Mech 285 - Properties of Materials
Course Web Site
May-July, 2008
Teaching Assistants:
Ahmad Kermani (room A239, phone no. 721-3182)
Zhi (Jane) Li (room A236, phone no. 853-3183)
Ehasan Sadeghi (room A227,
phone no. 721-8699)
Yuliang (Leon) Zhou (room B233, phone no. 721-8938)
Lecture 1 |
Lecture 2 |
Lecture 3 |
Lecture 4 |
Lecture 5 |
Lecture 6 |
Lecture 7 |
Lecture 8 |
Lecture 9 |
Lecture 10 |
Lecture 11 |
Lecture 12 |
Lecture 13 |
Lecture 14 |
Lecture 15 |
Photonic Materials |
Lab 1: Determination of the
Elements, Part 1, Part 2, XRF
Spectroscopy |
2: Dislocations - Line Defects
in Crystalline Solids , The
Use of Phase Diagrams |
Lab 3: Solidification
of Lead (Pb)-Tin (Sn)
Alloys, Student Lab Schedule |
Lab 5: |
6: Introduction to Practical Metallography |
Appendix A: Guidelines for Laboratory Reports and Error
Analysis Generic
Lab Report Template |
Error Analysis -
Mean and Standard Deviation of Experimental Data - example |
AnswertoAssignment # 3
Mid-term # 1
Mid-term # 2
Equation Sheet
The Science and Engineering of Materials
(FifthEdition) by Donald R. Askelandand
Pradeep P Phule is the course
textbook, whichcan be obtained from theUniversity Bookstore.
Laboratory Hours and Attendance
There are five laboratory experiments available in Mech285 this year andall must be completed during the course. The labs arescheduled for three hoursalthough
if you are prepared prior to coming to thelab, most
of the actualexperimental work can be completed in
less time. Eachlab is done with onepartner
and both members are expected to participate inthe work. Because thelab
equipment is fully scheduled during the term, it isessential
that youattend the lab on the days you registered to
take it. If youmiss, there will beno opportunity to make it up unless you bring a doctor'sexcuse to your TA.
Teaching Assistants
Two teaching assistants will be the laboratoryinstructors. They will beavailable
during the lab and are a resourceto help you overcome
anydifficulties with the equipment, with questionsspecific to the instructions inthis
manual, or with general questionsabout the material
of the course. Theywill also make the assignmentsof the labs you and your partner will do afterthe first week. Theywill
also receive and mark your lab reports and have thedelegatedauthority
of the course instructor to handle problems that mightoccurin
the labs.
Laboratory Procedures
Each member of the group is responsible to prepare for and executetheexperiment during the lab period, each person
should record the data, andhavetheir own set of
information on each experiment. Each group is responsibleforcleaning
the equipment and the area employed for the particularexperimentbefore
leaving the lab upon completion of the exercises. Beforeleaving
thelab, insure that you have scheduled the next
experiment you wish todo with theTA
in your session.
Safety Instructions
1. Laboratory equipment can be expensive and produce incorrect resultsifnot used properly. Familiarize yourself with all
aspects of theprocedurebefore operating equipment. If
you are unsure of the correctoperatingprocedure,
request assistance from your laboratory instructor.
2. Some of the experiments may use hot plates, power supplies, cryogenics,etc.Observe the procedures and read the warnings
in the laboratory manual.
3. Immediately report any equipment malfunctions or unusual occurrences toyourlaboratory instructor.
Laboratory Reports
Reports are required for each experiment. An indvidual
report byeachstudent is expected. General
instructions for the preparation of thesereportsare
included as Appendix A of this lab manual. The LaboratoryInstructors
willinform you of their specific requirements and
marking schemefor the reports.These
marks will form a significant portion of your overallgrade
in thecourse.
Attendance (taken from p. 29 UVic
Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. MENGmayrequire a student to withdraw from a course if the
student is registeredinanother course that conflicts
with it in time.