
There may be additional costs in future, but we're not sure--we've never
done anything like this before.
2) If we win the case, we will give you your money back (the amount in the
bank plus your transfer charges, so if you want to send 10,000 yen, please
deduct the transfer charge when sending it and we will receive something
like 9700 yen. We will refund your 10,000 yen in full if and when.).
3) If we lose the case, sorry, but we will not send your money back. Thems
the breaks.
4) So if you want to contribute, please make sure that you indicate clearly
at transfer who you are so we can refund you if and when. If you wish to
remain anonymous (we do not intend to make public the contributors listed in
our bankbook) in your bank transfer, that's perfectly all right, but then of
course we will not be able to refund the money.
5) Contributions from overseas are also possible at the account below,
according to Hokkaido Bank, but if people have trouble doing so, please let
me know and I'll do some research.
Anyway, Account details:
Otaru Soshou Enjoukai bank info
("Otaru Lawsuit Support Group" bank info)
(this should appear in the ATM in katakana at time of transfer:)
otarusoshouenjokai arudou debito daihyou
Bank number 151, Hokkaido Ginkou Sapporo Ekimae Shiten
Futsuu Kouza 1489924
We have received two domestic contributions by transfer so far (thanks SE
and HM!), so we know this account is active.
Thanks very much for your support. There are other, nonfinancial ways to
support us on a local level, so please be in touch if you want to know more.
End of panhandling.
Arudou Debito
Otaru Soshou Enjoukai
Debito/Dave's new website and domain name:
Catalog of domestic discrimination issues:
Background on Businesses Excluding Foreigners in Hokkaido:
An informative new news website:
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 12:52:19 +0900 (JST)
From: ISSHO Kikaku <>
Subject: [ISSHO] THANKS: telephony
Many thanks to Keith Wilkinson, Katherine Oh,
Jonathan Byrne, Richard Curtis and others for
their advice regarding telephony. The NGO group
secretariat was excited to learn of the
alternatives and is looking into them now.
Whichever option is decided upon, we can
be sure the information has helped the
NGOs reduce the overseas calling costs
significantly as the conference will
take place in Durban, South Africa.
Thank you!
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 14:20:07 +0900
From: Wade Carlton <>
Subject: [ISSHO] Re: threatening letters to Dave and boycotts
Well, I'm sure that there is plenty of hate crime legislation on the
books to cover these letters to Dave ;-)
Regarding Jonathon's query about a boycott, I don't see how punishing
the people in Hokkaido making products for our consumption would be
effective, let alone logical. There is no national legislation
forbidding discrimination, so why pick on Hokkaido's workers? If
there was national legislation and/or most other prefectures had
legislation, then I would see the logic. Considering the lack of any
such legislation at any level of government, I think we need to give
the people of Hokkaido some time before punishing them (a very
little, like a mosquito on an elephant) for their government's lack
of action. I predict Hokkaido will be one of the first places to pass
legislation, though only after several lawsuits and months/years of
negative publicity.
Wade Carlton
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 18:50:16 +0900 (JST)
From: Tony Laszlo <>
Subject: [ISSHO] fire prevention (fwd)
forwarding from SHAKAI. -T.L.
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 17:58:20 +0900 (JST)
From: Tony Laszlo <las>
Subject: fire prevention
The Tokyo Fire Dept. introduced some
robotic firefighters about 10 years
ago. Apparently they have never seen
action (outside of demonstration
duty). Just for show, or would these
gadgets perform well if they had
the opportunity?
Popular with kids, to be sure.
On a related note, I have read
some scorching criticism of the
poor standards for sprinklers.
In particular, department store
fires over the years stand out
(maybe best to always stay near
an exit when shopping...)
Certain high-rises have insufficient
sprinkler systems, too.
Strange, considering how the film
and theater people are always
complaining about overly
restrictive regulations...
Too strict, too lax, or both?
Tony Laszlo
Meguro, Tokyo
End of issho V1 #1264