"A Handy Note Taker"
FoxNotes Features:
Firefox Only! - Choose how to "Open FoxNotes" through the Options window.
Choices: Open FoxNotes in a Floating Window, in a Tab or in the Sidebar.
Sidebar use... Adjust the amount of notes that will fit into your sidebar.
*NOTICE - Unless you use the "Auto Save The Notes Content" feature...
Drag and drop requires a push of "enter" to "Save" the added content.
A total of 10 tabs/notes. Starts with 6 notes - Easily adjust the amount used.
Each tab/note can be renamed without a limit on character length. Be Prudent!
Available buttons on each note... "Save", "Save As...", "Open File" and "Clear"
Save notes in the UTF-8 format. For "Save" ONLY! - NOT for "Save As..."
"Open File" DOES NOT add to, but overwrites any text present in a note.
By default... the "Open File" and "Clear" functions have safety overrides.
You MUST click "Save" to complete the task. Added for the nervous types!
*NOT for the nervous types... Checking the "Auto Save The Notes Content"
option defeats the safety overrides and allows for an immediate "Save".
Right click on the notes tabbox for easy access to the Options window.
Reopen FoxNotes in the last tab open when closed. Works on Options tabs too!
Firefox feature ONLY! - There is a Help button on the Options window.
This is an updatable web page... you MUST be online to use the Help file.
Use the "Customize Notes" tab in the Options window to style ALL notes.
To keep the filesize small, this option styles ALL of the notes the same.
To add styles to individual notes... please see the Help file.
For spell check in Firefox - 3.0.* and Thunderbird 2...
Turn on "Spell Check The Notes" in the Options Window.
Hide the "Tools" menu entry - Show the "Open File" and "Clear" buttons.
Options window pref observer to instantly apply your changes!
As these are onload functions, Choosing how to "Open FoxNotes" and
"Select The Number Of Notes" require a reload/restart of FoxNotes.
Opens from the "Tools" menu or 24px & 16px toolbar buttons.
There is also a keyboard shortcut - Ctrl+F8 - to open FoxNotes.
*NOTICE - The keyboard shortcut works in Windows & Linux ONLY!
Please view the "Options & Help Tips" link below for more details.
FoxNotes Version 2.7.8
Install | Save To Desktop | [Screenshots One | Two]
Works In... 2.0.0.* - 3.0.*
1.0 & Up
1.5 & Up
Operating Systems...
Update 6/24/2008
NOTICE! If you have recently upgraded from Firefox 2 to Firefox 3...
Older versions of FoxNotes store the notes in a different location.
Save your notes to desktop and reload them after the update. Or...
Update to version 2.7.8, go to the Profile Folder & save the "FoxNotes"
Folder to desktop. Move the notes from this folder to desktop and reload.
FoxNotes Frequently asked questions:
Q: Why doesn't FoxNotes for SeaMonkey 2 get Toolbar icons as SeaNotes did?
A: SeaMonkey 2 comes with two themes, Classic and Modern. Instead of adding icons,
I've chosen to use a "Tools" menu entry and a keyboard shortcut to open FoxNotes.
This should ensure compatibility with SM 2 while moving through development.
Q: When in a tab, Why are the urlbar and tab icons the theme's generic icon?
A: When open in a tab, FoxNotes now loads the xul app... NOT an xhtml page that
would allow for "decoration". This was done for increased load speed and reliability.
Q: Why can't I choose where FoxNotes saves the notes?
A: This would require an almost TOTAL rewrite of the extension to add this feature.
At a later point in time... I'll work on it!
Q: How do I print a note?
A: "Save As..." your note to desktop. Open the note and use the print function found in
the "File" menu. This is a very simple workaround until if/when/ever I add the feature.
Q: Can I make some text BOLD and other ITALIC to help find important things quicker?
A: NO! FoxNotes writes to and reads from an unformatted text file.
"Customize Notes" allows you to style the ENTIRE note in BOLD or ITALIC because
it adds your choice of style to the xul textbox element... NOT the actual text file.
Q: Why does "Customize Notes" style ALL of the notes, not individual notes?
A: Up to ten notes... up to ten little sub tabs in the "Customize Notes" tab... WOW!
After testing this feature, the filesize went up 10kb because of the extra code needed.
I choose to keep FoxNotes small and simple. See the Help file to style individual notes.
Q: Will FoxNotes or any of your extensions ever be available in my language?
A: NO! If you wish to translate any of my extensions into your own language...
Feel free to do so. NOTICE... Post them on your own website... in your own language.
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